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Junior Program: Shop for your courses!

September 9th, 2022

Course Shopping: Market Rules!
How do I sign up?

● On the signup sheet, add your

preferred course, as well as an Each scholar MUST register for a course!
additional course you will enjoy These sessions will be a crucial part of a
● This sign-up exercise will be repeated scholar’s growth journey at Athena.
each month, with 5 new courses
launching simultaneously
● A module may be run multiple times
depending on scholar demand
Course Shopping: Market Rules!

How do I receive a certificate?

● Attend all sessions for your course (if

classes are missed, you might have to
wait a few months for the course to
cycle back!)
● Finish all assignments. At the end of
each month, your mastery will be
assessed based on pre-decided
evaluation criteria
Ideas Bazaar 3.0: September 2022

● Narrative Writing 101: How To Draft A Story

- Gokul Prabhu
● Business of Sports 101: Being a Sports Owner!
- Sahil Kukreja
● Intro to Data Science: Why is Data the New Gold, Level 2!
- Aditya Nathireddy
● Astrophysics: Unravelling the mysteries of the Universe!
- Vikram Londhe, Navars Edutech
● The Multiverse of Policy
- Arpit Goel
Narrative Writing 101: How to Draft a Short Story
Week Agenda
1 Introduction: Reading as a Writer
● What are Short Stories?
● How do you read as a writer? What do you look for in the
story from a writer’s perspective?
2 Writing Character & Plot
● Character Development: backstories vs what is shown
○ Show vs Tell
● Plot Growth: Character-driven vs Story-driven

● Workshop Model 3 Structure

● Beginning, Middle, End
● Crash course in Editing
● Macro-Editing: Looking for Loopholes, reality checks
● Hone writing skills ● Peer-Review Rubric
● Storytelling as a Technique for
College Applications 4 Workshop
Students give constructive live feedback on peers’ stories
Business of Sports 101: Being a Sports Owner
Week Agenda

1 Introduction: All You Need to Know about Sports!

● What are the various professions in sports?
● History of Sports and the BIG 5 sports & leagues
● Pick your favorite team for the rest of the course

2 Run Your Own Team!

● What all does it take to run a franchise?
● Finance, sales, marketing, expenses
● People and Processes

3 Transform Sports with Data and Technology

● How is technology changing sports?
Takeaways from the Course: ● How are teams leveraging the power of data to make
➢ Learn about the ins and outs of the sports industry ● Case Study
➢ What does it take to run a sports franchise?
4 Pitch your team:
➢ Learn about how technology is changing sports Pitch your team to investors based on all the research you’ve done
whether for better or worse across the various domains of finance, advertising, expenses and get
➢ Learn public speaking skills by creating a pitch deck your true team valuation (Judges: Rahul & Poshak)
for your final presentation
Introduction to D S (Level 2): Why data is the new gold?
Week Agenda

1 Tools : Excel, Python, NoSQL & PowerBI

● Advanced topics in Excel : Pivot & What-if analysis
● Why object oriented programming is important?
● NoSQL : Introduction, Importance, Differences with RDBMS
● Power BI : Charts & Dashboards
● Creating an API using flask

2 Statistics and Machine learning

● Missing value treatment & Outlier handling
● Hypothesis Testing
● Tree based algorithms : Decision trees & XG Boost
● Unsupervised learning: K-means & Hierarchical clustering
● Overfitting & Underfitting, usage of hyperparameter tuning.
Note: It’s mandatory to complete basic
course before registering for Intermediate 3 Natural Language Processing (NLP)
course. Otherwise, you will need to clear a ● Introduction
● Cleaning & Preprocessing of text data
simple eligibility test which comprises of ● Feature creation
basic questions from SQL, Statistics, ● Text classification & Topic Modelling
Probability & ML
4 Group project presentations
Astrophysics: Unravelling the Session Agenda Theme

Mysteries of the Universe!

Concept of Research
Theory of Relativity Astronomy
End of Universe
Quantum Nature of World Particle Physics

Space is for everyone.

Higgs Boson and LHC

Rocket Design Space Science

Space Engineering Challenges

Aircraft design Aerospace


The Unknown Land  

Course Takeaways: Experiential Moon Mission
The Vehicle MoonTo 1.0
● The Nextgen Skill
● Exploring the space and universe 12.
The Target
● Asking the right questions
● Explore the connect 13.
The Machine
● Ideate, create, test and innovate
Moon Buggy
● Search for the Life 15.
Going Back
● Moon Habitat
● Rover Design 16.
Reflection and Student Presentation
The Multiverse of Policy

Week Agenda

1 Introduction: Visualise Policy with Words

● Picturing Policy in Everyday life
● Me to We : Connection of Policy and Words
● Words, Policy and Essay

2 Transportation in Everyday Life

● Introduction to cities, urban life and vehicles around us
● Reflect on your experience
● Understanding experience through writing

● Visualise Policy with Words 3 Sustainability in Everyday Life

● Sustainable Development Goals
● Importance of Policy in Everyday Life
● Using Sustainable Products
● Understanding Writing for Policy ● Exchange personal experience
● ‘Wicked Problem’ : Policy and
Transportation Infrastructure 4 Build a Community for Action : Project
● Identify and Know your community
● Introduction Sustainable Development ● Note names of people, place, country for possible action
Goals and Community Action

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