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Name: ________________________________ Date: 23rd November 2021

Exercise 1: Read and match to the correct picture.

Latihan 1: Baca dan padankan dengan gambar yang betul.

1. A cat.

2. A black bag.

3. A fat rat.

4. A black hat.

Exercise 2: Write the correct answer.

Latihan 2: Tuliskan jawapan yang betul.

1. 2.

3. 4.

Exercise 3: Read the sentences. Draw and colour correctly.
Latihan 3: Baca ayat. Lukis dan warnakan dengan betul.

1. A yellow triangle. 2. A pink circle.

3. A purple square. 4. A green rectangle.

Exercise 4: Look and read. Tick (√) ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.

Latihan 4: Lihat dan baca. Tandakan (√) pada ‘Ya’ atau ‘Tidak’.

Yes No
1. The elephant is under the car.
2. The cat is on the car.
3. The duck is under the car.
4. The spider is on the car.

Exercise 5: Complete the sentences.

Latihan 5: Lengkapkan ayat berikut.

on the flower in the tree in the grass

1. The tiger is _______________________________________.

2. The butterfly is _______________________________________.

3. The owl is _______________________________________.

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