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A biotic factors in an

1. Air is mixture of several

for respirationphotosynthesis for ,
growing plants .

1. Water
habitat body systems from the soil
as ,
for organism 's ,
photosynthesis and to absorb minerals

3. Light
for photosynthesis

4. Temperature
It controls the of

process reproduction in
It determines of 0 in the water
the solubility
It shed leaves some animals to hibernate migrate

causes some to and

5. Soil
as habitat
a source of minerals of plants for healthy growth

b. Minerals
needed .by plants and minerals

+ [ benefit ] -
[ harmed by other ] ,
0 [ not
gain benefits & not harmed by other]
predation prey
1. Predation (+ g- 1 Ex, frogs and Insect

A relationship between 2
organism of unlike
species in which one of them acts as
predator that captures and feeds on

the other that serves the

organism as

The predator may have

more quickly

Good eyesight
Have body
parts suitable for killing


be camouflage

The prey may have

• run fast
• be

have good sense of smell , sight or hearing

Competition C- g -7 is the struggle between 2
organs ims within
their habitat .

neither of the organism benefits Both affected by the presence

A relationship between 2
where .

organism are

of the other

Niche →
UNWIN V09 ÑMÉÑÑg ( role of an
organism plays in a community I
organism 's role in the environment .

organism 's
pattern of living .
Parasitism is a
relationship between species ,
where one
organism ,
parasite, lives at the expense of the other

Mutualism It is a relationship between organism different species

1+10 ) Commensalism means 1

organism benefits from the relationship while the other
species involved neither benefits nor is harmed
C- × .

egret and cattle

remora fishes

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