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Reported speech

Some tips
1) Said to me changes told me; said to the man/told the man, ja tiek minēts, kam
saka/ if the addressed person is mentioned

2) Laiku saskaņošana ( ja piebilde pagātnē- tad tiešās runas darbības vārdi mainās uz
pagātni ( to sauc par laiku saskaņošanu jeb the Sequence of tenses)

a. ķēdītes princips: write-wrote- had written

He said `I am a dentist`- He said that he was a dentist.
He said` I wrote a story`- He said that he had written a story.
( Is-was/are-were/may-might/will-would/)

3) Personu maiņa, kas izriet no teksta / the change of the personal pronouns
according to the text:
She said „I live in Riga.”/She said that she lived in Riga.

4) Ja netiek uzrunāta konkrēta persona, tad sarunājas ar 1. personu I.

He said, „You are my friend.”- He said that I was his friend.
Pievērst uzmanību uzrunai!

5) The reporting verb changes according to sense: it may be told, asked, inquired,
replied, remarked, etc.
(The verbs must be studied by heart)

6) Atsevišķo vārdu maiņa /the words which change (must know)

This-that these-those here-there
Today-that day yesterday-the day before
Tomorrow- the following day or the next day
Now- at that moment/then
Ago- before /earlier
Just- then
Come- go
Next week/month- the next week or the following week
Last week/month- the week before or the previous week

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