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Mzuzu University

Faculty of Science, Technology, and Innovation

Department of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

SEM 8 WEEKEND ICT Individual Projects

Detailed Design Project Presentations Announcement

There will be detailed design project presentations on Thursday 3rd and Friday, 4th
November 2022. The venue and the starting time are as follows: -

Venue: ICTLAB 2

Starting Time : 8:00 A.M

You are expected to observe time. Anyone who will not be ready at its allocated time will
not be given another chance. Make sure that all PowerPoint presentations are loaded on
one computer that will be used for presentations before the presentations start.

Your presentations should cover the following areas:

a) Introduction – background (include work that has already been done, system
requirements specification), goal(s) and scope.
b) Architectural and Component Level Design – pictorial (UML include use case,
sequence diagram, class diagram, and activity diagram OR DFD – level 0 and 1)
representation of the system and its constituent components, i.e. decomposed diagrams.
c) Data Architecture – A graphical representation of the entities and the relationships
between them (Entity Relationship Diagram).
d) Graphical User Interface – A detailed description of user interface including screen

The presentation structure:

Actual Presentations: 20 Minutes Question Time: 5 Minutes

The presentations will be assessed using the following criteria and weighting:

A: Content of presentation with reference to what the students are supposed

to present (Given above) (5 Marks).
B: How students answers questions satisfactorily (3 Marks)
C: Logical flow of a presentation (2 Marks)
D: Conformity to the allocated time for presentations (2 Marks)
E: Student presentation in general e.g. audibility, attire, eye contact (3 Marks).
Projects Coordinator

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