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If I could pick any woman in the world to spend every moment of the rest of my life

with it would be you. If I had a choice to have all the treasures in the world or
spend my life with you, I would not even think twice... I would be with you. I am
not sure how I got so lucky to have you as my life partner, but I know I am the
luckiest man alive, because I am with you.

I will Honor you, cherish you, be loyal to you, and put no one else before you,
forever! Please stay by my side as my love for all eternity. My heart mind, body
and soul are yours. Simply... I love you

Love always,

Dear Heidi

It's a new day and I was thinking about you, as usual. I want you to know how much
I sincerely love the times we've spent talking. It
means so much to me. It truly seems like I've known you forever and I honestly
can't imagine life without you now. There will be no looking back, no second
thoughts and no regrets. I want you and need only you ... and that love will only
grow stronger. All I can say is you're the best surprise life has given me and your
capacity for love, caring, and understanding never ceases to amaze me. I've truly
been blessed by finding you and I'll never let you go.

One minute without your comfort is a week without sleep, for my heart knows no
rest, and my nights give no peace.One minute without your love, and my days are
empty of beauty; though I see about me everywhere others whom are called beautiful,
none of them compare with your visage as I gaze at your photo.One minute without
speaking with you is like years alone in the wilderness or a deserted island;
though I may talk with people on the streets, my soul has no communion.
One minute without you is like a year in a prison; though I may come and go as I
please, my soul knows no freedom.One minute without you in my life is like no life
at all!

I love you forever,

Dear Anna,
I love you with every part of my being. If I could marry your soul I would. I dream
of nobody else. Everyday is a true struggle when I'm not with you. If I could
conjure up all the power in the world to translate my love to every form of living:
physical and spiritual, I would. You are my everything, and I love you more than
life itself. I love you truly!
Load Of Kisses Anna,

This feeling of love that I hold within my heart for you runs deeper than any ocean
or sea; I just wish you could see how much you mean to me. If only you could hold
me, then maybe you would feel my love for you that burns with a flame high enough
to last. If only you could hear my heart beat, then maybe you would understand the
language of love with which it speaks. If only you could kiss me then maybe you
would taste my love for you that's so sweet, and if only you could look into my
eyes, the window to my soul, then you would know that this is no lie!
So, if what you feel for me is real and what you say is true, then with all my
heart do I trust thee. If you want me as your love as much as I want you as my love
then so be it. I give you this heart of mine and ask nothing less or nothing more
but just that you don't go breaking my heart. My love and trust is all I have to
give to you, sealed with honesty throughout and as time goes by, may it grow
stronger to fulfill your heart's desire.
If it pleases you, call me your lover from this day forth and you're mine. As our
body, mind and soul combine, so do our hearts become one.

Hear this, my declaration of love, from me to you. I love you, my Angel, with all
my heart and I will never stop loving you. You are my life, you are my everything.
Though distance may keep us apart, you will always be embedded deep within my

Loads Of Kisses To You

Gundula darling

Can you hear my hearts longing echoing quietly in your mind spanning the distance
between us allowing my love to find, the one person I wish to share my heart my
soul my life I long to hold you close to me and make my passionate wife, the years
ahead hold promises although this beginning brings fear because no life is certain
or ever free of tears but the best part of loving you is a sense of fulfillment so
rare and the hope of each new tomorrow I awake to love you beyond compare.

Constant as the sands of time, falling grain by grain .Higher than the skies above,
that bring the springtime rain. Countless as the twinkling stars, scattered across
the night. Hotter than the searing sun which burns by day so bright. Tender as a
lover's touch with passion at its peak .More helpless than a newborn babe lying
young and weak .Lovely as the sweetest bird singing loves sweet song. Longer than
the end of time and then go twice as long .Sweet as all the honey ever made by any
bee.Stronger than the mighty oak or any other tree .My love for you is all these
things and more than I can say .My love for you is all I have to get me through
each day

With So Much Love,

This feeling of love that I have for you,a feeling so strong, so special, so
new.You give me the gift of happiness each day,never have I known it could be this
way.You have given your love regardless of cost,with my heart in your care, I will
never be lost.Or never again wonder what love really means,for now I do know it
means so many things.Understanding and caring, through good times and bad,sharing
emotions, should they be happy or sad.Being there for each other through laughter
or tears,at each other's side for the rest of our years.My only wish is to be with
you, my love,for each day I pray to the heavens above.That you always remember my
feelings for you.A feeling so strong, so special, so new!
Loads Of Love Darling
One minute without you is like one moment without air, like one day without food
and a week without water.One minute without you is like a month without sunshine
or shelter.One minute without your voice is like a year absent the sound of music,
or of birds, or of rain and thunder.
One minute without your comfort is a week without sleep, for my heart knows no
rest, and my nights give no peace.One minute without your love, and my days are
empty of beauty; though I see about me everywhere others whom are called beautiful,
none of them compare with your visage as I gaze at your photo.One minute without
speaking with you is like years alone in the wilderness or a deserted island;
though I may talk with people on the streets, my soul has no communion.
One minute without you is like a year in a prison; though I may come and go as I
please, my soul knows no freedom.One minute without you in my life is like no life
at all!
I love you forever,
Dear Anna,
Love is huge. I will work hardest to reach it. My love is only for you. I will
present it just for you - just for you. When I met you, my heart shook. I haven't
been able to escape you. I will hold you all my life, it's my promise. I want to
show you how very big my love is for you - everyday, every night, every time, all
my life. I love you!
Love always,
Dear Anna

There are no words that I can speak, no song that I can sing, and no gesture that I
can show, to prove my love for you, for the love I have for you has no definition.
How can I describe the sheer joy I feel with the very thought of you? How simply
hearing your voice causes my heart to beat faster, my pulse to race and my smile to
widen. How can just one person give me so much hope for a future I have always
dreamed of? You have opened my heart and awakened my soul. You are my one and only
true love. That is how I know that our love is everlasting

I Love You Darling...


Honey, I am glad that you came into my life. I have always wanted the love of my
life to be understanding, loving, caring, and faithful. I wanted someone who would
accept me for who I am. I know that I�ve found that person in you.I will keep
loving you as long as the sun keeps shining, the stars keep brightening the sky,
the winds keep blowing, the snow keeps falling, and the flowers keep smiling. I
humbly request you, Love, be mine. Loving you forever

If I could describe the love that I have for you, I would try and use lyrics of
love songs and even the sonnets of Shakespeare and it would be impossible, because
the love that I have for you is real, unconditional, everlasting and indescribable.
You've had my heart and love from the day we met and you will have it forever. As
time goes by, my heart and love for you will keep on growing stronger, brighter and

Sweetheart, we've laid our sorrows in each others� hands and we've guarded them
with tenderness. We've trusted our grieving of those we love to our hearts and we
protected it with our gentleness, like delicate breezes touching the water.I love
you, my honey, with all my heart, body, mind and soul. I will never stop loving
you. You are my life, my world and my everything. Distance may keep us apart, but
you will always and forever be embedded deep within my heart.We will stand together
in the best of times and continue to share a love, devotion and care that will span
far more than our lifetime.

I love you not only because of beauty but for your sense of decency, delicacy,
kindness and other complementary qualities. I can't help doting on you. Therefore
all my gestures of love towards you come straight from the bottom of my heart, I
swear! it should be emphasized that the kind of love existing in our relationship
is void of fantasy or a whirlwind romance. If you don't know, my love for you isn't
the comparative analysis of "M&B" stories or any other fictional romance. But this
is the love that is enveloped with the seal of reality without any shadow of doubt.

I will be eternally grateful for you and the love you give to me. I will never
stop loving you.

Hello My Dearest Heart,
I know times have been rough and things have been said but I hope deep down you
know how much you truly mean to me. It's hard not having you around and things in
my life have been stressful and I've taken my bad days out on you, but please know
that you mean the world to me and I love you with every beat of my heart.

I am awake at the middle of gthe night to send you this email, words alone can not
express the depth of love i felt inside my heart, just wanted to let you know how
much I really do love and live for you each and every day,my life has been a
hellish nightmare, one that haunts and never leaves me to peace. The day that i
realized that i loved you, my bad dreams ceased.

It is the love that is considered unconditional and undying; so great that my heart
seems to burst with the joy of it. I cannot fathom living my life without you -
waking would never be the same without your sweet face to look forward to; I would
not be living, just existing; sleeping would be impossible without you to dream
of,i believe and have faith that what we feel for each other will overcome and
outlast the distance and troubles. My heart is yours, my soul in your keeping.
Please treasure it

I Love You
I had a vision of what true love would be,as I searched in the days of my youth,i
felt it was caring and sharing,and giving and loving and truth.
I saw it at home with my mum and my dad,for they never argued and rowed,they loved
and respected each other,of them I was ever so proud.
Theirs was the example I carved in my heart as my quest for true love began.There
were times when I thought I had found it,but it didn't quite fit in my plan.

As years rolled on by, I held onto my dream,for I knew I must not let it
go,because, in my heart, I believed I would find,true love that I'd been looking
Then one day you came to me out of the blue,like a goddess from heaven above,and
when I look into your beautiful eyes, know that you're my own true love.
Now I've reached the autumn of this life of mine,but I feel to be living in
spring,for your love has brought back the days of my youth,and, Sweetheart, you're
my everything.

Your love is the truest that I've ever known,it's so sweet and so gentle and
fine,and here in my heart I will tend it with care,and your love with mine will
Into my life you've brought love and romance,and goodness and beauty and light,and
my heart has never felt this way before,on the wings of true love it takes flight.
My darling I love you more every day,it's you that I always think of,and we'll have
each other forever, my dear,for we have both found our true love.

Loving you until the skies fall down

Warm Regard my baby,
Dear Anna
How are you going? i hope your day has been great my sweetness?when I look back on
how we met and i see where we are now, i can only believe that we were destined to
be together. We've both been through some challenging times in our lives, and there
is no doubt that our past experiences have partly shaped who we are today. What i
have come to realize, though, is that i am learning a little more every day to
appreciate what I have found in you.
You have inspired me in more ways than i could have ever imagined. You have shown
me the glory of being loved and defined the meaning of a soul mate. I can't tell
you how blessed i feel to have found you, to be in love with you, and above all to
share my life with you. You are my best friend, lover, and my "fleece." Thank you
for being in my life. You were worth the wait. I love you.
Dearest Anna.

Honey i really need to know this from you,if God can give child to those who need
one..and if he can give us air for our breath..if he can provide for us when we
needed..and even when he gives us shelter...and he gave us life without asking for
us to pay for all this and when we can't even see him and we don't know how he
looks...then why can't we humans help our love once when they needed our help

Life is too short to be helpless to those we love and felt for honey..honey it
hurt me to see my self begging for help...and some one i love have to call me names
just for this honey why?
Dear Anna
You are the only one who can make me happy with your love and affection. Since I
have met you, I have noticed that life is worth living. I live mine for you. You
have stolen me from me. Alone I can be lost. So, do not let the distance between us
become larger. Each day is more wonderful that the previous one as I know that I
will see you. Although I know that things is getting difficult for us, I still want
to see you. The further you will go from me, the more I will love you. A heart
truly in love never loses hope but always believes in the promise of love, no
matter how long the time and how far the distance. There are so many ways I want to
tell you that I really love you, my sweetheart. My feelings for you are true and
pure ... like a virgin. I have tried lots of times to confess but you are always
acting uncertain to what I say. Remember one thing ... I love you and I will always
love you. Loving you is something I love to do all my life.
Love always
Dear Anna,
My days and especially my nights are so empty without you! I look forward to waking
up to the softness of your skin against mine, your hair gently brushing my cheek. I
can feel you breathing as if you were a part of my own body. Looking at you as you
dream, gently "waking" you to the soft caresses of my hands and your body yielding
to me. I hope we can see ourselves soon. I can't stand another minute without you
I miss you so much!
Love always,
Dear Anna,

I want you to know that since the day we met I've fallen deeply in love with you.
There are no words to express the gratitude I feel in my heart that you came into
my life, and how you make every day so special. You are my life, my heart, my soul.
You are my best friend, my one true love, my one and only. I love you more today
than I did yesterday, and I'll love you more tomorrow than I do today. Loving you
is the only thing that makes life worth living. Day by day, my love for you becomes
overwhelming, and I can't handle it when I don't see or even talk to you every day.
A day without you in my life is like a day without sunshine, a day without food, or
a day without air. I need you when I�m cold to keep me warm; I need you in the rain
to keep me dry; I need you in my life to keep me happy. You make me feel wonderful.
You give me strength when I just can't carry on and I truly treasure that. Every
moment spent together is another one of my dreams coming true.
I have waited so long to be able to wake up every day to your beautiful face. I'm
so thankful to God to have you in my life... Writing this right now makes tears
come to my eyes. I have such a strong love for you that I could cry all day long
just because I love you. Sure, I tell you that I love you and how much, and I try
to show you, but no matter what I do for the rest of our lives, you will never know
just what I feel inside. How you make me feel is something that can only be felt,
never explained. You take my breath away with some of the things you say. I
sometimes am surprised of how much emotion comes out when I cry over you. My love
for you is so strong that even I don't always realize how much I love you and
cherish you.Never in a million years did I ever think that I could find the kind of
happiness and love that I have found with you. You are a dream come true and I'm
really glad that fate brought us together

I want to start by saying that I miss you, and you have no idea how much I love
you.I know you don't need another reminder because I tell you a thousand times a
day how much I love you, but I do and that is my only way to show you. I love the
hundred ways you show me how much you love me, and I know my simple words can never
compare.You mean so much to me, and my only desire is to make you as happy as you
make me. With each passing day I fall more in love with you. You are always in my
thoughts and in my heart. I never knew that love could be so wonderful until I met
you. You have given me a new perspective on so many things. I will always treasure
our love and keep it safe.
Our life together is already amazing, and together it will only get better and
better. I will forever be grateful that you came into my life and made all my
dreams come true. Together we're perfect, and I will enjoy enjoying spending the
rest of my life with you. I love you more than words can say,every time I think
about you, it gives me more and more strength with which to carry on my life. It
makes me happy to be alive knowing that you have came into my life and all I know
is that I want to be with you!
I Love You
Hi Love,

Hi, Luv! How I miss you so much. Yes, I love you very much - since the very first
day we've met. I knew it! I knew, that we are meant for each other. It was as if
sparkles of lights were dancing between us and we couldn't stop and couldn't
contain ourselves by just looking at one another. Our heartbeats beat as one since
our hearts have been already been united by a union that only eternity can
sustained. Every detail and movement in our body counts, every breath is
significant since we have decided to live as one, to breathe as one. Our eyes met
and spoke a language of silence that only the two of us could decipher. And since
that day my life has taken its twist.

Now that you are already part of my life I thank the Almighty for blessing me with
such a very wonderful creature. You have changed a lot of me. You fired up my dry
spirit and brought fresh water to my thirsty heart and soul. Your touch has ignited
a certain passion in me that has never been there before.I knew your kiss will
rekindled my dull moments and lights up my day.

Oh, my Luv, how I wish that you are here with me. That we are not separated by
distance and constraints and necessities of life. But even though we are distance
apart, in my heart, soul, and mind you are always here, alive, breathing, and
touching my life.
With So Much Love,
My Dearest Love
having to live my life with out you sadness throughout the day and night how I
feel for you is the most precious thing on earth our first chat like the birth of a
sun,i wanted to do it all with you for eternity, i will always be there for you if
you should need me,always in my heart and soul forever,to say I love you is still
not strong enough If there was a way to describe my feelings so much better If the
road we were to walk looks to rough my love would light you path like a guiding
star every moment with you is a cherished memory every word, everything you did for
me there is no one more beautiful forever living and loving when thinking how to
describe love,I think for a bit and smile and say the only word is "Honey"looking
in your eyes I could feel the love that used to be, you are the air I breath,
reason to live, my destiny living life with out you is a challenge,you are my love,
my dream come true
Through thick and thin Ill always be your love, good and bad the same you can try
to push me away but no matter what I'll always be right here Perhaps I cant tell
you how i truly feel I'll just be the one to love you from afar, life without you
just wouldn't be the same telling you my feelings could push you away, that isnt a
risk I am willing to take, you are the light that takes the darkness away, the
laughter that takes the tears away the only one that truly cares when the darkness
arrives I know it will be you to bring the light.
I Love You
Hello Honey,
you and you alone... you shall reign in my heart. You are the one I desire without
whom I
could not be complete. I will live for you alone and I will work for you alone. I
will share
with you my thoughts, my heart, my mind and my body. I am waiting to receive you. I
never use force on you not even by words. In your presence, I will always be
transparent and sincere. I want always to be at your side... I love you
I love you because you make me look forward to each day. You're my everything, a
dream come true. There are no words to express what I feel for you. There are no
songs as beautiful as the music that fills my soul when I hear your voice. There
are no roses as lovely as your voice. Nothing moves me like you do. There are no
days brighter than the days I spend talking to you on the phone. You're my light in
the darkness. There could never be words strong enough to express my love for you.
I love you with my body, soul, and mind. You're my everything. I love you so much,

Meeting you is like a source of light that penetrates through the end of a dark
tunnel. I
love you so much ... forever, through eternity.
With Much Love,
Dear Marika,

Your heart has a beauty that I find in no other. Your warmth and compassion inspire
me to take new risks and grow daily, refining me into a better person. Your eyes
hold a sexiness and a passion others can only long for. As long as my heart beats,
I shall seek out your soul and feel fulfilled!

Love always,
Hi,Honey, you're always lighting up my heart with the things you do and say. I feel
so happy just being with you this way. You're my darling, and will forever be my
baby. You will always be the love of my life, and please never give up, always have
faith in yourself and you will gain the greatest gift of all, the gift of hope and
love you righteously deserve.

Every time I think of you my heart misses a beat. You're my theme for a dream!
Every moment we share together we grow closer. I'm simply hanging by a moment,
waiting to see you, so you can hold me so tight that all else fades;but still
everyday I wake up dreaming of our us together.
I will never forget you. I hope am in your heart always. I love you with all that I
am, all that I was and all that I will ever be. Please know that my love and I are
inseparable and I would want it no other way and if time could express my love for
you then it's forever and a day. I can't wait to be with you, see your smile, look
in your eyes, feel your sweet touch, hear your perfect words and kiss your perfect
lips. The way I feel about you some people call it crazy, some call it insane, but
I call it true love. I really love you, darlinh.
Love always,
Dear ,

Love is a friendship that has caught fire, it is quiet understanding, mutual

confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It
settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses.

Love is content with the present, it hopes for the future, and it doesn't brood
over the past. It's the day in and day out chronicle of irritations, problems,
compromises, small disappointments, big victories, and working toward common goals.

If you have love in your life, it can make up for a great many things you lack. If
you don't have it, no matter what else there is, it's not enough.

Of all the people in this world, you're the one I run to. Your name has been
inscribed in my heart before I knew your name. In the moment we met all those
months ago, I knew you were the one. I whisper your name each morning when I wake,
and each night to the stars.

I am who I am because of you, and there is no one else I want to be. You have
taught me so much about this world, and even through the times when darkness
covered my world, you were always the light.

I will love you for the rest of my life, no matter what.

Love always,

Dear Marika
You are the very air that I breathe, the very love that I need, my heart, my soul,
my everything. The sweetest of my memories come when I think of you. I remember the
very first day that I saw you there at, I could not believe I was looking
at a human being. I pinched myself the hardest one could ever do so as to wake
myself up from the drunken stupor I was in. For a moment I believed I was in
heaven; I even danced to the music the angels were singing. Upon opening my eyes I
realized I was not in heaven but that an angel had come down to earth, just for me.

The music of your voice surpasses that of the greatest orchestra belting out its
very best composition. Your skin is beautiful than the finest satin and glows
radiantly illuminating like the sun, setting over a serene pool of crystal clear
water. Your eyes dance like mermaids in the sunshine, promulgating the exotic
beauty from within your innermost being. Words alone limit me to explaining exactly
how I feel about you.

I can say you are the sole comforter to me, the only one who ever took the pain to
understand me. You dry every tear that falls down my cheeks. Loving you is the best
thing that ever happened to me and I will forever cherish the moments we have spent

Every night I dream of heaven, and I'd gotten used to the idea that they are
looking for an angel, one that went missing the day you stepped into my life, the
day all my sorrows were washed away and I took a step into the impossible, crossing
the margin from natural to supernatural. You are my angel and forever you will be.
The one whose memories I will treasure forever till the day I turn into an angel
like you.

Love always,

Hi Dear,

How are you doing? i hope fine? its nice to have an email from you dear, though it
was not what i was expecting, i'm glad to have you respond to my email, i want you
to know the english is not a problem, we can make it work by using the translator
for ourselves, because i cant affort to loose you for this reason or what so ever
dear, please i want you to send me your yahoo or hotmail account when replying to
my email address, i will be more than happy to add you to my chat messenger in
other for us to know ourselves and have a better communication.

Please dear , i know you can do it, dont give up on this relationship, because you
think you can't speak a better english, i can teach you a better english dear, i
want you to know is not too late for you, i want you to give us a chance.

Dear here is my mobile phone number +447045714793, and here is my private email
addresses, or, i look forward to
hear from you positively.

With So Much Love

You are my life

Dear Angel,

I am thinking about you. We are so close here ... it's not like I am feeling that
you are far - it's just that I want to let you know again HOW MUCH I am in love
with you. I will love you forever and for always, Baby. You are a woman every man
is dreaming about and that`s not all ... you are all mine. I don`t know what I did
good in this life to deserve you, but I have must been doing something very good in
my life! Being with you makes me feel like the entire world is mine. very soon we
will be together and have a sucessful life together forever... I am dreaming about
that. I love you, Baby, and I am yours forever!!

Your baby,

You Now & Forever
Dear Jim,

Never in a million years did I ever think that I could find the kind of happiness
and love that I have found with you. You are a dream come true and I'm really glad
that fate brought us together as one``. It was a little difficult going at first,
we had so many obstacles to overcome and friends doubted it would work out, but
look at how much we showed them! You mean everything to me, Babe, all that and a
bag of chocolate kisses! And I know that with every day we are together, the love
just gets stronger and stronger. I love you, Babe, with all my heart.

Love always,
To My Knight

You are my queen and my princess. You are my knight in shining armor. We have so
much in common. I am so glad we like the same things like going out to eat at
romantic restaurants like Madona's and watching movies. I can't believe you were
ever shy but I am glad you broke out of your shell before you met me.

I know you have been hurt in the past and I will never hurt you like that. I am
yours and you are mine forever and always. I want to die loving you. I want you to
be the last woman I ever kiss. I hate that we broke up that one time but I think it
made up realize what we lost. I cherish each and every day with you. You are the
first thing I think of in the morning and the last thing at night. I love to hear
you laugh, see you smile and watch you eat. You have a way about you. You are
irresistible to me and I don't know how anyone could let you go. I know I never

I didn't used to be romantic but you bring it out of me. You have taught me so much
and I admire your strength. The thing I love most about you is how you can change
my mood from sad to happy. I love going places with you like weddings, the beach
and walking. I am yours for as long as you will have me.

Love always,

It Takes Two

Dear Wunmi,

When I look into your eyes, I know there is a bond between us that no one can
break, the look you give me with those eyes when you think I'm not looking is all I
need to know that you're the one for me. When I look in your eyes, I see the love
that abides deep within your soul; they tell me you love me in so many ways than
just one. When two people love each other, they don't look at each other; they look
in the same direction.

Love forever,

I'll Be Waiting
To: T. ~ From: Patiently Waiting

Dear T.
I don't know what it is about you that makes me feel the way I do; no other woman
can get to my heart, but you can see through to the depths of my very soul. I care
about you more than I ever knew I could care about anyone before. You see, I never
thought I could love again, but now I'm so confused. My heart says yes, but my head
says no. You wonder why I care about you, but it's simple: when I look into your
eyes, I see beyond all the hatred you hold. I see a real person, with real needs,
someone who you are afraid to be. But that's okay, because I know the truth and I
will wait until the day when you'll break down your walls. Even if it takes many
years, I'll be right here, waiting to love you, as I already love you now.

Love always,

Patiently Waiting
I Want You
To: WinterMoon ~ From: LoveMoon

Dear WinterMoon,

I am sitting here somewhere in the world thinking about you, thinking about all the
things we've spoken about, all the things we've said to each other, thinking about
the so many "I Love You's" that have never lost their value even though we've said
them more than a million times to one another. I know you are somewhere at the
other side of the world thinking about me too. Wherever you are and go, i go with
you in my thought. I walk by your side. When you go to bed, I am stepping in it at
the same time you are. When you sit down to eat, I am next to you to eat too. When
you are combing your hair, I am there kissing and stroking it, smelling the smell
of the shampoo you use. I am so in love with you - and I can even feel you here ...
behind me, touching me, saying, "Love, come with me." I would come with you without

My WinterMoon, all I am saying now is that I am so happy to have found you. You
mean everything to me. You are my earth, my water, my sun. You are everything that
maintains life, everything that gives life. Having you with me is like being
reborn. Before you, I was dead. I was a zombie wandering around with no
destination, or a robot that people commanded. I didn't have a life. Now I have
you, and all I want to do is be with you and feel ALL of you. Know that you are
wanted ... how much? That is not something I can describe in words - eternally
much, horribly, awefully much? I can't wait until I can embrace you, kiss you, to
melt with you, to show you HOW much you are wanted. We will be together soon ... I
know, a look in your beautiful eyes ... Oh God! I just love You!

Forever and Always,

When We First Met
To: Hermon ~ From: Judy

Dear Hermon,

I don't think I have ever told you how I felt the first time we met. You were so
cute and your deep blue eyes were so fascinating, I felt like I could lose myself
in them.

I never use to believe in love at first sight, but that day when our eyes met, my
heart raced and felt like it would burst out of my chest. It was like the home run
feeling, that jump over the fence feeling. I was swept off my feet! And when you
winked at me I felt like I couldn't breathe, you kissed me and my knees suddenly
went week. Immediately I fell in love. I knew then what love at first sight felt
like; our eyes met and there was a connection, like a bond I felt uniting our
heart. I have been in love since that day and still am, though you're far away and
we've gone our separate ways. You will always be my first and greatest love. You
will always live in my memory for all eternity.

Love always,

You Are My One And Only
To: Ryan ~ From: Tina

Dear Ryan,

I just wanted you to know how truly I deeply love you and how much I deeply care
for you. We've been together for almost 3 years now and nothing could change the
way I feel about you and us as a couple. You are my one and only. I don't think
there could ever be enough words in this world that could really capture how I
truly feel about you. I love you so much; I just don't know how I could ever
explain it. But I do know that the one person I can count on always is you. I hope
you knew this and if you didn't, hopefully you'll know this now and forever. I love
you very much.

Love always and forever,

Dear June,

I wanted to tell you today how good I feel about us and our future. I enjoyed being
with you. It seems that everything we do is even more meaningful because it isn't
just for today ... it's for always. You make me feel really happy, and I'll always
love making you feel special too.

I'm glad that I can count on you to be there when I need someone to understand, to
encourage, to reassure me and I hope you realize you can always count on me too. We
share so much of our lives, but it's nice to know that we can still go our own ways
now and then and somehow, the more we grow as individuals, the closer we become.

I'm so satisfied with all we have together, and I'm sure that those feelings will
last ... that I'll cherish you through a lifetime of beautiful tomorrows. I want
you to know how pleased I am to be a part of your life, how much it means to me to
know I'll always be in love with you and only you!

Love always,

Chance of a Lifetime
To: Sandra ~ From: Frank

Dear Sandra,

Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would meet a woman that could captivate
and win my heart. Every moment from when I wake up till deep in the night, there is
no place on earth I would rather be than holding and kissing you tenderly.

You are a special woman with unique and intriguing qualities that drive my desire
for you far beyond any imagination. Never in my life until the day I met you have I
wanted for someone like you, i can only say i am the luckiest man alive cause i am
with you to bring a child into this world, share everything, offer all my love
unconditionally, and grow old with someone to one day reminisce of the years we
shared together. Just the thought of offering my total heart and spending my life
cherishing every moment with you, brings these incredible emotions to me I have
never experienced before.

The worse day of my life was letting you slip out of my life three years ago
because the timing just was not right for either of us, but second chances do not
come too often in life. I will not go on another day without giving us a true
chance at a life with love and happiness I know we could embrace together.

A wise man once told me, "When it is real, you will know," � I know.

Love, hugs & kisses,

My Heart Belongs To You, Ed
To: Ed ~ From: Rita

Dear Ed,

Ed, I have such a hunger for you, Honey. I want and need you in my life to make me
whole. I love hearing your voice and sharing sweet moments together. I want to
spend my life with you and grow old together. Be safe for me, Love, and be mine.

Love you,

Our Love Will Conquer All
To: David ~ From: Selda

Dear David,

Sometimes, I can't express to you the way I really feel inside. There are times I
want to write poetry, or sing a song but they just say some of what my heart wants
to tell you. I sat down behind my desk at work today and decided to write you a
letter. I am just an island girl who life is very different from yours ... because
you are in a state miles away but our love will conquer all.

You tell me to believe in our love and allow it to grow but sometimes it's so hard
when you have so many doubts. You live in a city where the most beautiful women
live and I am just one woman hundreds of miles away. It saddens my heart and
sometimes I cry because I want to be with you and I don't know what to say or how
to tell you what hurts me so deep inside. I know you are successful and I am so
proud of you and for who you are, Sweetheart. But, like you, I will try and believe
that our love will conquer all.

I wrote you this letter to tell you how much I care, and if you ever needed me,
Baby - please know I will be there. I may not be the most beautiful woman in the
world but my heart is filled with gold. I know our friendship will continue to grow
strong and we will conquer all obstacles placed between us. You make me feel so
special and it overwhelms my heart to know there is a man who thinks highly of me.
I will ask of you, to take it slow with me and let's grow in love, unity and
respect. Miles separate us and our culture is not alike, but we have fun together
and share similar interests and you have my back. So sweetheart I will try harder
and never give up because I pray our love will conquer all.

Love Always,

Beyond The Stars
To: Ney ~ From: JKLM

Dear Ney,

Our life seems to be full of complexities. At times we laugh, shed tears, just
stare at each other, and yeah ... fight. Nonetheless, despite all of our apparently
inconsistent ideas, we manage to move forward and survive together. Hurts that we
might have caused each other may not possibly be obliterated by any word of
apology. Nevertheless, I am confident that everything that we've gone through is
merely part of a strong structure that God is building for us. I love you so much!
To say this a million times is not enough to express how much I do. I love you
dearly ... beyond the stars.

Love Always,

My Heart And Soul
To: Tigger ~ From: Michele

Dear Tigger,

d .

I promise you this, from this day forth: I will love you forever - don't' ever
doubt that. I will never want anyone else's touch but yours; you make me feel like
I am the only man in the world. You are the only woman in the world as far as I am
concerned. You are my heart and soul. I feel as though we are meant to be together,
that we have been brought together by God. I have always believed that I had a soul
mate out there and I am sure that is you, I see it every time I look into your pic
and I feel it when you hold me in your arms. Baby, my sweet baby, I love you.

Yours always,

You Make Me Happy
To: Stan ~ From: Rose

Dear Heidi,

I love you and the mails you sent to me my darling; when I read them, I feel warm.
I feel so, so good and very happy. Now when I look at your picture, I miss you lots
- all day and all night. I wonder what you doing now and how things are going at
work. Are you okay? Darling, if you were here we would be having our meals together
or going out together. I want to interock your fingers with mine, when I think
about this. I feel very happy. I want to tell you more and more ... I love you so,
so much.

Love always,

You Light Up My Heart
To: Nezha ~ From: Amine

Dear Nezha,

Hi, Baby, you're always lighting up my heart with the things you do and say. I feel
so happy just being with you this way. You're my baby, and will forever be my baby.
You will always be the love of my life, and please never give up, always have faith
in yourself and you will gain the greatest gift of all, the gift of hope and love
you righteously deserve.

Every time I think of you my heart misses a beat. You're my theme for a dream!
Every moment we share together we grow closer. I'm simply hanging by a moment,
waiting to see you so i can hold you so tight that all else fades; I wake up
dreaming of us together.

I love you with all that I am, all that I was and all that I will ever be. Please
know that my love and I are inseparable and I would want it no other way and if
time could express my love for you then it's forever and a day. I can't wait to be
with you, see your smile, look in your eyes, feel your sweet touch, hear your
perfect words and kiss your perfect lips. The way I feel about you some people call
it crazy, some call it insane, but I call it true love. I really love you, Baby

Love always,

Words Could Never Say
To: Ben ~ From: Jess

Dear Ben,

I love you with all my heart! I will never forget all of the good times we have had
together and I will definitely never forget you and the way you have changed me. I
have never felt this way about any other woman in my life; you have made me the
happiest man in the world! When I am with you, time just rushes by and I can't even
begin to explain how you make me feel, but it's the best feeling in the world. I
swear every time I hear your name my heart just skips a beat! You are the most
wonderful gift ever. You have absolutely no idea how much I really love you but
trust me, it's more than you will ever know. I hope we last forever and thanks for
everything you do, Babe. I love you always and forever.

Love always,

Your Baby
Loving You Always
To: Mike ~ From: Mike's Girl

Dear Mike,

Before I met you, my life was not going well at all. Then I met you and I forgot
about all my troubles. I was so scared to fall in love with you, because of my past
experience but then I came to realize you were different; you were unique. You
showed me everything that love was about. The feelings I feel for you are
unexplainable. You mean the world to me; I would do nothing to hurt you.

I know that I may not be the best man in the world, but I love you from the bottom
of my heart. There is nothing in this world that could amount to the love I have
for you. darling, there is nothing in this world that would stop me from loving
you. I hope and pray that we stay together forever no matter what.

Yes, we have had our ups and downs. We have been through so much, and I know that
half of it was because of me. Now it's a New Year, new me and things are going to
change. I just want you to know you mean everything and I'm loving you always!

Love always,

Your Girl
I Keep On Believing
To: Pacey ~ From: Josephine

Dear Pacey,

I love you forever and I kept on believing that someday I will be able to love you
more as time goes by. I don't know what to say, because I have a lot. If you ever
feel the same as I do, then I would be completely glad for the both of us. Nothing
can change my love for you and I will always be the love of your life ... forever.
I kept on believing.

I will always put a special spot of you in my heart. No matter where I go, I carry
you in me. I'm hoping that it is you, Pacey, who feels the same way as I do.
Remember, I love you!

Love always,

My Endless Love For You
To: Michael ~ From: Marsha

Dear Michael,

I am writing you this letter to remind you of my endless love that I have burning
inside of my heart.

I am thankful for all the great things you have done for me; you are the most
special person I know and I want to let you know that I will never ever leave you
and that I couldn't have asked for anything better in my life than just plain old
you. I am so grateful for a precious gift like the one that you are giving me over
and over each day: your love!
You mean the world to me and I would do anything to make you happy without thinking
twice. I love everything about you ... your smile, your eyes, your kiss, your
voice, the looks ... there's just no end to the way I feel. So please, don't seek
another man.

I can't stand it when you are not close near me; it feels as if the most important
piece of me is missing. You are my life and my only love. I want you to remember
that it will be this way till the end of time. I love you with my whole heart,
mind, body and soul.

Love always,

Your Cuddle Baby

Heaven Sent Me You
To: Baby ~ From: Angel

Dear Baby,

I just wanted to let you know, how much I love all that you are and will be.
Without a doubt you keep me together and for the first time in my life I have
something to believe in. You truly are my love, my soul mate, and my best friend.
You've seen me at my worst and still take me as I am. I thank God for you every day
because I know you are heaven sent; you are my angel.

The years will be a test, but nothing will keep me from loving you or from being by
your side. I love you more than you could even know. You are my world.

I love you so much,

The Beauty In You
To: Rosi Marie ~ From: Carleton

Dear Rosi Marie,

Your heart has a beauty that I find in no other. Your warmth and compassion inspire
me to take new risks and grow daily, refining me into a better person. Your eyes
hold a sexiness and a passion others can only long for. As long as my heart beats,
I shall seek out your soul and feel fulfilled!

Love always,

I Love You Forever
To: Josh ~ From: Kathy

Dear Josh,

It has been the most amazing 5 months of my life and I've already done things I
have yet to actually realize. We have come a very long way and stuck by each
other's side through a lot of pain. You have shown me what its like to love and be
loved and that's my happiness. It's all I need to have the most amazing life I can
possibly have, and thank you for it.
You've helped me understand a lot of things people don't think I understand or
think that I'm allowed to understand which is what is making me a very strong
person. I have a lot more respect for love and people who have it. To be mature,
you have to be an adult. But to be in love, you have to be nothing but a human
being with a heart. That is very much true. No ones parents should prevent their
children from falling in love with someone because of their age and it's not
allowed. You can't stop love, and you defiantly shouldn't put your own feelings on
hold because someone is telling you "You're not allowed to love him because you're
too young." I love you and I'm not going to be putting my feelings on hold to wait
until my mom thinks its okay to love you. You are everything to me, my life really,
and I'm not going to give that up. I can't live without a life.

Honey, you are one of a kind and how people can say the things they do about you is
beyond me. I don't understand why people don't see you the way I do. In my eyes,
you are the most amazing person. You understand me and care about me more than
anyone else has ever even thought about. You are so caring, and wonderful. You're
lovely. We have a healthy relationship that is going to last a life time because
you and I are willing to work at anything that needs to be worked at. We
communicate and even if sometimes it's hard to tell each other are feelings we
still understand them when they aren't being talked about. We have that being of
singing when we're not talking. We sing love, that song that is stuck in your head
and never seems to disappear until you have stopped loving that person. But it
never gets boring, never gets old. It has new rhythms every time I see you; it
starts over every time I hear you. and it repeats every time I think of you. It's
something I've grown too. Something that I adjusted to and I won't ever leave it.

Josh, we are going to make our lives amazing along with someone else's. We are
going to have an amazing family and an amazing home to live in. I know now that
what we have is so very truer because I can see myself in you. I can see us in you,
in your eyes. Those beautiful eyes of yours shine every time you look at me, or our
eyes meet. It electrifies me - my whole being. I wrote this letter to you from my
heart. From mine to yours. I love you, Honey - forever.

Your lovely,

Answer To My Prayers
To: Joseph ~ From: Carissa

Dear Joseph,

First of all, I would like to say I love you with all my heart! I will never ever
forget the first day that we met. I remember each and every detail. Meeting you has
been an answer to my prayers. I will always love you. My heart belongs to you and
ONLY you. I never want you to forget that. I didn't think it was possible to fall
in love with someone so fast ... but, this has totally proved me wrong. I am truly
happy to be with you. You are my everything and I will do anything for you. I will
never leave your side and when you leave for long periods of time I will be right
here waiting for you.

Each and every thing feels like the first and my love for you grows stronger and
stronger as the seconds, minutes, hours and days go by. I love you with all of my
heart, mind, body and soul and I always will. Baby, I love you!!!
Love always,

Wherever I Go
To: Juls ~ From: Arlynne

Dear Juls,

Hello, Juls. It's been a long time since last we saw each other but it doesn't
matter at all, knowing that you're here in my heart wherever I go. I want you to
know how grateful I am to be a part of your life and ever since I have become a
part of you, I always say my gratitude. You are my inspiration in life and you are
my life. No one could set us apart... I love you!

Love always,

Jet et Amoure
To: Sweets ~ From: Debby

Dear Sweets,

Do you remember when we first met? I do. So long ago, but really like yesterday to
me. Well, I'm more in love with you. I feel that your silver cord would reach me
beyond time. I love it, Darling, when you come home on late nights and tuck me in,
caress my forehead, telling me you love me as I am still awake. The way you leave
little presents in my office drawer. The way you send me a note. This is what love
is. Taking time to read my poems I send to you and not laughing or getting rid of
them. You care for me. Thank you after all these years. I love you. The most
important thing aren't the gifts, cards, or the candy ... it's the fact that you
spend time thinking about me and that's the gift itself. Thank you for you, my
darling, jet et amoure.

Love always,

I Will Be Forever Yours
To: Treasure Debbie ~ From: Treasure Johnmichael

Dear Treasure Debbie,

Ever since you came into my life with this heavenly made gift called "LOVE", I have
noticed so many changes in my left alone world; you made me believe again that love
comes to those who knows and listens to the music of love.

You have touched my life in so many ways like being there for me at a time when all
hope was lost. When I was deserted and thought that the world has come to an end,
you stood by me all through the rough and tough times. You made me understand that
life is all about appreciation and understanding but must be appreciated first
before understanding.
I want to make this promise based on the love that you have shown me and the things
you have done to keep my hopes alive; Treasure, today, I declare my love for you
alone, no one but you and it's from the bottom of my heart. I promise to be there
for you in good and bad times because you are worth dying for.

I pray that the Good Lord watch over us till the end of time.

Your darling husband,

Treasure Johnmichael
You've Changed My Life
To: BHaby ~ From: Ineng

Dear BHaby,

Thanks for being there when I needed a shoulder to lean on, for patiently listening
to my personal problems. BHaby, I just want you to know how happy am I to have you
in my life and I thank God for that. Thank you for the love and the joy you bring.
You've changed my life, BHaby.

You're the only boyfriend who gives my heart some excitement and thrills. When I'm
with you I feel like I'm out of control! You taught me how to handle life
seriously, you taught me how to solve my problems and to face it without any
fear... when I'm with you, I feel no fear, not even a single one.

I know that when you say you love me and I admit that I've fallen for you, I know
that I wouldn't shed any tears from now on. I love you and that's what I want you
to bear in your mind, and it's for keeps.

Yours and only yours,

Cant Wait To Spend Forever With You
To: Lloyd ~ From: Mei Lei

Dear Honey,

The first time I heard you say the words, "I love you", it was like I have been
taken to Cloud 9 and I haven't gone down until now. Right after you uttered those
words I asked myself, "Do I love you?", and as I look for the answer, I again
asked: have you given me any reasons not to? No. I then realized that I have
already fallen in love with you, and yes ... I am so in love with you, Lloyd!

In the past, I had always yearned for someone to love, to cherish and to take good
care of - to whom I would share my dreams with and make them come true. I'd always
walked around feeling so empty with a hole in my heart that I thought would never
get filled... You filled that hole. I think back to how empty my life was without
you, and I am so grateful that you are here. I have found in you what it means to
"love." I tell you a million times a day, each day that I love you. Although you
reciprocate these feelings, I am sure that you have no inkling of the magnitude of
exactly what they mean to me. You can do the slightest thing and it warms me. You
may not even realize it. Each day has me falling more in love with you. I love you
more and more with each passing day. And it eases me to know that as tomorrow
approaches, I will love you more than yesterday and tomorrow will be more than
today. You are really God's gift to me ... my answered prayer that I will forever
cherish in my heart.

You are the most wonderful, kind, compassionate, romantic, smart, sensible,
intelligent, talented, kind-hearted, thoughtful, congenial, affectionate,
appreciative, loyal, caring, loving, passionate, handsome and an incredibly sexy
man with "killer abs" I have ever met and I thank God everyday that you are mine! I
love you with my whole existence, my whole life and nothing in this world can take
that away! I love you more than I could ever explain. More than I even understand.
You touched my heart in ways no one could ever comprehend.

I hope today turns out to be the day I wished it to be for you. Today, I'd like to
give you this little glass that holds the unrelenting memories of my past that
shackles my being. I just have to give this to you and I have to do this for
myself, for you, and for us. Today, I give my life to you - my heart, my mind, my
body and my soul ... I belong to you now.

This may start sounding like a poem ... I don't know. I just wanted to let you know
that you are my heart, my everything, and the other half of my soul, that I love
you with everything I have and hold. Now, when I look towards the future, you are
always pictured there. Maybe, in this lifetime, you will never know how much I
love, care and cherish you. Your love gives me the feeling that the best is still
ahead. I can't wait to spend forever with you.

Happy Birthday, Honey! I love you so!

Yours and only yours,

Mei Lei
You Believe In Me
To: Jodi ~ From: Jake

Dear Jodi,

Sitting here and thinking back as to how you have made my life so much better, I
could never begin to tell you what your love means to me. You have shown me
countless times how you care and how you believe in me, how you have given me the
strength to give up something that has had a hold of my life for a very long time,
without you I don't think I could be following my dreams, much less having someone
like you standing beside me.

I know I tell you all the time how amazing you are, and Jodi, you ARE! You're an
incredible woman; there is nothing I believe you can't do. The way you make me feel
is like nothing I've ever felt before. I know I'm a very impatient person and I'm
trying like hell to do the right thing, but the more time I spend with you and the
more time we talk and do things together makes me realize that this is our life's
plan, this is how our path of forever is suppose to happen, and sometimes I know
it's hard for us to deal with but in the end, we'll be stronger and able to handle
just about anything that comes our way ... we got thru the hard part, Babe, now all
we have is the downhill side.

You have brought out a part in me that I put away a long time ago and thought I'd
never be able to find again. You make everything so simple and easy for me to let
go and with you in my life I don't need to hide that part of me anymore. What you
make me feel for you is nothing short of the ultimate happiness. You are in my
thoughts, my dreams, my desires, but most of all my heart!

You are my babygirl, my sweetheart, my Jodi, and most of all my future wife! I love
you now and always, today, tomorrow, and forever!

Love always,

You Make A New Me
To: Love ~ From: Abiodun

Dear Love,

I used to be a dead living man before I found you. I never know I could madly be in
love again. As soon as I met you my fingers met joy and my heart felt peace. I was
like a land without water, where every plant witnesses drought, a sea without
oxygen where every organisms met with God, and like the rose without nectar, which
was deserted by every insect. When I found you, a new me was made.

Sometime in life time, we meet people we have no expectation of meeting. Sometimes

you meet people and your whole world experience reforms. I meet you and started
realizing the reason why I have to stay longer. There are times I search for who
cares and loves me but I never see, until a day I want to fail in faith and hope
but going down I meet your soft, tender hands waiting to lift me up, which shows
love and care.

My heart accelerates at the speed of light, every time I breathe, I hear the
rhythms of your sweet name, so melodious and charming. Every time I breathe I
notice the inclination in the level of love I have for you. Maybe it's because I
keep you in the most integral part of my heart. Sometimes I try to stop loving you
but I realize, "I can stop breathing, because even if I do, my brain will never
cease in passing the impulse of you to my soul because my love for you is burning
out control."

Love Always,

To My Sessy Girl
To: Brandy ~ From: Chad

Dear Brandy,

I know that sometimes I can be a lot to handle and even act like a child ... I just
want you to know everything I do in life is with me thinking of you. It is almost
our 11-month anniversary and you've made this the happiest 11 months of my life.
I'll never forget the time we got our photo taken at the mall and you said that the
artist was making mistakes on purpose, or our nightly visits to Meijers in the
furniture department, and I especially won't forget how you always used to hold me
before you went to school. Even though sometimes I wasn't even asleep. Basically, I
know I can sometimes be a pain, but we've built so much together and grown so
close. So, if it feels like I'm smothering you it's because it breaks my heart to
let you go. I love you, Brandy, until the end of both of us and this earth.

Yours whenever you want it,

Chad aka Sessy Bear

You Are "The Man"
To: Matthew ~ From: Timara

Dear Matthew,

You are so "The Man." Let me tell you why I think so. When I am near you my heart
tends to beat a little faster than usual and I forget everything that I was about
to say. Your voice sends shivers down my spine and when you tell me you love me,
sparks flash before my eyes. Only "The Man" can make my palms sweaty and the gleam
in my eyes last all day long. I smile more and it's because of you.

You make me feel special and wanted and for that alone I am thankful. You are my
inspiration. I can turn to you when I have no other and it feels as if the world is
out to get me. I feel protected with you. You have stolen my heart and I am not
even upset. This was a robbery waiting to happen, one that I am glad for. I just
ask that you cherish it for it is my only one. So you see, Boo, only "The Man" can
make me feel like you do, happy and safe. I love you so much!

Love always,

To The Woman Who Will Be My Wife
To: Kim ~ From: Kevin

Dear Kim,

It is so amazing that after all of the years that have passed us by with hardly a
notion of each other's existence, that now we will soon be together for the rest of
our lives. We grew up as children, never having a clue that our paths would cross
so much later in life, and that we would both find a love that neither has found
with anyone ... until now.

We were always meant to be together, of that there is no doubt. You are truly the
woman, the partner and the wife I have only dreamed of until now. I love you,
honey. You are my heart and soul; I am so wonderfully blessed to have you in my
life. I love you, always and forever.

Love always,

I Am The Luckiest Woman ...
To: Lyle ~ From: Amber

Dear Lyle,

Hey, Sweetie, I just wanted you to know that I am the luckiest man in the world to
be with you. I have never been so happy in my life then I am when I'm with you. You
mean the whole world to me and I can't wait for the day when the world knows the
love I have for you. I want nothing more then to be a wonderful husband for you and
perfect mother for Jason.

Love always,

To My Lover
To: Tammy ~ From: Dale

Dear Tammy,

Tammy, I just want to tell you how much I love you, you have brought so much
happiness to my life and you do so much for me that no other women has done for me.
I will continue to love you for the rest of my life ... and forever.

Love always,

All That You Are ...
To: Sherifat ~ From: Ayoolaolafimihan

Dear Sherifat,

My Love, you have this power over me, this indescribable, undeniable, unmistakable
power. You consume my mind. You invade my thoughts. You are the ruler of my dream
world. You bring a smile to my face, a sparkle to my eyes, and a tear to my cheek.

Your voice is like a sweet song, I am hearing for the first time. You take my
breath away, with the simplest things your lips utter. You make me feel weightless,
as though I could float up, and touch the heavens above. You make me look at life
through new eyes, eyes that have never seen the light of day, until now. I feel as
though I am using all my senses, for the first time, and suddenly everything I once
knew, is now unfamiliar to me. You fill every cell in my being, with joy, love and
happiness. You make me want to stand up, and scream at the top of my lungs, "I love
you, more than words could say." You make my heart soar, like a bird in flight. But
most of all... you are you, and I love that.

It is this intense power you have over me, which gives me strength, hope, and new
meaning. You are my sun, my moon, my evening star, my light, my life, my love. You
are my destiny. You are "The One", the only one, the woman I love. As I write this
words for you, I find the words come naturally to me. It's as if this arms is an
extension of my heart, and my heart is guiding it across the hand. Every letter,
every word, every stroke, is meant to be ... as we are.

Love always,

You Are So Perfect For Me
To: Tony ~ From: Brittany

Dear Tony,

I have waited so long to be able to wake up every day to your beautiful face. I'm
so thankful to God that you're here... that I never have to be apart from you.
Writing this right now makes tears come to my eyes. I have such a strong love for
you that I could cry all day long just because I love you. Sure, I tell you that I
love you and how much, and I try to show you, but no matter what I do for the rest
of our lives, you will never know just what I feel inside. How you make me feel is
something that can only be felt, never explained. You take my breath away with some
of the things you say. Just the way I feel when I love you, your arms wrapped
around me, holding me, like I'm your baby. I sometimes am surprised of how much
emotion comes out when I cry over you. My love for you is so strong that even I
don't always realize how much I love you and cherish you.

You say I'm perfect and that you're the luckiest guy in the world, but you don't
see what I see when I look at you. To me, you make me so, so lucky to even have you
touch me with your hands. Or to even glance my way. I don't know what I did to
deserve you in my life, but I thank God for letting me do it. You are so
unbelievably perfect. And you are the perfect woman, fianc�, friend, person, human
being in the world... you, my baby, are the perfect one, not me.

You're my life and you have my whole heart. Wherever you go I'm always right there
with you, because you have my heart and soul. I adore you and every part of you:
your little dimples, your perfect hands, beautiful eyes, perfect, luscious lips,
cute tummy, your neck ... I'm getting chills just thinking about it! It's so
muscular and, well ... perfect! Just as is everything else on you and about you.

You, my babydoll, are the key to my heart, my other half, my soul mate and I will
be so happy the day that I get to walk down the aisle and say, "I do ..." 'cause,
Baby, I DO!! I love you, honey, and don't you ever forget that....

Love always,


Thank you a million times and over for being in my life...Now I have found
completeness in you and in your love my heart is solidly anchored....if my heart
were to bit for every seconds that I love you sweetheart, then I'd be immortal... I
would love you until eternity starts all over again. Your love is the oil in my
lamp of life. Your body the wick that burns casting a blanket of comfort over me as
the darkness closes in....words fail me to describe how I feel about you....I love
you is truly all that I can say.....I hope you don�t mind me saying it a million
times I love you angel of my life.

AND THIS ;your sweet love have taken me farther than I know,you'v portrayed a
world I would never have known and like a pillow, I am here for you, I would make
you scream and moan my name in your every breath darling.

I am so lost in love with you,I am so into you,I would wash your feet, smell your
hair,listen to your music,I would be every where and everything in your life,I love
you so, with all that I am and all that I would ever be; I would stay awake while
you sleep, I want you so much and I want to grow old with you.

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