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What Is Motivating Employees?

How to build employee motivation in order to improve their performance in the

company? This section has been studied in the Introduction to Management
Course. As a good boss or leader, of course we really want all employees who
work in our company to work optimally, in order to achieve what has been set by
the company.

But in reality, it is can not be denied that in any company, including ours, every
employee must have experienced boredom and lost motivation to do their job.
There are several factors that cause them to feel this way of course. Working eight
hours a day can be boring for employees. Therefore, through this article Sodexo
will provide information about how to build employee motivation, so that they can
be more enthusiastic in completing all tasks and responsibilities that have been
entrusted by the company.

Sometimes there are several conditions that cause employee performance levels to
reject. Of course this can affect the effectiveness of the company. So that the
function of superiors here must be able to motivate employees to improve their
Here are some tips that can help motivate our employees.

1. Listening and appreciating employees' ideas

The best way to motivate employees is to be a boss who listens and respects
employees' opinions or ideas. Of course, everyone wants their opinion to be heard,
including employees. Try to make time to listen to all opinions from employees
without exception, this can make us a wise leader.

2. Appreciate the smallest thing performance generated

As leaders, we should pay attention to improving the work of each of our
employees, both on a large and small scale, even though it will be even better. As
long as it is a positive thing, we must continue to appreciate it. Giving awards like
this will be very important for them so that it can increase their motivation to work

3. Do not criticize or correct

Criticism and correction are indeed needed in order to make the work better than
before. However, it would be better if as superiors, we use an indirect approach to
employees who make mistakes. This is intended so that employees can learn from
the mistakes they make. So that we can engage in discussions with employees to
find solutions to correct existing errors.

4. Maintain good social interactions

Good communication between superiors and employees can make the relationship
better. When we care about our employees, it will indirectly make employees feel
reluctant to us.

Motivation can encourage employees to think creatively in providing their work

output. Motivation can make employee performance faster and maximal.
Motivation can make employees to always give the best business results.
Motivation can help each employee's self-development

As employees, we can actually motivate other employees by helping to create a

conducive work environment, willing to learn, and being able to put ourselves in
various situations. Motivated employees can spread positive energy to other

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