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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Health

9 September 2022
No. 2022 -

SUBJECT: Designation of the Sub-Committee on Anti-Red Tape in the

Centers for Health Development, Department of Health (DOH)
Hospitals, and Treatment and Rehabilitation Centers


Pursuant to the Memorandum Circular (MC) No. 2020-07, s. 2020, the Department
Health (DOH) issued Department Personnel Order No. 2022-0978 constituting its Committee
on Anti-Red Tape (CART) in order to
efficiently implement the initiatives and provisions of
the Republic Act (RA) No. 11032 otherwise known as “An Act Promoting Ease of Doing
Business and Efficient Delivery of Government Services.”

Further, the said MC suggests designating Sub-CART

the respective regional or
field offices, attached agencies, bureaus, as may be necessary, to serve as the counterpart of
to efficiently and effectively cascade directives, monitor processes, and implement the
initiatives of the Anti-Red Tape Authority (ARTA).

This Order is hereby issued to designate and institutionalize the Sub-CART all
operating units to ensure the efficient implementation and strict adherence with the
salient provisions of RA No. 11032 within the Department of Health.


The Sub-CART in each Center for Health Development (CHD), DOH Hospital
{including Specialty hospital and sanitarium), and Treatment and Rehabilitation Center (TRC)
shall be composed of the following:

Position Person-in-Charge
Chairperson Head of Office/Department; or
the official designated by
the Head of the Department/Office/Agency (at least the
third highest ranking official)

Vice Chairperson Official to be designated by the Head of Agency (at least

a rank lower than the Chairperson of CART)

Members (minimum offive) 1. Heads of any of the following Offices/Divisions/

Units to be designated as focals and alternate focals
for CART-related matters and Client concerns

a. Policy and/or planning;

Building 12, San Lazaro Compound, Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz, 1003 Manila @ Trunk Line 651-7800 local 1113, 1108, 1135
Direct Line: 711-9502; 711-9503 Fax: 743-1829 ¢ URL: bttp://
b. Core operations;
Internal Audit;
Information technology/management services for
systems and methods;
Finance; or
Human resource management

2. Public Assistance and Complaints Desk Officer



A. The: Focal and Alternate Focal Persons for any CART-related matters

1. Ensure the implementation of the CART’s directives on RA No. 11032,

including butnot limited to, reengineering processes, cost analysis, conduct
of time and motion studies, evaluation and improvement of all services of
offices, bureaus, and facilities;
Coordinate with the DOH CART Secretariat and other government
agencies or stakeholders for purposes of ensuring the implementation of
ARTA directives, ARTA mandated functions, programs, projects, and
Cascade to concerned offices/facilities all updates, directives, and
issuances from the DOH CART Secretariat and the ARTA;
Ensure the timely submission of all reportorial requirements to ARTA,
copy furnished the DOH CART Secretariat such as, but not limited to,
Citizen’s Charter, Zero Backlog Report, Client Satisfaction Measurement
Report, and Office Order of Sub-CART;
Conduct periodic review of the Citizen’s Charter, specifically on
procedures/steps, processing time, documentary requirements, and fees and
ensure the posting of new and updated Citizen’s Charter in the most
conspicuous place within the office premises;
Monitor the compliance with the posted service standards through the
Citizen’s Charter, specifically on the prescribed processing time as
mandated by RA No. 11032, special laws, and Constitutional body;
Establish, manage and supervise the operations of PACD,
receive complaints and feedback, and monitor customer satisfaction

through available platforms as mandated by the ARTA; and

Perform other functions, duties and responsibilities under RA No. 11032,
its IRR and other issuances by the Authority
B. The Focal and Alternate Focal Persons for handling of client concerns

1. Ensure the implementation of DOH CART Directives on Handling of

Client’s Concerns;
2. Receive, review, and encode in the above database all client concerns
forwarded by the DOH CART Secretariat and concerned centers;
Ensure all client concerns are routed to the appropriate office/division/unit
tasked/mandated to provide appropriate resolution/s;
Ensure that all client’s concerns are addressed by the tagged office and are
provided with appropriate resolution/s and proof of communication, if
available, as their concrete action, within the prescribed timeline;
Receive updates and/or resolutions of client concerns from the tagged
offices/divisions/units and communicate with the DOH CARTSecretariat;
Establish a mechanism within their agency and CART Secretariat on the
handling and monitoring the status of client concerns;
Coordinate with the PACDO for assistance on urgent concerns;
Ensure that unresolved/open concerns reflected in the DOH CART
Secretariat Report and pertinent Department Memorandum (DM) on Open
Concerns are responded to within the prescribed timeline; and
Accomplish the Quarterly Monitoring Sheet for Clients Concerns as
mandated through DM No. 2022-0339.

C. The PACDO shall:

1. Report to the designated PACDO from Monday to Friday at
8:00AM-5:00PM, without noon break or depending on the operating days
of the hospital, office, or facility, which should be declared in the Citizen’s
Attend/accommodate to walk-in clients to effectively receive complaints,
feedback, and monitor customer satisfaction through available platforms
mandated by the ARTA;
all recordsof clients who sought assistance from the PACDO;
Coordinate with the Focal and Alternate Focal Members for the assistance
on urgent concerns;
Coordinate with the DOH CART Secretariat for updates on the operation
of PACD; and
Report to sub-CART any gaps/barriers/intervening factors affecting the
delivery of internal and external services.

Further, the Sub-CART shall complete and regularly update the following databases
upon submission of a prevailing issuance such as, but not limited to, Department Order
(DO) and Department Personnel Order (DPO), to the CART Secretariat representing its
Database Title Database link

1. Sub-CART Submitted Office Order

from Facilities

2. Designated Focal and Alternate https://bit.l Iternat RTrelat

Focal Persons for any CART-related

3. Focal and Alternate Focal Persons lternate

for handling of client concerns

4. PACDO //bit. ignatedPACD:

Further, the Sub-CART
is authorized to invite resource persons from the concerned
offices/bureaus/units and other government agencies or institutions to provide further
recommendations, information, and clarifications for the development and/or improvement of
the Committee system and policies.
All expenses incurred by the Sub-CART in
performing the above-stated functions, and
other necessary or incidental purpose thereof shall be chargeable against the respective
office’s budget, subject to the existing government accounting and auditing rules and

This Order shall take effect immediately.



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