Resistance Training Plan

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Resistance Training Plan

Training session Activity sequence (for example: warm up and Justification for training session
date/time Exercise drills strategic activities) activities

10/21/2022 / 9:00 Pursed Lip Breathing. By doing these breathing excersises it

AM. will help my client catch his breath while
playing the game overall would help a
10/21/2022 / Dribbling. Doing daily dribbles will help my client a
10:00 AM. lot as he needs to be doing it daily.
10/21/22 11:00 Shooting. Doing daily shooting will help my client
AM. be more accurate and better.
10/21/22 12:00 Running. Running excerises will help run on the
AM. field properly and be ready.
10/21/2022/ 1:00 Cooldown Excersise.D Doing cooldown excersises will help my
PM. client chill.
10/21/22/2:00 PM. Stretching and finish.

Assessment of Field

 Rubric to check the student’s level.

 knowledge and engagement, teamwork, problem solving, integrative and applied learning
 Reflection

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