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Nama : Putri Utami Ketaren

NIM. : 2005171041
Kelas : MB_4C
Subject : English Business

My experience in dealing with covid 19 since two years ago was at first I did not believe in
the existence of this virus because in my mind it was impossible to reach Indonesia. So I just
took it easy, but in March 2020 I read the news that 2 Indonesian citizens were exposed to
Covid. There I started to panic, schools were closed for 2 weeks to prevent the spread of
covid. I’m stressed with the social distancing imposed by the government to break the chain
of spread of covid 19.
Suddenly all livelihoods were temporarily suspended for fear of being exposed to covid.
Many people were laid off from their jobs because of the lack of production costs. Even my
father who works as a driver takes a temporary vacation for fear of being exposed to covid.
The traditional market where we trade was deserted. We were afraid that we would not be
able to eat because money was very hard to come by.
And in the 7th month after the announcement of going to college I wanted to just resign
because I was afraid that I would not be able to pay school fees later. But considering the
existing conditions, the market really needs red ginger and other herbal spices, my mother
decided to sell spices, apart from earning money, she can also help other people to increase
their immunity. Before covid the price of red ginger was only 15,000 per kilo and after Mr.
Jokowi showed the herbal drink made from ginger, the community also consumed it.
So the price of red ginger is translucent to 120,000 per kilogram and even red ginger has
almost disappeared from the market because of the high demand for red ginger. So after
getting a new business land my mother continued to trade red ginger and other herbs. With
little capital and promising profits. The beginning of our revival is red ginger with a capital of
40,000 per kilogram we can profit as much as 60,000 per kilogram because red ginger is
indeed rare in the market.
We started adding merchandise such as betel, tobacco, gambier and various kinds of spices
for the needs of the community around us. Then the most fun thing for me is that during the
semester break I can full time maintain my shop in the market. I can calculate capital income
and profit earned. Even though it’s not big at least my family and I don’t starve and can’t pay
my tuition. I am very grateful to God for his grace.
Because of the promising profits we started to get excited again to get money from the spice
trade. We didn’t expect that because our simple selling idea was able to get me to the 4th
semester of my lectures.By the way, during the 2 years I studied online, I was able to
maintain my shop at the market because it was flexible. I can do my job while trading. So no
time is wasted. Indeed while online I was a little stressed because there were some materials
that I didn’t understand.
I have to study and find out for myself what I don’t know through the internet, books,
YouTube and ask friends who might understand better. But I realized something that being
online can make someone more creative in solving a problem. By the way, I’ve also been
infected with covid 19. I couldn’t taste anything and couldn’t smell any scent.I’m scared I’m
panickingAnd my mother give me herbs every dayI am self-isolating at home strictly for fear
of spreading the virus to those around me. I don’t want them to infect me.I eat and drink a lot,
drink vitamin C and eat fruits so that my immune system is strong again

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