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Task – 2 Training Plan

Name: Shahan Razvi.

Class: MYP-4

Date: 10/20/2022

Word Count: 658

Page: 4
Resistance Training Plan

Training Activity sequence (for example: warm up Justification for training session
session and Exercise drills strategic activities) activities

Monday 9:00 Stretching, Pursed Lip Breathing. For First of all I will make my client
AM – 10:30 Stretching we will be doing all the basic start with basic stretching to get
AM. stretches that we do all the time, for him warmed up, then we will begin
Pursed Lip Breathing, breathe in slowly with our Breathing exercising that
through your nose for two counts, keeping we set a smart goal in the earlier
your mouth closed. Take a normal tasks.
breath. Pucker or "purse" your lips as if
you were going to whistle and breathe out.
Pursed lip breathing is one of the simplest
ways to control shortness of breath.

Tuesday 10:00 Shooting and Dribbling For shooting we On our second day we will begin out
AM – 10:50 will be doing basic shooting meaning we Shooting and Dribbling exercises
AM. will just be shooting Free kicks penalty’s these will help my client get better
and etc. we will be doing Knuckleballs accuracy and get the perfect shot
and all of that, for Dribbling we will be power.
using cones, and we will have another
player that my client has to dribble and
out play.

Wednesday Running and Cardio And Weighing, For On our third day we will have a
8:00 AM – Running we will be running 5 miles so long training session which consist
10:00 AM. we have experience in short of breath we of doing running cardio and
will be running normally no treadmill weighing, these will help us get
just run on the road, for cardio we will better at breathing overall learning
be that we will be doing Burpees, how to control your breathing while
Jumping jacks Running in Place and etc. playing.
Thursday Pushups Dead lifts Jogging For this we On our fourth day we will be doing
12:00 PM – will be doing basic pushups and etc. and Pushups and deadlifts, these will
1:30 PM. for dead lifts we will be dead lifting 50 help us prioritize health and etc.
pounds at the least and improve it overall everything and breaks will
further. be included within deadlifts.

Jogging, Running Pushups Pursed Lip This will be our last day and we will
Friday 7:00 breathing for Jogging we will be doing be doing a bunch of exercises that
AM – 9:00 basic jogging and Pushups and will help us out a lot overall that
AM. continuing our Pursed Lip Breathing. concludes our Weekly training
Saturday. Cool down and Recovering day.

Sunday. Cool down and Recovering day.

Monday: Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs. The breakfast and Lunch,

Breakfast and dinner is good and
Lunch Lunch: Chicken with Rice. shouldn’t be that heavy it is
Dinner. really good and nice.
Dinner: Steak.

Tuesday: Breakfast: Half Boiled Eggs. This is the breakfast, and

Breakfast Lunch I have kept with a
Lunch Lunch: Chinese Rice. good chicken this would be
Dinner. good not that heavy for my
Dinner: Boiled Parmesan Chicken. client and tastes good.

Wednesday: Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs. The eggs, with chicken

would be good as the eggs
Breakfast Lunch: Chicken with Rice. will give power and my
Lunch client will get protein from
Dinner. Dinner: Steak. the steak and chicken.

Thursday: Breakfast: Half Boiled Eggs. This is a repetition.

Lunch: Chinese Rice.

Dinner: Boiled Parmesan Chicken.

Friday: Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs. Same thing but this is a meat

and egg day only meaning
Lunch: Boiled Egg. egg for all entrée’s but steak
for dinner.
Dinner: Steak and Eggs..

Saturday: CHEAT DAY! Cheat day for

the client to have fun and not
be exhausted.

Sunday: CHEAT DAY! Good cheat day for the


Assessment of Field

 Rubric to check the student’s level.

 knowledge and engagement, teamwork, problem solving, integrative and applied learning
 Reflection

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