Wk3 - Practical Research 2 - Day 1 Activities

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Practical Research 2

Week 3 - Day 1 Activities

Statement of the Research Problem

Let’s Warm Up
A. Form groups of 3 members and classify the given items by putting them under the
appropriate columns. Exclude items which you think do not logically belong to any of
the categories.

Background of the Research Objectives Scope & Delimitation Primary Beneficiaries

Study of the Study

• Allied health courses create multiple stressors.

• Anxiety affects the performance of students during major exams.
• Chamomile has been found to have antibacterial and anti-spasm properties.
• To determine whether the test-taking anxiety of graduating students from the treatment
group is lower compared to that of the members of the control group.
• To find out if the test-taking anxiety of graduating students significantly decreases after
drinking chamomile tea regularly.
• To determine the effects of chamomile tea on the blood pressure of students during tests.
• Health professionals
• Limited to six-month experiment
• Senators
• Students
• Students from allied health courses in low-performing universities
• Students posted low scores in professional board exams.
• Study habits of graduating students
• Teachers
B. Come up with an appropriate research title for a study incorporating the details you
have arranged in the table. Write it below.

Research Title:
Practical Research 2
Week 3 - Day 1 Activities
Statement of the Research Problem

Take Home Assignment (This needs internet connection)

Brainstorm with your groupmates about a researchable topic that you could all agree to develop into
your study.

A. Choose one general topic from the given list.

(1) Peace & (5) Energy (9) Foreign Affairs (13) Public
Order Infrastructure

(2) (6) Environment & Natural (10) Health (14) Labor &
Agriculture Resources Employment

(3) Education (7) Finance (11) Law & Justice (15) Science &

(4) Tourism (8) Business & Economy (12) Transportation & (16) Politics &
Communication Governance

B. Conduct preliminary research on the topic that you have chosen. Identify 10 references or
resources related to your chosen topic. You may visit the library to look for online
resources. Use the following table as your guide.

Item Title Author[s] Date of

No. Publication

C. Using your preliminary and background knowledge as bases, prepare a concept map about
the topic that interests you. Use a separate sheet for your output.

D. Once completed, encircle the specific topic that you think can be pursued as a research
topic. Be sure that your chosen topic is quantitative in nature and passes the 4 criteria of
acceptability [relevance, interest, manageability, and availability of resources]. Note that
this topic does not need to be the final topic for your own research. Write your chosen topic
Chosen research topic:

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