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Terms of reference (ToRs) for the

procurement of services above the EU


Project title: Processing

number/cost centre:
Integrated Rural Development Project/ TRIGGER
Transaction number:
Subject of the tender procedure:
Water Resources Management

0. List of abbreviations .................................................................................................. 2

1. Context ........................................................................................................................ 3

2. Tasks to be performed by the contractor ................................................................. 4

2.1. Additional tasks to be performed by the contractor .............................................. 19

3. Technical-methodological concept ......................................................................... 20

3.2. Cooperation (section 1.2 of the assessment grid) .............................................. 20
3.3. Steering structure (section 1.3 of the assessment grid) ..................................... 20
3.4. Processes (section 1.4 of the assessment grid) ................................................ 20
3.5. Learning and innovation (section 1.5 of the assessment grid) ........................... 21
3.6. The contractor’s project management activities (section 1.6 of the assessment
grid) ................................................................................................................... 21
3.7. Sustainability requirements (section 1.7 of the assessment grid) ....................... 22
3.8. Further requirements (section 1.8 of the assessment grid) ................................ 22

4. Human resources ..................................................................................................... 23

4.1. Specified human resources concept .................................................................. 23

5. Costing requirements .............................................................................................. 33

5.1. Assignment of experts ....................................................................................... 33
5.2 Local administrative staff ................................................................................... 34
5.3 Travel expenses ................................................................................................ 34
5.4. Equipment ......................................................................................................... 35
5.5. Operating costs in the country of assignment .................................................... 35
5.6. Workshops, education and training ................................................................... 35
5.7. Local subsidies .................................................................................................. 36
5.8. Other costs ........................................................................................................ 36
The contractor must pay for software licenses as necessary. .................................... 36
5.9. Flexible remuneration item ................................................................................ 36

6. Requirements on the format of the tender ............................................................. 36

7. Annexes .................................................................................................................... 37
Subject of the tender procedure: Water Resources
Transaction number: 81287282

0. List of abbreviations

ALRI Agency for Land Reclamation and Irrigation

BMZ German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development

CEP Committee for Environmental Protection

DRR Disaster Risk Reduction

EU European Union

GIS Geographical Information Systems

GoT Government of Tajikistan

IRDP/TRIGGER Integrated Rural Development Project/TRIGGER

IT Information Technology

IWRM Integrated Water Resources Management

MEWR Ministry of Energy and Water Resources of Tajikistan

MoA Ministry of Agriculture

M&E Monitoring and Evaluation

NDC National Determined Contribution

NGO Non-governmental organizations

NWIS National Water Information System

RBC River Basin Council

RBO River Basin Organization

RDP II Rural Development Program II

SDG Sustainable Development Goals

SPHY Spatially Distributed Hydrological Model

ToR Terms of reference

WEAP Water Evaluation and Assessment Planning Tool

WP Work Package
WUA Water User Associations
Subject of the tender procedure: Water Resources
Transaction number: 81287282

1. Context

The “Integrated Rural Development Project" (IRDP) forms component 1 "To boost added value
of agricultural production” of the EU financed "Rural Development Programme II (RDP II). GIZ
implements the activities of IRDP as part of the bilateral development project "Towards Rural
Inclusive Growth and Economic Resilience (TRIGGER)” in Tajikistan funded by the
Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (German Federal
Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)). The project is known under the

The Government of the Republic of Tajikistan (GoT) is implementing a Water Sector Reform
Program to achieve a significant change in water access and use across multiple stakeholders.
River basin management and Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) are the main
principles of the reform programme. The GoT has appointed the Ministry of Energy and Water
Resources (MEWR) as the responsible public entity to implement the Water Sector Reform
Program. Moreover, the implementation of the Water Sector Reform requires significant
coordination efforts across sectors, levels and development partners. The technical assistance
provided by development partners to the MEWR for the implementation of the reform process,
targets the national as well as the river basin levels.

The Water Output (or Output 1.5) under Component 1 of the Integrated Rural Development
Project (IRDP), provides technical support to the MEWR in the Zarafshon and Vakhsh river
basins as well as at the national level. Such technical support is comprised of technical
advisory services, capacity building and training measures and support to improve access and
use of irrigation water by small-scale farmers..

1.1 Module objective indicators

The aim of the Integrated Rural Development Project (IRDP/TRIGGER) is the following: The
economic resilience of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises including
smallholder producers is strengthened.

This ToR is particularly intended to fulfill the following Project Outcome and Output
Indicator, related to water resources management:

Project Outcome Indicator: 5 development plans that include water management for the
target group of small-holder farmers on regional, district or national levels are officially

Project Output Indicator: The enabling environment in the water sector is strengthened
and the capacity of national, regional, district and local stakeholders to elaborate
development plans with a focus on IWRM is improved.

1.2 Classification of the project

The Water Output of IRDP/TRIGGER provides technical support to the MEWR at national and
river basin levels to advance the Water Sector Reform Process. At the local level, the Water
Output operates in Zarafshon and Vakhsh river basin zones.
Subject of the tender procedure: Water Resources
Transaction number: 81287282

The Water Output aims to improve the enabling environment in the water sector in Tajiksitan
and advance the implementation of relevant water-related national policy in regional and local
development processes,.

In the two mentioned river basin zones, the Water Output seeks to integrate and safeguard
climate change adaptation in local and regional plans that are relevant to small-scale farmers.
This integration is planned through the formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation
of climate-sensitive river basin management plans, that incorporate an integrated water
resources management approach, and their eventual mainstreaming into small-scale farmer
relevant development plans. This process is expected to be led by the established River Basin
Organization and River Basin Council in each river basin zone, which currently receive
technical support by IRDP/TRIGGER.

The Project supports the adaptation of agriculture to climate change for irrigation measures to
be planned in a way that the water resource can be sufficiently and effectively accessed and
used more sparingly by farms.

The lessons learned from experiences implemented at the local and river basin levels must
feed into the national water-related policy and inform the Water Sector Reform Program.

1.3 Target groups

The target groups are the pubic officials and specialists of the “water wing” of MEWR, including
the deconcentrated staff of the River Basin Organizations of the Zarafshon and Vakhsh river
basins; the different representative members of Zarafshon and Vakhsh River Basin Councils,
including public officials, and members of private sector and local civil society organizations
(i.e. NGOs), water user communities and associations, agricultural producer groups, with a
special focus on small-scale farmers and dekhan farms.

Moreover, at the national level, the public officials of the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), the
Committee for Environmental Protection (CEP) and the Agency for Land Reclamation and
Irrigation (ALRI) are relevant target groups of the Water Output’s activities and scope of work.

1.4 Outputs

This ToR is intended to fulfill the activities of the Water Output of IRDP/TRIGGER:

The enabling environment in the water sector is strengthened and the capacity of
national, regional, district and local stakeholders to elaborate development plans with
a focus on IWRM is improved.

2. Tasks to be performed by the contractor

The current tender contributes only to the Water Output of IRDP/TRIGGER.

Subject of the tender procedure: Water Resources
Transaction number: 81287282

The contractor1 is responsible for the achievement of the Water Output and its associated,
output and target indicators described in this document. The Logical Framework of the Project
can be found in Annex B.

The contractor is responsible for the achievement of the relevant Project Output
Indicator “The enabling environment in the water sector is strengthened and the
capacity of national, regional and local stakeholders to formulate development plans
with a focus on IWRM is improved”, and its associated Output indicators 1.5.1, 1.5.2,
1.5.3, 1.5.4, 1.5.5 and 1.5.6 through the implementation of the activities mentioned below.

Output indicators:

1. Output indicator 1.5.1: Two (2) River basin management plans that include drinking water
supply systems and water-related disasters (floods, heavy rains) are reflected in
development plans at the regional or local level.

2. Output indicator 1.5.2: 80% of 40 employees of public institutions confirm the improvement
of their knowledge to prepare development plans focused on water allocation at least by 1
level on a 4- level scale.

3. Output indicator 1.5.3: Basin-wide intersectoral and multilevel procedures for (a)
formulation, (b) implementation, (c) monitoring and evaluation of the river basin
management plan exist in Zarafshon and Vakhsh river basins.

4. Output indicator 1.5.4: A digital information system is established and 80% of relevant staff
of the Zarafshan RBO uses it, at least frequently, for decision-making for the integrated
management of the basin water resources.

5. Output indicator 1.5.5: Capacities for integrated water resources management of 80 % of

representatives from the RBO/MEWR and RBC member institutions who have benefitted
from capacity building measures have improved at least by 1 level on a 4- level scale.

6. Output indicator 1.5.6: 100 farmers benefit from selected measures aimed at increasing
their adaptive capacity and climate-resilience of farmers and mitigating water-related risks.

The Water Output consists of four (4) Work Packages and a set of accompanying milestones
that guide the contributions of the contractor to the Water Output. The four Work Packages are
the following:

1. Work Package 1: Water Governance

2. Work Package 2: Information and Knowledge Management
3. Work Package 3: Capacity Building

1Candidates/tenderers and contractors that deliver services above the EU threshold are consulting
Subject of the tender procedure: Water Resources
Transaction number: 81287282

4. Work Package 4: Water-resilient food systems

The four Work Packages are briefly introduced below, and the set of activities and milestones
that are conducive to the achievement of Output 1.5 are also listed along with each Work
Package. The set of activities and milestones listed below and tendered here contribute only
patially to the achievement of Output 1.5, since other activities and inputs will be provided by
GIZ. These inputs are also explained below within each Work Package.

The contractor is expected to implement trainings “on the job” to RBO staff, relevant RBC
member institutions and MEWR staff in all measures carried out by the contractor in Work
Packages 1, 2, 3 and 4. All activities should be closely coordinated with GIZ (jointly developed
operational plan) and carried out together with local universities and/or local scientific
institutions, which act as multipliers and take over the training courses.

The contractor is expected to support the communication and public relations functions of
IRDP/TRIGGER Project related to the Water Output.

The contractor is expected to make women and youth visible in all measures carried out by the

Work Package 1: Water Governance

The objective of Work Package 1 (WP1) is to enhance the policy and legal framework of the
water sector by working on the governance structures and decision-making processes related
to water resources management. WP1 is assigned to and contributes to output indicators 1.5.1
and 1.5.3. WP1 entails technical support to MEWR at national and basin levels.

At the national level, WP1 seeks to strengthen the enabling environment for improved water
resources management guided by the OECD principles on Water Governance and the different
dimensions of IWRM, such as, improving the policy and legal framework related to the
sustainable and resilient management and use of water resources, key institutional and
financial arrangements and management tool and instruments to materialise IWRM, as a
crucial requisite to advance the Water Sector Reform Program in Tajikistan.

At the river basin level, WP1 efforts focus on establishing basin-wide, intersectoral and
multilevel procedures for (a) formulation, (b) implementation, (c) monitoring and evaluation of
river basin management plan in Zarafshon and Vakhsh river basins and their mainstreaming
in relevant development planning for small-scale farmers.

Climate adaptation and resilience is a cross-cutting theme that is mainstreamed in all activities
across WP1.

WP1 seeks a broader engagement of socio-economic sectors at the national and basin levels
to implement the Water Sector Reform Program, the Action Plan of the National Water
Strategy, other water-related national policies, as well as the international agendas, such as
the SDG Agenda, the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and the Sendai Framework on
Disaster Risk Reduction.

To this end, WP1 intends to bring MEWR together with other relevant Ministries (the “energy
wing” of the MEWR itself, the MoA, among others), Committees (CEP, among others) and
Agencies (ALRI, among others) whose work is relevant to improve water security and resilience
Subject of the tender procedure: Water Resources
Transaction number: 81287282

in the Zarafshon and Vakhsh river basins, to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of water
sector interventions.

The milestones and deadlines that make up Work Package 1 are detailed in the table below
and a list of activities contributing to each milestones is further developed therafter:

Milestones for work package 1 Delivery date/period

Milestone 1: A comprehensive cooperation Within 18 months after the start of the contract
framework is established and consolidated
between RBO and RBC in Zarafshon and Upper
Vakhsh river basins.
Milestone 2: The current draft of the river basin Within 12 months after the start of the contract
management plan of the Zarafshon river basin is
participatorily reviewed, improved and updated.
Milestone 3: A river basin management plan for Within 12 months after the start of the contract
the Upper Vakhsh river basin is jointly
formulated by RBO and RBC member
institutions of the Upper Vakhsh river basin.
Milestone 4: Zarafshon and Upper Vakhsh RBO Within 24 months after the start of the contract
produce annual reports on river basin
management plan implementation progress in
Zarafshon and Upper Vakhsh river basins.
Milestone 5: Five (5) farmer-related Within 24 months after the start of the contract
development plans at national, regional or local
levels integrate IWRM guidance provided by
river basin management plans in Zarafshon and
Upper Vakhsh river basins.

Milestone 1: A comprehensive cooperation framework is established and consolidated

between RBO and RBC in Zarafshon and Upper Vakhsh river basins.

Activities contributing to Milestone 1:

• Formulate and validate along with RBO staff and RBC member institutions a roadmap for
the institutional and financial strengthening of the RBO and its related work in the river
• Develop along with RBO staff and RBC member institutions the organizational setup and
management structure of the RBO and RBC according to country regulations, the IWRM
functions that it should perform as coordinating body of the management and use of the
water resources located in the Zarafshon and Vakhsh river basins.
• Drawing on regional and international experiences, develop along with MEWR and RBO
staff a manual of internal procedures for the RBO
• Advise MEWR on the development and up-scaling of the organizational structure of RBO
and RBC
• Develop and implement training measures for RBO staff and relevant RBC member
institutions aimed at establishing and consolidating the cooperation and institutional model
between the RBO and its RBC member institutions.
Subject of the tender procedure: Water Resources
Transaction number: 81287282

• Formulate publication-ready RBO and RBC regulations,manual of internal procedures and

a report that informs and advises future policy and legal developments concerning policy,
legal, institutional and financial sustainability of RBO and RBC in Tajikistan.

Inputs to be provided by GIZ relevant to Milestone 1:

• A brief on any progress made by IRDP/TRIGGER Project on the organizational

development of the RBO and RBC in the Zarafshon and Upper Vakhsh river basins, by
the time the contract starts.

Milestone 2: The current draft of the river basin management plan of the Zarafshon river basin
is participatorily reviewed and improved.

Activities contributing to Milestone 2:

• Develop and execute a roadmap for the participatory review of the Zarafshon river basin
management plan.
• Inform the review of the river basin management plan with results from the river basin
water balance and other existing assessments that include water-resilience and climate
adaptation considerations.
• Draft along with RBO staff and following consultation with RBC member institutions, an
updated Zarafshon river basin management plan including all relevant quantitative and
qualitative data, information and maps and other visual tools developed and used during
the participatory review of the basin management plan. The river basin management plans
should follow the structure of the national methodology for the development of such plans.
• Formulate a publication-ready basin management plan of the Zarafshon river basin.

Inputs to be provided by GIZ relevant to Milestone 2:

• A water resilience assessment of the Zarafshon river basin informing about future
adaptation pathways for the river basin, to be made in parallel to the review process.
• Sharing of information and facilitation of communication with the National Water
Information System team.

Milestone 3: A river basin management plan for the Upper Vakhsh river basin is jointly
formulated by RBO and RBC member institutions of the Upper Vakhsh river basin.

Activities contributing to Milestone 3:

• Develop and execute a roadmap for the participatory formulation of the Upper Vakhsh river
basin management plan that entails not more than 10 workshops (if the same workshops
requires to be replicated in more than one geographical location within the basin it will only
count as one workshop).
• Inform the formulation of the river basin management plans with results from the river
basin water balance and other existing assessments that include water-resilience and
climate adaptation considerations.
• Draft along with RBO staff and following consultation with RBC member institutions, the
Upper Vakhsh river basin management plan including all relevant quantitative and
qualitative data, information and maps and other visual tools developed and used during
the participatory formulation of the basin management plan.
Subject of the tender procedure: Water Resources
Transaction number: 81287282

• Formulate a publication-ready basin management plan of the Upper Vakhsh river basin.

Inputs to be provided by GIZ relevant to Milestone 3:

• A water resilience assessment of the Upper Vakhsh river basin informing about future
adaptation pathways for the river basin.
• Sharing of information and facilitation of communication with the National Water
Informatuon System team.

Milestone 4: Zarafshon and Upper Vakhsh RBO produce annual reports on river basin
management plan implementation progress in Zarafshon and Upper Vakhsh river basins.

Activities contributing to Milestone 4:

• Design and validate, along with RBO staff and relevant RBC member institutions, a
monitoring and evaluation framework for the basin management plans of Zarafshon and
Upper Vakhsh river basins that adequately tracks the plans’ contributions to the SDG 2030
Agenda, the Tajkistan NDC commitment to the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and
Sendai Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) agendas. This includes the
adequate identification of indicators, metrics and targets to track water security and
water/climate resilience (adaptation and mitigation, as necessary) in both basins.
• Develop the necessary tools to build the capacity of the RBO staff and RBC members in
applying the monitoring and evaluation framework to track implementation progress of the
river basin management plans.
• Assist RBO staff in developing annual reports based on the information provided by the
application of the monitoring and evaluation framework.

Inputs to be provided by GIZ relevant to Milestone 4:

• The set of water resilience metrics developed for the Zarafshon and Upper Vakhsh river
basins within the context of the resilience assessments carried out for both river basins.
• Sharing of information and facilitation of communication with the National Water
Informatuon System team.

Milestone 5: Five (5) farmer-related development plans at national, regional or local integrate
IWRM guidance provided by river basin management plans in Zarafshon and Upper Vakhsh
river basins.

Activities contributing to Milestone 5:

• Identify and assess five (5) farmer-related development plans, from five (5) RBC member
institutions in Zarafshon and Upper Vakhsh river basins (5 development plans counting
both basins) for their suitability to assimilate an Integrated Water Resources Management
• Develop a roadmap for the mainstreaming of Zarafshon and Upper Vakhsh river basin
management plans into corresponding development plans.
• Develop and implement the the necessary tools to facilitate the articulation of river basin
management plans with the development plans identified.
• Drawing on lessons learned at national and local levels in Zarafshon and Upper Vakhsh
river basins, formulate a publication-ready report that describes the process and tools used
during all stages gone through during the mainstreaming process.
Subject of the tender procedure: Water Resources
Transaction number: 81287282

Inputs to be provided by GIZ relevant to Milestone 5:

• The set of water resilience metrics developed for the Zarafshon and Upper Vakhsh river
basins within the context of the resilience assessments carried out for both river basins.

Work Package 2: Information and Knowledge Management

WP2 fosters knowledge management and water-related data and information sharing across
the relevant stakeholders at national and basin levels. The objective of WP2 is to setup a digital
basin information system in the Zarafshon RBO that is linked to the National Water Information
System (NWIS) with enough water, climate, land and environment relevant data and
information as to create a solid basis for evidence-based decision-making and integrated
management of water resources in Zarafshon river basin. WP2 assists MEWR in implementing
the NWIS concept. WP2 is assigned to and contributes directly to output indicator 1.5.4 and
indirectly to output indicators 1.5.1 and 1.5.3. WP2 entails technical support to MEWR at
national and basin levels.

WP2 assists the MEWR and Zarafshon RBO with complimentary river basin
studies/assessments that target specific knowledge gaps, for instance, sourcing and
digitalizing water supply, water demand or water quality data and information.

Further, WP2 at the national level ensures that the database for river basin planning, the water
balance and the geo-portal application to the extentent that are relevant for the Zarafshon river
basin are ready to use by ensuring support from the Natinal Water Information System housed
at MEWR. This includes completing data entry in the already existing applications and
developing guidelines, training and dissemination activities along with MEWR and RBO staff
to inform the use of the application at the basin level.

Moreover, WP2 also supports the development of GIS and other visualization tools to present
relevant information in a friendly manner to make it understandable for the different decision-
makers, water users and groups participating in the decision-making processes at the national
and basin levels. WP2 assists the preparation of thematic and risk-based maps to inform the
work under WP1. WP2 taps into existing relevant GIS information in Tajikistan and generates
new information when necessary to inform river basin processes under WP1. WP2 also assists
the Zarafshon and Upper Vakhsh RBOs in producing corresponding websites to bring river
basin information and knowledge relevant for water users.

Finally, WP2 fosters hydrological modelling and water allocation tools to inform river basin
planning and management under WP1. To this end, WP2 compiles hydrological data and
socio-economic information for the Zarafshon river basin to be incorporated in water balance
and water allocation tools and builds capacity of RBO staff in Zarafshon river basin on the
process. WP2 makes this data and information available for Zarafshon River Basin Council
members institutions and water users in an understandable manner, through information
visualized in maps, to inform water-related decision-making. This information is then stored at
basin and-or national level databases compatible with the databases housed in the National
Water Information System of MEWR.

The milestones and deadlines that make up Work Package 2 are detailed in the table below
and a list of activities contributing to each milestone is further developed therafter:
Subject of the tender procedure: Water Resources
Transaction number: 81287282

Milestones for work package 2 Delivery date/period

Milestone 1: 2 websites for the Zarafshon and Within 6 months after the start of the contract
Upper Vakhsh RBOs exist and bring river basin
information closer to relevant river basin
Milestone 2: A digital decision support tool is Within 18 months after the start of the contract
used by Zarafshon RBO for information and
knowledge management, with regards to water,
climate change and environmental
Milestone 3: Zarafshon RBO staff produces an Within 18 months after the start of the contract
updated water balance for the Zarafshon river
basin and uses a water allocation tool that
accounts for glacier and snow melt and surface
hydrological processes to inform water
resources planning.

Milestone 1: 2 websites for the Zarafshon and Upper Vakhsh RBOs exist and bring river basin
information closer to relevant river basin stakeholders.

• Assist the development of two user-friendly websites as knowledge management tools

for existing river basin information.
• Populate it and update it with existing river basin information to date.

Inputs to be provided by GIZ relevant to Milestone 1:

• Coordination arrangements to ensure linkages of the websites of the National Water

Information System of the MEWR.

Milestone 2: A digital decision support tool is used by Zarafshon RBO for information and
knowledge managent, with regards to water, climate change and environmental management.

Activities contributing to Milestone 2:

• Produce, update, visualize and digitize in basin and/or national databases the next data
and information: geography, geology, morphology, vegetation, climate variables such as
precipitation, evaporation, temperature, humidity), water availability (surface and
groundwater), flow behavior of rivers, water use and types, land use, wastewater
treatment, water quality, pollution and pollution potential, environmental compatibility of
use, ecoregions and ecosystems, vulnerability of the Zarafshon river basin, population
development and projections, water balances for surface and groundwater, water supply
and demand, hydrometeorological and hydrological measuring networks, water quality
measuring points and hydraulic infrastructure (with a focus on water supply and sewage
infrastructure, irrigation channels and related infrastructure, and flood mitigation
• If available, produce, visualize and digitize water footprint (geen, blue and grey) and virtual
water data, of the Zarafshon and Upper Vakhsh river basins and selected agricultural value
chains originating therein;
• Collect relevant climate, water and environmental management data and information from
RBC member institutions of the Zarafshon river basin, digitize and store it in the basin or
Subject of the tender procedure: Water Resources
Transaction number: 81287282

national database of the National Water Information System to the extent that this has not
been done yet;
• Assess climate data in the existing climate stations for a better understanding of the annual
drought/flood, glacier and snow melt patterns: (precipitation (P), Potential Evaporation
Rate (ETp), Temperature (t), Relative Humidity (Hr) at all climate stations with
measurement series of more than 10 years to evaluate climate trends (floods, drought,
long-term climate changes); Indicator: Determination of the mean annual precipitation and
its fluctuations in the Zarafshon river basin, determination of the CMI (Climate Moisture
Index) on an annual basis in all climate stations and comparison with CMI values in other
measuring stations;
• Assess of the population and population development and projections in the Zarafshon
river basin population centers, using the data collected by the local administrative units. If
possible, representation also in the form of sub-basin areas. Indicator: Population increase
(inhabitants / km²), in steps of 5 years;
• Assess existing basic data on geology, morphology, hydrology; vegetation and land use
in the Zarafshon river basin with the aim of creating geological, morphological,
hydrological, pedological overview maps and maps of vegetation forms; Indicators:
overview maps on a scale of approx. 1:200,000 for each of the thematic areas mentioned;
• Obtain satellite imagery for the last 10 years. Evaluation of changes in vegetation, land
use and erosion. Indicator: forest loss, deforestation (km²/year), expansion of land use
• Inventory of the existing measuring stations for the collection of data on the climate, on
surface and ground water, and on water quality. Description of the measuring stations,
their equipment, their measuring frequencies and their operational readiness. Collection
and storage of existing data (if not already done) in the basin or national databases of the
National Water Information System. Indicator: representation in maps;
• Inventory of the water use situation and the resulting water balance for the Zarafshon river
basin. Hydrological water balance indicator: water supply – water losses = storage;
Indicator: Balance of water supply and water demand;
• Analysis of the surface runoff in the runoff measuring stations in the Zarafshon river basin;
• Estimation of the groundwater potential in the Zarafshon river basin and indentification of
private and public groundwater pumping stations;
• Inventory of all water users (including water pumping systems, transport lines, water
reservoirs, weirs and dams) in the Zarafshon river basin;
• Classification of users and uses, and quantify withdrawn and stored water quantities and
their quality. Indicator: standard water analyses from all extraction points for drinking water
with an extraction quantity > 1 (liter/second);
• Separate inventory of irrigated agriculture with: areas, crops, irrigation methods,
Determination of the current delivery of water to the individual types of use: drinking water,
irrigation, trade and industry, river systems, environment, nature conservation areas and
ecosystems, tourism, others - their temporal (e.g. seasonal) fluctuations and the security
of supply of the delivery; Indicator: Withdrawal for drinking water (litres/day/capita);
withdrawal for agriculture and irrigation: (m³/hectar/year), withdrawal for commercial
industry: (m³/year); water reserves for ecosystem conservation (litres/second); withdrawal
for tourism (m³/year);
• Separate inventory of water supply and sanitation systems in all settlements with more
than 1,000 inhabitants, with special reference to the situation in the cities of Ayni and
Subject of the tender procedure: Water Resources
Transaction number: 81287282

• Inventory of all wastewater dischargers (i.e households, water utilities, industries and
businesses) connected and non-connected to the sewer system in the Zarafshon river
basin, with special reference to the situation in the cities of Ayni and Panjakent;
Classification of the discharges, and determination of the amount of wastewater
discharged and its quality; Indicator: chemical oxygen demand (COD) and biological
oxygen demand (BOD) for wastewater flow rate of above 3 liters/sec;
• Description of waste management practices in the Zarafshon river basin and inventory of
regulated and unregulated landfills; Indicator: photo documentation and coordinates of the
landfills, amounts of waste, disposal routes and dumping;
• Inventory of point and diffuse sources of pollution for surface and groundwater. Indicator:
chemical composition, concentration and amount of the pollutant and form of pollution;
• Determination of the current and future water requirements for the individual types of use.
(forecast for 10 and 30 years). The forecasts should be coordinated with the respective
users thorugh statements of understanding;
• Inventory of any additional water-related data necessary for adequate water basin
• Preparation of water balance and water quality assessment for the Zarafshon river basin;
• Assessment of the % river basin area covered by forest, scrubland and wetland (current
status, status 5 and 10 years ago, change in %);
• Describe the current deficits in water and land management, identifying the missing
information and determining the infrastructure needed to meet future information needs;
• Feed in the quantitative data and information collected, treated and digitized into the water
balance application of the National Water Information Szstem and into the water allocation
model to inform the review of the Zarafshon river basin management plan based on
scenarios (balance and hydro(geo)logical simulation models) taking into account socio-
economic and ecological decision criteria;
• Development of prioritization selection criteria that considers the water management
conditions in an integrated manner and, potentially, additional criteria (i.e. cost-benefit
analysis) to identify priority IWRM measures in the short, medium and long term to be
included in river basin management plans;
• Description and assessment of selected management measures through cost/benefit
analysis to evaluate the effectiveness of the potential and benefits of individual measures
(e.g. water supply and demand management strategies, optimization of water volume
management, technologies for more water use and economic incentive systems for
consumers, improvement of the water quality of flowing waters and reservoirs);
• General recommendations for sustainable water management (i.e. water supply and
demand management strategies) based on water quantity and quality assessment carried
out in the Zarafshon river basin;
• Generate a catalogue of thematic maps in a publication-ready updated 3.0 edition of the
Zarafshon Basin Atlas.

Milestone 3: Zarafshon RBO staff produces an updated water balance for the Zarafshon river
basin and uses a water allocation tool that accounts for glacier and snow melt and surface
hydrological processes to inform water resources planning.

Activities contributing to Milestone 3:

• Assist the RBO and, in case it is needed, to MEWR staff in producing the water balance
for the Zarafshon river basin using the water balance application of the National Water
Information System and provide the necessary trainings to RBO staff to ensure the regular
Subject of the tender procedure: Water Resources
Transaction number: 81287282

use and update of the water balance for the purpose of adequate water resources
• Assist the data input for the production of the water balance by using the data collected
and produced by third party providers, paying particular attention to data and forecasts
related to snow and glacier melt.
• Assist through logisictical arrangments and technical support the works and training
events provided by a third party provider on the coupling of the WEAP water allocation
model to an open-source river basin model SPHY that explicitly accounts for snow and
glacier melt processes and set up adequate model chains across models to enable water
resource management decision making.
• Assist the development of a water allocation decision support framework for river basin
decision making, and the development of guidelines for its use.
• Provide necessary on-the job training for the RBO staff on the updating of the water
balance and use of hydrological modelling software (i.e. SPHY, WEAP) that will be used
by Zarafshon RBO staff, in collaboration with third party providers and development
partners collaborating with GIZ in the Zarafshon River Basin.

Inputs to be provided by GIZ relevant to Milestone 3:

• International expertise in comprehensive hydrological modelling linking mountain

hydrology with surface water systems.
• Sharing of information and linkage to the National Water Information System housed at
the national level within the MEWR.

Work package 3: Capacity Building

Within the framework provided by the Capacity Development Strategy for the Water Sector in
Tajikistan, WP3 aims to strengthen the capacities of the water sector at the individual,
institutional and society levels. WP3 is assigned to and contributes to output indicators 1.5.2
and 1.5.5.

In this sense, WP3 supports MEWR to fulfill its water resources management mandate and its
ability to carry out a continuous and sustainable process of water sector reform into the future.
WP3 supports RBOs in Zarafshon and Vakhsh river basins and corresponding River Basin
Council member institutions to enhance their ability to participate in river basin decision-making
processes and to mainstream river basin management plans into development plans.

WP3 envisions a set of capacity development and training initiatives through different
modalities and types of content to assist the implementation of the abovementioned Capacity
Development Strategy for the Water Sector, most notably, through long-term and short-term
trainings targeted at professionals that should participate in the process of formulating,
implementing, monitoring and evaluation RBMP and ulterior implementation of development
plans, and carry the water sector reform process into the future. The overall aim is to create
and maintain a critical mass of professional working in the water sector in different relevant
institutions that can introduce an integrated and holistic approach to water resources
management in Tajikistan.

The implementation of WP3 will be guided by the principles of sustainability and practicality.
The contractor should guide capacity development efforts to be ultimately implemented by local
academic institutions with already built-in expertise. Partnerships between academic, research
Subject of the tender procedure: Water Resources
Transaction number: 81287282

and water sector institutions will be facilitated to enhance the sustainability of the process. The
contractor should build capacity efforts with a practical approach to facilitate the absorption of
theoretical concepts and approaches related to Integrated Water Resources Management. On
the ground and learning-exchange activities should be promoted.

Finally, WP3 aims to improve the environmental education of water users, mainly youth and
farmers. An environmental education and communication strategy for the RBOs must be
drawn, communicational products developed and awareness raising events and activities
carried out along with farmers and the youth to increase resilience of local production and
water resources and environmental protection. The aim of such initiatives and materials is that
farmers develop a sense of care for the basin in addition to their inherent nature as water users.

The milestones and deadlines that make up Work Package 3 are detailed in the table below
and a list of activities contributing to each milestone is further developed thereafter:

Milestones for work package 3 Delivery date/period

Milestone 1: An Integrated Water Resources Within 6 months after the start of the contract
Management School is functioning at TAU
University to produce a critical mass of
professionals with a solid foundation of
Integrated Water Resources Management and
its applicability in their area of work/expertise

Milestone 1: An Integrated Water Resources Management School is functioning at TAU

University to produce a critical mass of professionals with a solid foundation of Integrated
Water Resources Management and its applicability in their area of work/expertise

Activities contributing to Milestone 1:

• Implement the design of the Integrated Water Resources Management School (IWRM
School) developed by a third-party company and use the digital tools and platform
developed to assist the implementation of the training education.
• Assess the capacity of the individuals before and after undertaking training at the IWRM
School to assess individual capacity improvements.
• Prepare training materials and provide the trainings to selected students on a combined
online and off-line modality, including the organization of cross visits and/or study tours to
support experiential learning of selected students along with MEWR, and other water-
relevant stakeholder authorities.
• Create a sustainable model of alumni network of IWRM School graduates and launch the
network with the first cohort of graduates.

Inputs to be provided by GIZ relevant to Milestone 1:

• The design, concept and training content materials of the IWRM School ready for
implementation with the local stakeholders.
Subject of the tender procedure: Water Resources
Transaction number: 81287282

• Digital tools and platform to assist the implementation of the IWRM School.

Work package 4: Water-resilient food systems

WP4 aims to improve access to irrigation water for small-scale farmers, their adaptive capacity
and resilience against climate change and increase their water productivity through water
efficiency and disaster risk preparedness interventions at river basin and local levels. WP4 is
assigned to and contributes to output indicators 1.5.1, 1.5.2, 1.5.3, 1.5.5 and 1.5.6.

Improved access to water for irrigation and irrigation efficiency technology will be tailored
according to results and recommendations resulting from studies and assessments and the
river basin management formulation process under WP1.

At the farmer level, WP4 aims to promote the implementation of pilots that are suitable to
showcase improvements in water access, water efficiency, water accounting and improved
agricultural practices with a solid base to improve water resources management at the farmer

Interventions should follow economic evidence and prioritize sites with high economic potential
for local value chain development. The purchase of water technology to improve access to and
efficient use of irrigation water is envisaged to assist the development of a sustainable model
of improved access and management of water resources that improves the resilience and
adaptive capacity of farmers, to reduce the cost of irrigation to farmers and increase their water

The milestones and deadlines that make up Work Package 4 are detailed in the table below
and a list of activities contributing to each milestone is further developed therafter:

Milestones for work package 4 Delivery date/period

Milestone 1: Results and recommendations
resulting from studies and assessments aimed
at exploring improved water access to and Within 4 months after the start of the contract
efficiency of irrigation water serve to introduce
new water technologies to improve small-scale
farmers’ access and efficienct use of irrigation
water at specific plots/irrigation schemes.
Milestone 2: Technologies to improve small-
scale farmers’ access and efficient use of Within 12 months after the start of the contract
irrigation water are implemented and sustainable
business models explored to facilitate their
Milestone 3: Water productivity of small-scale
farmers and knowledge of agricultural water Within 20 months after the start of the contract
tariffs has improved among small-scale farmers.

Milestone 1: Results and recommendations resulting from studies and assessments aimed at
exploring improved water access to and efficiency of irrigation water serve to introduce new
water technologies to improve small-scale farmers’ access and efficienct use of irrigation water
at specific plots/irrigation schemes.
Subject of the tender procedure: Water Resources
Transaction number: 81287282

Activities contributing to Milestone 1:

• Assess current water access and irrigation efficiency practices and conditions and
development potential of selected irrigation schemes and demonstration plots in
Zarafshon and Upper Vakhsh river basins through interviews, field visits and economic
analysis, with a focus on IRDP/TRIGGER supported crops that play an important role
for income generation among small-scale farmers.
• Assess irrigation water accounting challenges and sustainability issues, and propose
alternative ways to address them and corresponding technologies to measure water
consumption by irrigation schemes.
• Carry out field surveys to verify previously defined key performance water and
economic resilience parameters on existing schemes and assess their development
potential, including items such as water storage capacity, dam and canal structures,
main leakage points, capacity of canals, hydraulic design of canals, inflows to the
reservoir, capacity to capture water, rain harvesting potential, groundwater potential,
energy consumption costs, etc.
• Estimate the potential for and feasibility of increasing the water supply and/or improving
the performance (at current supply levels) in the analysed schemes.
• Identify and review relevant (informal) rights/entitlements to water sources and/or
regulations that may potentially limit the development scope of existing schemes.
• Select and prioritise irrigation schemes and improvement works on the basis of cost-
benefit analysis.
• Prepare preliminary designs and cost estimates for proposed water technologies aimed
at improving water access and efficiency.
• Provide preliminary estimates of the expected benefits from improvement of selected
irrigation schemes, in terms of potential increase in beneficiaries, increased water
supply, regularity of water, resilience to climatic variations, acreage irrigated, etc.
focusing on crops used by farmers and promoted through the value chain promotion
activities in IRDP/TRIGGER.

Inputs to be provided by GIZ relevant to Milestone 1:

Water-related studies and water-resilience assessments

Milestone 2: Technologies to improve small-scale farmers’ access and efficient use of

irrigation water are implemented and sustainable business models explored to facilitate their

Activities contributing to Milestone 2:

• Develop a feasibility study to introduce new proposed water access and irrigation
efficiency technology
Subject of the tender procedure: Water Resources
Transaction number: 81287282

• Support the demonstration of proposed water technologies in small-scale farm plots

with farmers and village advisors2 motivated to receive training and benefit from
measures aimed at improving irrigation water access and efficiency.
• Assess irrigation efficiency and overall water productivity improvements of beneficiaries
who benefitted from the new water technology and the contribution of their water
productivity improvements to the overall economic resilience of farmers. Organize
exchange visits to analyse lessons and economic incentives to adopt the new
technologies with farming communities, village advisors and other stakeholders,
including other implementing partners from the IRDP/TRIGGER Project.
• Propose interventions aimed at improving access to water and irrigation water
efficiency (water productivity) in farmer fields where IRDP/TRIGGER Output 2
interventions are already taking place, based on river basin management plan
directions and potential improvements in water productivity and key performance water
and economic resilience parameters.
• Validate the proposed farmer-relevant interventions with involved stakeholders and
IRDP/TRIGGER implementing partners and accompany the proposed interventions
with a detailed description of the action, a cost-benefit analysis and a sustainable
business model that facilitates the implementation of the proposed actions, including
the feasibility for public-private partnerships, where there is potential for it.
• Develop knowledge products drawing on lessons learned of good practices on applied
processes and sustainable business models (including public-private partnerships, if it
is the case) that bring water technology to small-scale farmers, improving their access
to irrigation water, irrigation efficiency and techniques in small-scale farmer fields.
• Facilitate/coach the implementation of pilot interventions with selected stakeholders,
including other IRDP/TRIGGER implementing partners.

Milestone 3: Water productivity of small-scale farmers and knowledge of agricultural water

tariffs has improved among small-scale farmers.

Activities contributing to Milestone 3:

• Assess the capacity of small-scale farmers and producer groups to manage and
operate the new water access and irrigation efficiency technologies in an equitable,
transparent and sustainable manner, and identify any particular constraints.
• Assess the quality of technical support and extension services provided by the relevant
irrigation authorities.
• Review the needs for capacity strengthening of small-scale farmers and producer
groups in relation to the new water access and irrigation efficiency technology that is
proposed to be introduced.
• Outline the existing/preferred model for how maintenance and repairs will be financed,
managed and implemented for each water technology introduced.

2 A village advisor is an agronomist or experienced farmer who provides agricultural advisory services
to small-scale farmers. The village advisory model was established to provide advisory services for
smallholder farmers, who might not have access to fee-based extension service providers like
Subject of the tender procedure: Water Resources
Transaction number: 81287282

• Provide and facilitate institutional and technical trainings to small-scale farmers,

producer groups and village advisors on the use of the proposed water technology and
asses capacity development improvements.
• Provide training on to improve irrigation water flow measurements.
• Accompany pilot interventions with training to relevant stakeholders and other
implementing partners from IRDP/TRIGGER Project involved in the actions on access
to water and distribution technology, irrigation efficiency techniques and climate-smart
digital technologies.
• Raise awareness of basic concepts related to water productivity to facilitate future
transition to future metered irrigation water tariffs.
• Develop a knowledge and communication product easily understandable for water
users that comprises the set of trainings offered to water users during the pilot

2.1. Additional tasks to be performed by the contractor

The contractor is expected to carry out the following tasks across the four (4) WP:

• Intensive coordination with the Water Output Team of the IRDP/TRIGGER Project.
• Intensive coordination with other development partners providing technical assistance
to MEWR and with presence in Zarafshon and Vakhsh river basins within the framework
of RDP II.
• Selection, preparation, further training and management of the international and
national long- and short-term specialists deployed to carry out the advisory tasks.
• Assist the monitoring and document the work progress of WP 1, 2, 3 and 4 and the
contributions to the Output and Project indicators.
• Ensuring the impact monitoring and evaluation system support for the implementation
of the selected interventions of the water management plans in the two selected
catchment areas.
• Support IRDP/TRIGGER’s knowledge management by feeding in the methods and
instruments developed and used, products developed and lessons learned into the
relevant knowledge management platforms developed by IRDP/TRIGGER.
• Support Water Output communication and awareness raising efforts to get key
messages across to the Project’s target audiences.
• Participation in events and collaboration in Working Groups at regional level (Central
Asia) and national level (Tajikistan) to communicate Water Output work and provide
technical advice in the subjects of work of the contractor.
• Quality assurance of service provided to the Project.
• Special reporting as required at the request of the IRDP/TRIGGER Project.
• Participation and support to Water Output and IRDP/TRIGGER Project Team in the
preparation and implementation of the Output and Project Operational Planning.
• Supporting the IRDP/TRIGGER and Water Output Team in the preparation and
implementation of a Project Evaluation or Audit with especial emphasis on processing
the results and impact of the area of responsibility according to Project Evaluation
• Administrative backstopping to the Water Output Team.
• Expense, cost control, accounting and invoicing according to GIZ requirements.
Subject of the tender procedure: Water Resources
Transaction number: 81287282

3. Technical-methodological concept

In the conceptual design of the tender (technical-methodological approach, project

management, if necessary other requirements), the tenderer is required to take specific
objectives and requirements into consideration and describe them, as explained below.

In the tender, the tenderer is required to show how the specified targets and results are to be
achieved with the work packages in the tender (see section 2). For this purpose, the tenderer
should consider the following five factors: strategy, cooperation, steering structure, processes
and learning and innovation (sections 3.1 to 3.5). In addition, the tenderer must describe the
design of the project management system in the narrower sense (section 3.6). The tenderer
should avoid repeating information from existing documents. The restrictions on the number of
pages given in section 6 of these ToRs must be followed.

3.1. Strategy (section 1.1 of the assessment grid)

The strategy is the core element of the technical-methodological concept.

The tenderer is required to interpret the targets that it is responsible for and provide a critical
appraisal of the task (section 1.1.1 of the assessment grid). Subsequently, the tenderer must
describe and justify the strategy it intends to use to achieve the milestones, targets and results
that it is responsible for (see section 2) by means of the work packages described in section 2
(section 1.1.2 of the assessment grid). The tenderer should avoid repeating information from
the description of the implementation approach (see section 3.6).

3.2. Cooperation (section 1.2 of the assessment grid)

The tenderer must describe the relevant actors (partners and others) for the service in the
tender and their interactions (section 1.2.1 of the assessment grid). The tenderer is required
to develop a concept that shows how the cooperation with these actors is to be established
and put into practice (section 1.2.2 of the assessment grid). The project’s cooperation
arrangements referred to in section 1 must be taken into consideration. A map of actors has
been developed by the Project and can be found in Annex B of this ToR.

3.3. Steering structure (section 1.3 of the assessment grid)

The tenderer is required to describe and explain its approach and its method for steering the
measures with the partners involved in delivering the services set out in the tender (section
1.3.1 of the assessment grid).

The contractor plays an active role in the results-based monitoring of the project. The tenderer
is therefore required to describe how it will monitor the results in its area of responsibility
(section 2) in a way that corresponds with the client’s expectations and specifications. It must
also describe the related challenges (section 1.3.2 of the assessment grid).

3.4. Processes (section 1.4 of the assessment grid)

The tenderer is required to present the processes in the sector that are relevant to the services
in the tender, if necessary, on the basis of existing documents (see annexes) (section 1.4.1 of
the assessment grid). Here, the tenderer must include a critical appraisal of the contribution
made by the services in the tender to the processes in the sector and identify particularly
Subject of the tender procedure: Water Resources
Transaction number: 81287282

promising starting points for generating possible leverage (section 1.4.2. of the assessment

3.5. Learning and innovation (section 1.5 of the assessment grid)

The tenderer must describe its contribution to knowledge management in the project and at
GIZ (section 1.5.1 of the assessment grid). The following tasks are to be taken into

• Contributions to conferences.
• The contractor’s experts are actively involved in GIZ’s sector networks.
• The contractor expresses willingness, if required, to support project assistants,
consultants or staff members on temporary placements who undertake special tasks for
the project.
• The contractor provides support in implementing project, monitoring and evaluation with
special emphasis on ensuring the effectiveness of the knowledge management process.
• The bidder should also present and explain measures to promote horizontal or vertical
scaling up effects.

In addition, the tenderer is required to present and explain measures that promote horizontal
or vertical scaling-up (section 1.5.2 of the assessment grid).

3.6. The contractor’s project management activities (section 1.6 of the assessment

In its tender, the bidder is required to describe its approach and procedure for coordination
with and within the project (section 1.6.1 of the assessment grid).

The tenderer is required to draw up and explain an operational plan, which also includes a plan
for the assignment of all the experts included in its tender, for implementing the strategy
described in section 3.1. The operational plan must include the assignment times (periods and
expert days) and assignment locations of the individual experts and, in particular, describe the
necessary work stages. It must also take into consideration and, if necessary, add to the
milestones in section 2 (section 1.6.2 of the assessment grid).

The tenderer is required to describe its backstopping concept. The positions of the technical
and administrative back stoppers (max. 2 people) must be backed up with meaningful short
CVs. (Section 1.6.3 of the assessment grid).

The following services are part of the standard backstopping package and must be factored
into the fees for the staff listed in the tender as ancillary staff costs in accordance with GIZ’s
General Terms and Conditions:

• The contractor’s responsibility for its seconded staff

• Ensuring the flow of information between GIZ and the contractor’s seconded staff
• Process-based technical-conceptual management of the consultancy inputs
• Managing adaptations to changing conditions
• Monitoring performance
• Ensuring the provision of project administration services
• Ensuring compliance with reporting requirements
Subject of the tender procedure: Water Resources
Transaction number: 81287282

• Specialist support for the on-site team from the contractor’s staff
• Sharing and making local use of the lessons learned by the contractor

Project Management specifications:

• The contractor is responsible for selecting, preparing, training and steering the experts
assigned to perform the consultancy tasks.
• The contractor provides equipment and supplies/non-durable items and assumes the
associated operating and administrative costs.
• The contractor will manage expenditures and costs, accounting processes and invoicing
in accordance with GIZ’s requirements.
• The contractor will report regularly to the client in accordance with the General Terms and
Conditions of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.

In addition to the reports specified in the GIZ General Terms and Conditions, the contractor
submits the following reports:
• Contributions to reports to GIZ’s commissioning party (BMZ) and to co-funding donor, the
European Union.
• Brief quarterly reports on the implementation status of the project (5-7 pages)

3.7. Sustainability requirements (section 1.7 of the assessment grid)

The tenderer is required to demonstrate how it will ensure that the project activities are
sustainable in the sense that the processes initiated or supported by the Project are long lasting
and maintained in time and how it will implement them in a way that avoids or reduces
unintended negative results and promotes gender equality.

In its tender, the contractor is required to outline from its perspective the key possible
unintended negative results in its area of responsibility and, where relevant, in the following
areas: the environment, climate change (adaptation and mitigation), conflict and context
sensitivity, human rights and gender equality. It must also discuss in greater detail the
mitigation effects that will result from the key mitigation measures described in section 2. In the
area of gender equality, the tenderer is also required to consider these aspects with regard to
potential areas for support and corresponding support measures from section 2.

Requirement: Environment – 2 points out of a possible total of 10 points.

Requirement: Climate change – 3 points out of a possible total of 10 points.

Requirement: Conflict and context sensitivity – 3 points out of a possible total of 10 points.

Requirement: Gender equality – 2 points out of a possible total of 10 points.

3.8. Further requirements (section 1.8 of the assessment grid)

The tenderer is required to explain and, as far as possible, provide specific evidence of how it
will make use of national resources (for example national institutions, network partners etc.) as
part of the service delivery and how they will make use of CAPACITY WORKS as a method
for the implementation of Project activities.
Subject of the tender procedure: Water Resources
Transaction number: 81287282

4. Human resources

4.1. Specified human resources concept

The tenderer is required to provide staff for the positions (‘experts’ and ‘expert pools’ ) referred
to and described here in terms of the scope of tasks and qualifications on the basis of
corresponding CVs (see section 6).

Schematic Figure 1 below summarizes the human resources concept.

Pool 1

Team Leader

Dushanbe Office

Regional River Basin Regional Coordinator
Coordinator Planning Expert (Upper Vakhsh Office)
Zarafshon Office Dushanbe Office Upper Vakhsh Office

Pool 2

Figure 1. Human Resources Concept

One (1) international team leader will lead a team of international short-term experts and
national long-term and short-term experts. International short-term experts (Expert Pool 1) are
expected to provide technical guidance and backstopping to national short-term experts
(Expert Pool 2) and long-term experts as needed. National long-term professionals should be
two (2) Regional Coordinators based in Zarafshon and Upper Vakhsh River Basins and one
(1) national long-term expert based in Dushanbe, who will provide technical support and
backstopping to Regional Coordinators and overall river basin processes. In additional, three
(3) clerical, administrative assistance positions in Dushanbe and in Zarafshon and Upper
Vakhsh offices are expected.
Subject of the tender procedure: Water Resources
Transaction number: 81287282

Working times and duration of the assignments are to be flexibly coordinated with GIZ Output
1.5 Team. The specialists deployed by the Contractor must not only have experience to the
extent and specialist areas mentioned, they must have interdisciplinary thinking and action in
climate-sensitive water resources management and have experience in development
cooperation working along with local and international development partners. In addition, they
should also have the sociocultural skills required for the Tajik context. Knowledge of the Tajik
sectors of water, energy, agriculture, climate and the environment policy and operational levels
is desirable.

Business fluent command of English, Russian/Tajik languages (C1 level), both spoken and
written are required for the International Team Leader, the River Basin Planning Expert and
Regional Coordinators. A customer-oriented, independent and autonomous proactive
professional, driven by efficient action are desired.

The qualifications listed below are the requirements for achieving the maximum number of
points in the specialist assessment.

An apropriate balance of gender is desired (will not be evaluated)

Expert 1: International Team leader (section 2.1 of the assessment grid)

A statement of availability for this expert must be attached to the tender as an annex.

Tasks of the Team Leader:

• Overall responsibility for the advisory packages of the contractor
• Supporting Output 1.5 team in developing and adjusting the operational plan for the
implementation of activities in coordination with Output 1.5 team.
• Technical and strategic advisory on water policy, river basin governance and integrated
water resources management.
• Taking cross-cutting themes into consideration (for example, climate resilience and gender
• Ensuring the coherence and complementarity of the contractor’s services with other
services delivered by the project at local, national and regional levels
• Quality assurance of design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of capacity
development measures for local partners in the areas of integrated water resources
management, water productivity (irrigation efficience), climate/water resilience, nexus.
• Staff management, in particular identifying the need for short-term assignments within the
available budget, planning and managing the assignments and supporting local and
international experts
• Monitor and document work progress and ensuring monitoring procedures take place
• Regular reporting in accordance with deadlines
• Responsibility for checking the use of funds and financial planning in consultation with the
Output 1.5 team at GIZ
• Supporting the officer responsible for the commission in updating and/or adapting the
project strategy, operational planning, monitoring, evaluations and in preparing a follow-on
phase, if necessary
• Maintaining contact with other donors and coordinating work steps with key stakeholders
and transparency with partners, in coordination with Output 1.5 team
• Supporting Output 1.5 team in developing and adapting the operational plan
Subject of the tender procedure: Water Resources
Transaction number: 81287282

• Regular and timely reporting in accordance with GIZ specifications

• Responsibility for the use fo funds and financial planning in consultation with Output 1.5 of
GIZ Team
• Advice on the design of pilot projects and national and local levels
• Processing learning experiences to optimize policies and guidelines relevant to Work
Packages 1 through 4.
• Support Output 1.5 WC team in updating and/or adapting the conception of the project,
and crafting a coherence water security and resilience narrative for Output 1.5 that feeds
in studies, assessment and products produced under Output 1.5.
• Ensuring that contractor’s consultants understand and use the basic tools and success
factors of Capacity Works
• Overall coordination and supervision of river basin processes in Zarafshon and Upper
Vakhsh river basins and supervision of Regional Coordinators work

Qualifications of the Team Leader

• Education/training (2.1.1): University degree (bachelor’s/master’s) in water resources

management, climate, environmental sciences, geographyor economics.
• Languages (2.1.2): Knowledge of English at C1 level (5 points out of 10 points) and Russian
and/or Tajik at C1 level (5 points out of 10 points) in the Common European Framework of
Reference for Languages
• General professional experience (2.1.3): 10 years of professional experience in the water
• Specific professional experience (2.1.4): 10 years of professional experience in integrated
water resources management
• Leadership/management experience (2.1.5): 10 years of management/leadership
experience as project team leader or manager in a company or water management
• Regional experience (2.1.6): work experience in the Central Asia region (region), of which
2 years in Tajikistan
• Development cooperation (DC) experience (2.1.7): 10 years of experience working on DC
• Other (2.1.8): Not applicable

National long-term professionals

The contractor will provide on-site 3 long-term professionals based in Dushanbe,

Ayni/Panjikant (Zarafshon river basin) and Rasht (Upper Vakhsh river basin), respectively. The
Regional Coordinators at river basin level coordinate with the International Team Leader, and
cooperate closely with the Water Output Team. The role of the Regional Coordinators is aimed
at coordinating project interventions in each river basin. The role of the River Basin Planning
Expert is to provide support and technical backstopping of river basin processes related to the
formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of river basin management plans in
Zarafshon and Upper Vakhsh River Basins.

Expert 2: River Basin Planning National Expert (Section 2.2 of the assessment grid)

A statement of availability for this expert must be attached to the tender as an annex.
Subject of the tender procedure: Water Resources
Transaction number: 81287282

Tasks of Expert 2
• Overall coordination and support of river basin processes in Zarafshon and Upper Vakhsh
river basins and support of Regional Coordinators work.
• Day-to-day liason between regional river basin coordinators and team leader and Output
1.5 Team.
• Addressing the tasks identified in the roadmap to revise the river basin management plan
for the Zarafshon River Basin
• After conducting additional studies to improve the analysis of the upper Vakhsh basin,
develop a roadmap for the preparation of collection and analysis of data
• Draw lessons learned from implementation activities across both river basins
• Assist in the drafting of river basin management plans, mainstreaming of river basin
management plans into development plans
• Support the incorporation of a climate change approach into river basin management
processes and facilitate linkages across national and river basin levels.
• Propose river basin interventions and review project feasbility studies aimed at improving
water access and efficiency of small-scale farmers.
• Coordiante inputs from both river basins and ensure coherence between river basin
processes and other technical assistance initiatives provided by the Project to MEWR at
national level.
• Conduct stakeholder consultations at national and river basin levels, as necessary.
• Ensure the implementation of roadmaps for formulation and review of river basin
management plans thorough a robust participatory approach and methodology.
• Act as technical back stopper for river basin management processes, including, the review
of hydrology, climate change resilience, incorporating the water balance and allocation into
river basin management planning.
• Assist the drafting of Project’s knowledge products.

Qualifications of Expert 2.
• Education/training (2.2.1): University degree (bachelor’s/master’s) in water resources
management; hydraulic, agricultural or environmental engineering, geography or
• Languages (2.2.2): Knowledge of English at B2 level (5 points out of 10 points), and
Russian (2.5 points out of 10 points) and Tajik (2.5 points out of 10 points) at C1 level in
the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
• General professional experience (2.2.3): 10 years of professional experience in the water
resources sector.
• Specific professional experience (2.2.4): 10 years of professional experience in applied
technical knowledge related to river basin planning and management..
• Leadership/management experience (2.2.5): not applicable
• Regional experience (2.2.6): not applicable
• Development cooperation (DC) experience (2.2.7): 10 years of experience working on DC
• Other (2.2.8): not applicable

Expert 3: Zarafshon River Basin Coordinator (Section 2.3 of the assessment grid)

A statement of availability for this expert must be attached to the tender as an annex.
Subject of the tender procedure: Water Resources
Transaction number: 81287282

Tasks of Expert 3:
• Coordinate and supervise project implementation in Zarafshon river basin.
• Assist the implementation of training activities aimed at building capacity of the RBO
Team and main RBC stakeholders to carry out and participate in main river basin
decision-making processes.
• Carry out awareness raising and advocacy among relevant local stakeholders to
promote the implementation of project activities at river basin level
• Facilitate cooperation and consolidation of an institutional framework between the river
basin RBO and RBC.
• Assist the participatory process of review of the Zarafshon river basin management
plan, as well as lead the drafting process and ensure its mainstreaming into local
development plans relevant for small-scale farmers.
• Assist and coordinate the coupling of the water balance and allocation model during
the formulation and review process of river basin management plans
• Assist the development of annual reports from RBO and the development of the
monitoring and evaluation framework of the river basin management plans.
• Review prefeasibility studies and advise the design of project interventions related to
improving access and use of water resources for irrigation.
• Coordinate data collection and information sharing across local partners regarding
climate, water resources and land management to facilitate river basin management
plan formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.
• Facilitate interventions to improve water access, irrigation water efficiency contributing
to overall farmer productivity
• Recruit and manage national short-term experts from Expert Pools operating at the
river basin level and supervise their work.
• Perform other tasks as required by the Water Output Team

Qualifications of Expert 3:
• Education/training (2.3.1): University degree (bachelor’s/master’s) in water resources
management; hydraulic, agricultural or environmental engineering, geography or
• Languages (2.3.2): Knowledge of English at B2 level (5 out of 10 points) and Russian (2.5
out of 10 points) and Tajik (2.5 out of 10 points) at C1 level in the Common European
Framework of Reference for Languages
• General professional experience (2.3.3): 5 years of professional experience in the water
resources sector.
• Specific professional experience (2.3.4): 5 years of professional experience in water
resources planning and projects to improve water access and irrigation efficiency.
• Leadership/management experience (2.3.5): 5 years of management experience as project
• Regional experience (2.3.6): not applicable
• Development cooperation (DC) experience (2.3.7): 5 years of experience working on DC
• Other (2.3.8): not applicable

Expert 4: Upper Vakhsh River Basin Coordinator (Section 2.4 of the assessment grid)

A statement of availability for this expert must be attached to the tender as an annex.
Subject of the tender procedure: Water Resources
Transaction number: 81287282

Tasks of Expert 4:
• Coordinate and supervise project implementation in Upper Vakhsh river basin.
• Assist the implementation of training activities aimed at building capacity of the RBO
Team and main RBC stakeholders to carry out and participate in main river basin
decision-making processes.
• Carry out awareness raising and advocacy among relevant local stakeholders to
promote the implementation of project activities at river basin level
• Facilitate cooperation and consolidation of an institutional framework between the river
basin RBO and RBC.
• Assist the participatory process of formulation of the Upper Vakhsh river basin
management plan, as well as lead the drafting process and ensure its mainstreaming
into local development plans relevant for small-scale farmers.
• Assist the development of annual reports from RBO and the development of the
monitoring and evaluation framework of the river basin management plans.
• Review prefeasibility studies and advise the design of project interventions related to
improving access and use of water resources for irrigation.
• Coordinate data collection and information sharing across local partners regarding
climate, water resources and land management to facilitate river basin management
plan formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.
• Facilitate interventions to improve water access, irrigation water efficiency contributing
to overall farmer productivity
• Recruit and manage national short-term experts from Expert Pools operating at the
river basin level and supervise their work.
• Perform other tasks as required by the Water Output Team

Qualifications of Expert 4:
• Education/training (2.4.1): University degree (bachelor’s/master’s) in water resources
management; hydraulic, agricultural or environmental engineering, geography or
• Languages (2.4.2): Knowledge of English at B2 level (5 out of 10 points) and Russian (2.5
out of 10 points) and Tajik (2.5 out of 10 points) at C1 level in the Common European
Framework of Reference for Languages
• General professional experience (2.4.3): 5 years of professional experience in the water
resources sector.
• Specific professional experience (2.4.4): 5 years of professional experience in water
resources planning and projects to improve water access and irrigation efficiency.
• Leadership/management experience (2.4.5): 5 years of management experience as project
• Regional experience (2.4.6): not applicable
• Development cooperation (DC) experience (2.4.7): 5 years of experience working on DC
• Other (2.4.8): not applicable

International Expert Pool 1: ‘International short-term Experts’ with 7 experts

The international short-term experts will work jointly with the Water Output Team and national
long-term and short-term experts/assistants. In-country experts will be the eyes on the ground
of the international short/term experts.
Subject of the tender procedure: Water Resources
Transaction number: 81287282

The contractor offers the experts required in this International Expert Pool 1 with the
necessary qualifications (minimum standards for the deployment of the international
short-term experts), however, these will not be technically evaluated.

Tasks of the International Expert Pool 1:

• Provide technical backstopping to the national experts (long-term and short-term)
and the Water Output Team in the following areas: communication and visibility,
knowledge management, monitoring and evaluation, organizational development
and capacity building, water finance and investments, water resources modelling
and allocation and irrigation water economics.
• Support the technical implementation of project activities described in
Workpackages 1, 2, 3 and 4.
• Support the continuous testing and revision of project activities described in
Workpackages 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Qualifications of the International Expert Pool 1:

• Education/training:
o 1 expert with a university degree (bachelor’s/master’s) in Communication or
Educational Sciences.
o 1 expert with a university degree (bachelor’s/master’s) in Business Administration,
Library Management, Statistics, Information Systems, Public Policy, Human
Resources, Sociology or other social sciences;
o 1 expert with a university degree (bachelor’s/master’s) in Business Administration,
Information Management, Economics/Econometrics, Project Management,
Finance or other similar academic background relevant to monitoring and
o 1 expert with a university degree (bachelor’s/master’s) in Engineering, Economics
or other relevant subject with professional qualification or background in Strategic
Change Management;
o 1 expert with a university degree (bachelor’s/master’s) in Water Resources
Management, Economics, Finance or Business Administration;
o 1 expert with a university degree (bachelor’s/master’s) in hydrology, hydrogeology,
engineering or related water reosurces management field;
o 1 expert with a university degree (bachelor’s/master’s) in Economics, Agricultural
Economics, Agribusiness and Management, Business Management/Administration
or any related field to the economics of agriculture.
• Language:
o All experts have knowledge of English at C1 level in the Common European
Framework of Reference for Languages.
• General professional experience:
o 1 expert with 10 years of professional experience in the communications sector;
o 1 expert with 10 years of professional experience in knowledge management;
o 1 expert with 10 years of professional experience in monitoring and evaluation in
development cooperation projects;
o 1 expert with 10 years of professional experience working in organizational capacity
development of water institutions and integrated water resources management;
o 1 expert with 10 years of professional experience in the financial aspects of
integrated water resources management, climate change and conservation;
o 1 expert with 10 years of professional experience in hydrological modelling and
water allocation;
Subject of the tender procedure: Water Resources
Transaction number: 81287282

o 1 expert with 10 years of professional experience in irrigation economics.

• Specific professional experience:
o 1 expert with 5 years of professional experience in solid overall computer literacy,
including proficiency in various MS Office applications (Excel, Word, etc.);
email/internet; familiarity with photo/video editing, illustration and web design
o 1 expert with 5 years of professional experience in using cutting edge knowledge
management tools and practices in development cooperation projects or programs
related to water, clmate and rural development, and ability to explain to others, in
pragmatic “how to” language, the relevance of knowledge and learning and the
value of “knowledge communities”;
o 1 expert with 5 years of professional experience using in statistical design and
quantitative analysis, Windows, Microsoft Office Suite (including MS Excel, Power
Point and Access);
o 1 expert with 5 years of professional experience related to capacity building and the
organisation and management of water institutions, including proven experience in
the design of organisation structures, systems and procedures, and the planning of
change management in water institutions;
o 1 expert with 5 years of experience with international financial mechanisms applied
to integrated water resources management, climate change, water funds and
processes related to their design and implementation;
o 1 expert with 5 years of experience with WEAP hydrological modelling tool, aspects
of water allocation, the production of river basin water balances and the main
aspects of mountain hydrology;
o 1 expert with 5 years of experience in economic and financial analysis, irrigation
project feasibility, appraisal and evaluation, cost benefit and financial analysis,
preferably in development cooperation projects.
• Leadership/management experience: not applicable
• Regional experience: not applicable
• Development cooperation (DC) experience: not applicable
• Other: not applicable

National Expert pool 2: ‘National short-term experts’ with 14 experts

National short-term experts will work jointly with the Water Output Team, national long-term
experts and will seek guidance and technical backstopping from the international short-term
experts when necessary.

The contractor offers the experts required in this National Expert Pool 2 with the
necessary qualifications (minimum standards for the deployment of the national short-
term experts), however, these will not be technically evaluated.

Tasks of the National Expert Pool 2:

• Technical and didactical implementation of project activities described in
Workpackages 1, 2, 3 and 4.
• Continous testing and revision of project activities described in Workpackages 1, 2,
3 and 4.
• Implement technical backstopping guidance provided by the international short-
term experts, national long/ter experts and the Water Output Team.
Subject of the tender procedure: Water Resources
Transaction number: 81287282

Qualifications of the National Expert Pool 2:

• Education/training:
o 1 expert with a university degree (bachelor’s/master’s) in Communication or
educational sciences;
o 1 expert with a university degree in (bachelor’s/master’s) Business Administration,
Library Management, Statistics, Information Systems, Public Policy, HR, Sociology
or other social sciences;
o 1 expert with a university degree in (bachelor’s/master’s) Business Administration,
Information Management, Economics/Econometrics, Project Management,
Finance or other similar academic background relevant to monitoring and
o 1 expert in Engineering, Economics or other relevant subject with professional
qualification or background in Strategic Change Management;
o 1 expert with a university degree (bachelor’s/master’s) in Economics, Finance,
Business Administration or equivalent;
o 3 experts with a university degree (bachelor’s/master’s) in Economics, Agricultural
Economics, Agribusiness and Management, Business Management/Administration
or any related field to the economics of agriculture;
o 2 experts with a university degree (bachelor’s/master’s) in GIS, Remote Sensing,
Engineering, Cartography, Geo-informatics, Computer Science or related degrees
in the field of geography;
o 1 expert with a university degree in (bachelor’s/master’s) Information Technology,
or related degrees in the field of Computer Science or Engineering;
o 1 expert with a university degree (bachelor’s/master’s) in hydrology/hydrogeology;
o 1 expert with a university degree (bachelor’s/master’s) in biology, water resources
management, environmental sciences or similar background in natural resources
o 1 expert with a university degree (bachelor’s/master’s) in civil engineering,
environmental engineering, public health engineering, solid waste engineering or
relevant subject for the water supply and sanitation sub-sector.
• Language: Knowledge of English and Russian/Tajik at C1 level in the Common European
Framework of Reference for Languages for the national experts in the fields of
communications, knowledge management, monitoring and evaluation, capacity building,
water finance and irrigation experts. Knowledge of Russian and Tajik at C1 level in the
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages for the rest of national experts.
• General professional experience:
o 1 expert with 3 years of professional experience in the communications sector;
o 1 expert with 3 years of professional experience in knowledge management;
o 1 expert with 3 years of professional experience in monitoring and evaluation in
development cooperation projects;
o 1 expert with 5 years of professional experience working in organizational
development and capacity building of water institutions and integrated water
resources management;
o 1 expert with 5 years of professional experience in the financial aspects of
integrated water resources management, climate change and conservation;
o 3 experts with 10 years of professional experience in irrigation institutions and
o 2 experts with 5 years of professional experience in usage of ArcGIS, QGIS or other
relevant application for hazard mapping in the context of the water sector reform of
Subject of the tender procedure: Water Resources
Transaction number: 81287282

o 1 expert with 5 years of professional experience in Information and Communication

Technologies in the context of the water sector reform of Tajikistan;
o 1 expert with 10 years of professional experience in hydrology/hydrogeology and
ecology in the field of water resources in Tajikistan;
o 1 expert with at least 10 years of experience in various areas of ecology, climate
change, water quality and nature protection in Tajikistan;
o 1 expert with at least 10 years of experience in the water supply and sanitation sub-
• Specific professional experience:
o 1 expert with 3 years of solid overall computer literacy, including proficiency in
various MS Office applications (Excel, Word, etc.); email/internet; familiarity with
photo/video editing, illustration and web design software;
o 1 expert with 3 years of professional experience in using cutting edge knowledge
management tools and practices in development cooperation projects or programs
related to water, clmate and rural development, and ability to explain to others, in
pragmatic “how to” language, the relevance of knowledge and learning and the
value of “knowledge communities”;
o 1 expert with 3 years of professional experience using in statistical design and
quantitative analysis, Windows, Microsoft Office Suite (including MS Excel, Power
Point and Access);
o 1 expert with 5 years of professional experience related to capacity building and the
organisation and management of water institutions, including proven experience in
the design of organisation structures, systems and procedures, and the planning of
change management in water institutions;
o 1 expert with 5 years of experience with international financial mechanisms applied
to integrated water resources management, climate change, water funds and
processes related to their design and implementation;
o 3 experts with 10 years of experience in economic and financial analysis, irrigation
project feasibility, appraisal and evaluation, cost benefit and financial analysis,
preferably in development;
o 2 experts with 5 years of practical application of programs and software for
geographic information systems, development and design of GIS database
structures, space imagery processing and must be a water engineer, cartographer,
geographer or ecologist with experience in mapping and GIS technologies, and in
technical knowledge of spatial topics related to water, land, irrigation, ecology,
water resources management and allocation;
o 1 expert with 5 years of experience in Windows
95/98/Me/2000/2003/XP/Vista/7/8/10, MCBC, Network Administration, Designing
SCS, Administration, configuration and installation of Windows Server, Linux,
Mysql, MSSQL Server, Client-server application development skills, Database
administration and maintenance, backup copying of databases of software systems
o 1 expert with 10 years of experience in delaing with groundwater data, its quality,
amount and sources, departmental and economic mechanisms of water users, and
the hydrological state of the Zarafshon river basin;
o 1 expert with 10 years of experience in environmental protection, in particular
environmental data and their sources, sampling sites and water quality, adaptation
to climate change and protected areas in the Zarafshon river basin;
o 1 expert with at least 10 years of experience in supervision of water and sanitation
infrastructure or equivalent civil works, construction management and in
institutional, policy themes and social-economic aspects of water and sanitation.
• Leadership/management experience: not applicable
Subject of the tender procedure: Water Resources
Transaction number: 81287282

• Regional experience: not applicable

• Development cooperation (DC) experience: not applicable.
• Other: not applicable

Soft skills of team members

In addition to their specialist qualifications, all team members should also have the following
qualifications (will not be evaluated):

• Cooperation attitude
• Ability to work with minimal supervision
• Problem-solving and solutions-finding
• Ability to meet deadlines
• Teamwork skills
• Initiative and proactive attitude
• Positive attitude
• Communication skills
• Social and intercultural skills
• Efficient and client-focused working methods
• Interdisciplinary thinking

5. Costing requirements

5.1. Assignment of experts

Contract duration is 24 months from contract award.

In your tender, please do not deviate from the specification of quantities required in these ToRs
(the number of experts and expert days, the budget specified in the price schedule), because
this is part of the competitive tender and is used to ensure that the tenders can be compared
objectively. There is no entitlement to use the total number of expert days or the specified

The number of expert days corresponds to the working days.

Expert Expert days Expert days in Expert days Consecutive Number of Number of
outside Tajikistan in total stay > 3 international national flights
Tajikistan months flights

Expert 1:

Team Leader 0 432 432 Yes 2 0

Expert 2:

River Basin
Planning 0 432 432 N/A 0 0
Subject of the tender procedure: Water Resources
Transaction number: 81287282

Expert 3:

0 432 432 N/A 0 0
River Basin

Expert 4:

Regional 0 432 432 N/A 0 0

Upper Vakhsh
River Basin

Expert Pool 1:

International 276 120 396 No 10 0


Expert Pool 2:

National 0 3024 3024 N/A 0 0


5.2 Local administrative staff

The following local administrative staff are needed:

3 office staff assistants for 24 months each, 72 months in total.

5 support staff for 24 months (security guards and cleaning staff): 2 security guards for each
the river basin offices in Zarafshon and Upper Vakhsh river basins and one cleaning person
for each office (Dushanbe, Zarafshon and Upper Vakhsh), 120 months in total.

The contractor must submit a proposal for the assignment of local administrative staff.

5.3 Travel expenses

Travel expenses budget: EUR 91.140

As the number and duration of the business trips is not yet clear, the above-mentioned fixed,
unalterable travel-expenses budget is specified in the price schedule. It includes all return trips
from abroad to Tajikistan for international short-term experts and ground-transportation travel
costs for local short-term experts within Tajikstan as well as travel expenses within the river
basins and between the offices that will be organized by the contractor by hiring local
transportation services. The budget contains the following travel expenses:

• Per-diem allowances and accommodation allowances

• Flights and other transport costs
• Ancillary travel costs (visa etc.)

The costs are reimbursed in accordance with the German Federal Travel Expenses Actas a
lump sum (per-diem allowances and accommodation allowances up to the highest rates under
Subject of the tender procedure: Water Resources
Transaction number: 81287282

tax law for the country in question) or on submission of documentary proof (accommodation
costs which exceed this up to an appropriate amount, the cost of flights and other forms of
transport). All business travel must be agreed in advance by the officer responsible for the
project. Travel expenses must be kept as low as possible.

Please note: The above-mentioned budget does not include the contract-related costs for the
team leader. These costs must be offered by the bidder under 2.2 of the price schedule.

5.4. Equipment

The contractor procures the equipment listed in Annex A, including furniture and IT equipment.
A fixed budget of EUR 45.000 is given in the price schedule for this. Financial settlement is
effected on submission of documentary proof.

A fixed budget of EUR 120.000 is provided for the procurement of water technology equipment
aimed at improving access to water and irrigation efficiency of farmers. The installation of this
equipment is foreseen under Work Package 4 activities. Financial settlement is effected on
submission of documentary proof.

5.5. Operating costs in the country of assignment

A fixed budget to cover the operating costs for the implementation of the contract is provided
below. The fixed budget includes all the costs involved in the proper running of the offices.
Financial settlement is effected on submission of documentary proof.

Fixed budget for supplies/non-durable items: EUR 6.000 per month (for 24 months)

The fixed budgetgiven above are specified for supplies/non-durable items, including office
rental (3 offices), local transportation rental, utilities, security costs for office infrastructure
and internet service for the office and mobile phones.

5.6. Workshops, education and training

Workshops, education and training budget: EUR 301.000

The contractor runs the following workshops/study trips/training courses:

• Workshops related to Work Package 1 on the formulation, implementation, monitoring and

evaluation of the River Basin Management Plans, their mainstreaming on development
plans at different levels; and organizational development of river basin water-related
institutions (20 small to medium size workshops in both river basins).
• Trainings related to Work Package 2 hydrological modelling (3 trainings) and the use of
the applications of the National Water Information System (3 trainings)
• Trainings related to Work Package 3 as part of the comprehensive program on Intergrated
Water Resources Management run by the Minsitry of Energy and Water Resources and
the Tajik Agrarian University (3 trainings and one study tour outside Tajiksitan); and
educational activities initiatives with youth at river basin level (2 educational activities,
one per river basin) .
• Trainings related to Work Package 4 to small-scale farmers on the use of new technology
to access water for irrigation and improve irrigation efficiency (water productivity),
Subject of the tender procedure: Water Resources
Transaction number: 81287282

introduction of irrigation water tariffs and institutional and financial sustainability of Water
User Associations (4 trainings).

In total, 20 small to medium size workshops, 13 trainings and 2 educational activities.

The fixed, unalterable budget given above is specified in the price schedule for workshops-
study trips and training courses. The budget includes the following costs relating to the planning
and running of workshops:

• Room hire
• Technical systems
• Moderation services
• Translation/interpreting
• Catering
• Workshop materials
• Travel expenses for partner experts (subsistence, accommodation, travel costs)
• Other costs relating to the workshops

The contractor is responsible for the logistical organisation of the workshops, education
sessions and trainings. Online connection to Workshops of high relevance will be agreed with
GIZ Team in order to ensure publicity and transparency of river basin processes.

5.7. Local subsidies

– Not applicable –

5.8. Other costs

The contractor must pay for software licenses as necessary.

Software licenses budget: EUR 5.000

5.9. Flexible remuneration item

Budget for flexible remuneration: EUR 190.000

The fixed, unalterable budget given above is earmarked in the price schedule for flexible
remuneration. Flexible remuneration is intended to facilitate the flexible management of the
contract by the officer responsible for the commission at GIZ. The contractor can make use of
the funds in accordance with section of the General Terms and Conditions.

6. Requirements on the format of the tender

The structure of the tender must correspond with the structure of the ToRs. It must be legible
(font size 11 or larger) and clearly formulated. The language of the tender is English.
The technical-methodological concept of the tender (section 3 of the ToRs) is not to exceed 30
pages (not including the cover page, list of abbreviations, table of contents and brief

The CVs of the staff proposed in accordance with section 0 of the ToRs must be in the
EU-format and must not be more than four pages in length. The CVs must clearly show what
Subject of the tender procedure: Water Resources
Transaction number: 81287282

position the proposed person held, which tasks they performed and how many expert days
they worked during which period in the specified references. The CVs should be submitted in
English and Russian (language).

We strongly request that you do not exceed the number of pages specified.

7. Annexes

(A) List of Equipment

(B) Logical Framework of the Project
(C) Analysis of Stakeholders in Zarafshon and Vakhsh River Basins
(D) Project Communication and Visibility Plan

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