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What is the most important lesson that the profession has ever taught you so far?

-The most important lesson that the profession has ever taught me so far is to be patient. Although there are many
different ways to teach effectively, good teachers have several qualities in common. They are prepared, set clear and fair
expectations, have a positive attitude, are patient with students, and assess their teaching on a regular basis. Being an
Elementary Teacher, is not easy to teach young children, maybe in our level now many could tell that being an
Elementary teacher is so easy to teach. I definitely disagree with that thought because every child is unique, and as a
teacher we also teach in a unique but in simple way. In teaching, I experience what I have learned, and I have learned to
be patient, understanding, broad minded and above all it taught me realized to be a mother and as we all know no one
can ever replace a Mother's love towards her children.


• What does Transformative Education personally mean to you?

-Transformative education is sometimes called transformation learning, and focuses on the idea that
learners can adjust their thinking based on new information. It is the expansion of consciousness through
which an individual can question themselves about their own feelings, beliefs, assumptions, and
perspective on their purpose.

• Can you share an experience of yours where you can say that you have really transformed the life of a student?
-As I could remember there are 4 processes of Transformative Learning these are : having experiences; making assumptions;
challenging perspectives; and experiencing transformative learning. So, transformative learning then becomes a new experience. For
example, when students are learning about world religions, teachers can introduce literature and articles that discuss different
religions, helping them gain new perspectives and understanding. Otherwise, in my experienced, creating safe environments for
students to share their perspectives on the material. And by designing engaging ways of presenting information so that students can
construct their own meaning, such as by role plays, simulations or case studies.

- On Child Protection Policy

• What do you think is the greatest challenge a teacher has to face with the Child Protection Policy?
-I think the greatest challenge a teacher has to face with the Child Protection Policy is to boost your patience and
understanding. Because unlike the old days, the way the teacher discipline the students is way better than nowadays,
that was only based on my point of view. As I have observed, nowadays, the children were so hard headed and as a
teacher, all I can do is to keep on telling them in a nice way as much as I could. Even if you're in temper, you must stay
calm and always stay calm you're not allowed to freak out because we are ought under by the Child Protection Policy to
never harm any of the students/children. Also, I am very careful the way I uttered words or the way I talk in front of my

• How do you keep the children (students) safe and secured under your
-I keep the children safe and secured under my care through supervising and being accountable of
what might happen indoor and outdoor. Although it is critical to provide safe materials and a safe
environment, your supervision is the most powerful tool you have to keep children safe also
because it is much more than watching. It involves all your skills as a teacher and caregiver.
Supervision is your responsibility and commitment to the families who have trusted you with their
children. It is also your responsibility and commitment to the children who rely on you for
guidance, nurturing, protection, and support.

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