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山西省实验中学 初三英语学案 梁艾笛 2019.


Unit 5 What are the shirts made of?

Section A Reading 3a-3c
Fill in the blanks according to 3a.
The Difficult Search for American Products in the US
If you go to another country, you may buy a camera in Japan, some beautiful clothes in _______
or a watch in Switzerland. _______ _______ what you may buy, you might think those _______ were
made in those countries. However, you could be wrong. Kang Jian is a _______ student from
Shanghai. Last year he went to visit his aunt and uncle in San Francisco. He found it interesting that
so many products in the _______ shops were made in China, even though most of them were
American _______.
He realized Americans can hardly _______ buying products _______ in China --- footballs,
handbags, pet food, _______ phones, even American flags. Kang Jian thinks it’s great that China is so
good at making these _______ things. However, he wishes that in the future China will also get better
at making _______ products that people can buy in all parts of the world.

Section B Reading 2a-2e

Fill in the blanks after reading 2b.
Each different part of China has its own special forms of traditional art 1._______
usually try to show some important things in life.
Sky Zhuge Kongming first 2._______ sky lanterns to ask for help when in trouble.
lanterns While today they are used at festivals and other celebrations and are the bright
symbols of happiness and good wishes. When they are lit, they rise into the air at a
3._______ speed.

Paper Paper cutting has a long history. 4._______ it sounds very easy, it is difficult
cutting to do it. 5._______ folding, people cut it with scissors and turn it into different
objects. It is the symbol of wishes for good luck and a happy new year.

Chines Chinese clay art is famous. The clay pieces are usually cut children or lively
e clay Chinese characters. People need to 6._______ several weeks finishing the whole
art process 7._______. All Chinese people have the 8._______ for life and beauty.

Unit 5 What are the shirts made of? Section A

山西省实验中学 初三英语学案 梁艾笛 2019.10
I. 根据句意和首字母填词。
1. When talking to British people, we should a________ subjects like age, weight or salary(薪水).
2. There are many p________ of the same style in Meet All(美特好) for the customers to choose and
3. He wants to buy a s________ ring instead of a gold ring for his wife because he doesn’t have
enough money.
4. When spring comes, g________ comes out and trees turn green. The view we see can make us feel
the breath of spring.
5. People in China eat food with c________ while people in Europe and North America eat with
knives and f________.
6. Like a c__________, everything has two sides —— the good and the bad. People should seriously
make a decision with thinking twice.

II. 用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。
boss grow wide traffic everyday
1. Glass didn’t become ________ used until the 13th century. In the 21st century, we can see it here
and there.
2. Sorghum(高粱) __________ in both North China and South China. We Chinese like to eat it as a
kind of staple food(主食).
3. We all know that people who don’t want to be __________ aren’t good staff. So we should try our
best to work every day.
4. To be honest, we get better grades than the last exam, because we practiced _________ English
with my partner in class before the start of the first class.
5. In order to avoid the ________ problems, our government took action by limiting two tail numbers
(尾号) on each weekday in our city from Oct.19th.

III. 用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空。
by hand no matter as far as be known for environmental protection
1. ________________ I know, China is getting stronger and richer. More and more people in the
world are learning Chinese.
2. As we know, the city Luoyang ________________ its peony( 牡丹). It attracts millions of visitors
from home and abroad every year.
3. Modern communication technologies are convenient for people to work ________________ where
they are. They can meet deadlines and complete their tasks on time.
4. For Chinese, the Mid-Autumn Festival is not only about family reunion and delicious food, it’s also
about creating something special ________________ for your loved ones.
5. In order to realize the concept( 概 念 ) of low-carbon ________________ and recycling, a rising
number of Chinese people have begun to make use of second-hand trading platforms( 交易平台) to
sell their used products.

Unit 5 What are the shirts made of?

Section A
I. Words
山西省实验中学 初三英语学案 梁艾笛 2019.10
1.筷子 ________________ 2.硬币 ________________
3.餐叉;叉子 ________________ 4.(女士)短上衣;衬衣 _______________
5.银;银器(adj.银色的) ________________ 6.玻璃 ________________
7.棉;棉花 ________________ 8.钢;钢铁 ________________
9.展览会;交易会 ________________ 10.草;草地 ________________
11.叶;叶子 ________________ 12.过程(v.加工;处理) _____________
13.产品;制品 ________________ 14.品牌;牌子 ________________
15.小手提包 ________________ 16.老板;上司 ________________
17.表面;表层 ________________ 18.材料;原料 ________________
19.交通;路上行驶的车辆 _______________ 20.邮递员 ________________
21.(尤指有帽舌的)帽子 ________________ 22.(分手指的)手套 ________________
23.生产;制造;出产 ________________ 24.包装;装箱 ________________
25.避免;回避 ________________
26.自然环境的;有关环境的 ______________ 27.当地的;本地的 ________________
28.可移动的;非固定的 ________________ 29.每天的;日常的 ________________
30.广泛地;普遍地 ________________

II. Phrases
1.以...闻名;为人知晓 ________________ 2.不论;无论 ________________
3.由…制成(看出原料) ________________ 4. 艺 术 科 学 展 览 ________________
5.由…制成(看不出原料) _______________ 会
6.环境保护 ________________
7.就我所知 ________________ 8.手工地;用手地 ________________
9.美国产品的艰辛寻找 ________________ 10.即使 ________________
11.18 岁以下的儿童 ________________ 12.避免做某事 ________________
13.在每月最后一个周五 _______________ 14.使用某物做某事 _____________
15.粗心驾驶 ________________ 16.交通事故 ________________

III. Sentences:
1. A:你的衬衣是由棉花制成的吗?

山西省实验中学 初三英语学案 梁艾笛 2019.10
2. A:这架飞机模型是由什么制成的?
3. A:中国哪里产茶?
4. A:茶是怎样生产的?

5. 好像世界各地的许多人都喝中国茶。

6. 无论你可能买什么,你也许会认为那些产品是在那些国家制造的。

7. 他意识到美国人几乎无法避免购买中国制造的产品。

8. 康健认为中国擅长制造这些日常用品是很了不起的。

9. 然而,他希望将来中国也会更擅长制造人们在世界各地都能买到的高科技产品。

10. 地球表面大部分被水覆盖。

Unit 5 What are the shirts made of? Section B

I. 根据句意和首字母填词。
1. On the day of our school sports day, thousands of b________ rose slowly into the sky.
2. Although Yuan Longping, the “Father of Hybrid Rice”, is 90 years old, he is still l________.
3. At the beginning of November, all the cities in the north of China will turn on h________ in order
to provide warmth for people.
4. If your dog has a lot of fur and you want to give it a haircut, you should need a pair of s________.
The haircut process will take time and patience. 
5. -Pam, the glass of our classroom is dirty. The head teacher will check it in twenty minutes. Can you
p________ it carefully?
-Don’t worry. I will do it with Emily quickly.

山西省实验中学 初三英语学案 梁艾笛 2019.10
II. 用所给词的适当形式填空。
form history celebrate completely international
1. Because of a long history of more than 5000 years, there are a large number of ________ and
cultural buildings in Shanxi.
2. Nowadays, WeChat is becoming more and more popular in the world. It is one of the most widely
used ________ of communication today.
3. The ancient city of Ping Yao draws __________ attention. Each year, a large number of people
from all over the world come to Pingyao during Pingyao Film Festival.
4. Taiyuan Metro Line 2 will ________ within this year. At that time, we can get on at Jihuying
Station and get off at Jinyangjie Station, and then we will get to the high school of Shanxi
Experimental Secondary School.
5. During this year’s National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, China’s domestic consumption
(国内消费) has highly increased, and “night economy” and “stay-at-home economy” became new
growing points during the __________.

III. 用方框内所给词组的适当形式填空。
fairy tale turn into be seen as paper cutting traditional art
1. In fact, the happiest __________ is no more than the simple days we have together.
2. Take the sourest lemon that life has to offer, and _____ it _____ something cool like lemonade.
3. We can get knowledge and information from different kinds of books. Besides, books can also
__________ a friend.
4. Pingshu is a form of __________ in northern China. As an independent type of storytelling, it was
formed in the early Qing Dynasty.
5. During the Spring Festival, people cut animals, flowers and many other objects in the paper to
decorate(装饰) their windows and doors. The __________ is sometimes called “window flowers”
or “picture cuts”.
Unit 5 What are the shirts made of?
Section B
I. Words
1.参赛者;竞争者 ________________ 2.形式;类型 ________________

3.粘土;陶土 ________________ 4.庆典;庆祝活动 ________________

5.气球 ________________ 6.剪刀(pl.) ________________

7.热;高温(v.加热;变热) ________________ ________________

8.磨光;修改;润色 ________________ 9.完成 ________________

山西省实验中学 初三英语学案 梁艾笛 2019.10
10.国际的 ________________ 11.它的 ________________

12.生气勃勃的;(色彩)鲜艳的 ______________ 13.(有关)历史的 ________________

14.法国 ________________ 15.德国 ________________

16.朝鲜;韩国 ________________ 17.瑞士 ________________

II. Phrases
1.剪纸 ________________ 2.童话故事 ________________

3.国际风筝节 ________________ 4.传统艺术的形式 ______________

5.把…变成… ________________ 6.精美之物 ________________

7.孔明灯 ________________ 8.发出 ________________

9.被…覆盖 ________________ 10.点燃灯笼 ________________

11.升上天空 ________________ 12.热气球 ________________

13.陶艺 ________________ 14.在高温下 ________________

15.地下停车场 ________________ 16.在午夜 ________________

17.关于…的研究 _______________ 18.经典电影 ________________

III. Sentences:
1. 国际风筝节每年四月被举行。

2. 最为普通的东西,从纸张到陶土再到竹子,都变成了精美的物品。

3. 他身处困境时把它们放出去是为了可以求救。

4. 现在,孔明灯被用在节日和其他庆祝活动。它们是由竹子做的,用纸覆盖。

5. 孔明灯被看作是幸福和美好愿望的光明象征。

6. 剪纸已经有 1500 多年的历史。剪纸听起来很简单,但做起来会很难。

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7. 纸,通常是红色的,在用剪刀剪之前先折叠。

8. 在春节期间,它们被贴在窗户上、门上和墙上,作为祈求好运和新年快乐的象征。完成

9. 这些作品通过手工用一种特殊的陶土精心塑型,然后再自然晾干。

10. 这些小的陶土艺术作品展现了所有的中国人对生活和美的热爱。

11. 制作陶艺作品的步骤是什么?

Unit 5 What are the shirts made of? Reading

I. 完型填空 (2020 安徽)
In recent years, with more and more cars on the road, flying robots are used to deliver( 递 送 )
mails. Flying robots can ___1___ mails to people’s houses without having to deal with heavy
___2___. But they will spend too much time in returning. A research center is trying to improve its
flying robots with the ___3___ of homing pigeons(信鸽).
Homing pigeons are pigeons that are ___4___ trained to fly home from somewhere else. In tests,
researchers ___5___ that homing pigeons were ___6___ efficient( 高 效 的 ) than flying robots at
returning to their home. So the research center is trying to use a flying robot, together with a ___7___,
to deliver mails. After the robot finishes its tasks, it can ___8___ the pigeon back in the shortest
possible time.
Although it will cost more money to ___9___ pigeons, the research center says that it can
___10___ time. And the time it saves will make up for the cost.
( )1. A. invite B. carry C. blow
( )2. A. traffic B. rain C. fire
( )3. A. help B. luck C. treat
( )4. A. poorly B. carelessly C. specially
( )5. A. promised B. joked C. found
( )6. A. less B. more C. little
( )7. A. homing pigeon B. big house C. leading person
( )8. A. train B. knock C. follow
( )9. A. dress B. raise C. clean
( )10. A. expect B. save C. kill
II. 阅读理解
A (2020 湖北襄阳)
February 29th comes up on the calendar only every four years. A year with a February 29th
might be good news if you are paid by the day or the week. But it might be bad news if you were born
山西省实验中学 初三英语学案 梁艾笛 2019.10
on a February 29th. You have to wait three years in between birthdays!
American English has an expression for the unusual situation. February 29th is called a leap day.
And the year with a February 29th in it is called a leap year. This year, 2020, is such a year.
As a verb, the word “leap” means to jump, or to move quickly. “Leap” can also be a noun,
meaning a jump, or a sudden move.
In a leap year, the dates jump over one day of the week. Let me explain. In 2017, the last day of
the year, December 31th, fell on a Sunday. In 2018, it fell on a Monday. In 2019, it fell on a Tuesday.
But in 2020, December 31th will fall on a Thursday. It jumps right over Wednesday.
The reason for a leap day or a leap year is because our calendar does not follow the Earth’s
orbit( 轨道 ) around the sun exactly. Each year, we have a little time left over. So every four years, we
put all that time together into an extra(额外的) day.
Some people choose to marry on February 29th because it is an unusual date. But some ancient
peoples would likely tell couples not to do it. Leap years were believed to be difficult, and leap days
were unlucky. To be honest, these have no scientific basis(依据).
1. A 20-year-old person has __________ birthdays if he/she was born on a February 29th.
A. 15 B. 10 C. 5
2. A leap year means one more __________ is added in the calendar of the year.
A. month B. year C. day
3. The last day of 2021 will fall on __________ according to this article.
A. Saturday B. Friday C. Sunday
4. Some people choose to marry on February 29th because __________.
A. it’s quite a special date B. it’s quite an unlucky day C. it can save more money
5. Which of the following sentences is NOT true according to this article?
A. Scientists tell couples not to marry on a leap day.
B. The leap year or leap day comes once every four years.
C. Some ancient peoples believed that leap days were unlucky.
B (2020 湖南衡阳)
People think different colors have different meanings. they think some colors can bring them
good luck. in Chinese culture, there are some lucky colors. 1. ________
Red — Happiness, Success and Good Fortune(命运)
Red represents( 代 表 ) fire and is the most popular color in China. 2.________ Red is popular
with Chinese people and it is widely used during festivals and important events like weddings. Red
things are common in our everyday life. We can see red lanterns, red paper cuttings and so on.
3.________ Red envelopes(信封) are filled with money and given as gifts during Chinese New Year.
Yellow — Royalty and Power of the Throne
In Chinese culture, yellow stands for royalty and is usually used for the emperor. The first
Emperor of China was known as Yellow Emperor. 4.________
Green — Money and Wealth
Green is a color which has many meanings such as wealth, hope and growth. Green also stands
for “pure and clean”. 5.________ Packaging for some produce is often in green in order to show that
the food is not polluted.
A. Here are the top three of them.
B. Colors can influence people’s feelings.
C. Banks and restaurants are often painted in green.
D. It stands for happiness, beauty, good luck, success and good fortune.
E. People wear red clothes during weddings, festivals and other important events.
F. China was often regarded as “Yellow Earth”, and its mother river is the Yellow River.

山西省实验中学 初三英语学案 梁艾笛 2019.10

The Silk Road: The Treasure of Human

A road is a bridge between two places. The Silk Road has been a bridge between East and West
for more than 2,000 years.

The history of the Silk Road

But do you know the Silk Road is not a single route( 路线)? It is a series of trade and cultural
transmission (传送) routes. It started to take shape during the Western Han Dynasty. The trade route
starts from the city of Xi’an in Shaanxi province and ends in Eastern Europe, near today’s Turkey and
the Mediterranean Sea. The Silk Road was about 6,500 kilometers long. It went across one-fourth of
the planet.

The source of the Silk Road

The Silk Road got its name because Chinese silk used to be carried along this road. Besides silk,
jade(玉), tea and iron also went west to Rome. From the West came glass, jewelry( 珠宝), and food
like carrots and sesame(芝麻).

The meaning of the Silk Road

The Silk Road was very important to both China and the rest of the world. In addition to trade,
knowledge about science, arts and literature( 文 学 ), was shared across the Silk Road. In this way,
languages and cultures developed and influenced each other. Today, lots of historical places along the
Silk Road are great travel destinations, such as the Terracotta Warriors in Xi’an and Mogao
Grottoes(莫高窟) in Dunhuang, Gansu. A new train line, the New Orient Express, runs from Beijing
across the Silk Road.

The Silk Road

The history of During the Western Han Dynasty, it started to take shape, which can transmit
the Silk Road trade and 1.________.

The source of It had been named for the reason that businessmen would 2. ________ Chinese
the Silk Road silk along this road.
The meaning No matter for China or other countries, the Silk Road is very 3.________ for
of the silk each of them. Along the silk road, languages and cultures not only developed but
Road also had a/an 4. ________ on each other. The New Orient Express, as a 5. ________
built train line, is running across the Silk Road.
D(2020 青岛)
In China, writing brushes, ink sticks, paper and ink stones are called the Four Treasures of Study.
Among the high-quality( 质 量 ) treasures, the writing brush produced in Huzhou, the ink stick
produced in Huizhou, the xuan paper made in Xuancheng and the ink stone made in Duanxi are the
The writing brushes can be used to draw the pictures on painted potteries( 陶器). They are mainly
made of the hair of animals. Those made of wool are called yanghao and those made of the
weasel’s(鼬) tail hair are called langhao. Their artistic effects( 效果) in writing and painting cannot be
山西省实验中学 初三英语学案 梁艾笛 2019.10
copied by any other pens.
The ink stick is the pigment( 颜 料 ) used in writing and painting. The ink stick produced in
Huizhou is of high quality. A story goes like this: Two famous skilled men Xi Chao and his son
produced a kind of high-quality ink stick. As a result, the Emperor Li Yu in the Southern Tang
Dynasty agreed to give them the family name “Li”. From then on, the fame of the Li Ink Stick was
widely spread. In the Song Dynasty, its producing area was changed into Huizhou, and it was then
called the Hui Ink Stick.
Paper is among the four great inventions in ancient China. The famous xuan paper appeared in
the Sui and Tang dynasties. In Xuanzhou, Anhui Province where the xuan paper is produced, it’s said
that Cai Lun’s pupil Kong Dan took the job of producing paper but failed to make perfect white paper.
Later he happened to see the ebony( 檀木 ) in the rivers. It was wet with the water and turned white.
Then he used the bark(树皮) to produce the world-famous xuan paper.
The ink stone was already very popular in the Han Dynasty. The Ming and Qing dynasties saw
the appearance of the Four Famous Ink Stones — Duan Ink Stone, She Ink Stone, Tao Ink Stone and
Chengni Ink Stone. They can not only be used in writing and painting but also for admiration.
As Chinese, it’s our responsibility to pass the four treasures generation after generation and even
spread them to the whole world.
1. What are the writing brushes mainly made of?
2. Why did Xi Chao and his son get the family name from the Emperor Li Yu?
3. What does it in Paragraph 3 refer to?
4. How did Kong Dan find the way to make the famous xuan paper by accident?
5. Please translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.
6. What’s the title (标题) for the passage? (不超过 10 个词)

II. 词语运用
it, put, who, like, wide, with, good, divide, human, become, produce, customer
With the development of technology, robots are playing an important role in modern industry.
and they are made to help 1 with heavy and boring tasks. Now a new type of robot can help
factories to cut costs and make even 2 products. Industrial robots have been regarded as dangerous
things. But in recent years, the relations between robots and humans 3 less serious. A friendlier type
of robot has begun serving in the factory as a new way to cut costs in many industries.
That makes big changes to the car industry, “In a car factory, a car 4 every minute, and about
1,000 cars are made a day,” said Adolfo Suarez Roos, the Airbus Group expert 5 works with robots.
On the project, robots are able to help workers 6 boring tasks. Suarez hoped the same success could
take place while making planes. But since robots aren’t as 7 used as people expected, the challenges
are very huge. “When making cars, a robot has 40 seconds to do 8 job but the complete
programming task often takes about a month,” he said. Scientists are trying to make this a reality for
flight as they need to figure out how much should be done by robots and how much by humans. So an
important part of the work is understanding how 9 industrial robots and human labors properly to
make full use of both. Over a long period of time, men and machines are working together to meet
different needs of 10 because the more cars they can sell, the more money they will make. Now
engineers are looking for how humans can improve robots or robots can improve humans.
Without doubt, the key to success is keeping a safe condition for both humans and robots to
ensure(确保) a productive working relationship. After all, people need to move ahead with robots.
山西省实验中学 初三英语学案 梁艾笛 2019.10


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