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Useful skills on a desert island (dialogue)

Ksenia: So, Alex, imagine that we were shipwrecked on a liner and ended up on a
desert island. No supplies of food, water or other essentials. What skill do you
have to survive on the island?
Alex: Ok, it’s interesting issue. In my opinion, the first thing I can do easily is to
climb trees. It is necessary for me to get some fruits like coconuts or bananas. And
what else, I am fond of doing it because I get an adrenaline rush for the whole day
and positive thinking. And what about you? How can you impress me?
K: As for me, I would rather prefer to run in the morning, and I’m good at it, and I
suppose that this skill can be used for hunting wild animals or mammals that run
A: Very good. It’s a very valuable skill. But I think that there is no cooked food
without fire and there is no heat without fire. Therefore, I have experience to start a
fire without matches or a lighter in nature. It’s no difficult. For this, I need to find
flint, a piece of steel and piece of fibra. Then, striking the steel down against the
flint I land the sparks that appear on the cloth near to campfire. Eventually, my
timber burst into flame.
K: It’s incredible. I can’t believe it. It can help us to prepare fish for example. All
in all, I can perfectly fry or cook fish, meat with vegetables, soups, pilaf, stew
potatoes. Fruit and meat can be dried, and then we will have food supplies for cold
times. (Картинки костра и еды)
A: I also know how to fix tourniquets, do an indirect heart massage. I got these
skills when I served in the army, so we practiced on other people to do it.
K: And I can help you on the hunt, I shoot very well.
A: Where did you learn this?
K: When I was in school, my friend's family and I often went hunting. We hunted
wild hares, ducks, pheasants. (Картинки охоты)So, Alex, But where are we going
to live??? I think we need a permanent shelter to keep the rain out for instance.
A: I see. I can chop wood and cut trees, thus we could build a hut (хижина), with
with a roof of palm leaves and the bamboo walls. For the first time, it will be
enough, actually I would add beds for us to sleep there.
K: And no less important thing is our clothing. I can sew, so we could insulate our
clothes with animal skins when it gets cold.
A: You may find this ability strange, but I can scream very loudly. This skill is
very useful for scaring off dangerous animals, or yelling for help past an
approaching ship) This is a joke. But I also know a little about gardening and
helped my grandparents to plant vegetables, so on the island I will start growing
K: and finally, so that we don't get bored, I can dance and have fun to cheer us up
on the deserted island.
A: You're right, let's always have fun

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