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Level of Acceptance on Cash-In Bottle and Tin Can Trash Machine

A Research
The Bachelor of Industrial
Technology Major in Computer


Ed. Kintanar St., Lamacan, Argao, Cebu, Philippines

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements In the degree
The Bachelor of Industrial Technology
Major in Computer Technology

February 2022

This project entitled, “Level of Acceptance on Cash-In Bottle and Tin Can Trash

Machine”, prepared and submitted by the group of Pamela Nacario , in partial

fulfillment of the requirements in BACHELOR OF INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY

has been examined and is recommended for acceptance and approval for

Project defense.





Member Research Adviser


Member Member
This study aims to present the concept of reverse vending machines proposed to
provide a solution to the problem of pollution caused due to trash, plastic bottles,
and tin cans, which are used for storing cold drinks, fruit juices, and other things.
This research uses the Quantitative Descriptive Research Method that attempts to
collect quantifiable information for statistical analysis of the population sample.
The study determines the acceptance level of the Information Technology students
of Cebu Technological University-Argao Campus on Cash-In Bottle and Tin Can
Trash Machine as a basis for an Adoption Plan and has answered the following
problems: sex, age, usability, feasibility, and environmental impact of the research


Level of Acceptance on Cash-In Bottle and Tin Can Trash Machine

Mr. Irvin Paul Rendon
Cebu Technological University- Argao Campus

Joedisa Daug_daug
Cebu Technological University- Argao Campus

Keywords: Cebu Technological University – Argao, Cash –In Bottle, Tin Trash Machine,

Pollution, Quantitative Descriptive, Acceptance


The completion of this undertaking could not have been possible without the
participation and assistance of so many people whose names may not all be
enumerated. Their contributions are sincerely appreciated and gratefully acknowledge.
However, the group would like to express their deep appreciation and indebtedness
particularly to the following:

Mr. Irvin Paul Rendon, our research adviser, who gave us ideas and lessons on how
to make or finish our research. He gave me guidance and motivation to make it possible.

Also, to Ms. Maricel Barruga, our class adviser, who always gave us guidance and
support to our research. She also gives us tips and tricks to make the research, and give
us updates for the development of our research.

To all relatives, friends and others who in one way or another shared their
supports, either morally, financially and physically, thank you.

And above all, to the great almighty, the author of knowledge and wisdom, for
his countless love.

We thank you.

This work is a fruit of countless and arduous sacrifices. Through the researcher’s
effort, this work is heartily and proudly dedicated to the people who serve as an

From parents and guardians who gave us support and motivation to finish this

To classmates and circle of friends whom extended their help in the midst of
problems while doing this research.

To the faculties, the part-time teachers and panelist who shared their ideas and
lessons to us.

And most of all, to our almighty god who showered us his blessings in our
everyday lives, especially for the strength, courage, patience, wisdom, time and
guidance in realization of this research.



CHAPTER 1: The Research Problem and it’s Background

THE PROBLEM AND ITS RESEARCH DESIGN ------------------------------------ IX

INTRODUCTION --------------------------------------------------------- IX

RATIONALE OF THE STUDY ---------------------------------------- XI

THEORETICAL BACKGROUND ------------------------------------- XII

STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM ------------------------------------ XIII



THERESEARCH METHODOLOGY-----------------------------------------------------------------------XIV

THEFLOWOFTHE STUDY------------------------------------------------------------ XIV




GATHERINGOFDATA -----------------------------------------------------------------XIX

STATISTICALTREATMENT -----------------------------------------------------------XXII

CHAPTER 2: Presentation, Data Analysis, and Interpretation


RESPONDENTS ---------------------------------------------- XXIV
AND TIN CAN TRASH MACHINE ----------------------- XXV

CHAPTER 3: Summary, Findings, Conclusion, and Recommendation


SUMMARY ------------------------------------------------------------ XXVI

FINDINGS ------------------------------------------------------------- XXVII

CONCLUSION -------------------------------------------------------- XXVIII

RECOMMENDATION ---------------------------------------------- XXVIII

CHAPTER 4: Output of the Study

OUTPUT OF THE STUDY ----------------------------------------------------------- XXIX

RATIONALE --------------------------------------------------------- XXIX

OBJECTIVES -------------------------------------------------------- XXIX

SCHEME OF IMPLEMENTATION ----------------------------- XXX

REFERENCES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- XXX


TABLE 1: Sampling ---------------------------------------------------------- XV

TABLE 2: Research Instrument -------------------------------------------- XVI
TABLE 3: Respondent’s Profile -------------------------------------------- XVII
TABLE 4: Survey Questionnaire ------------------------------------------- XVIII
TABLE 5: Summary of Data ----------------------------------------------- XXII

TABLE 6: Respondents’ Age and Sex ------------------------------------ XXIII

TABLE 7: Level of Acceptance on Cash-In Bottle and Tin Can Trash Machine - XXIV


FIGURE 1: Theoretical Framework ------------------------------------------- X

FIGURE 2: Flow of the Study ------------------------------------------------- XIII

FIGURE 3: Environment ------------------------------------------------------ X1V

FIGURE 4: Respondents’ Voluntarily Response --------------------------- XVIII

FIGURE 5: Respondents’ Sex ------------------------------------------------- XIX

FIGURE 6: Respondents’ Age Range ---------------------------------------- XIX

FIGURE 7: Usability Acceptance Level ------------------------------------- XX

FIGURE 8: Feasibility Acceptance Level ----------------------------------- XX

FIGURE 9: Environmental Impact Acceptance Level -------------------- XXI

Chapter 1


Many Environmental degradations are caused by societal problems. Hence, to address

the Problems, a deep-structural change in the system is required. Transition management is a

governance Approach based on the point of view that society is an assortment of complex

adaptive systems which Will evolve, shift, and adapt because of structural change (Loorbach &

Raak, 2006). To ask, “Where is the transition heading to?” There is an increasing interest in the

governance of socio-technical transitions in terms of how modern societies can attempt to be

more sustainable (Grin, Rotmans, & Schot, 2010). With this, Cash-In Bottle and Tin Can Trash

Machine is very effective and efficient for the community. It is beneficial to all communities and

the people. This research seeks to determine the level of acceptance of the new purpose of a

vending machine, Cash-In Bottle, and Tin Can Trash Machine.

Socio-technical transitions are defined as considerable shifts in socio-technical regimes

involving Modification in the overall setting of a system (transport, energy, agri-food system),

which entails Technology, policy, markets, consumer practices, infrastructure, cultural meaning,

and scientific Knowledge ((Rip & Kemp, 1997); (F. W. Geels, 2005)). Transitions toward

sustainability Possess several attributes that distinguish them from many transitions. The first is

that sustainable Transitions are purposive rather than emergent (F. W. Geels, 2011), meaning

that the purpose of the Transition is to address persistent environmental problems instead of

exploring business opportunities Related to new technologies. Second, sustainable transitions

do not offer obvious user benefits Because it usually has lower price than established
technologies (F. W. Geels, 2011). Gaining knowledge in transition theories is considered as

essential, when sociotechnical systems that promised solutions are locked in while facing

tenacious issues that are unable to be solved using the current approach, and while on the

other hand, a pioneering innovation might offer more promising and sustainable alternative

(Smith & Raven, 2012).

Some airports provide self-service carts to help the passengers out with their luggage.

You have to pay $2 to use it and then get 25 cents back when you return it. The man who calls

himself “New York” was ready to make a few fast moves and a few fast bucks. “It’s a hustling

job. You gotta run,” New York said as he maneuvered his wiry body through the throng until he

reached a cart that had been abandoned. He pushed it back to the terminal 15 yards away and

slid it into a long metal rack with a coin box attached. Like a gumball machine, out popped his

reward, a shiny quarter (Tim Waters, Los Angeles Times staff writer). Our Cash-In Bottle and Tin

Can Trash Machine has a similar concept yet, is by far different. The Cash-In Bottle and Tin Can

Trash Machine is not only convenient and beneficial but also help the environment and the

community to promote proper waste disposal. It will also engage the youths to participate and

be responsible for their trash. The concept is also modern that it will be straightforward to

promote the machine.

The purpose of the study is to provide a solution to the problem of pollution caused due

to trash, plastic bottles, and tin cans. It will also determine the level of acceptance of Cash-In

Bottle and Tin Can Trash Machine. It enables one's community to grow and adapt. Thus,

improving the scheme for proper waste disposal and recycling.

Rationale of the Study

With the increasing amount of waste generated and limited landfill space for waste

disposal, recycling is a significant approach to managing waste effectively. The existing recycling

practice wherein an individual manually deliver the trash in bulk to the junk shops might be a

hassle. Hence, becoming a discouraging factor for people to recycle. To overcome such an issue,

the researchers came up with the Cash-In Bottle and Tin Can Trash Machine. Cash-In Bottle and

Tin Can Trash Machine is an automated recycling bin that gives out coins whenever an

individual drops plastic bottle or tin cans inside it. This product has a similar concept to a

vending machine but with an opposite goal; instead of receiving money, it gives out money in

exchange for plastic bottles and tin cans. It would be a good opportunity to introduce this to

the current generation since pollution is a recent problem in the world. This study is also an

advantage to all the street cleaners and destitute people experiencing financial drought. It is

beneficial to the people who earned by collecting littered bottles take less burden on them

since the gathered trash doesn't have to be sold to a junk shop, but rather to a machine

situated in their community's sidewalks, schools, and business establishments. This product

would decrease pollution and the number of health issues in the barangay. The research should

also provide technological advancement in cleaning and change the mindsets of the citizens

towards recycling and helping save our planet. The business will gain profit from the recyclable

materials deposited into the machine because the waste collected would then be sold to

establishments that uses plastic as their primary source in making their product.
Theoretical Background

This study is anchored on Diffusion of Innovation Theory of Sahin (2006).

The diffusion of innovations theory is a hypothesis outlining how new technological and
other advancements spread throughout societies and cultures, from introduction to
widespread adoption. The diffusion of innovations theory seeks to explain how and why new
ideas and practices are adopted, with timelines potentially spread out over long periods.

Cash-In-Bottles and Tin Can Trash Machine

Diffusion of Innovation Theory

Sahin (2006)

Demographic Profile

1. Age
2. Sex

Acceptability Level on the Innovative Trash Machine In Terms of:

1. Usability
2. Feasibility
3. Environmental Impact

Adoptation Plan

Figure 1. Theoretical Framework

Statement of the Problem
The aim of this study is to determine the acceptance level of the Information
Technology students of Cebu Technological University-Argao Campus on Cash-In Bottle and Tin
Can Trash Machine as basis for an Adoption Plan.

Specifically, this will answer the following questions;

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 sex; and

1.2 age?

2. What is the acceptance level of the respondents on the Cash-In Bottle and Tin Can Trash
Machine in terms of:

2.1 usability;

2.2 feasibility; and

2.3 environmental impact?

3. Is there a significant difference between the demographic profile of the respondents and
their acceptance level on the Cash-In Bottle and Tin Can Trash Machine?

4. Based on the findings, what adoption plan can be proposed?

Statement of Null Hypothesis

Ho: There is no significant difference between the demographic profile of the respondents and
their acceptance level on the Cash-in-Trash Machine.
Significance of the Study

The result of the study will be beneficial to the following;

 Environment

 Students of CTU-Argao campus

 CTU-Argao campus

 The researchers

 Future researchers


Flow of the Study

Figure 2: Flow of the Study

This study will employ Quantitative Descriptive Research Method which attempts to

collect quantifiable information for statistical analysis of the population sample (Nassaji, 2015).

This design is appropriate in this study since this deals with conducting survey to the

respondents and this collects quantifiable information like their demographic profile and their

level of waste disposal compliance.

This study will be conducted in Cebu Technological University-Argao Campus.

Figure 3. Location of the Research

The respondents of this study are the students taking up Bachelor of Industrial

Technology major in Computer Technologies from first year to fourth year in the Academic Year


The researchers will use convenience Sampling Method. This is a type of none

probability sampling that involves the sample being drawn from that part of the population that

is close to hand. This sampling method is the most appropriate technique since the researchers

have limited access to the whole population due to the limitations brought by online learning

set up. With this, the researchers will only choose the respondents that are accessible to them.

BIT-Computer Technology
Sex f %

Table 1. Sampling

Research Instrument
The research tool to be used will be a researcher-made survey questionnaire which is to
be validated by experts. The tool will be consist of two (2) major parts: Part 1 will allow the
researcher to obtain the respondent's demographic profile, then the Part 2 will allow the
researcher to obtain the respondents’ level of acceptance on Cash-In Bottle and Tin Can Trash
Machine. This shall make use of 5-point Likert's Scale--(5) highly accepted, (4) accepted,
(3)neutral, (2) slightly accepted, and (1) not accepted at all.
Rating Scale Continuum Adjectival Rating Verbal Interpretation
5 4.21-5.00 Highly Accepted The respondents have a very
positive impression in integrating
the machine in the community.
4 3.41-4.20 Accepted The respondents have a positive
impression in integrating the
machine in the community.
3 2.61-3.40 Neutral The respondents do not have
definite acceptance level on the
integration of the machine in the
2 1.81-2.60 Slightly Accepted The respondents have a minimal
acceptance in integrating the
machine in the community.
1 1.00-1.80 Not Accepted at All The respondents do not accept the
machine to be integrated in the

Table 2. Research Instrument

Research Instrument: Letter for Respondents

Good day, IT students!

We, the researchers, are glad to have you as our research respondents. The aim of our
research is to determine your acceptance level on Cash-In Bottle and Tin Can Trash Machine.
How does this machine work? This refers to the machine which trades your trash, specifically
plastic bottles and Aluminum Tin Can, with money. With this, we can help in keeping our
environment clean and at the same time earn a few pesos.

Please click the box below to indicate that you voluntarily participate in this survey. Rest
assured that all of the data gathered will be dealt with utmost confidentiality and this will be
used for research purposes only.

[] I agree to be part of this study.

Data Analysis

To treat the problem of this study, the researcher will employ the following statistical
1. Percentage- This allows the researcher to identify the general demographic profile of
the respondents.

2. Weighted Mean- This allows the researcher to obtain the students' level of
acceptance on Cash-In Bottle and Tin Can Trash Machine.

3. Chi-Square- This allows the researcher to determine whether the demographic profile
of the respondents and their acceptance level are statistically significant.


Directions: Please put a check mark that best corresponds to your profile.

Sex Female

Age 17-19
28 and above

Table 3: Respondents Profile


Directions: Read each item carefully. Click the appropriate scale number which reflects your
level of acceptance in Cash-In Bottle and Tin Can Trash Machine.

5-Highly Accepted 2-Slightly Accepted

4-Accepted 1-Not Accepted at All

A.1 The idea of Cash-In Bottle and Tin Can Trash Machine is easy to use, since 5 4 3 2 1
this only requires specific trash to be disposed inside the machine.
A.2 The idea of Cash-In Bottle and Tin Can Trash Machine becomes useful in
collecting common pieces trash.
A.3 The idea of Cash-In Bottle and Tin Can Trash Machine is convenient to
stakeholders which allow them to utilize the machine effectively.

B.1 The idea of Cash-In Bottle and Tin Can Trash Machine is practical, since 5 4 3 2 1
this draws interest to stakeholders to throw their trash in this respective
B.2 The idea of Cash-In Bottle and Tin Can Trash Machine is applicable, since
this is not complicated to construct.
B.3 The idea of Cash-In Bottle and Tin Can Trash Machine is sustainable, since
the stakeholders who get to participate can be rewarded with coins.

C.1 The idea of Cash-In Bottle and Tin Can Trash Machine is an innovative 5 4 3 2 1
one, since this attracts each individual to be responsible enough in
disposing their cans and bottles.
C.2 The idea of Cash-In Bottle and Tin Can Trash Machine helps the
environment clean, since this does not require much of human effort in
collecting and sorting these types of trash.
C.3 The idea of Cash-In Bottle and Tin Can Trash Machine is ecological, since
this maintains the cleanliness of the environment in a macro lens.

Table 4: Survey Questionnaire

Data Gathering

Based on the graph below, the forty (40), 100% of the respondents voluntarily participated in the survey.

Figure 4: Respondents’ Voluntarily Response

Based on the Demographic Profile of the respondents below, the Sex of the respondents shows that 14

respondents are equivalent to 35% of respondents being male, and 26 to 65% of the respondents are Female.

Figure 5: Respondents’ Sex

Based on the Demographic Profile of the respondents below, the dominant age range is 20-22 years old
which has 16 (40%) of the respondents. Followed by 28 years old and above has 11 (27.5%) respondents. Next
is 23-25 years old with 10 (25%) respondents. And 26-28 years old with 3 (7.5%) respondents. Lastly, we have
17-19 years old that has zero (0%) respondents.

Figure 6: Respondents’ Age Range

Based on the graph below that shows the Acceptance Level on Usability of Cash-In Bottle and Tin Cash
Machine, 50% of the respondents answered Highly Accepted. For Accepted, we have 35% of the respondents.
We also have 10% of respondents on Neutral. And 4.17% on Slightly Accepted, and 0% on Not Accepted at All.

Figure 7: Usability Acceptance Level

Based on the graph below that shows the Acceptance Level on Feasibility of Cash-In Bottle and Tin Cash
Machine, 48.33% of the respondents answered Highly Accepted. We also have 35% respondents on Accepted,
16.67% respondents on Neutral, 0% respondents on Slightly Accepted, and 0% respondents on Not Accepted at

Figure 8: Feasibility Acceptance Level

Based on the graph below that shows the Acceptance Level on Environmental Impact of Cash-In Bottle

and Tin Cash Machine, 59.17% of the respondents answered Highly Accepted. We also have 29.17%

respondents on Accepted, 10.83% respondents on Neutral, 0.83% respondents on Slightly Accepted, and 0%

respondents on Not Accepted at All.

Figure 9: Environmental Impact Acceptance Level


The responses to the questionnaire answered by the students from Bachelor of Industrial

Technology major in Computer Technologies from first year to the fourth year in the academic year of 2021-

2022 were statistically analyzed with the data requirement of the study. Quantitative descriptive such as

population, frequency, and percentage.

To know the Acceptance Level of this study, the table 6 below shows the summary of the gathered data;

frequency and the percentage for each category; usability, feasibility, and environmental impact of Cash-In

Bottle and Tin Can Trash Machine.


HIGHLY ACCEPTED 20 50 19.33 48.33 23.67 59.17

ACCEPTED 14 35 14 35 11.67 29.17

NEUTRAL 4.33 10.83 6.67 16.67 4.33 10.83

SLIGHTLY ACCEPTED 1.67 4.17 0 0 0 0


TOTAL 40 100 40 100 40 100

Table 5: Summary of Data

Definitions of Terms

Acceptance - the quality or state of being accepted or acceptable.

Bottle - a container, specifically made of plastic and with a narrow neck, used for storing drinks or other liquids.

Cash-in – the process of funding

Level - amount of something that can be measured such as the level of acceptance whether it’s: Highly

Accepted, Accepted, Neutral, Slightly Accepted, or Not Accepted at All.

Machine - an assembly of interconnected components arranged to transmit or modify force in order to perform

useful work.

Population - the introduction of harmful materials into the environment.

Quantitative - numerical data

Chapter 2

This chapter presents analyzes and interprets all the data collated in this study. It answers the questions
modeled in the problem. This chapter is divided into two (2) sections. The first section of the study deals with
the demographic profile of the respondents as to sex and age range. The second section deals with the overall
Level of Acceptance of Cash-In Bottle and Tin Can Trash Machine.


The respondents are students taking up a Bachelor of Industrial Technology major in Computer
Technologies from the first year to the fourth year in the Academic Year 2021-2022 in the Cebu Technological
University, Argao Campus.

Sex and Age Range

The age and gender of the respondents report that age is categorized into five (5) factors while sex is
only two (2). The presentation shows that the respondents ranging from 20 to 22 years old has the highest
frequency with 16 or 40%. On the other hand, female respondents have the highest frequency of sex with 26 or

AGE f % f % f %

17-19 0 0 0 0 0 0

20-22 4 28.57 12 46.15 16 40

23-25 3 21.43 7 26.92 10 25

26-28 2 14.29 1 3.85 3 7.5

28 and above 5 35.71 6 23.08 11 27.5

TOTAL 14 100 26 100 40 100

Table 6: Respondents’ Age and Sex

Table 6 shows that out of forty (40) respondents, there are more female respondents with frequency of
26 or 65% than males with 14 or 35%. The lowest respondents are ranging from 17 to 19 years old, with a
frequency of 0 or 0% of the total respondents. Next is by 26 to 28 years old with a frequency of 3 or 7.5%. Next
in line are the respondents aging of 23 to 25 with 10 or 25%, to be followed by respondents ranging age from
28 and above with 11 or 27.5%. And lastly, ages 20 - 22 with frequency of 16 or 40%.


The Level of Acceptance are categorized into five (5); Highly Accepted, Accepted, Neutral, Slightly
Accepted, and Not Accepted at All. These levels will determine whether this research study is highly accepted
or not.

LEVEL OF ACCEPTANCE Frequency Percentage


ACCEPTED 13.22 33.05%

NEUTRAL 5.11 12.78%



Table 7: Level of Acceptance on Cash-In Bottle and Tin Can Trash Machine

Based on the table 7 shown above, the Level of Acceptance for Cash-In Bottle and Tin Can Trash
Machine according to the respondents is 52.5% Highly Accepted. It is more than 50% of the respondents'
population. From this data gathered, the researchers stand that this study is HIGHLY ACCEPTED. As for
Accepted, it is 33.05%, 12.78% for Neutral, 1.67% for Slightly Accepted, and 0% for Not Accepted at all. This
table sums up the Level of Acceptance on the survey questionnaire answered by forty (40) of our respondents.
It includes the three (3) categories of our survey; usability, feasibility, and the environmental impact of our
research study.
Chapter 3

This chapter has detailed the findings and summary of what had transpired during the study. It served

as the core area upon which we can elicit recommendations and conclusions.


With the present and occurring problem with trash disposal, this study attempts to recognize the

Acceptance Level on Cash-In Bottle, and Tin Can Trash Machine through the survey provided on students taking

up Bachelor of Industrial Technology major in Computer Technologies from the first year to the fourth year in

the Academic Year 2021-2022 in the Cebu Technological University - Argao Campus.

The relevant data gathered were through the convenience sampling method on students' demographic

profiles regarding their age range and sex. This study surveyed the respondents' acceptance levels to each

category under the matter of; Cash-In Bottle and Tin Can Trash Machine. These categories are usability,

feasibility, and environmental impact.

The study used the quantitative descriptive method of research involving forty (40) respondents from

the University. The statistical measures used in this study include frequency and percentage, done through

google forms and spreadsheets. The results will serve as the bases for the level of acceptance to the subject in

this study.

Based on the findings of the data gathered and treated statistically, the following are presented:

Profile of the Respondents

Of the forty (40) total respondents, there were fourteen (14) males and twenty-six (26) females

that were given the survey questionnaires for the academic year 2021 to 2022. Sixteen (16) or 40% of

respondents with the highest frequency were twenty (20) to twenty-two (22) years old. Twelve (12) or 46.15%

of them are females. Four (4) or 28.57% of the respondents are males. On the other hand, eleven (11) of the

respondents were twenty-eight (28) years old and above, with a frequency of six (6) or 23.08% females and five

(5) or 35.71% males. There are also; ten (10) or 25% of the respondents were twenty-three (23) to twenty-five

(25) years old. Seven (7) 26.92% of the respondents are females, and three (3) or 21.43% are males. And lastly,

three (3) of the respondents were twenty-six (26) to twenty-eight (28) years old. Two (2) or 14.29% of the

respondents are males, and one (1) 3.85% is female. This data compromise the forty (40) total respondents.

Level of Acceptance on Cash-In Bottle and Tin Can Trash Machine

Of forty (40) respondents, Highly Accepted has the highest level of acceptance level among the five (5)

options (highly accepted, accepted, neutral, slightly accepted, and not accepted at all). It compromises twenty-

one (21) or 52.5% of the respondents. To be followed by Accepted, with 13.22 or 33.05% of respondents. Next

is Neutral, with 5.11 or 12.78% of the respondents. We also have respondents under Neutral with 0.67 or

1.67%. And lastly, there is Not Accepted at All with 0 or 0% respondents. With the data collated, the

researchers successfully reached the objective of this study.


From the data collated, the Highly Accepted gathered the most frequency with twenty-one (21) or

52.5% of the respondents. Accumulating twenty (20) or 50% out of forty (40) respondents under usability,

nineteen point thirty-three (19.33) or 48.33% under feasibility, and twenty-three point sixty-seven (23.67) or

59.17% under environmental impact. Among the three categories mentioned, Highly Accepted gathered more

answers from the respondents compared to the other four (4) levels options. Therefore, this study meets its

purpose and objective.


Based on the findings and conclusion made, the current study recommended the following doable measures:

a. Cebu Technological University should implement and promote Cash-In Bottle and Tin Can Trash

Machine. It is for the benefit of both students and the community.

b. Universities should focus on technology integration projects and plans, investing in the

professional development of the students. Hence, funding and investing in such a project will be

very efficient in the long run.

c. Universities should find ways to fund projects such as Cash-In Bottle and Tin Can Trash Machine

to drive change, promote, and emphasize the technology integration plans.

d. Universities and other institutions need technology integration machines to make the life of the

students/people easier. It will foremost encourage adoption and integration. IT investments lead

education to the future of accessible technology.

Chapter 4

This chapter presents some considerations determined as a proposal on Cash-In Bottle and Tin Can

Trash Machine in the Cebu Technological University.


This proposal on Cash-In Bottle and Tin Can Trash Machine is designed to present the concept of

reverse vending machine and aid the occurring problem of proper waste disposal. It is also proposed to provide

a solution to the problem of pollution caused due to trash, plastic bottles, and tin cans, which are used for

storing cold drinks, fruit juices, and other things.


The Cash-In Bottle and Tin Can Trash Machine is designed for the attainment of the following:

1. To gain more Highly Accepted answers from the respondents than the rest of the level of

acceptance options provided. It is to allow the researchers to promote the usage of

Cash-In Bottle and Tin Can Trash Machine in the Cebu Technological University - Argao.

2. To help students actively engage in proper waste disposal through Cash-In Bottle and

Tin Can Trash Machine and gain more knowledge of how meaningful utilization of

technology is advantageous for the University.

3. To implement Cash-In Bottle and Tin Can Trash Machine to improve the school’s ways of

waste disposal and to contribute worthwhile study proposals needed by the school and,

mainly, by the environment.

Scheme of Implementation

This proposal on Cash-In Bottle and Tin Can Trash Machine intends for the students from Cebu

Technological University - Argao Campus. The target date for implementation of the said reverse vending

machine will be in the school academic year 2021 – 2022.


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