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新托业听力阅读考试 800 分精讲班


授课教师:Nurali Abliz 艾力


新东方在线 [www.koolearn.com ]新托业考试网络课堂电子教材系列

一 英语听力练习基本技巧

1 听力的综合能力提升











听写 or 不听写,这是个问题


1.盲听 3 遍


3.朗读 3 遍




Practice Makes Perfect

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2 听力问题与训练(1)



语调 重音 弱读 连读 缩读

重音 失去爆破 浊化 三单 过去式过去分词

元音 辅音

常见发音错误 Exit

 元音发音不饱满不到位不准确 Exist
 语音语调不准确 Chef
 辅音发音不准确







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 元音:


 单元音:


 双元音:


元音 A E I O U


i: i æ e ə: ə ʌ ɑ: ɔ: ɔ

u: u ai ei ɔi əu au ɛə uə iə

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3 听力问题与训练(2)


Sheep Ship

Leak Lick

Cheeks Chicks

Peel Pill

Bean Bin

Leave Live

x axe

pen pan

men man

send sand

gem jam

bread Brad

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 10 对:/b/ /p/、/d/ /t/、/g/ /k/、/v/ /f/、/z/ /s/、/ʒ/ /ʃ/ 、 /ð//θ/、/dʒ/ /tʃ/、

/dr/ /tr/、/dz/ /ts/,

 3 个鼻音

 /m/ /n/ /ŋ/

 3 个舌边音

 /l/ /h/ /r/

 2 个半元音

 /w/ /j/

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V 音发音不标准

V we

vest west

vet wet

vine wine

veil whale

 Vicky, the vampire, doesn’t have wavy hair.

Th 音发音不标准

 My mother and my father went through thick and thin together.


 Famous

 Jealous

 Good idea


 Ni Hao

 Shu

 Why

 Book

 Book+a

 How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

 A woodchuck would chuck all the wood if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

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4 听力问题与训练(3)


 Employ employee

 Import record perfect

 Interesting


 You Hang

 中文句子的语调基础:字

 英文句子的语调基础:句


 一般疑问句,语气婉转的祈使句,以及用陈述句子形式表示疑问的各类句子。如:

 a)Shall I tell him to come and see you?

 (一般疑问句的正常语调)

 b)You.like  him?(用于陈述句形式的疑问句中,期待得到对方证实)

 c).What have you got there? (用于特殊疑问句中,语气亲切热情)

 d).  Right you  are. Here you  are.

 (用于某些感叹句中,表示轻快、活泼、鼓励等意义)e)She bought  red,  yellow,

and  green rugs.

(2)降调:表示“肯定”和“完结”。一般用于陈述句、特殊疑 问句、命令句和感叹

 a)Swimming is my favourite sport. (用于陈述句表示肯定的意义)

 b)What did you find  there? (特殊疑问句常用)

 c)Tell me all about  it. (语气较强的命令)

 d)Have you got the  tickets?

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 (降调用于一般疑问句表示说话人的态度粗率、不耐烦

 或不高兴)

 e)How  nice! (用于感叹句,表示感叹)



 It~is~an~old book.

 Let me have~a look~at~it.

 Put~it~on, please.

 Not~at~all.

 Please pick~it~up.


 The hobby I enjoy most is fishing.

 I started fishing when I was five years old. I’ll never forget the day when my father
first took me fishing with him. On that day, I was holding a fishing rod when a fish
suddenly started pulling on the line. I was so shocked that I fell into the water. But
experience didn’t put me off and I have been fishing ever since.

 Now I still go fishing with my father. And we often go out on Sundays and spend
the whole day fishing in the river.

 The hobby I enjoy most// is fishing.

 I started fishing // // when I was five years old. // I’ll never forget the day // when
my father first took me fishing with him. // On that day, // I was holding a fishing
rod // when a fish suddenly started pulling on the line. // I was so shocked // that I
fell into the water. But experience didn’t put me off // and I have been fishing //
ever since.

 Now I still go fishing with my father. // And we often go out on Sundays // and
spend the whole day fishing in the river. //

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二 托业听力考试题型与备考

1 题型介绍与出题原理-PART1

题型 题数 时间 分数

PART 1 、图片分析 10

PART 2 、提问问题 30
45 分钟 495 分
PART 3 、对话主题 30

PART 4 、短讲主题 30

PART 1 图片分析

题目 10

录音播放时间 约 90 秒

各问题间隔 5秒


在这部分,考生会看到 10 张黑白照片,并听到 10 组录音。针对每张照片考生会听到 4 个



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01 现在进行时 (be+ -ing)


• They are walking in the park.

• They are working in the roof.

• The man is watering a tree.


• The man is wearing a work vest.

• They are waiting in line.

02 一般现在时,一般现在时被动语态(be+p.p.)


• Various kinds of dessert are on display.

• Most of the seats are taken.

• The flowers are planted in a row.

03 完成时(have+p.p.) or (have + been + p.p.)


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• The cars have stopped at the traffic light.

• The table has been set for a meal.

• Some fruits have been arranged.

• Files have been placed on the desk.

04 There be 句型(There is / are ……)

描述“有……”,须仔细听清 be 后面的名词或名词后连接的动词或状态短语。

• There is a tree between two benches.

• There are vehicles on the bridge.

• There are cars parked on both sides of the street.

05 进行时被动语态(be+being +p.p.)

出现。所以在听到 being 这个词后,要关注是否有动作的主体-人。

• The magazines are displayed on the rack.

• The magazines are being displayed on the rack.

• The boxes have been stacked up on the floor.

• The boxes are being stacked up on the floor.

2 题型介绍与出题原理-PART2

PART 2 提问问题

题目 30

录音播放时间 约 60 秒

各问题间隔 5秒


共有 30 段包含问题与回答的录音。每个问题后面有 3 个回答。考生必须选出最佳回答。

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01 特殊疑问句

Who 疑问句

• Who is in charge of employee safety in the factory?

 The plant manger.

• Who supplies parts that we use for our computers.

 They are imported from Asia.

When 疑问句

• When can I get the results of my check-up?

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 We will call you within a week.

• When is the train supposed to arrive?

 Any minute now.(直接回答)

 It’s printed on your ticket.(间接回答)

Where 疑问句

• Where can I find the manual for this fax machine?

 Have you checked the reference section?(间接回答)

• Where would Jane want me to put these files?

• On her desk would be fine.(直接回答)

 You’d better ask her assistant.(I don’t know 类型回答)

Why 疑问句

• Why didn’t you tell me you’d gotten a promotion?

 I just found out myself ?(I don’t know 类型回答)

• Why are you still in bed at noon on Tuesday?

 I’m a little under the weather.

How 疑问句

• How do you start this computer?(手段)

 Press the green button.

• How did you like that presentation Jerry just gave?(状态)

 It was rather confusing , wasn’t it?

• How much does it cost to send it by express?(程度)

 3 times of the regular price.

What 疑问句

• What should I do with these books?

 I’m not sure. Let me check.

 I’ll get someone to help you.

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• What’s the matter with this copy machine?

 It’s out of papers.

• What made you so late for the meeting?

 I was stuck in traffic.

02 可以用 yes/no 回答的疑问句


• Is it true that Sean got the promotion?

 Yes and a big raise to go with it.

• Did Rachel get that promotion she was hoping for?

 No, they gave it to someone with more experience.

• Has Jake returned from his overseas business trip yet?

 I ran into him in the lobby.(省略 yes 的情况)

• Are there any tickets available for today’s show?

 Sorry, they’re all sold out.(省略 no 的情况)


• Don’t you need to order refreshments for the party?

 No, Wendy is taking care of it.

• Shouldn’t we go with another shipping company?

 Let’s compare the prices.(不是 yes/no,而是暂时保留意见的间接回答)


• You wouldn’t happen to know when Mr. Smith will come , would you?

 Yes, he will be here around 3.

• You’ve read the new novel by James Kim, haven’t you?

 I haven’t had time.(省略 no 的情况)

03 选择疑问句

• Would you rather take a bus or walk?(单词 or 单词)

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 I wouldn’t mind getting a little exercise.(间接表达“要运动”,就是


 I’d rather drive my car.(A or B? 既不是 A,也不是 B,而 C)

• Do you have my number, or should I write it down for you?

 I have your business card here.

• Can I pay by credit card, or do I have to pay by cash?

 Either is fine.

04 陈述句


• I’ve forgotten how often the newsletters comes out.

 It’s published quarterly.(与 how often 相对的回答)

• That construction work outside is making so much noise.(不满,意见)

 Maybe we should close the windows (给予意见)

• I guess we already passed Helen’s place.(意见)

 No,it’s still a few blocks up ahead.(反对意见)

05 建议、提议、请求疑问句

建议、提议代表性问法为“Why don’t you……?”,“how about……?”。请求有“Could

you……?”,“Can you……?”,“Would you……?”“Do you mind……?”。

Why don’t you put it your resume at Jane’s company?

 That’s a good idea.

 It doesn’t pay enough.

Could you give me a ride home tonight?

 Sure, when should I pick you up?

 Actually I didn’t bring my car today.

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3 题型介绍与出题原理-PART3

PART 3 对话主题

题目 30

录音播放时间 约 30 秒

各问题间隔 8秒


共有 10 段两人之间的对话。听每段对话后回答三道理解题,每个问题对应四个选项,其中


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01 一般信息

(A) 常见的询问主题的问题

• What are they discussing?

• What are they talking about?

• What is the topic of the conversation?

• What are the speakers doing?

• What problem are the speakers discussing?


This neighborhood has changed a lot, That park has been replaced by a building.

• What are they discussing?

 Changes of the city.

Could you please reserve a conference room for next Tuesday?

• What are they talking about?

 A room reservation.

Why do you think our new vehicles are doing so poorly in the market?

• What is the topic of the conversation?

 Sales of their product.


• Where are this conversation taking place?

• Where are the speakers?
W: Where can I find the bread?
M: The bread is in aisle 5.
• Where is this conversation taking place?
 Supermarket
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W: How fast could the copy be done?

M: You could use our self-service copiers.
• Where are the speakers?
 A copy center

• What is his profession/occupation/job?

• What does she do?

• What line of work is he in?

• What business are the speakers in?


W: I don’t have any photo schedule for June yet.

M: There are two different tours.

W: I’ll lead that tour.

• What does the woman do?

 A tour guide.

M: I can’t sell them to our customers.

• What does the man do?

 A retailer.

02 具体信息


• What is the man looking for?

• What department is sending out the annual report?

• Where does the man work?

• When is the deadline?

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• When will the sale end?

• When is the woman going to Pairs?

• When is the event scheduled to begin?

• How long has the man been waiting for Internet Access?


• Tomorrow

• Next day

• The day after tomorrow

• In 2 days

• Half off

• 50% off

• A couple of

• Once an hour


• What is the man’s problem?

• What happened to the woman?

• What did the man recently do?

• What does the man suggest?

• What does the customer want to do?

• What is the woman concerned about?

• What did the woman say about her meeting?

• How will the man help the woman?

• Why is the man calling the woman?

• Why does the woman say she is unavailable?

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• M: Let’s sit down and discuss this further.

 The man wants to talk an issue over.

• M: I couldn’t get that promotion I’d hoped for.

 The man failed to get a higher position.

• M: I’ll put it the best effort I can here.

 The man will work harder.


• M: The apples we received were bruised.

 The person is complaining about the quality.

• M: Where are the sandwiches?

 The man is asking for the location of a product.

• W: We’re swamped with work and short-staffed right now.

 The woman is saying she’s busy.


• M: Actually it’s not very interesting. I’m already looking forward to my vacation.

 The man thinks his job is boring.

• M: Our new refrigerator is doing so poorly in the European market.

 They are not selling well.

03 询问接下来要做的事

• What will the customer do next?

• What will the man do thing evening?

• What does the woman say she will do next?

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• I’m planning

• Intending

• Trying

• Scheduled

4 题型介绍与出题原理-PART4

PART 4 短讲主题

题目 30

录音播放时间 约 30 秒

各问题间隔 8秒


包含 10 段短文讲说,内容可能涉及公告、天气预报、旅行警告等。考生在每段短讲主题后
须回答三个问题,每个问题有 4 个选项,只有一个是正确的。


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01 广告


• What is the purpose of the information?

• What is being advertised?

• What is mentioned about the product?

• What kinds of items are on sale?

• Why does the store have a sale?

• How long does the event last?

• What is the main feature of the product?

• When does the shop close?

• What is being offered for free during the sale?

• When will the sale end?

02 广播、新闻、天气预报、交通信息报道

• What will the listeners hear after this report?

• Who is the broadcast mainly intended for?

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• What is the report about?

• How many new jobs will be created?

• What does the report say will happen soon?

• How often does this report broadcast?

• Why is the airport closed?

• What time is the broadcast being given?

• What is the weather like in the south areas this afternoon?

• What does the announcer suggest?

03 人物介绍

• What is the purpose of the speech?

• What is Mr. Webster’s new position?

• What is Ms. Garcia’s new profession?

• What is David in charge of?

• What was Mr. Vierra’s previous job?

• What is not mentioned about Mr. Park?

• What department is newly opened?

• What is Mr. Lopez’s specialty?

04 电话留言

• Why does the woman call?

• Who is this message intended for?

• Who most likely is the audience for this message?

• What does the speaker ask Mr. Martinez to do?

• Where is Tomoyo likely to work?

• How has the meeting been changed?

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• What will happen if the caller presses the button two?

• What should the callers do to get the information about the featuring movies?

• What is the purpose of this message?

05 机场和公司内广播等

• Where is this announcement heard?

• Who is giving the announcement?

• What is the purpose of the announcement?

• What caused the delay?

• What is being offered to the ticket holders?

• What is needed to receive a complimentary beverage?

• What are passengers asked to do?

• Where are people instructed to go?

• What does the speaker ask the listeners to do?

• What problem does the speaker mention?

• What will happen next Monday?

• Why are they required to work overtime?

• Where is the announcement being made?

06 演说、旅游介绍、讲课

• What is the main topic of the talk?

• Who is the speaker?

• Where is the talk taking place?

• What will the people do after lunch?

• How long des the tour last?

• When is the last tour of the exhibit?

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• Where does the tour begin?

• What does the speaker recommend?

• What does the speaker apologize for?

• What are the employees asked to do?

5 托业听力具体练习方法

01 正确对待托业听力


 一次要连续做 100 道题或者最少也要做 50 道题。

 可以先一次做 20 道题,习惯之后再延长时间,逐步增加到每次 30 道,40 道,以适


 用外放音响以及比实际录音速度更快一点的录音作练习。


 在单纯做大量的习题并不能提高自己的成绩。

 做题之后要仔细检查做错的地方。

 分析自我,找出自己在哪部分,哪种题型上经常犯错误,然后再学习自己的基础部


 即使作对也需要再看一下的问题。

 那些不是很顺利解决的问题,哪怕有一点不确定、犹豫不决,也要再回顾一下。

02 积攒托业听力基本实力

(A)直听直译训练的 ABC 法

 听到句子,但把听到的内容翻译过来需要时间。

 听到句子后直接按顺序翻译每个词和短语。

 比如,我们在听到“Are’t we supposed to pick her up at the airport tonight?”时,


 通过这样的训练,可以更快地掌握听到的内容。
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 打开音频,跟随配音的速度照原因朗读。

 这是熟悉听力的速度感是背诵句子的最好方法。

 最后可以脱离原文读,就能获得更大的效果。


 背诵听力中出现的句子。

 通过背诵句子能够熟悉单词和词组。


 听力挺高的最快方法是“多听”。

 利用每天的零碎时间。乘地铁的时候,等朋友的时候,运动的时候,都要抓住间隙,

03 不同水平适合的学习方法

(A)初级水平-65 个以下正确—仔细学习每一部分

Day1 Day2 Day3 Day4 Day5 Day6 Day7

1 部分试题 1 部分试题 1 部分试题 1 部分试题 1 部分试题 1 部分试题 1 部分试题

Day8 Day9 Day10 Day11 Day12 Day13 Day14

2 部分试题 2 部分试题 2 部分试题 2 部分试题 2 部分试题 2 部分试题 2 部分试题

Day15 Day16 Day17 Day18 Day19 Day20 Day21

3 部分试题 3 部分试题 3 部分试题 3 部分试题 3 部分试题 3 部分试题 3 部分试题

Day22 Day23 Day24 Day25 Day26 Day27 Day28

4 部分试题 4 部分试题 4 部分试题 4 部分试题 4 部分试题 4 部分试题 4 部分试题

Day29 Day30 Day31 Day32 Day33 Day34

1-4 部分试 复习 重做错题 重做错题 真题 真题

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(B)中级水平-65~85 正确—坚持做真题

Day1 Day2 Day3 Day4 Day5 Day6

1 套题 1 套题 2 套题 2 套题 3 套题 3 套题

Day7 Day8 Day9 Day10 Day11 Day12

4 套题 4 套题 5 套题 5 套题 6 套题 6 套题

Day13 Day14 Day15 Day16 Day17 Day18

7 套题 7 套题 错题重做 错题重做 典型题 典型题

(C)高级水平-85 以上正确—每天实战练习,训练感觉

Day1 Day2 Day3 Day4 Day5

1 套题 2 套题 3 套题 4 套题 5 套题

Day6 Day7 Day8 Day9 Day10

6 套题 7 套题 错题重做 典型题 典型题

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三 托业听力词句扩充 PART1

Part1 扩充 高频表达-人物动作

 Adjust one’s glasses  Chopping vegetables

 Admiring the plants  Chapping hands

 Applauding the speaker  Cleaning the display window

 Arranging a pile of book  Climbing over a fence

 Assembling some shelves  Climbing up a hill

 Attaching a notice  Closing a cabinet

 Attending a conference  Collecting the folding chairs

 Attending to the patient  Combing one’s hair

 Baking some cookies  Coming out of the building

 Bending over the table  Commuting to work

 Barding the bus  Constructing a model ship

 Booking a trip  Cooking soup

 Browsing a trip  Copying a photograph

 Brushing back her hair  Crossing the tracks

 Buttoning one’s coat  Cutting a piece of paper

 Buying tickets to the gallery  Delivering a presentation

 Carrying a box on his shoulders  Developing some film

 Carving a sculpture  Digging in a garden

 Changing into a uniform  Dining with friends

 Chatting across the table  Directing traffic on the road

 Checking a watch  Discussing the document

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 Displaying some art  Filling a barrel with water

 Distribution plates of food  Finishing one’s lunch

 Diving into the sea  Fishing from the riverbank

 Drawing in a notebook  Fixing a door

 Drinking from a cup  Flipping through some papers

 Driving a delivery truck  Folding the backseat

 Eating in restaurant  Gathering in front of the shop

 Emptying the trash can  Gesturing at the board

 Entering the building  Getting some exercise

 Examining the poster  Getting into the back of the car

 Exchanging notes  Getting up form the chair

 Enjoying the view  Glancing at the screen

 Facing each other  Going downstairs

 Feeding the ducks  Handing a document to the other

 Filing documents in the drawer
 Hanging a sign on the wall
 Filling up a crate
 Hanging up the telephone
 Filling a barrel with water
 Having a heated confrontation
 Finishing one’s lunch
 Having a meal
 Fishing from the riverbank
 Heading out to sea
 Fixing a door
 Helping the other stand up
 Flipping through some papers
 holding a monitor up over one’s
 Folding the backseat
 Filing documents in the drawer
 Inflating the tires with air
 Filling up a crate
 Inspecting an item
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 Installing tiles  Observing a match

 Jogging around the park  Offering someone a meal

 Jumping over the fence  Opening a drawer

 Knitting a scarf  Operating heavy machinery

 Laying a concrete sidewalk  Ordering some food from a menu

 Leaning back in one’s seat  Organizing some paper

 Leaning forward by the counter  Packing away some poles

 Leaning over the rail  Packing for a trip

 Leaving a store  Painting a picture

 Lighting the candles  Parking one’s bike in a rack

 Loading a box onto a cart  Passing a box to another

 Locking up the warehouse  Paying for the item

 Looking at one’s reflection  Pedaling down the street

 Looking for documents in a cabinet  Photographing the scenery

 Looking in the mirror  Picking up pastries form the trays

 Looking over the menu  Picking vegetables in a field

 Lying on a bench  Piling some books on the shelves

 Making a transaction  Piloting a boat out to sea

 Making the bed  Placing a coin in the slot

 Marching outside  Planting a lot of flowers in front of

the store
 Measuring some fabric
 Playing a musical instrument
 Moving chairs closer together
 Plugging in a machine
 Moving down the slope
 Pointing a finger to the monitor
 Mowing a lawn

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 Polishing a window  Resting on the grass

 Posing for a picture  Restocking the shelves

 Posting a notice on the window  Riding bicycles

 Poring drinks into glasses  Rinsing off the counter

 Preparing food in two pans  Rolling a boat

 Puling a cart  Running ahead of the man

 Purchasing loaves of bread  Running out to board the bus

 Pushing a cart through the line  Sanding the floor

 Putting a key into a lock  Selling a pattern

 Putting away one’s instruments  Serving beverages

 Putting down one’s pen  Setting the table

 Putting on sweaters  Sewing a dress

 Putting up a poster  Shaking hands

 Racing down the street  Shelving merchandise

 Raising sales  Shielding one’s eyes with one’s

 Raking the leaves
 Shoveling snow
 Reaching across the table
 Selling a pattern
 Reaching for an item
 Serving beverages
 Reading a sign
 Setting the table
 Rearranging the furniture
 Sewing a dress
 Reattaching the wheel to the cart
 Shaking hands
 Relaxing outdoors
 Shelving merchandise
 Removing one’s coat
 Shielding one’s eyes with one’s
 Repairing fishing equipment
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 Shoveling snow  Staring at a screen

 Selling a pattern  Staring into the distance

 Serving beverages  Stepping into the building

 Setting the table  Stretching the hose

 Sewing a dress  Strolling along the path

 Shaking hands  Stuffing some clothes into a bag

 Shelving merchandise  Sweeping the room

 Shielding one’s eyes with one’s  Swimming in the lake

 Taking a dish out of the oven
 Shoveling snow
 Taking a nap on the bench
 Signing some forms
 Talking on the telephone
 Sipping some water
 Tasting the soup
 Sitting across form each other
 Tidying up one’s desk
 Sitting by a plant
 Transporting some building
 Sitting in a circle materials

 Slicing pieces of cake  Trying on a sweater

 Sliding down a hill  Turning at the corner

 Smiling at a friend  Turning the pages of a book

 Sorting envelopes  Tying a scarf around one’s neck

 Speaking into a microphone  Talking on the telephone

 Stacking books  Tasting the soup

 Stacking up some bricks  Tidying up one’s desk

 Standing at the sink  Transporting some building

 Standing up straight
 Trying on a sweater
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 Turning at the corner  Watching a program on television

 Turning the pages of a book  Watching another use a tool

 Tying a scarf around one’s neck  Watering a plant

 Tying up the ropes  Waving flags from a window

 Typing on a keyboard  Wearing a helmet

 Unfolding a map  Weighting one’s luggage

 Using a bank machine  Wheeling some carts out of the

 Vacuuming the floor
 Wiping off the kitchen counter
 Waiting at the counter
 Working on a rooftop
 Waiting to board the vehicle
 Writing on a piece of paper
 Walking along the dock
 Writing some directions
 Washing the dish

Part1 扩充 高频表达-事物状态

 A boat is docked.  The house is torn down.

 Backpacks are stacked.  The door is closed.

 Boxes are placed on the floor.  The envelope is opened.

 Cars are lined up.  The house is surrounded by trees.

 Cars are pulled up.  The road is crowded.

 Leaves are piled up.  The road is paved.

 Papers are scattered.  Threes are reflected on the water.

 Shoes are arranged.  Paintings line the wall of the room.

 The bench is shaded.  The curtains have been slid shut.

 The boat is tied up.  Clothes are hanging from a rack.

 The building is demolished.

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 The buildings are shorter than the  A piece of wood is being sliced into
others. several sections.

 There is microphone near one of  Merchandise is being loaded onto a

the men. container.

 There is a statue near the sitting  The nails are being polished.

Part1 扩充 高频表达-事物位置

 Some books on the shelf and some  A flower shop next to a post office
pictures on the wall
 A lamp post beside the handrail
 Some books under the table
 The chart in front of her
 Some hats above the shoes
 The armchair behind the table
 A river below the bridge
 Trees along the path
 A bridge laid across the river
 Buckets displayed in rows
 A television in the corner of the

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四 托业听力词句扩充 PART2

Who 疑问句

 who’s making the decision?

 Our manger.

 Who is good at skating?

 Victor is.

 Who was the man in your office>

 A client.

 Who can’t make it to the seminar?

 We’re all going.

 Whose turn is it to take a day off?

 It’s your turn.

 Who will be invited to give a speech?

 It’s written on the poster.

 Who did you say your boss was?

 It’s Mr. Hideyoshi; he’s shot with a grumpy face.

 Who has the manual on this machinery?

 I saw Kevin making a copy with it.

 Who sent us these marvelous souvenirs?

 There was nothing written on the box.

 Who authorized you to enter this area?

 I am a new employee here.

 Who told Philip to order more fax paper?

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 That would be Ms. Crawford.

 Who is responsible for evaluating the resumes?

 The recruiting agency.

 Who will cover the night shift at the hospital tonight?

 That would be me.

 Who are you going to share the cab to the airport with?

 Oh, I’m taking the subway.

 Who is going to pick up the boss at the airport tomorrow?

 I can do that.

 Who do you thing will be the new Chief Executive Officer?

 I heard it would be Mr. Johnson from Goldman Sachs.

 Who’s in charge of bringing the lighting equipment to the site?

 Brian is coming in with his truck.

When 疑问句

 When does the meeting start?

 At ten o’clock.

 When does the train leave for Boston?

 Let me check the schedule.

 When will the event be held?

 During the third week of July.

 When did you get back from Brazil?

 Just a couple of days ago.

 When was your monthly report due?

 This afternoon.
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 When are you moving to Philadelphia?

 When I get an excellent job offer.

 When do you expect to use the printer?

 After lunch.

 When can I have the electrical inspection done?

 Any time Tuesday through Thursday.

 When was the last time you went to China?

 The only thing I remember is it was summer.

 When will you meet Ms. Remedy at the mall?

 She is supposed to call me when she arrives.

 When can we know if we are approved for the loan?

 The teller said it would take at least a month.

 When does this movie end? I can’t stand it anymore.

 Just wait for the climax; it will come along soon.

 When is Ms. Braxton’s resignation going to be announced to the staff?

 Is she quitting?

Where 疑问句

 Where have you been?

 At the theater.

 Where is your office located?

 In downtown Chicago.

 Where have you been with the car?

 I was just getting a newspaper?

 Where is the ignition key slot for this car?

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 Oh, it operates with a smart card.

 Where do you usually spend your vacation?

 No specific place.

 Where is the company capital coming from?

 Mostly foreign investors.

 Where are you going to put the profit report?

 I’ll leave it on your desk.

 Where is your company being relocated?

 Management hasn’t decided yet?

 Where should I go to get an ink cartridge?

 Try the store on the next corner.

 Where can I find some impressive gifts?

 Have you tried the shop in the corner?

 Where will you go on your vacation, Chris?

 I’m going to visit my cousin in Vancouver this time.

 Where is the best place to buy some office furniture?

 There is a huge sign that says “Office Megastore”.

 Where do you want to send these books?

 Make it to Kathy in Seattle, and wait for the rest of the address.

 Where do I have to go to get my license reissued?

 Go to the transportation building downtown.

 Where is the expiration date for this credit card written?

 At the bottom to the right.

 Where can I get a copy of the export projections for next year?

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 You can have mine if you want.

Why 疑问句

 Why did he take off early?

 To attend to some other engagements.

 Why is the post office closed?

 It’s already past their business hours.

 Why weren’t you at today’s meeting?

 Isn’t that tomorrow?

 Why did you move out of your apartment?

 The rent was too high.

 Why was the demonstration postponed?

 The presenter needed more time.

 Why has the factory shut down?

 Because the cost of machinery has increased.

 Why do you like this computer better?

 It’s much faster than the old one.

 Why have all the flights been delayed?

 Due to mechanical problems.

 Why was the demonstration postponed?

 The presenter needed more time.

 Why has the factory shut down?

 Because the cost of machinery has increased.

 Why do you like this computer better?

 It’s much faster than the old one.

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 Why have all the flights been delayed?

 Due to mechanical problems.

 Why does Jerry want to transfer to France?

 To be close to his family.

 Why did you decide on this model?

 It was available only in red.

 Why aren’t you going to the party?

 I’m not interested.

 Why don’t we eat in?

 That’s a good idea.

 Why was your phone busy all day?

 Sorry, I must have left it off the hook.

 Why don’t you rent the car from Car Express?

 The company is taking care of that matter.

 Why isn’t this vending machine working?

 There must be some bad bills in it.

 Why did you choose to buy our product?

 Your innovative design was most appealing.

 Why haven’t you typed the form I asked for?

 I was busy all day long with other reports.

 Why hasn’t Mr. Anderson picked his suit up yet?

 He just called in and said he’ll do that tomorrow.

 Why did Nick cancel his reservation at the Windsor?

 He had to go on a business trip all of a sudden.

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 Why don’t we call Jessie and watch a movie together?

 She would like that too.

 Why didn’t anyone even bother mail out the samples?

 They are still working on the mailing list.

 Why are some items in the produce section being marked down?

 We’re trying to get rid of them.

How 疑问句

 How is your dinner?

 Good, thank you.

 How was your trip to Ohio?

 Very refreshing.

 How much does this humidifier cost?

 100 dollars.

 How did you find the job opening?

 I used a recruiting agent.

 How did those lab results come out?

 They were very promising.

 How will the shipment be delivered?

 It’ll go by air.

 How will I recognized Ms. Chang?

 She’ll be wearing glasses.

 How do you feel about the transition?

 It won’t be a big deal.

 How will the new project be financed?

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 It hasn’t been decided yet.

 How are you getting to the airport tomorrow?

 I will take a cab.

 How would you like to work for our company?

 That would be great.

 How long have you been running this franchise?

 For almost six years.

 How much is the whole package, including air fare?

 The total comes to $345.

 How many applicants are registered for the workshop?

 The computer shows over 200 up to now.

 How did you get a last minute reservation at such a famous restaurant?

 The owner is one of my old colleagues.

what 疑问句

 What time’s our ticket?

 In 20 minutes.

 What would you like for a drink ?

 A cup of tea would do.

 What happened to my documents?

 I just shredded them.

 What topics will the program cover?

 It’ ll be on product development.

 What made you quit the company?

 Working for that company made me so miserable.

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 What do you think of my new apartment?

 Very spacious and modern.

 What time did you get here this morning?

 Nine.

 What are some employee benefits at the company?

 An indoor fitness facility and 15 paid vacation days a year.

 What will the manager give you tomorrow at the conference?

 She’s bringing the market analysis report.

 What’s the interest rate for a mortgage loan to purchase a house?

 You’d better consult a banker. I can introduce one to you.

 What is the approximate number of all the rooms on the second floor?

 Around 30.


 Did you work late yesterday?

 No, I took off early.

 Would you like to go shopping?

 That sounds like fun.

 Did we receive any e-mails today?

 I haven’t checked it yet.

 Have you seen my cell phone?

 sorry, I haven’t.

 Did you see the new product?

 I haven’t had the chance.

 Could I look at the new model?

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 It hasn’t arrived in our store yet.

 Is everyone participating in the event?

 I suppose so.

 Do you think we have enough applicants?

 Yes, there are at least more than 100.

 Do you feel better after taking medication?

 Yes, much better.

 Would you like a ride to the airport?

 Thanks, I’d appreciate it.

 Would you mind if I opened the window?

 Sure, I was feeling a little stuffy too.

 Is it going to cost a lot to fix this VCR?

 I hope not.

 Were there any calls while I was out of the office?

 Not that I know of.

 Would anyone like to apply for the vacancy?

 What are the benefits?

 Do you have the combination to open the safe?

 Sorry , I forgot.

 Can you tell me where the cafeteria is?

 It’s on the 1st floor.

 Could you call me back as soon as possible?

 I’ll try.

 Did you read the newspaper on the election?

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 No, but I heard it’s very interesting.

 Have the passengers all boarded yet?

 Wait , there are a couple more walking toward us.

 Do you know when we will get served our dinner?

 Let me check the kitchen.

 Have you completed getting your portfolio together?

 It’s all ready.

 Are you supposed to attend the conference tomorrow?

 No, it’s been rescheduled for next Thursday.

 Is the draft of the contract almost finished for review?

 Do you want it now?

 Are you available to speak with Mr. Hexon after lunch?

 Tell him I will see him at 2.

 Does it snow a lot around here in winter?

 No, it usually rains at this time of year.

 Do you know what the schedule is for the conference?

 It’s today’s agenda.

 Do you know how to place the image in the word file?

 I would have to look up the manual.

 Would you like to briefly go over the survey results next?

 Yeah, I was curious about that as well.

 Would you like to join us to watch the game on Friday?

 I’d love to.

 Do you know how to get to the conference room from there?

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 Yes, it’s not that far.

 Could you water the plants in the garden while I’m cooking?

 I’d be glad to.

 Do you know which factors most contributed to the evaluation?

 You will have to see the chart.

 Do you know if Mr. Stevenson has already signed the form?

 Probably, since I saw his secretary knocking on his door with it.


 Don’t you need your umbrella?

 No, my friend is bringing one for me.

 Isn’t Daniel leaving with us for the trip?

 No, he called in sick.

 Aren’t you going to wear your glasses?

 No, I left them at home.

 Won’t the committee support the idea?

 No , they decided against it.

 Don’t you need your umbrella?

 No, my friend is bringing one for me.

 Isn’t Daniel leaving with us for the trip?

 No, he called in sick.

 Aren’t you going to wear your glasses?

 No, I left them at home.

 Won’t the committee support the idea?

 No , they decided against it.

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 Isn’t it too cold to open the window?

 You don’t think it’s warm in here?

 Don’t you need to bigger table for the lounge?

 No, this one is big enough.

 Wasn’t the last convention held on March?

 Yes, at the Hotel Regent.

 Shouldn’t I make a turn somewhere here?

 No, it’s one more block away.

 Don’t you think this centerpiece looks wonderful?

 Yes, it will be a perfect match with the table.

 Aren’t you going to show your data to the staff?

 No, the analysis is inconclusive.

 Aren’t you going to volunteer for the charity event?

 I already signed up. How about you?

 Don’t we have to get our boarding passes out yet?

 We have still five people standing in front of us.

 Didn’t we receive the e-mail that was sent to our division?

 I haven’t had time to check.

 Don’t you think we should copy the invoice before we mail it out?

 I’ll do that after lunch.

 Won’t you have an important negotiation coming up next Thursday?

 No, it has been postponed till next month.

 Aren’t we supposed to hear from our oversea clients this afternoon?

 I think you’re right.

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 Aren’t we going to discuss the new business plan as the next agenda?

 Yes, it’s included.


 You want me to drive, don’t you?

 Yes, you know the directions.

 You’re off duty in an hour, aren’t you?

 Yes, in just ten minutes.

 It’s freezing out here , isn’t it?

 Yes , we should have put on more clothes.

 This is your first visit to Seoul, isn’t it?

 No, I was here several years ago.

 Your department is running well , isn’t it?

 We have already exceeded our quota.

 Someone will be filling in for Davis, right?

 I will.

 The new printer is more efficient , isn’t it?

 Yes, faster than the old one.

 Jane still needs to pay her dues, doesn’t she?

 No, she took care of it.

 Your department is running well , isn’t it?

 We have already exceeded our quota.

 Someone will be filling in for Davis, right?

 I will.

 The new printer is more efficient , isn’t it?

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 Yes, faster than the old one.

 Jane still needs to pay her dues, doesn’t she?

 No, she took care of it.

 Your department is running well , isn’t it?

 We have already exceeded our quota.

 Someone will be filling in for Davis, right?

 I will.

 The new printer is more efficient , isn’t it?

 Yes, faster than the old one.

 Jane still needs to pay her dues, doesn’t she?

 No, she took care of it.

 I told you about the new snack bar, didn’t i?

 Yes, you are a step late.

 You’ re planning to take the offer, aren’t you?

 I’m still thinking it over.

 We are running behind scheduled, aren’t we?

 I’ll ask to postpone the meeting.

 Sales are going to weaken this year, don’t you think?

 Everyone is saying that.

 The stairs on the third floor are too steep, aren’t they?

 Yes, we need to fix that.

 That’s the man who works for the law firm , isn’t it?

 He is in charge of real estate cases.

 We are still on schedule to launch the software , aren’t we?

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 Yes , we are almost ready.

 Susan commutes more than an hour to work, doesn’t she?

 She recently moved to the area around the office.

 Sam designed the new cover for the next edition, didn’t he?

 Yes, but it needs a little more touch.

 Dee really is the most popular actress in this country, isn’t she?

 Especially in dramas.

 There is a convenience store close to your apartment, isn’t there?

 There is one around the corner.

 We are still on schedule to roll our the new product line, aren’t we?

 Yes, at least for now.


 Would you like to sit in a booth or a table?

 I prefer the patio.

 Would you prefer a table inside or outside on the porch?

 Either would be fine.

 Are you sailing to Bermuda on the boat of flying there?

 I already booked my flight with Asian Air.

 Will you be at work late, or can you join us for dinner?

 I am afraid I’ll be held up at the office.

 Should the document be mailed today, or is next week okay?

 The sooner the better.

 Would you like to meet at my place or somewhere eles?

 Let me reserve a restaurant.

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 Are you going to airport , or should I pick up the client?

 I’ll leave soon.

 Does this fax machine work, or should I find another one?

 It will be repaired this morning.

 Would you rather research the data or proofread the report?

 Either is fine with me.

 Would it be better to travel together or do it separately?

 Why don’t I drop by your place?

 Do you prefer working the early shift or late in this afternoon?

 Either one is okay with me.

 Do you plan to buy the tickets over the phone or at the theater?

 I’ ll just buy them at the theater.

 Can you fix the stereo, or should I take it to the service center?

 I don’t think it can be repaired at all.

 Which of the two is better, writing a letter or calling the person?

 A letter gives you more sincerity and appreciation.

 Have you hired a new employee yet, or should I post an ad in the paper?

 It’s already been taken care of.

 Would you prefer to drink some hot chocolate or try some lemonade?

 Do you have anything else?

 Would you prefer to meet at the office or do you have any preference?

 I’ll stop by your office.

 Are you still subscribing to Money Times or are you finished with it?

 I still am. I just can’t live without their business column.

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 Do you have to go now, or can you wait a little more for a cup of tea?

 Sorry , but my pager rang for an urgent patient.

 Do you want to organize the papers , or will you work on making copies?

 It doesn’t really matter.


 I forgot to bring my umbrella.

 You can borrow mine if you want.

 You look pretty relieved.

 Yes, our proposal was finally approved.

 You seem pretty worn out today.

 I didn’t get enough sleep last night.

 We haven’t gotten any word from the Peter in a year or so.

 I was told that he is busy writing books.

 Some invoices show the wrong figures and addresses.

 I’ll take a look at them sometimes in the afternoon.

 Just know that the room gets extremely humid in summer.

 Then I will have to get one of the those dehumidifiers.

 I can’t believe it’s going to rain tomorrow.

 Yeah, especially when we already bought a ticket for a baseball game.

 I didn’t expect to see so many people show up at the party.

 What a surprise, isn’t it?

 Don’t forget that place is quit chilly ,especially in the evenings.

 I’ll bring my sweater.

 Please let me know if I accidentally spelled your name incorrectly.

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 It’s P-A-K, without an R.

 Your order will be delivered to you within ten working days.

 Okay, and could you arrange to have it dropped off around 5?

 My cell phone shows that there is one bar left in the battery.

 Then , try the store on the 1st floor, they can recharge it for a dollar.

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五 托业真题讲解


(A)The man is canning some food.

(B)The man is putting on a apron.

(C)The man is cooking some food.

(D)The man is tasting the food.

(A)The woman is walking down the aisle.

(B)The woman is mopping the floor.

(C)The woman is reaching for an item.

(D)Some frozen foods need to be stocked.

(A)The woman standing is playing a

cassette player.

(B)The woman is pointing at the


(C)The woman is giving a presentation.

(D)They are concentrating on their studies.

(A)The man is mopping the floor.

(B)The man is pulling the cart with cleaning


(C)The man is cleaning the window.

(D)The man is wearing a vest.

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(A)They are looking through the


(B)The are sitting next to each other.

(C)The couple is watching dolphins.

(D)They are sitting on the table.

(A)They are looking at the same thing.

(B)The man is holding a bottle.

(C)The man is putting on a cap.

(D)The woman is wearing sunglasses.

(A)The bus is full of passengers.

(B)The man with a cup is looking through

the window.

(C)They are shaking hands.

(D)The people standing are chatting face to


(A)All of them are sitting around the table.

(B)They are making a chart together.

(C)The papers are scattered on the desk.

(D)They are watching a movie.

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(A)The woman is opening her purse.

(B)The woman is stacking goods on the


(C)The woman is pulling a cart.

(D)The woman is checking out of the store.

(A)The flower pots are arranged under the


(B)The plants are being watered.

(C)There are small flowers in a circle.

(D)Some plants are hanging form the


(A)The beds have been made.

(B)The curtain is blocking the window.

(C)There is a picture hanging above each


(D)There is a lamp between two bed.

(A)The seat in the room is empty.

(B)The keyboard is behind the monitor.

(C)The cables have been wrapped.

(D)There is a clock above the desk.

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(A)The clothes on the shelf are on sale.

(B)Many hats are hanging on the rack.

(C)The man is trying on one of the hats.

(D)There are hats displayed in a row.

(A)Various pitchers are being displayed on

the shelves.

(B)A chicken is standing in a room.

(C)There is a book under the chair.

(D)There is a memo board behind the light.

(A)There are many houses at the bottom of

the hill.

(B)Trees have lost most of their leaves.

(C)Smoke is rising from the chimney.

(D)Many pipes are being installed.

(A)The building has ten stories.

(B)Flowers are in bloom near the building.

(C)The statue is taller than the building.

(D)The windows are arranged


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(A)There is a flag flying on the top of the


(B)Many skyscrapers are seen behind the


(C)The people are having their pictures


(D)There is a fountain underneath the


(A)The car have been stopped at the

traffic light.

(B)The traffic is on one side of the road.

(C)Lines are being painted on the road.

(D)The cars are being towed away.

(A)The area is under construction.

(B)The buildings look exactly the same.

(C)The fence is being put around the site.

(D)All the people are wearing safety hats.

(A)The man is digging in the ground .

(B)The man is carrying bricks.

(C)The man is rolling up his pant leg.

(D)The man is pushing the wheelbarrow.

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Who should I tell if I need to take a day off?

(A) Ask you supervisor first.

(B)The plane is taking off soon.

(C) Welcome back!

Who is going to take charge when Stacy leaves?

(A) They charged 10 dollars for delivery.

(B) It hasn’t been decided yet.

(C) I am leaving for Pairs next Tuesday.

When do we need to respond to the invitation?

(A)It says as soon as possible.

(B)I am invited there, too.

(C)The party starts at 6 p.m.

When could you order these supplies?

(A) That company supplies our paper.

(B) I have to get permission first.

(C) The shipment will be on schedule.

Where should I put all these papers?

(A)On the shelves over there.

(B)Let’s move the cabinet.

(C)At 7 o’clock.

Where should I put all these papers?

(A)On the shelves over there.

(B)Let’s move the cabinet.

(C)At 7 o’clock.

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Why is the construction being postponed?

(A)We’re waiting to get building approval.

(B)Because the prices of shoes have gone up.

(C) The post office is right across from the mall.

Why is Danny moving to Japan?

(A) Because he is from Italy.

(B) He’s transferring to a new branch.

(C) He is going abroad in two weeks.

How shall we celebrate Mr. Kim’s promotion?

(A)Why don’t we throw him a party?

(B)I took a subway to celebration.

(C)The last campaign was quite successful.

What was the topic of the speech Mr. Bennett gave?

(A)It will be held at the grand ballroom.

(B)I wish I knew.

(C) Yes, Mr. Bennett is a great speaker.

Have the supplies I ordered arrived yet?

(A)That live show was worth watching.

(B)Yes, they are on your desk.

(C) They are placed in alphabetical order.

Nick,do you carpool to work with anyone?

(A) I shouldn’t have pulled my car out.

(B) My neck has been hurting recently.

(C) With Gale from the bus terminal.

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Did you buy new curtains last weekend?

(A)There are many selections to choose from.

(B)No, I didn’t have time.

(C)I brought some new shoes today.

Do you know a shortcut to the headquarters?

(A) I had my hair cut too short.

(B) I’m afraid this is the only way.

(C) Mr. Park is the new head of our team.

Wasn’t the side table more useful in that corner?

(A) No, it’s on the sofa.

(B) Yes, let’s move it back.

(C) Turn right at the corner.

Hasn’t it stopped snowing yet?

(A)No, it’s not coming now.

(B)Yes, it has.

(C) It started this morning.

Don’t we need to leave for the airport soon?

(A) Yes, right after I make one call.

(B) Yes, the airport is close to here.

(C) Yes, we still have plenty of time.

Shouldn’t you dial 9 to reach the hotel operator?

(A) No, it says to press zero.

(B) No, the cafeteria is on the 8th floor.

(C) You should book a room in advance.

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Mr. Maguire drinks tea with honey, doesn’t he?

(A)Yes, that’s what I heard.

(B)No, I prefer coffee.

(C)He is allergic to alcohol.

It is hot in here ,isn’t it?

(A) No, I’ll turn the heater off.

(B) Yes ,this coffee is very hot.

(C) Yes, could you open the window?

She’s the new intern in the sales department, right?

(A)The sale will go on until this weekend.

(B)They are hiring interns now.

(C)No, in the marketing department.

This conference should be over by four, shouldn’t it?

(A) No, I think it ends at five.

(B) No, I could barely keep my eyes open.

(C) We have to discuss everything on the agenda.

Do you want to eat dinner at home or dine out today?

(A)I need some flowers to put on the table.

(B)Why don’t we order something since it’s raining?

(C)That dining room is full of antique furniture.

Would you like to sit indoors or outdoors?

(A)It’s nice outside.

(B)I don’t enjoy outdoor activities.

(C)Please, have a seat.

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Should I give you my home or office number?

(A) Whatever I can reach you at.

(B) I like working at my office.

(C) Yes, give me your phone number.

Take a right after two lights.

(A)You have the right of silence.

(B)Thanks for the directions.

(C) It takes a half an hour by car.

The restaurant was full, and they couldn’t find our reservations.

(A) What did you have for dinner?

(B) So where did you eat?

(C) I have a reservation for two

Hi,I’m calling to change my destination from Seoul to Busan.

(A)I’m sorry I don’t have any change.

(B)Yes, Seoul is beautiful at this time of the year.

(C) What is your reservation number?

Mr.Downes will be busy if we win the contract.

(A) I think we all will be.

(B) Did you know we won the game?

(C) I was busy preparing for the test.

I have to put off my appointment time.

(A) Don’t you put your shoes there.

(B) Dr. Randall has some time on Wednesday.

(C) Yes , that meeting was called off.

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The shipment should have arrived here this morning.

(A) You should have arrived here earlier.

(B) This mail should be sent by express.

(C) The company called and said it would be delivered tomorrow.

We’ll be having a short review session at 3 p.m.

(A) I won’t be able to make it then.

(B) We made an inventory of everything in the stone.

(C) It usually takes about an hour to the office.

You told me that you would be here by 3.

(A) I couldn’t hear what they were saying.

(B) I’m sorry. I was stuck in a traffic jam.

(C) Just a little.

Excuse me. I’m looking for Mr. Wang.

(A) Do you know which department he works in?

(B) That book is on the right shelf.

(C) He found that last night.

I think your expense report contains many errors.

(A) That container is too big.

(B) Could you show me how to correct them?

(C) That must be very expensive.

I’m in mood for chinese food tonight.

(A) Let’s order some.

(B) Yes, she is fluent in Chinese.

(C) Thanks, but I’ve had enough.

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Next Tuesday is the deadline we have to meet.

(A) I had to stand up all day long.

(B) We might have to do some overtime work.

(C) Yes, we will meet them the day after tomorrow.

Could you return my call before 3 p.m.?

(A)Sure, I’ll call you around 2:30.

(B)No, she hasn’t returned yet.

(C)No, I think it’s 4 p.m.

Could you give me a ride home tonight?

(A) Sure, when do you finish?

(B) That’s a relief.

(C) I like horseback riding.

Can you tell me your cell phone’s serial number?

(A) I couldn’t contact him the other day.

(B) Yes, he’s serious.

(C) Where can I find it?

Let’s go to the break room and chat over a cup of coffee.

(A) I’ll look at the rest of them later.

(B) I wish I could.

(C) No, we don’t have that chain store in Seattle.

Would you like to make a address at our monthly convention next month?

(A) Yes, I like to your green dress very much.

(B) No, that event takes place every year.

(C) Let me check my schedule.

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W: We are having lack of staff. I don’t think I can take a summer vacation.

M: You have made plans to go to Miami, right?

W: Yes, I was scheduled to spend my vacation there for a week beginning next week,
but I’m tied up with duties until the middle of next month , and now, I don’t know what
to do.

M: You’ll have to pay a cancellation fee, right? Maybe Ms. Holt from the PR department
will cover for you.


1 What is the woman’s problem?

(A) Her boss is difficult to work with.

(B) She doesn’t want to go to Miami.

(C) She has to empty her house.

(D) She is busy with her work.

2 How long will the woman be busy?

(A) Until the beginning of next month.

(B) Until the middle of next month.

(C) Until the middle of next week.

(D) Until the end of next month.

3 How will the woman probably solve the problem?

(A) By going to Miami on business.

(B) By asking another worker to fill in for her.

(C) By quitting her job.

(D) By doing her work at home.

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M: Hello, I’d like some information about the tour of the historic places tomorrow.

W: Sure, there are two different tours tomorrow. The first one is at 9 o’clock and the
second one is at 2:30 and they both leave from the visitor’s center next to the Royal
bank building. Which time would you prefer?

M: Since I’m planning to go to Chinatown to buy some tea in the morning, I may not
make it to the first tour. So I’d like a ticket for the second one if it is not sold out.

W: There are still a few spaces left. That would be 15 dollars ,The bus will pick up
participants in front of the visitor’s center. I will lead that tour. So I’ll see you


1 Who is the man probably talking to?

(A) Tour guide.

(B) Tourist.

(C) Store clerk.

(D) Bank teller.

2 Why is the man unable to come at the first one?

(A) He will be at work.

(B) He will go to theater.

(C) He will go shopping.

(D) He will go to China.

3 Where can the man catch the bus?

(A) In the historic place.

(B) At the visitor’s center.

(C) At Royal bank.

(D) In Chinatown.
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M: Sophia, I’ve just confirmed or flight online, and it looks like we’ll be delayed by an
hour, The flight is now scheduled to leave at 4:00 due to the heavy wind.

W:Then we’re in trouble. We won’t be able to get to Chicago by 6:00 for the dinner
with Mr. O’Neil.

M: I’ll talk to him. I was going to call him anyway to speak about our contract.

W: Don’t forget to apologize to him about being late.


1 what time was the place originally planned to depart?

(A) 3:00.

(B) 4:00.

(C) 5:00.

(D) 6:00.

2 Why is the woman worried?

(A) The weather is severe.

(B) The traffic is heavy.

(C) They will be late for an appointment.

(D) They won’t be able to meet the client.

3 Why was the man planning to call Mr. O’Neil?

(A) To discuss the agreement.

(B) To inform him of schedule.

(C) To apologize for being late.

(D) To ask for his assistance.

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M: Hold the body the camera with your right hand, and the lens with your left.

W: Ok, The view is blurry. How do I focus the camera?

M: Turn the ring in the lens in one direction until whatever you’re pointing at looks
sharps. If that doesn’t work, try turning it the opposite way.

W: Right, I’ve got it, That’s pretty neat. What else can you teach me?


1 What is the man teaching the woman?

(A) How to clean a camera.

(B) How to buy a camera.

(C) How to store a camera.

(D) How to use a camera.

2 What does the women want to do?

(A) Fix the camera.

(B) Take pictures of something pretty.

(C) Focus the camera.

(D) Change the shutter speed.

3 What does the woman need to do to take sharp pictures?

(A) Hold the camera with left hand.

(B) Point the camera in another direction.

(C) Turn the ring on the lens.

(D) Clean the lens thoroughly.

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W: I’m sorry I didn’t return your call earlier. I was planning to be back in New York for
Christmas, but my flight from Boston was cancelled due to the heavy snow.

M: That’s alright. Will I be able to see you before you go back to San Francisco? By the
way , I grew up in Boston. What were you doing there?

W: I was in Boston for the flower show. It was not as great as I thought, but it was my
first time in Boston- what a beautiful city! I didn’t know you were from there. I finally
got the fight of 26th and I’ll be here until New Year’s , so let’s meet when you have time.

M: That’s great .Then, how about the 28th?


1 What is the man concerned about?

(A) Whether the woman grew up in Boston.

(B) Why the woman didn’t call earlier.

(C) Attending a show in San Francisco.

(D) If the woman will have time to meet in New York.

2 Where was the woman on Christmas day?

(A) New York.

(B) Boston.

(C) San Francisco.

(D) Washington DC.

3 What was the woman’s impression of Boston?

(A) She was disappointed.

(B) She said it was OK.

(C) She left it was too cold.

(D) She thought it was beautiful.

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M: How would you like to pay for this laptop computer?

W:Credit ,please. I don’t have enough cash with me. What’s your return policy?

M: All of our products have a 30-day refund guarantee. This item has a 1-year limited
warranty. Plus, we offer additional 2-year extension for an additional $ 180.

W:Well,$ 180 is a lot , but I guess it’d be worth taking it just in case.


1 What are they NOT talking about?

(A) How to pay for the purchase.

(B) Buying a life insurance.

(C) Support in case of return.

(D) An optional warranty.

2 What will the woman do next?

(A) Give up buying a computer.

(B) Accept a warranty extension.

(C) Buy a computer in cash.

(D) Return the goods she bought.

3 How long is the product usually guaranteed for?

(A) It has a 1- year money back guarantee.

(B) It has a limited 30-day guarantee.

(C) It has a 3-year limited warranty.

(D) It has a 1-year limited warranty.

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M: Julie, do you want to join our carpool? As you know, Cathy will leave the office next
month, so we’ve got an opening.

W: Thanks, Gale, but I’m going to carpool with Ms. Gomez. She’s going to move near my
apartment next week.

M: Oh, really? That’s too bad that you couldn’t join us but it’s good you’re taking a car
with her. I used to work with her in the marketing department.

W: Well, I know for sure that she is never late for appointments.


1 What does Gale suggest Julie do?

(A) Commute to the office together.

(B) Go to a pool to swim.

(C) Move to his apartment.

(D) Buy a new car.

2 With whom will Julie carpool?

(A) Cathy.

(B) Gale.

(C) Ms. Gomez.

(D) Carol.

3 What can we tell about Ms. Gomez?

(A) She is a swimmer.

(B) She is lazy.

(C) She is easy-going.

(D) She is punctual.

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W: Mike, did Mr. Williams call me while I was out of the office this morning?

M: No that I know of , but Ms. Parker form Harris Consulting called to confirm her
appointment with you for tomorrow morning.

W: Ok, that’s fine. I’m leaving soon to attend a seminar for executives at 4. If
something urgent comes up, please contact me on my mobile phone.

M: Yes, Do you know how long the seminar will take?


1 Who called the woman?

(A) Mr. Williams.

(B) Ms .Parker.

(C) Mr. Harris.

(D) Mike.

2 When will the woman attend the seminar?

(A) In the morning.

(B) This afternoon.

(C) Tomorrow morning.

(D) Tomorrow afternoon.

3 What does the woman ask the man to do?

(A) To call her on her phone.

(B) To confirm her appointment.

(C) To attend a seminar.

(D) To make an appointment.

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W: You look really busy today. Are you going to have everything ready for
tomorrow’s workshop?

M: I’ve just finished arranging a screen and projector, and I still have to bring the
chairs and desks into the conference room. I also have to make a dozen copies of
handouts for the participants this afternoon.

W: Actually, I’ve just realized that there would be more people showing up. So I think
you’d better double them.

M: No problem. I’ll prepare them this afternoon.


1 What are they doing?

(A) They are counting the number of participants.

(B) They are reserving the room for the workshop.

(C) They are preparing for the workshop.

(D) They are attending the conference.

2 What does the man have to bring into the conference room?

(A) A whiteboard.

(B) Chairs and desks.

(C) A screen and projector.

(D) Handouts.

3 How many handouts will the man have to prepare?

(A) 10.

(B) 12.

(C) 20.

(D) 24.

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M: Hi, Joan. I see you are working on your spreadsheet. How are your sales figures
matching up to our goals?

W: I’m doing fine. I’m 15% ahead of my sales from last year and I was only projecting a
10% increase. That will help me get recognized by management, and if I continue at
this rate, they’ll increase my area.

M: That’s great. Did you get your commission check yet?

W: Not yet. It comes at the end of the month. I am going to make more money, but
more is deducted in taxes, too . So, it’s not as much of an increase as you might expect.


1 What is the main advantage for Joan’s career , if her increased sales continue?

(A) She will get a commission check.

(B) She will get a larger sales territory.

(C) She will become the manager.

(D) She will save money on taxes.

2 What does the man ask Joan about her check?

(A) How much she gets paid.

(B) If she’ll loan him some money from it.

(C) If she has received it yet .

(D) How much in taxes she has paid.

3 Which is true about Joan’s commission this year ?

(A) It will be 15% higher than she got last year.

(B) It will be lower than she expected.

(C) She will pay more taxes than she gains.

(D) It will be paid at the end of the year.

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Whether it’s a meal for one or a table for some. Food on the run or dinner with your
son, the John Street Bistro has you covered. We’re just around the corner from the fire
station, and we are open for breakfast , lunch and dinner. In fact, we never close. We
have all tastes covered. We serve everything from pie to pizza, from soup to
sandwiches. In the month of May we are celebrating our Month of Beef , so be sure to
check out our specials board for mouthwatering beef meals.


1 Where is the John Street Bistro located?

(A) Near a shopping mall.

(B) Near a fire station.

(C) Near a school.

(D) Near a post office.

2 What are the restaurant ‘s business hours?

(A) 9 a.m. To 5 p.m.

(B) 6 a.m. To 10 p.m.

(C) 10 a.m. To 11 p.m.

(D) Open all hours.

3 What is the restaurant’s specialty food in May?

(A) Pizza

(B) Beef

(C) Sandwich

(D) Soup

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Attention all Inter Island ferry passengers. Due to worsening storm conditions all
of today’s sailings have been cancelled. The weather bureau forecasts these bad
conditions will last into early next week. Therefore, we ask you not to loiter in the
ferry terminal. For those who are desperate to make it back to the mainland, you are
advised that the airport is still open. And Island air is adding extra flights to their
schedule to accommodate stranded passengers. We remind passengers that their
thickets are non-refundable. We apologize to passengers for any inconvenience this
may cause, but we also remind the weather is beyond our control.


1 Who is the announcement intended for?

(A) Travel agents.

(B) Ferry passengers.

(C) Airline passengers.

(D) Sports enthusiasts.

2 What is the subject of the announcement?

(A) Ship sailings.

(B) Airlines tickets.

(C) Hotel reservations.

(D) Loitering in the terminal.

3What is the announcer’s suggestion?

(A) To stay in the terminal.

(B) To refund the tickets.

(C) To wait for the weather to clear.

(D) To take a flight.

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These days, lots of products are being designed with reuse or recycling in mind
and I believe, in general , people are much more aware of environmental problems. In
some countries, like Sweden for instance, they have put a tax on black rubbish bags, so
that people are encouraged not just to throw things straight in the bin , and to reduce
their rubbish. The situation has improved in recent years, mainly because of new
laws with tighter controls and higher standards. Having said that, individuals and
businesses still need to work very hard to reduce and recycle waste.


1 What is the topic?

(A) Product design.

(B) Swedish rubbish.

(C) Recycling.

(D) The need to work very hard.

2 Why do the Swedishes pay a tax on black rubbish bags ?

(A) To make lots of products with good design.

(B) To encourage the businesses by the result of annual sales.

(C) To force everyone not to dump any refuse.

(D) To make people reduce , reuse or recycle unwanted materials.

3 What has improved the situation?

(A) Tighter bags.

(B) Stricter laws.

(C) Businesses.

(D) Individuals.

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After very early heavy snowfall and a great start to the skiing and snowboarding
season, winter sports lovers will be excited to know that another heavy dump of snow
is expected for the long holiday weekend. The weather bureau estimates between 5-7
inches of snow will fall in the city and surrounding mountains. This may come as a
godsend for skiers and boarders, but city authorities are bracing for the worst. The
mayor has warned motorists to keep off roads and stay inside. People are advised to
stock up on essential food and emergency items. The storm is expected to hit in less
than eight hours.


1 What is the purpose of this passage?

(A) To talk about winter sports.

(B) To warn of an impending storm.

(C) To ask drivers to drive more.

(D) To remind people to eat well.

2 When is the event in this report predicted to hit?

(A) In less than 4 hours.

(B) In less than 6 hours.

(C) In less than 8 hours.

(D) In less than 10 hours.

3 What are people NOT advised to do?

(A) Stay indoors.

(B) Keep off the roads.

(C) Stock up on food.

(D) Exercise regularly.

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Good morning, commuters. This is YQN104 traffic report. On Highway 7 going

south, traffic is moving slowly due to fog which is still heavy in some places, If you’re
heading south, we recommend taking Highway 17 as an alternative route since foggy
conditions have already cleared on this road. Remember that highway construction is
scheduled to begin tomorrow along Highway 17 from Cherry Street up to the Delta
Road exit. You may want to avoid that area for the next few weeks. Now, after our
commercial break we will be with Robin for the sports updates. So please stay tuned.


1 According to the report, what caused the traffic delay this morning?

(A) Road construction.

(B) Broken traffic signal.

(C) A special parade.

(D) Poor weather conditions.

2 What advice does the speaker give?

(A) To take an alternative route.

(B) To turn the vehicle headlights on.

(C) To use public transportation.

(D) To leave early to avoid the traffic.

3What will happen tomorrow?

(A) A big sporting event will take place.

(B) Repair work will begin.

(C) There will be heavy rain.

(D) A new highway will open.

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Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to this workshop entitled how to
improve communications skills. First, I’d like to thank the Public Relations
department of Hamala Inc. for organizing this workshop. Now, let me introduce our
guest speaker, Elizabeth Kendall, professor of Communication at St.Paul University.
Ms. Kendall has been working in the area, communications ,for the past fifteen years.
Her famous communication book was published a decade ago and is still in use among
working professionals. Her talk today will focus on effective communication with the
public. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. Let’s give Ms. Kendall a big welcome.


1 What is the purpose of this talk?

(A) To present an achievement award.

(B) To describe a well-known book.

(C) To discuss a research report.

(D) To introduce a guest speaker.

2 Who is Elizabeth Kendall?

(A) A customer of Hamala Inc.

(B) A personnel manger at Hamala Inc.

(C) A university professor.

(D) A famous reporter.

3What did Elizabeth Kendall do ten years ago?

(A) She won a great award.

(B) She established a company.

(C) She had a book published.

(D) She completed a research project.

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Mr. Stein, this is Barry Briggs calling from the Paris branch. I’m calling to thank
you for your contribution at our recent sales seminar. Your presentation has been a
hot topic in our office, and we would very appreciate it if you could come and train our
staff. Your knowledge in sales is excellent. It would really be an hour if you could join
us. We will cover any expenses you may incur and offer competitive payment. We are
hoping you could see us sometime in the second week of June. You can contact us
either by phone or email. Please let us know as soon as possible.


1 What is the purpose of this message?

(A) To confirm travel arrangements.

(B) To renew an employment contract.

(C) To request a business presentation.

(D) To organize a job interview.

2 What is Mr. Stein’s job?

(A) Salesman.

(B) Trainer.

(C) Executive.

(D) Office worker.

3 What will Mr. Stein probably do next?

(A) Call Mr. Briggs.

(B) Send a letter to Mr. Briggs.

(C) Meet with Mr. Briggs.

(D) Book a flight.

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Attention, all employees. A new security system will be installed over the
weekend. This means starting on Monday, all employees will be required to carry
identification cards. They will be used to enter and exit the building .You will need to
place your card on the security panel in order for the door to be open. If you do not
have the card, doors will not open and you will not be able to enter or exit the building.
In addition to that ,all guests are also required to visit the security care office to get
temporary cards before entering the building. If you’d like to receive your
identification card by Friday, please contact your manager to confirm we have your
information correctly.


1 What is the main topic of this announcement?

(A) Company security.

(B) Club membership.

(C) Hotel key.

(D) Credit card.

2 When will the new system go into effect?

(A) On Tuesday.

(B) On Friday.

(C) On Sunday.

(D) On Monday.

3What are the cards needed for?

(A) Accessing data.

(B) Making purchases.

(C) Opening doors.

(D) Registering for classes.

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It’s very nice to see so many faces here tonight. I’m Sergeant Morton, the Crime
Prevention Officer for the area. I’m here this evening to talk about “Local Watch”,
which some of you may have some experience of ,For the rest, ”Local Watch” is a
service formed by cooperation between local residents and the Police, and I’ll be
explaining how it operates, In times gone by , most people lived in one area all their
lives and so the great majority knew their neighbors very well. If something unusual
had happened or if strangers had been acting suspiciously , people would have taken
action quickly. These days it’s different and people often have little or no idea who
their neighbors are.


1 Why is Sergeant Morton meeting local residents?

(A) To warn them about criminals.

(B) To arrest them.

(C) To explain a crime prevention scheme.

(D) To talk about local history.

2 How does the Local Watch work?

(A) Only the police take care of the local crime because of danger.

(B) The police and the neighbors collaborate together to make their conditions better.

(C) The people support the police a lot and the police concentrate upon the city.

(D) It is a service formed by cooperation between the local workers and the police.

3 Why is the present different from the past?

(A) People are stranger.

(B) People don’t know their neighbors.

(C) People have no idea.

(D) There is more crime.

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The last gallery we are going to visit today is the city’s newest. You will notice that
the construction of this building is unique. This is because this building is the only
purposely built sculpture gallery in the state. Originally, all of the sculptures in this
building were kept in the City Gardens. However, because of the effects of weather and
the danger of damage, the City Government decided to build this gallery to house 250
of the world’s most important sculptures. Let’s make our way inside and see what all
the fuss is about.


1 What is the speaker talking about?

(A) The City Gardens.

(B) A sculpture gallery.

(C) The danger of destruction.

(D) City building.

2 Why was the building constructed?

(A) To house sculptures.

(B) To house paintings.

(C) As a museum.

(D) As an art school.

3 How many pieces of artwork are in the building?

(A) 50.

(B) 150.

(C) 200.

(D) 250.


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