Tastes and Preferences

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1. Do you like milk tea?

Based on the chart, it can be seen that most of the respondents preferred milk
tea with a rate of 60.9%. This shows that milk tea has become a trend of young
people, interested by young people in general and banking students in
particular, 34.5% of respondents keep a neutral attitude, The remaining 4.5 %
of respondents do not like milk tea
That's why we have launched a survey to find out the reason as well as so that
they can better understand the milk tea product.
2. Đâu là lý do khiến bạn ưa thích trà sữa?
Vì ngon 35+7=42 –38,18%
Vì thích topping 27+7=34--- 30,91%
Nạp năng lượng 15+7=22—20%
Theo trend 5+7=12---10,91%
What are the reasons consumers like milk tea?
In general, the majority of survey participants prefer milk tea because it has a
delicious taste and is easy to drink (38.18%); the variety of topping flavors
creates different kinds of experiences (30.91%). Like consumer psychology,
something that is easy to use has a delicious taste and has a variety of designs
that is easier to be liked.
In addition, some people also believe that drinking milk tea will help recharge
the body (20%). Others prefer milk tea because it is becoming a trend
nowadays (10.91%)
3. Bạn hay mua trà sữa qua hình thức nào?

 It can be seen that the percentages for 3 ways of purchasing are not much
 Diversify forms of selling and buying goods helps increase consumption
4. Do you tend to drink one or more different brands of milk tea?

There are many different brands of milk tea on the market today.
Each brand will have its own design, flavor, different toppings as well as different
marketing campaigns and prices. Based on that, consumers will choose their
favorite brand. Toco Toco and Ding Tea are two brands specializing in selling milk
tea and are loved by the majority of survey respondents (78.2% and 40%
respectively). Next is sidewalk milk tea, gong cha (34.5%), Phu Long, Royal
Tea(33.6%) Bobapop (20.9%). And finally Chago and Koi thé milk tea (18.2%),
other opinions accounted for 1,8%

5.Factors affecting the behavior of milk tea consumption

Based on the chart above, we can see that the taste factor is a strong point of
milk tea when the percentage of consumers feeling satisfied with this factor is
66.3%. This is partly shown. the success of milk tea in its preparation as well as
the careful selection of ingredients. In addition, the price, promotion, location,
promotion, and service factors are a point to note of the milk tea brand when the
percentage of consumers feeling satisfied is quite high. However, the percentage
of consumers who feel unsatisfied with the above 9 factors is still very small. Milk
tea brands should find solutions as well as listen to the reasons of consumers that
make them feel unsatisfied with their products to find a solution. Therefore, milk
tea brands should continue to promote the factors that bring them strengths and
maintain the stability of the remaining factors to be able to increasingly expand
their market share in the current milk tea market. now.

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