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Task 1:

The bar charts illustrate the differences at levels of post-school

qualifications in Australia according to two different genders in 1999.

Overall, Males held the higher levels of most degrees than females did at
the surveyed time. The proportions of males owning skilled vocational
diploma accounted for the highest point while the lowest point belonged to
the opposite gender (owning that).

When it comes to skilled vocational diploma, the percentage of males who

held this qualifications was higher than female, at 90% and 10%,
respectively. The ratio of males having postgraduate diploma was 70%,
whereas that rate of females was lower, at 30%. Similarly, there were more
males than females holding master’s degree by 20%.

However, interestingly, females who held undergraduate diploma and

bachelor’s degree outnumbered males. The rate of females having
undergraduate diploma was 70% in comparison with around 35% of males.
A number of bachelor’s degrees saw the priority in the ratio of females
owning this kind of degree, with around 55%. By contrast, that percent of
males was lower, at approximately 45%.

Task 2:

It is not deniable that happiness plays an integral part in our life. The
definition of hapiness is very complex because it is based on different
opinions of each person. In fact, I wholeheartedly agree with this
consciousness. Moreover,I have my own way to define what my happiness

The main reason why happiness is hard to define is that happiness is an

abstract thing belonging to human’s feelings. Since everyone lives in
different situations and has a variety of experiences in life, they have their
own ways to feel what happens around them. For example, happiness of
the poor is that they can meet their basic demands to live such as having
enough food, clothes, water. Whereas, the rich think their happiness are
buying luxury things, travelling all around the world or tasting all of the most
delicious food in life. Therefore, happiness varies from a range of different
personal feelings.

From my point of view, there are two main things making my definition of
happiness. Firstly, my happiness is finding a suitable job with a competitive
level of salary in the future. Thanks to it, I can earn money by myself and
live independently. This feeling of making my own life is exactly pleasure so
I hope that it will soon become true in reality. Secondly, the greatest joy in
my life is gathering with my family and living a safe and sound life together.
This is because people cannot exist without their origins and family has a
special meaning not only in their hearts but also in moral values.

To sum up, though the definition of happiness is indistinctive, it is a

foremost essential part of our lives and we can achieve happiness in a
variety of ways/ various way.

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