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True or false? Jesus walked on the water of the Sea of Galilee. - True (John 6:19)

What is the Friday when Jesus died now called? 8. Good Friday

During the Last Supper, what did Jesus give to Judas Iscariot? 10. A piece of bread dipped in the wine

What was the name of Hagar’s son? 8. Ishmael

Who was Israel’s first king? 1. Saul

Who is the father of all mankind? Adam

Who asked, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” 6. Cain

True or false? A Roman centurion was an officer in charge of one hundred men. True

Who killed an Egyptian for mistreating an Israelite slave? Moses

Which of the judges ruled Israel for the longest? 5. Ehud ruled Israel for 80 years


True or false? Jesus spent about ten years teaching and performing miracles with his disciples. 7. False. It was about 3 years

Name one of Noah’s three sons. Seth, Ham, Japheth

How were Moses and Aaron related? 7. They were brothers

Which town did Goliath come from? 3. Gath

Who was the last king of Judah? 12. Zedekiah

In Genesis, during the famine in Egypt, who was in charge of collecting money and
distributing corn? 4. Joseph

For how many silver pieces was Jesus betrayed? 30

Who did Jesus meet and eat with at Matthew’s house? Matthew Mark Luke

True or false? Jesus’ tomb was in a garden. True

Which king could describe all types of plant life? Solomon


Which Old Testament book has a verse in it which is taken as a Messianic prophecy about Jesus
being betrayed by a friend? The book of Psalms (41:9)

Who mocked Jesus by saying that they would believe in him if he came down from the cross? 13. The chief priests, the
teachers of the law, and the elders

During the first Lord’s Supper, who said, “Take and eat; this is my body”? 1. Jesus

How long did Paul stay in Corinth when he founded the church there? 3. 18 months

True or false? Jesus went by boat to the region of Dalmanutha. 9. True (Mark 8:10)

True or false? Moses was buried in Jerusalem. False. He was buried in the valley opposite Beth Peor. (Deuteronomy 34:6)

Who was the commander of David’s army? 11. Joab

What was the name of Moses’ mother? 3. Amram

How old was Adam when his son Seth was born? 3. 130 years old

What do the names Adam and Eve mean? 10. Adam means “man” and Eve “living”


True or false? Boaz grew barley and wheat. True

Who found Elisha plowing with twelve yoke of oxen? Elijah

True or false? Miraculous powers are included by Paul in his list of spiritual gifts. True

What did God send to rescue Jonah from the sea? A great fish

The Old Testament prophet Zechariah met an angel among which type of tree? Myrtle

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