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KIM, Se young Cristine G.

GUIRINO, Charbelyn A.
The narrative for “Elements of Literature and Combined Arts”.

Before diving into the elements of literature and combined arts we must first know what
Literature really means, this can be a challenging question because it requires defining what exactly
does and does not qualify as art. Some might be inclined to define art in terms of painting and drawing,
while others might include music as well. In short, art is often defined as the product of creative
expression. In fact, literature is a form of art with a long and rich history. Literature is a broad term that
can refer to novels, novellas, poems, and short stories. The earliest recorded literary work dates back to
around 2100 BCE, though people have certainly been telling each other stories for much longer.
Literature is considered a form of art because the author communicates ideas and experiences to the
reader. The story told in a literary work also connects to individual readers, affecting them in much the
same way that other kinds of art might do. Literature is important as it allows a person to step back in
time and learn about life on Earth from the ones who walked before us. We can gather a better
understanding of culture and have a greater appreciation of them. We learn through the ways history is
recorded, in the forms of manuscripts and through the speech itself. At present, not all written works
can be considered literature. To understand a good literary work, we should know first the important
elements of literature. It is undeniable that the medium of literature is language, and language is
composed of words that are combined into sentences to express ideas, emotions, or desires. In other
words, a writer should bear these objectives in mind to strive in raising the level of the reader’s
humanity and to accomplish the purpose of making one a better person, giving him a high sense of value
So in Literature, there are three important elements which is the Emotional Appeal which is
attained when the reader is emotionally moved or touched by any literary work. The Intellectual appeal
which adds knowledge and information to the readers, and the Humanistic appeal which appeals to the
mind of the reader and discusses man and its nature. There are also two classifications of literature the
first one being the Escape Literature and the primary focus of these novels is to entertain the readers.
The authors of this type of fiction are interested in an obvious and immediate response. For example: if
a character dies, they’re hoping the readers feel sorrow (or joy if it’s the antagonist) and if two lovers
finally get together, they want people to feel elation towards the event, the second is the Interpretive
literature which is meant to expand life awareness and to communicate truths of human existence. It
also is used to illuminate some aspects of life and to understand life situations. So when someone dies,
maybe they symbolize the fall of society.
There are many uses of literature but the most used was moralizing literature which is to reflect
on or express opinions about something in terms of right and wrong, especially in a self-righteous or
tiresome way. Propaganda literature which is a kind of literature that is not only found in history books
and advertising and marketing books but also in some describing books one’s personal success and
achievements in life lastly, the Psychological continuum of the individual- therapeutic value which could
be looked on as a sophisticated modern elaboration of the idea of releasing and thereby providing relief
from, strong or repressed emotions.
To summarize this topic we are going to discuss more about what consists of the literature and
the combined arts. Specifically talking about the types, elements, and parts of novels, short stories,
drama, essays, and poetry because these literary elements include plot, conflict, character, setting, point
of view, and theme. They are essential because they provide a framework for the writer to tell a story or
express an art and they give the reader a way to follow the story and understand what is happening.

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