First Quarter Test in Oral Comm - For HUMSS

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Regional Office VIII
Division of Tacloban City
Tacloban City

First Quarter Test in Oral Communication in Context

School Year 2022-2023
Direction: Read the statements carefully and write the CAPITAL LETTER of the correct answer. Strictly NO ERASURES!

1. What is the purpose of an informative speech?

A. To entertain, to have the audience relax, smile and enjoy the occasion.
B. To convince people they can succeed in life
C. To educate the audience on new or relevant piece of information
D.To convince the audience to support a specific view or cause.
2. It is the form of language that the speaker uses which characterized by the degree of formality.
A. Speech B. Speech Style C. Formal D. Intimate
3. A type of Speech delivered in a word-for-word iteration of a written message using visual aids.
A. Manuscript B. Memorized C. Extemporaneous D. Impromptu
4. A/An________________ speech explains the meaning, theory, or philosophy of a specific topic that the audience
likely does not know much about.
A. Entertainment B. Informative C. Persuasive D. Inspirational
5. “As the President of the United States it is my responsibility to keep you informed about the state of the
country’s economy.” What type of speech is this?
A. Demonstrative B. Informative C. Persuasive D. Entertainment
6. What would be the purpose of the statement below?
“Jim is my best friend, so I don’t know why he chose me to give the toast today. I have so many funny stories to
tell that this birthday celebration may turn into a roast.”
A. To inform B. To entertain C. To inspire D. To inspire
7. A speech that give solely for the purpose of convincing the audience to agree with the speaker’s opinion on a
particular topic.
A. Entertainment B. Informative C. Persuasive D. Inspirational
8. What do you call the utterances that a speaker makes to achieve an intended effect?
A. Speech Act B. Speech Context C. Speech Style D. Speech Variation
9. Who proposed the Speech Act Theory?
A. John Austin B. John Searle C. John Cena D. John Lennon
10. Which of the following shows persuasion?
A. College professor lecturing on a specific topic during class.
B. A lawyer giving a closing argument in court, arguing about whether the defendant is innocent or guilty of
the crime
C. A motivational speaker, explained how to structure a motivational speech
D. The speaker is telling funny stories.
11. It is the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information as by speech, signals, writing or behavior.
A. Communication B. feedback C. language D. message
12. This body language shows that one is listening.
A. Nodding and making eye contact C. turning away from speaker
B. Looking out of the window D. whistling while biting nails
13. It is the sender of the message.
A. Barrier B. Originator C. receiver D. Sender
14. It is a good indication that good communication occurs.
A. destructed B. unreceived C. confused D. shared
15. It is the content of the communication.
A. Jargon B. Message C. media D. noise
16. This refers to the responsibility of the person who receives the message for communication to take place.
A. Feedback B. perception C. non-verbal cues D. Self -concept
17. It is a one-way Model of Communication, focusing on the transmission of a message to a receiver who never
A. Shannon-Weaver B. Schramm C. Eugene White D. Transactional
18. You ask your sister to put on her mask every time she goes out and she nods in reply. Which model of
communication is presented here?
A. Interactive B. Conversational C. Linear D. Transactional
19. A strong wind struck as Arnold and his father took turns in pulling the fishing boat to the shore. Arnold cannot
hear his father’s voice. Which affects the flow of the communication process?
A. Arnold’s voice B. boat C. father D. wind
20. Which of the following is NOT a purpose of communication?
A. It connects the gaps among persons involved C. It offers solution to the community problems
B. It narrows down issues and addresses it D. It paves a way to conflict
21. Which of the following Speech Context involves only two participants?
A. Dyadic Communication C. Public Communication
B. Small group Communication D. Intercultural Communication
22. Which Speech context addresses many listeners that collectively known as audience?
A. Dyadic Communication C. Public Communication
B. Small group Communication D. Intercultural Communication
23. Which of the following does not belong to a group?
A. Talking o yourself C. Doctor talking to patient
B. Reading aloud D. Writing a diary
24. What refers to the interaction of members along the links in an organizational structure?
A. Mass Communication C. Organizational Communication
B. Public Communication D. Intercultural Communication
25. What type of speech context involves only one person?
A. Interpersonal Communication C. Mass Communication
B. Intrapersonal Communication D. Public Communication
26. What type of speech act has an intended effect though locution and illocution?
A. Locutionary B. illocutionary C. perlocutionary D. prolocutionary
27. Who is the proponent of the Speech Act Theory?
J.L. Austin B. J.F. Kervin C. J.A. Austin D. J.L. Gastivo
28. The following are under public communication context, except one.
A. Delivering a speech C. Delivering an oratorical piece
B. Delivering a letter to a friend D. Delivering a campaign speech
29. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
A. Reading a magazine C. Writing a journal
B. Watching news D. Writing an email to a friend
30. Which of the following is an example of dyadic communication?
A. You are as student journalist articulating your stand on current issues through the school’s newspaper.
B. You are having a discussion with your groupmates on how to finish the assigned tasks.
C. You deliver a graduation speech to your batchmates.
D. You provided comfort to a friend who was feeling down.
31. These are the natural or environmental condition that act as a barrier in communication in sending the
message from sender to receiver.
A. Semantic Noise B. Cultural Barriers C. Physical barriers D. Psychological Barriers
32. The following are examples of Linguistic barriers except one, what is it?
A. Difference in language B. use of jargon & slang C. language impairment D. Manners of Dressing
33. Which barrier includes the hearing or sight problem of the listener?
A. Cultural Barrier B. linguistic barrier C. Physical barrier D.Both B&C.
34. In which barrier does gender be classified in communication?
A. Cultural Barrier B. linguistic barrier C. Physical barrier D.Both B&C.

For number 35-38. To what classification of illocutionary act do the given examples? Choose from the choices given.
A. Assertive B. Commissive C. Directive D. Expressive E. Declaration
35. “ You are blessed!”
36. “ From this day forward, I promise to love you for the rest of my life.”
37. “ Please clean the room before you leave.”
38. “ No one can sing as Leah does!”
39. It shows a circular process of interaction between the persons involved in the communication.
A. Transactional B. Linear C. Shannon-Weaver D. Schramm Model
40. Why does communication breakdown occur?
A. because the information is overloading.
B. because of lack of attention among the audiences or receivers.
C. because the listener or receiver has a very short attention span.
D. All of the above
41. “ Stop that,Lino!” Mother him to stop playing the with the cat. What function of communication is
A. Control B. Information Dissemination C. Social Interaction D. None of these
42. Mariz tells Lovie, “ Cheer up. Don’t spend time thinking the past. You deserve nothing but the best.”
What function of communication is this?
A. Control B. Motivation C. Social Interaction D. None of these
43. The newscaster delivers a report about the weather updates. What function of communication is this?
A. Control B. Information Dissemination C. Social Interaction D. None of these
44. The geometry teacher lecture about mathematical concepts. What is the purpose of the speaker?
A. Control B. Information Dissemination C. Social Interaction D. None of these
45. The saleslady tries her very best to promote her product. What is her purpose?
A. To entertain B. To inform C. to motivate D. none of these
46. It is the mother of all communication models.
A. Shannon-Weaver B. Linear C. Schramm D. Transactional
47. Myra submitted her report to her teacher online because of the enhanced community quarantine.
Which element is missing in the process?
A. channel B. encoding C. feedback D. receiver
48. “ I love you”, said Jermhe to Jhane while giving the bouquet of flowers. What is the verbal cue?
A. Saying “ I love you” B. giving flowers C. A & B D. None of these
49. A boy enters the room wearing black shirt and his shoulders seem so heavy.” I am not myself today”, he said.
What are the nonverbal cues in this situation?
A. The heavy shoulders B. The black shirt C. A & B D. None of these
50. Which of the following shows sensitivity to people at a certain time and place?
A. “ I bet you have not eaten a carbonara yet. You don’t have that in your place”
B. “ You are the youngest, I know you can do it”
C. “ She will become a Department Head, women are fit.”
D. “That perfume is only for rich people.”
51. Incorporating gestures, facial expressions, and movements in your _________________________ can help avoid
unnatural delivery.
A. Manuscript speech B. Memorized speech C. Impromptu Speech D. Extemporaneous speech
52. Which of the following is NOT an example of intrapersonal communication?
A. Sending a text message to a friend C. writing a note to yourself
B. Talking to yourself D. Thinking about a problem
53. When is the communication process complete?
A. when the message enters the channel of communication
B. when the receiver understands the message and feedback
C. when the sender transmits message to the receiver
D. when the sender transmits the message successfully

54. Which is the best option in order to avoid misinterpretation that causes communication barrier?
A. Be familiar with the topic of the speaker. C. Do not be conscious of gender or status.
B. Disconnect with your emotional baggage. D. Inquire the meaning
55. It is known when the receiver gives a verbal or non-verbal message.
A. answer B. feedback C. response D. none given
56. It is the definition of communication.
1. Communication involves a transaction.
2. Communication is sharing of ideas among a group of people.
3. Communication is a confusion of ideas in the mind of the other.
4. Communication is a transfer of messages from one person to another.
A. 1234 B. 234 only C. 124 only D. 4 only
57. This is the best way to continue communication.
A. Active listening B. Asking questions C. not interrupting D. making good eye contact
58. . The Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) frightened many people here and there. On his social media
account, Joshua posted a status of dismay. Many supported his claim, but others opposed it. His status
acquired a hundred reactions and the comments thread rose to 75. What model of communication is
A. Berlo’s Model C. Shannon-Weaver Model
B. Schramm Model D. Transactional Model
59. In consultative speech style, the speaker___________________ background information while the
A. Sends; receives, b. gives; receives c. supplies; participates d. produces; shares
60. Which one is an example of a formal speech style?
A. Use of simplified grammar c. when a student recites in class
B. Weddings d. job interview

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