Beware of Spam

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Beware of Spam

Elijah scrolled through his email, checking to see if his professor had finally responded to

him. “I wish Professor Watson would hurry up and email me back so I can finish my assignment,”

he sighed, seeing his inbox empty. “Isn’t that right, Gunner?” He reached down from the side of

his armrest to stroke his German Shepherd’s head, lying next to the chair’s wheels. “Wruff!” Elijah

was a junior college student with long dark brown hair combed back. A pair of black framed

glasses hung over his bright green eyes, clinging to his clean-shaven face. He wore a plain white

t-shirt that clung to his body and loose-fitting basketball shorts. The arms of his t-shirt stretched

around his biceps. For financial reasons, he chose to stay with his parents instead of living in the

dorms. At least until he made enough money to afford an apartment. The boy noticed a red twenty

next to the spam folder. Not having anything else to do and figuring he would get a few laughs out

of it, he clicked on the folder. All the messages were about what he expected. There were Twitch

notifications, one offering pills to make his dick bigger, and so on. However, one email piqued his

interest. “Make sure to be alone before opening.”

The only other person in Elijah’s room was his dog. His parents were likely busy watching

television downstairs to intrude, so he clicked it, revealing a hyperlink. Of course, the boy knew

better than to click random links inside spam messages; however, curiosity got the better. Against

better judgment, he clicked the link, taking him to a website. Titled thumbnails of different porn

videos filled his computer screen once it finished loading. To Elijah’s horror, however, all the

videos showed dogs having sex. Revolted, the boy moved his cursor to close the page; however,

one title caught his attention. “German Shepherd breeds bitch in heat.” His heart thumped within

his chest, and his body washed with heat. His loins stirred as it worked its way along his inner

thigh. As if it had a mind of its own, his hand moved the cursor from the close button and hovered

it over the thumbnail. Try as he might, Elijah couldn’t resist his urges. His computer speakers

blasted the sound of dogs barking and panting, reverberating throughout the house. Confused,

Gunner’s ears perked up as he looked around the boy’s bedroom. Elijah’s heart raced as he

hammered the volume button on his keyboard until it was quite enough for only him to hear.

The video took place inside a large cage with a barred metal door at the front, illuminated

by bright fluorescent lighting that buzzed. The lighting made the radiant white tile floor and walls

harsh on the eyes. Cages full of a variety of dogs lined the opposite side of the one occupied by

the camera. Some were barking as they lunged at their cage’s barred door, while others rested

against the floor. A German Shepherd stood at the center of the room, facing away from the

camera. Its tail hung to the side, revealing its engorged spade, dripping fluid onto the floor. Elijah’s

hand grasped the hem of his basketball pants and pulled them down enough to free his sweaty

uncut cock, his eyes transfixed on the female’s dripping sex. Another German Shepherd walked

into view from the side and planted its snout into the female’s sex before splaying its lips apart

with its tongue. The boy stroked his shaft as he watched, imagining what it would be like to be in

the male’s place, to bury his face in the female’s cunt before claiming it as his. The heady scent of

the bitch in heat was palpable, making his cock throb within his grasp as it leaked precum down

his fingers.

However, something else caught Elijah’s lecherous gaze. From the front of the male’s

fuzzy sheath, the red tapered tip of its shaft peaked out, glistening under the fluorescent lighting.

It spurted precum against the tile as it bobbed with each beat of the dog’s heart. As he continued

watching, his well-kempt nails grew out from the beds of his fingers and toes into black claws. So

transfixed by the German Shepherd’s phallus, he didn’t notice the sound of his new toenails

shredding the front of his white socks. Thick black pads formed on the bottom of his feet as his

toes merged, sticking out of the holes in his socks Tan-colored fur sprouted across the top of his

arms and hands. The boy fanned his sweat-stained t-shirt and panted to abate the heat, to no avail.

The room grew ever more suffocatingly humid with each passing second, filled with the scent of

Elijah’s unwashed musk. Finally, after spending a few minutes giving the female a tongue lashing,

the male jumped onto its back, clamped down on its nape, and slammed its cock home.


Elijah jumped out of his chair, bashing his thighs against the bottom of his desk with a

thud. Something cold pressed against his loins. He looked under his desk to see Gunner, sniffling

with its snout pressed against the underside of his shaft. “N…noo, bad dog!” he stammered. He

tried pushing the dog’s face away, but it fought against him. Despite his disgust, the boy’s cock

pulsed against the dog’s snout with need. Panic flared in his eyes, seeing the coarse tan fur that

covered his arms and hands. “What the fuck is happening to me!” He pulled his hand off Gunner’s

face to wipe off the hair from his appendages to no avail. The dog took full advantage of this and

began laving its long sloppy tongue across his glans, savoring the taste of his salty precum.

“Oooh,” his eyes shot open. Filled with euphoria, his feelings of horror and disgust melted away

with each swipe of Gunner’s tongue. Soon Elijah rested his hand on the top of his dog’s head and

began stroking it, encouraging him.

Unbeknownst to Elijah, the changes only got worst for him. His cock shrunk into his body,

from six inches to a mere one inch. The boy grasped the hair on Gunner’s head and the armrest as

he neared the precipice of his climax, his shaven balls churning with fertile ejaculate. Bolts of

pleasure coursed through his body like electricity as he bucked his hips. Jet after jet of hot cum

spurted from his shrinking phallus, painting his dog’s snout and face, until his glans were the size

of a pea. The boy’s testicles followed suit, vacuumed into his body with a ‘Shlep’ leaving behind

a shaven vulva with thin lips, already glistening with arousal. But, to Elijah’s misfortune, the

changes didn’t stop there. His lips turned to a glossy shade of black as they bloated in size; the top

and bottom melded together into a triangle. His vulva now resembled a fat drooling dog spade,

filling the room with the spicy scent of pheromones. Despite reaching her climax, the heat in

Elijah’s loins only increased in fervor. The girl had an unyielding urge to be bred like a bitch in

heat, and luckily for her, Gunner was more than happy to sate her desires. Pressure built at the base

of her spine until a hairless nub grew out from it, worming its way down the leg of Elijah’s

basketball shorts. Black and tan fur sprouted across its surface as it tried to wag within his shorts.

So lost in her lust, the girl couldn’t care less about her changes. She scrambled out of her

chair, kicked off her shorts, and got on her hands and knees with her ass raised high; her tail flagged

pheromones to Gunner. Four pink spots formed along the girl’s stomach before they became pert

nipples, creating small protrusions across her tight-fitting t-shirt. Flesh amassed around the girl’s

new nipples. Elijah’s once flat and muscled chest now had six breasts that continued to grow in

size. From A-Cups to B-Cups; from B-Cups to DD-Cups; then from DD-Cups to G-Cups. Soon

the girl’s shirt ballooned from her body, struggling to contain her heaving breasts. Thick milk

leaked from each of her teats, staining her abused shirt. Once Gunner lapped the remnants of

Elijah’s salty ejaculate from its muzzle, it bounded towards her, its turgid phallus bobbing with

each of its struts.

The entire weight of the German Shepherd bore down on Elijah’s back before it bucked its

hips against her ass. After a few failed attempts, the dog rammed the entirety of its girthy red cock

into the girl with a ‘squelch,’ spreading her canine folds to their limit. “That’s.. right… make me

your dirty… little… bitch!” She moaned at the top of her lungs while impaling herself into each

thrust of the dog. Her new breasts swayed within its confines. Her lips and nose turned a glassy

shade of black as they extended out from her face. Elijah’s arms and legs shrink as they snap into

position. Her fingers merge as black paw pads form on her palms. Black and tan fur crept across

the girl’s body. Black hair covered her ears as they repositioned themselves on her head. Her

tongue grew within her mouth until it spilled out, hanging down past her chin.

The sound of heavy footsteps against the wooden stairs grew ever louder until they stopped

outside Elijah’s room. The bedroom door swung open, filling the room with light from the hallway.

Before the girl stood her mother, dressed in gray leggings that hugged her voluptuous waist and

ample ass. She wore an oversized shirt that hung down to her knees with a black laced bra that

held her D-Cup-sized breasts in place. She was in her mid-forties; however, she maintained a

youthful face, her age merely enhancing her beauty. Her dark-brown hair was tied into a messy

ponytail with bangs hanging over her eyes. “Oh my god!” The woman’s heart stopped and her

mouth fell agape at what she saw. What once was her son now resembled a bimbofide German

shepherd, getting railed by the family dog. Elijah ran her tongue across her growing snout, coming

close to another orgasm. The mother’s nostrils wrinkled from the thick, heady stench of sex that

filled the room.

She peered to her left to see the male dog pulling its thick red cock out of the female on the

video, thick white cum pouring out from its gaped spade. The mother’s face and chest grew flush

as a wave of heat washed over her body. Her lips grew damp, staining her white panties as she

watched with increasing hunger. “That dog… is so… big.” She thought as she stared at the male’s

phallus, the knot still inflated and glistening with the bitch’s nectar. The female turned around and

began lapping at the side of the male’s cock as it softened. “Mmmph… I bet that tastes divine.”

She thought as she licked her lips, imagining being in the female’s place. Her face pressed against

the male’s shaft, getting drunk off its masculine-smelling musk. Her lips wrapped around its length

while working her tongue along the underside of it, cum dripping from her chin.

However, as she was about to give in to her lust, she snapped out of it. She ripped her hand

out from the waistband of her leggings, the crotch stained with her nectar. “Joseph, call 9-1-1!”

She shrieked as she rushed down the stairs. Elijah’s hair fell out in clumps from her head, replaced

by black and tan fur. Finally, hair covered the girl’s face as her snout grew into position. She was

now indistinguishable from a bitch, besides the large breasts that hung from its chest. Gunner’s

knot kissed against the female’s spade before it crammed it inside, locking them together. The dog

clamped down on the female’s nape before pumping it full of hot virile cum. The bitch’s body

jerked and convulsed, rocked with orgasmic pleasure that coursed through its body like electricity.

The muscles in its pussy greedily worked Gunner’s shaft, milking it for everything it was worth.

After a few minutes of standing ass-to-ass, the male’s knot deflated, allowing it to slide out of the

bitches abused cunt. It tore the shirt off of the female’s body, allowing its six breasts to hang freely

from its body, before running out of the room. The bitch lay down against the carpeted floor and

whined as it tried lapping at its sex, struggling to get past its ample breasts.

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