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Casimir Effect

The Casimir effect is a phenomenon proposed by the Dutch physicist Hen-

drik Casimir in 1948. The effect was subsequently detected, and Casimir was
named in his honor. It is based on the concept of ”vacuum is not empty” in
quantum field theory-even a vacuum without matter still has energy fluctu-
ations. The effect is as proposed: two neutral (uncharged) metal plates in a
vacuum will have suction; this is a phenomenon that does not appear in clas-
sical theory. This effect can only be detected when the distance between the
two objects is very small. For example, on the submicron scale, the attractive
force caused by this effect becomes the dominant force between neutral con-
ductors. This problem will discuss a simplified version of the Casimir effect
model by means of non-relativistic electrodynamics and quantum mechanics.

Suppose the two plates are very large, parallel to the y − z plane, and the
x-coordinates of the two metal plates are 0 and L, respectively.

1. Consider a harmonic oscillator with an angular frequency ω. Classical
theory holds that a harmonic oscillator can have any amplitude, and
thus can have any energy. But due to Heisenberg’s uncertainty princi-
ple, in quantum theory, the harmonic oscillator should have a minimum
energy, which is called the zero-point energy. Try to represent the zero-
point energy E0 by ω and other physical constants. This is the amount
of energy a harmonic oscillator has at extremely low temperatures.

2. The electric field generated between the two plates, its wave vector has
three components kx , ky , kz . Explain that kx must satisfy kx = nπ/L,
where n is a non-negative integer.

3. According
p 2 to2 the 2above results, define the size of the wave vector as
u ≡ kx + ky + kz , then the total electric field zero-point energy E(L)
per unit area of the metal plate can be written as:
∞ Z
X ∞
E(L) = a f (u)du
n=0 r

Find a, r, in terms of L, n and other constants; find f (u), in terms of


4. However, the above integrals are divergent. To solve this problem, we

introduce η and let,
g(u) = f (u) × e−ηu
Then you can use g(u) instead of f (u) in the integral in problem (3),
and let η be close to 0. This method is called regularization. Using
this method to simplify the result of (3), the proof can be obtained:
" ∞ Z # " ∞
X ∞ d 2 X  2

E(L) = lim a f (u)e du = lim a 2 h(η) = lim a 2 q(η)
n=0 r
η→0 dη n=0
η→0 dη

Find h(η) and express it in terms of L, n, η and other constants.

5. Since η is close to 0, we expand the above formula ∞

n=0 h(η) to the
quadratic term of η, and denote it as q(η). Find q(η) and denote it by
L and η.

6. Casimir used three metal plates to derive this force. The specific model
is as follows: the area of the three metal plates is very large, parallel
to the y − z plane, and the x-coordinates of the three metal plates are
0, L, R, where R >> L > 0. The first and third metal plates are all
fixed in position, and only the middle metal plate can move freely. Find
the total energy Etot per unit area of this system, expressed in terms
of L, η, R and other constants. What is the physical significance of the
third metal plate?
Hint : The energy calculated before sub-question (5) is only the energy
of the ”electric field”, but in this question it is the ”total” energy.

7. Find the magnitude and direction of the force per unit area of free metal
plate, expressed by L and a constant, and make an approximation.

8. To make the Casimir force between the two plates equal to one at-
mosphere of pressure, what should be the distance L between the two

9. Find the gravitational force per unit area of two metal plates with
areal mass density σ. If the material of the metal plate is silver, its
density is 1.05 × 104 kg/m3 , and the plate thickness and plate spacing
are assumed to be 0.1 cm. Then what is the magnitude of the ratio
between the Casimir force and the universal gravitational force?

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