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= UE Oi Dee “he term Stability siefers to the stable worbing condition op @ contro! system: Every working systern ts designed to be stable. In A stable system the response ©) output is predictable, fintte and stable for q given tnput. i The different defnitions of the stability are the olla ' A system i9 stable if tS output ts bounded oy Finite for any ‘bounded (on finite tnput- a. A system 78 asymthetically stable zim the. absence oF the input, the output ‘tends towards =-(38% ) Yr) do ~~ (28485413) . 4 now dk K 4 ds ° ley % SOS48841)=0 4 rel? BS485413=0. ‘ S= -13345 1-6. A139 6, —133-n6; 9 K—» positive and seat. dor $=~433+51-6 then K= = (S344 544 199) * = (24834) n6y24 4 -h3345 HG) 1B (394516) = -[(-a.35-j4.09) + U[iG-a-56)— 17-294 520.6] = 2354+ 34109 =F 04F 10-24 +14 -29-ja0 = 884-516-411 for $2 ~133-516.then k= —(o%rysti3s) K + positive * steal Since, the values Of K. for s=-/33+516) axe not steal and . positive. These points are not actual. breakaway (or) breakin : points: Thus the root locus has either breakaway nor ; breakin .point “ep to Rod the angle of departure let Us consider, the complex pole py a9, shown in the figure ‘then the angle of cleporture From,Ps = 180. (6 +O.) Oe 180-tas'a.. = 80_tand' s 8\=180~ 56.30", 7 8: 1934. i; NOW, Oy = a0 ‘ if theo, angle Of departure = 180 (1334490) é i Resa ' “angle of departure at complex pole f. ts Megative of - Ongie of departure at complex pole P, be "i “Angle of depasifiire from Rj =-+33-1° : 2 ‘f NG SER 6: QFind -the erosstog point On imaginary oxts ‘Dd the . cross Here, C(s) 2K RID SHS B9+k PHU 1BS+K=0- let S=jus- 94 — Gus 1g}u94+ K=O. “US 4I309-0 YK ~4u9 k= 0. easy K= 4us* = 13 Ke 4X13) ass fig 5 Ke Sg W3= 3.6 ‘The crossing: point’ of ‘the root locus is 'S § 36. The value of ‘kK’ at thes crossing pofnt is ga. is given by Gts)= cot a) sketch the Yt 1y Se t MOOt lOcus of the system. Cts) - K(stq, Ris) KIStq)+8(94%4 49+) fs Stepd,, location of poles \ zeros + : S(S 448411) =0. Ly w 820, 8°+4S+Hl=0 4 S= -4 +{i6- Hee =4tHD = Uae oo a ju | © B+ p59. wT; | | ao ete) -atjag® Here, NO- of zeros =1 IN6 EE mer9 ‘ Hog no-of poles =3 % %=0, Py =-A450-6, Py = ~a4a6 “gre Pde CE - one pole, One KETO We on seal arts choose test point to the teft: of S=0 fhe totat-no-oF 1 poles-and- zeros -18-One) Then -to-the right Of thie point yotal N0-OF Poles and xeros 1 ONE, - HeMce the Portion oF geat atts from S=0 to =~. will be past of root locus if we choose a test point to the lert Of 8=-4 then to the sight OF this point total mo-of poles and acros ig a-which fs aN even number: tence the steal axis form S=-% tO -co will not be A paxt of root locus. sicP.3 + APOIE OF Asymptotes % centroid Here, N=3 ,m=! n-m= 3-t=2 then g=0,'2.. at g=0, angle = 18000. $40". 2 AE 9=1 + AMM = + g0¢3) sano = aa0" at gen “A 2 Papas Br ANE = Bots) cays" =490° | 12015) = 4 centtoid = +24 526 -9-326 49 a = ae 435 Step at Beet onal and breakin points :~ i" From the location of poles and.xeros and -from the Knowledge of typical sketch of root locus ft canbe . Condeluded there is no possibility of breakin and © breakaway points. Sp 5:- Angle of depature +- os Angie of depature for Po = 180" (O+O2L4— (2:8) ABO ENTS S 8, = 180_ton'( Oy= 19384? , AS @, = 90° ns Os = ee HON = eO64 20° W Ot OF Os le Of depature =180' Or 3 angle “of depal = 180°= 1954-14-90" 80-4 Po = —l6ue. then Py = 416.4% Step 5 ~ BRssIDg POLO gn tmaginany axis: cto) _ K(S+q) Rts) Kist4) +9(7g5 49411) | Put S= jus. then. . Consider -the denominator, = Kf jus4+q) (Gust) + (jus AGUS) Hu Gus = Kjuwt+ak Kju9+ak ~ Jusr_ 4, MEL Fus tet CONnSider npn jo a Te 4st $09 ~ 199441499 ae : ane, =4us*. = Hustinuy , Ut+ky4 eS hk) WK = 44 44K OE aK = 96g 2 14.8 “OS 5 Hee) = kK sO Sts+u 0349420) Stepds! {ocation OF oF Poles” and ers s(Stultst+ustao) =o 0 S=0, S14=0 4 Stustagso Bd be nay Leg) SEG ~ We 85 | at | Pg = - ata, Ppa -gu4e “HW i ae root locus branches = no-of poles =4. skepi Root locus Op -the Meal_Aws i There are two poles ON the teal OS. choose a test POINt ON the meal axis between 80 ANd S=-Y. To-the sight Of this Point ‘the total no: oF real poles and xerds 16 one which fs an Odd number tence the meat anis between S=0 and S=-4 will be Gpaxt of wot locus. i choose a test point to the left OF tothe aight OF this test point ‘the total no-of poles and xerds 1 ig a. vubich fs an even number. Hence “the eal axis fron $=-4 to S=-~ will not be apart OF ‘root locus . sepa Angle of asymptotes } centroids— Here, n=Y m=0-then San a then G = 00U2,3,4, Here, Nom, Angle of Asymptotcs = 4 160(2q+!) * geother Ange = +1800) 5° oe ' q=1 then = seis) sane = sesh ft Q=o then =4 10°C) 828" * Q=3 then=+ 12013) 24315" ¢ © qq then 2 £190 (9) 21 408 q : (nttotd = -qeratAs-a-tj 2-8-9, ye de hn 7A, Y4 A ee ge te SEPA Breatcauiay aNd breakin points’ Here the root tocus 7S blu @ poles then ‘theirezists breaha, INE - re K C¢s) -=__-—____~______. Rtg) K+9(S7yls's-us+20) ‘ en Ka(s4tys) (s44US+20) 5) R60 ns odd en K+ 644404 0s 49+ 165/809 ‘= Kk R+S'4.8.6°43634808- “The ‘characteristic eq” to stigstagdigoatk=0 K= (S486 3634808) oe = - (4s*+ 8464199480) now, dk _ ds GO, cyan _ 4934 8US44a84+80=5 " S6s"+ 185-480 20 TT] Sek 3 e (Sta)(S449-410) = 9 0 Yeo Fe fo Sy SH 4etDe 0 Be ie ~~ : a Fi = 8, - 84345, -9-a.45 = eae Here, K =-(S"+8glraggu.ape) S. = “aay S=-a. K= -(16 ©~6u 444-160) OK = 64 SG -at jay = 3164 1aq° K== (hay 48-Cartesbtsyao 3) K-—Erb+8t4 EEE EEL SISLA NON 4 347316 <4 VY] 4 803 -Ibecr | Ke (99-954 1156-485 QU cE ONL B5qT es 4AS8-4 252-8 60 na Sketeb OB. en {oop *e sot Locus of -the gystern' whose OP “ranster sfonttion ia aig) k atsrajov) Location of poles eS and xetosi- S(sta) (sty)=d S=0; S12=0, StF Sa. S=-4, ~ DO0-.oF poles =3 PEO, Poa, Pye-y SP ii, root LOCUS OR real axis:-- Stepiti, Angle OL asymptotes \ centroid ¢— N=No-OF poles =3 - M= NO-OF 2erog= 9 n-m=3. ® Athen g = o/02..3 a>m, Angle = a 3p i. ne t ‘80/294 4) n=m. OF 4 = 0A 24 Veo ago" at q= G=l then = 2018) 4.00 at Fa then 's 20[8) 4300" = +60" OF 9-8 then. 4 190 (= =ttpg= +160" 3 “centroid = 0-2-4 2-6 3 3 LES) yok Yoeus 9p steal quis- ne we bave 3 poles - FF we choose a test POINE --from G=0 40 9=-2. the total NO-OF poles and zerls ON-the ant | =). r of tbis point Te one which 1S AP odd numpber /tenc e, the oot teal ails -from 8=0 +0 $=-a will be the paort oF ape o100t locus: gg we choose the test point betulecn sz aand $=-U the moof poles and zeros tothe stignt of this Point i973’ whicb #9 AN even number. tence thé sical azis rom ge-a to S=-4 will not be part Of -the moot Locus gf we choose the test point betwee S= -u4 t0S=-% \ 4o the sight of this point the no-of poles and zeros will be*3 whieb is an odd number Hence the acal auis--from S=-4 40 S29 votll, be -the Port of the soot locus: ' Hence the sical axis from $=0-0 $--a And S=-4 +0 =-0 will be Indicated as bold line . Skp4 Breakaway and breakin points! i 1 Here, G(S) = _K ’ 6(S+3)t9t4) cis) 2 _K RI) KK + gcatay(Stu) > _K 2 UK nig eas Shae KrGrasj(sty M+ 644us'+as"4 8s 2 4K HS +es89- The chasiacteristic eq” i9 Histrgstsgs . K = - (35468'%95) AR © ite 4 as (38 1as+8) dk = now SF 3s4H18S+8=0 S- ~1a + {luy-ge - 19388 6. +69 a Ba 315 - 34694868) Ake ¥pa , ink 15 [Bince, K 19 positive and) seal for 52-0845 thS pont “actual breakaway point: since, K is negative for 6 =~ “Abie 16 not a actual breakaway point | Steps Angle of cleparture - Since there are no complex pole OM No cornplex Zero -we © need not find the angle OF departure (oy O-rrival - Steps TO find crossing point :- “the characteristic eq is Sresagsik=o, Put s= jug = t ~Jw 6094-8 jutK =O. | —6W'tk=0 ~w92-48)u9 } —6(8)tK=0 Us?= Bus- | aK=48 wt. dry w= 14 uo =10.-6 b the soot net . ¥ Oketch the Ot locus Gis)= k¢s' 4654-05) Sl341)(9+9) | Skepd, T+ind N0-0F poteg 12S ane ze109- | SSH) (S19) =0 8=0, Stl=O, 549=0 8=+ =o. le P=0,P=-1, P,=-9 | | me ee! eee LS 654+a5)-0 S* OS4I5=0. HF 8445 %. = -3-54. gepal Rook tows on realatis:- | step. Angle oF _asymptotes ¥ centroid i N=no-oF poles =3- M=N0-of RETOS = 2 Since there are 3 poles “the no: oF TOOL locvs branches. The No-ofF n-me3-2=t. Oot tocus Irranches ares “there. Ore 8 -finite xcr0s-S0,-thérooE = Ost. ° 'Ocua branches wit! end at arm, Angie = + recat), finite 2108 The SF rot toc will Meet the zero at'o’ fo . travelling -thro ugh -ve steal axis, ff Q=0, Angle = + 1) =+180° sl if deo, AN! sou te Here,“tlbe M0.0F aS ymptote is", Wet, ange 24 24540! 00d “the angle of as G1, Ang eet Esae 8 ae umpne, Centroid = 9 aie s-Yfst a9. 1 Stepl¥, breqkaway and brakin points! | GIs) = Klo6s-+99) 8 (St!) Lota) £tS) - K (5465425) (S) (er 65425) +5 (SHD(S+9) tts) - K(sttest95) RIS) (4.95425) + Cr9)(949) fle) = Kisr6sr25) RE) (Ste g5t.5) + 9439498 Characieristic. eq? 1S KistOst25)4+ e435 7a5 kK = — (S438 +28) So +6St25- = (544 19+ 9NS'4 6094 50) (s 69425)" IEEE SSPIKEEE OF : ~ (S44 1as%4+-A1944- 1505-450) = 0. S*4 1394 A1s'+1505+1 50 = 0. ; “he 4Porder polynomial can be split into'a gic a. he quadratic factors cam be obtained by Lin's cethod - 7 i ek 2 fiod quadratic factors by tds enethod . | ¥ the first trail divisor be the last B terms | | ®rail divisor — a164-1509 +50 FH 150.5 +50 | a ay SH 1.655 + 0.55 S'41.65S-++ 0-55) sly 1994-4 164-15 05+50 (64 10.359-+ 13.381 k S'41.655%40.655~ ne eal unk 10-399" + 90.458'-+1505+-50 ppasnuse soap aol gy BS + Fost sot | o 1 73-2964144.316 +50" 49/285" 41a1.095+ 40.37 "" (93,949-+4.65 | a4 trail divisor, \ as-95+4-65} ~ 43-3491 144.38 +50 = S+1YU3 6+ 50_ | ASF 43.34 = = 9495404. S+ast04) 34 1968844184 ISs0g4'50 ( orinsiea0.3 strag-+oas” 109° + 90 48441506-+ 50 10% + aps" 445 A084 1438+ 50 AGB + 406+ 49.9. , S " et AIIVTUUES HOOF 2S 410S 10.35 > Cishee heen eaaee 2 SHOT LAUS 4144 -65-+ 14-3 2 Sy aPsUg+ 508+ 50. gastro =O 3'+109+10.8 - Tig Salt a x{a- to) $= ws foorino» ER ae 2-10 £100- 981-2 a = AHS = -10+ 181-85 a lS = -a¢1-04 Sf +34 4 693- a $= -165, 6=-045 } ; : ' for g= -1.S5then for $= -0us- | a i = —S-36t95 Ke - (s3t39'425) i S4+69ta5- S68 125 | > (23-34-46 454-3) K = -€0.09+0-60%-05) DIS e-G+25° —— 1 — (0:28; 0.202 a+ 95° (0.28). —— = -0.36. = @.3 18-25, aQ-5 ! Ke -0-043 sK = 0-017- | stp 8 Angle OF departure and angle of ar arriyal- Here, -the eros axe complex Conjugate then we use Angle of arrival: - agnate of arrival .=[68- (088,89) t QO gua-5 +40 = 44'S n = 190 = bail $)= 1964 8: = 188-tad!(4)- 66 &. ted_ tan'[) = 10”. 240, | " Gngie of arnval at -ay = -19-9 SERMI TO Lind crossing point - ay chanactensite eq 1s tsb 664 96) bP IIIS Put S= ju - K (094-6 ju9425) 4 —Jus3-3u'st 99 - ~KW"PQ5K —3.0" 0 AK = grate) okus-w+aw=0, SKu9-+ 9u9 =us? 2. Wo" a5 (6k-+9)e09 = 19? : 31k Kd =u9". tee asf es bien w Saas) tt Ke ut 29-2 fi oe ~e Wz Aeus% eee. 18+ust9 U9" COFuot ~4)) 29 5250 '8u0t Us" aus 9600450-0 ¥ sketch the vook 10S for the unit y feedloack system whose OPEN loop transfer -tynctich 15 ais) (8) His) = KC 6-+t5) S(SH1) (645) Steeped 0 find no-of poles and _zero's SSH) (545, S=0, 64 “REO, Pye Ay Pyeng. No-Of xeros =1 Me -15. Map, 120% locus on AeAt AX'9 ¥ He asge oto asymptotes ke centroid =~ nz noroF potes =3 m=no-OF eros =! n-m= 31=9. Y= 0dr. nym, Angle = predtaat” if g=0 y ANg!e = medica 3 2 Qh ANGIE = + Wgo'(ay 940% 290° Qa, ay iS F NPE = + gays) = gusde: 2" . & CemyOid = =|-F4.5 = —64hS 2 gas. ar a Sep, breakaway and breakin points:- Gis)Hts) = K C9405) S(6H)(St5) 4 ae = Kot) > K(SHE5)-+S(SHLSt5) Characteristic equation ts Ke gts) + 8 (st) (St) =O K (S419) = -((S'49)(S+5)) 2 K (S45) = -( S66 69) K = -( 93466459) ae 4g Shs A ag = Elo 68459) $5 (S48) — (Gers) S Elses5s)) esas ere (Stra ge = -(S469t 85) 00— (s+45)(-38—198~-6) SECT RN a Cet eS(T88 SNS = (Stray: dk 0, -s& os ~69-(-38-188'-55 ~4.58~ 188-35) 29. S65? -96-4 841064 SY LUTTE asa ae Sao 39741089 418 S44-5=0, | a Pe trail = 1ogshe 1954 5 S418 St IES 19:5 10-S = Sy Ag+ 166, | SKIS +166) Qo34 10.59'4 195-4 4-509 ash+ aurgiy j effects of adding poles and zeros a UNTEATV Frequency Response Analysis . « snueduction. 42 “Areaueney) response Analysis: gy practice in performance of a controlled system is more realistically measured by its tirne domain characteristics abe season: is that the performance. of most control Systerns, is judged based ON -the time siesponses due to certain . j test signals. This is in contrast to the analysis and design | of communication systems for which ‘the -frequenay response — | is the more importance since, most of the signals to be processed or either sinusoidal are Composed oF sinusoidal components- } ‘The time stesponse of a controlled system ts | usually more difficult to determine Analitically especially | for higher order systems. a design problems there are no unified methods of artiving at a desired system that Meets the time domain performance specifications such G8 raise time, delay time, setteting “tire! maxienum Biersho| ~ot on- = | on the other hand in -the frequency domain there, is G wealth of graphical. methods avatlable that Gre not limited to low Order systems. % 16 important tO realize that +there are co-melating melations between > ‘the frequency domain and time domain performances. tn a. linear system So the time domain properties OF the system [ Can’ be ‘predicted based onthe frequency domain characteris~# “tes. The frequency domain %$ also more convienient-for | "eagurements of system | Sensitivity +o noise and Parameter variations: - P rz wr * 4 rirna with tbese concepts in mind we corpider toe " | Si lesiq motivation -for conducting control Systern analysis Y lesign th. frequency domain to be convinece and es evantabiltty a | existing Analytical tools. another reason 15 that tL presents “an alternative point of view) ‘to control System cae | whieh often provides valuable con crucial information in the | complex analysis and design oF control systerns - i Therefore to conduct a frequency domain analysis |) OF @ linear, control systern doesn't imply. that the system usll Only be subject to a sinusoidal input tt may never be saze% rom ‘the ~requency stespOnse Studies use wil) be able to Project the time domain sesponse OF the system. | Prequenty response Analysts :- Frequenuy tesponse Analysis Of @ System fs the stesponse Of the systern -for the sinusiodal, input Signal of various frequent. Thus -the frequency domain -transfer “function ish: satio OF sinusiodal sesponse and the Gousiodal ‘put Of the System SP the ‘s’ domain transfer -fonetion Ts) 1 known then the frequency domain -transfer ‘funtion Thjws) can he obtained directly rom’ 79) by seplacing ‘é by "hus" Advantages OF frequenuy sesponse Analysts gre ae without the Knowledge of the transfer -funetton the “requ? mesponse OF stable Open Adop systern can be obtatred experimentally | # Poiactical esting. of systems. can be easily carried with quaiiable Sinusotdal signal generators and prestt! F pacisurerment equips i , Transfer function of complécated systerns can be cletermnined eaperimentally by fequenty response test - x designed and pararncter adjustrnent of +the Ofen loop aransfer function Of a systern-for & Specified closed toop | performance ts carted out more eastiy in Requenty dorrcin|) + Hfects OF noise disturbance and parameter variations one sretcrtively easy) tO visualize and incorporate the corrective mMcasures - ¥ Frequenuy siesponse analysis and designs can be extended | tO Certain mon linear Control systems. + For difficult cases such aS conditionally stable systems NyQuist plot iS probabitly the only method “0 analyze the stabiltty. c Lionttations of frequency atespone method method - |# These methods aire considered somevuhat old and outdated in view OF extensive methods developed for digital Computer imnulation and modelling. j + Even for linear systems the estimation of the step oD i impulse response from the frequency stesponse * usuathy | carried out using ‘the fact that a higher order systern Often behaves approxirrately AS A second order sysicm ~ when. underdamped.’ Naturally the estimation & Only approximate - * Foran existing system obtaining frequency, sesponse ts Possible only #f the tinte constants are upto ut minutes - "the time constants aire feuw hours Cor clays “then “the, bh methods Gre mdt convenient tO APPIN tor “the prac:tical testing * Obtaining the frequency slesponse pra consuming . Fi eticatly, a fairly time Frequency sesponse plots: . Frequency sesponse analysis of the control systerns can carried etther analytically (op graphically the VATIOUS qraphic methods ‘available for frequency siespone analysis are | 1) Bade plots 8) Polar plots (Nyquist plots) 3) Nichols plots 4) Mand N ¢heles 5) Nichols. chart wy “The Bode plots. polar plots, Ntchols plot are usyally chanr | for oper tcop systems. From the open toop siesponse plot, the performance and stability Of the closed toop syste’ dre estimated . The Mand x circles and Nichols charts are used to Qraphiaally cleterrnine -the Frequency) siesponse Of the onity feedback closed loop System -frorn the Knowledge of open lay nesponse The Frequency SRSPONSE plots Are Used -to determine ‘the requenuy domain Specifications to study the stability of the systern and to adjust “the gain of the system to satisfy the desired specificcitions . Bode plots: the Bode plot is .q frequency siesponse, plot ct ‘he sindsotdal transfer function of a system. a’ pit consists Of twO Qraphs. | 4p plot OF MAQHMPLGGE OF Ce GINUAOCIAY “TONS TT -fONCHON Versus 10g. -l j, Plot ofthe phase angle of sinusicdalt fans€er fonction versus tog ws x fe Bodeplot can" be crawln -for bot opentoop and closed loop system USUallt) the bode plot, 1 drawn for, oPcA loop system, “Ihe standard se presentation of -the Logarithamie magnitude of the open toop transfer fonction of ejus) i 30109] (Jud: vubcre the base of the logarithm is Io. The unit Used in this Mepresentation of the magnitude is declbal (48)."the ‘€urves Are ‘dranin on semilog paper wsing -the tong, Scale -for “frequency anid ‘the linear scale JP-EWBEr ragaitude wn phase. ‘Ihe main advantage of Bodeplot is that muttiph kation of magnitudes can-be Converted into addition. | Consider the open loop ‘transfer function’ etsy = KUT) } ' SUSE) (Ui45G) | then GCjes) = KC t+ jus) Ne ° gus ( th juoT,) CM jus) : . , » Kz0f14 ast Z tani'got) 7 SS <8 rug cents) Wes? cto , The OF (Ju) = |eguil = [ore magnitude 1309) = |@hudl =k (Tree ese Colir wy tre § Mase angle oF Ei¢jas) + LL) =4aiusr, Atanas tas 3 the Magnitucle of (jus) can be expressed fn decibals letras! anda = 20909146 .u») = 90 409 lofname Ina] _s Gof 92> Vt 2 . Ke rave a0tog [55 x Vrros 1 = fa -|20809 K+ 30:tog ives P+ aofogt___ raokegal ae T 4) | > ao10g 6 St aotog trae ~B0l0g fiw 20 Log)ng | from the above equations itis. clear that when the | magnitude iS expressed in 8 the multiplication ts | converted +o addition “Hence %0. magnitude plot the dg | magnitudes of individual factors Of (jus) can, beaded | procedure for magnitude lok oF Gore plot ~ [vet vqty = KOS i | S*CHST) (HST) im Gye = 6 (tt jest) Let hg £7, The corner frequencies wena U9 = Fay WER= ay ; tet UCL < U9Cy 2 UDC, the magnitude plot of the: individual terms of ELjwat their cormined Magnitude plot ase shown as follows ai - & ) 1 dB. 0 \ -d6 Ly +a wer im wroet © gtep 04 SSP procedure for plotting ‘Uke magnitude plot. —' ep convert the. transfer “function into bode form @ry ime constant form. atcpath Uist oF alt the! za a) in the increasing order and prepare a table as shown below. | Term corer | : Slo change tn slo Frequenty Seltet doe. Ca xadlsec, 2) nthe above table enter Kr) 1 ao KUjU9) as the 1st Gas? | fer and the Other tering’ tn the increasing ovder of the | comer frequencies Then enter the comer frequency slope tontiboted by eAch term-and) change 4 dod at"! ery exErY comer Frequenty' i ‘ Hil epi chasse an arbitasy: frequency iust which iS lesser | than the lowest comer frequency calculate the, dS Magnitude, of ‘sero CK Lyos at esL and atthe 1 lowest corner -frequenty stepay WY “Then ‘calculate the gain (op de reageitude atevery Comer i-frequendy ‘vsing ‘he format, "Gata! disy = change in gain Wx, OU ++ GIN EF Udy On pal v4 ae trop W9xtD 49y,.x Log ‘ga Gahran’ Sep Choose an arbitasy frequency ‘ust’ which 2 | Yeater than the highest corner, frequency |” tateuiare the gain at tase BLY OSiNg the formula ab Stn D'"! | re, SHWE I A. Semnilog graph sheet mark the aes HKange of frequency on x-aais and -the Oe ee Magnitude on y-axis after choosing prop mua i it dt, du,) Step Vii t= Mak all -the points obtained 10 Step ai duyy on as i by Straight lines. ON the graph. and. join. the points, bY 9 Mark the slope at every part of the graph: | Note The magnitude plot obtained: above is an Opproi- —mate plot- 2 an exact plot ts needed then appropiate corrections Should ‘be made at every comer Frequeny Procedure for phase plot of Bode plot ?~ ® The phase plot is an exact plot and NO a@pproxirnatioy Ore, made by drawing -the phase PlOE. Hence the exatt Phase angles, OF G(3u) are Computed for vasious values of ‘wand tabulated. the choice of the: frequencies: choosen /-For magnitude plot. Usually “th magritudé’ plot ain’d » 1 (I+0:2;400 40-02, ju9) at K=1 then. QtG) = Gut See (H0:9}49)C H+0-093u9)” Terra Corner-freque ry Slope: change in Slope. ; Hodge vu u9qy=Grad{sec. 99 Uo-2939 4 1 r ’ ‘ | be HO.0e0 WG = S0radle —a0 _. &-a0-0 , ro let wWre-o.5 rad [sec . Wh = 100 radlsec . Ot usz uss o.Sradisec A= aotogiyuy"| > &0 tog lo-5)* 1904. —lad8- at us =e, > Sg radisec . = 30109(5)"- AL = apdB WO =50 radlsee. OE og AL ; ) “gg (Pie wee ‘ [ [stope change from U8C1 £0 Use ¥ Log a jhe sind th ee Bork 409 [90)4 9g 7 bo “ my = 48 0B. 2 7% Ae : may o* OF a9 = Udy - too radkec:, = [slope change from woe, LOUD] y Log “ote) somet TS erty tee) ie | ff = 8 dp ltt +the points A, 6, And © be the points eorrespont ng +0 the frequenci PQS WL, WE USC, , WH erespectively on the magnitude plot: a4 Asemilog graph sheet choose. @ scale of tontt = 408 On Y-axis and the Frequencies Ore rrovked tn decades from 0.1 to 100 s1ad Jsee 80 tog Seale fn x- ois Fix “the points A, @,c xp ae rOph: 4010 the points by the Straight lines ~ mark the | graph bE glope ‘00 the nespective s1egion. (gu9)= Gus)” ; | (140-9509) (14 0 02549) = 2 GUjW9)=180-tan'0-9u9 - tan'0-02.u9-- ely ud tan'o.aus tahoe02u8 =f — points in phase, Wy | plot: Rs 6% "O.6 3-4 e \ 3 hy woot 5 us 54. 1ag.3. 4 | 10 63-u. W3 10g al h 50 sue. 45. 50-%, ' ‘ | loo 8a) 63-4 24s) On the same semilog graph choose a scale of unit = 20" On the y-axis On ‘the sitght side OF sernilog graph Sheet. Mark ‘the cculculated phase angle onthe graph sheet join | the points by a smooth curve: Calculation of K:- Gg = § | Given that gain cross over Frequency 18 5 sadlsec -ot 49-5 nadlsec-“The qain ts. aad6. oF “tbe Bin cross over Frequency i$ Sondlscc then at -that Frequerty -the d8 gain should be' xero. Hence, to ‘every point the magnitude Plot a dB gain of -ag8dB,-6hould: ‘be added: “the Corrected Magnitude Plot IS obtained by shifting ‘the plot with / K=1 by -98dB downwards “the Magnitude correction, 16 independent of frequent. tence, tbe magnitude of “88dB iS Contributed by the term kK! The value OF *k’ iS calculated by equating soican = =29d8 ¥ tog Ke A ke 10 BS) “ = 00396. Bs 2AT (He : : np fonction &ls)= * Sketch the Bode plot -for -ine -Lvansfer onc StS 4.1654 ; a and determine -the phase rrargin and gain magi SVS Here, 6(5)==16 (1-10.99) S(SH16S+100) a Comparing st16s+100 with si-asu9st wn i Here, u9n*=100 -A8U9n= 16. my (n= {100 08 = 16 , Wn = to 15 snley (S=16 25.9, 20 | """ Q6) = O45 (140.96). ts Sxe9(S* 4 165 (sot 6 +i) qi) = S419 (140.95) — tots) Sli4:0-0163.0.168) ent : 343 2 Steps FA9O 4 odus) Le ih : IPCI 0-01U9%s 5.16 u0), Tern Corner frequenty. slope change in. slope - D210") a “2008. as tJo.209 1 w9ey® {5 =590d\¢¢ ) +20 ~20420=0, . “YodB. uf iy . 1— O01 WH Jolw' WC = 10 , “Mod & O~u0=-40 Let We ssa dl dee . od > ao ad WW ke. t= do ad [Ger Ot W2u%=0-65 nadlaec. Ae aos0g\ Sr? ) fis do1og (237) he Bsdb Gt Wiz u5e,> 5 4Od SEC - A = 5950q [222] 92416. 558 at Wa 08s = Io nadIsec - fz 0+(-16-5) . t Fiz —[h-5d8 - 3 } OF uss usy = sonodleec — : | Ar -40 1509 (3D)- bs. A 2-96 dB Pate glob: a Gljws) = O75 (5 0-209) JU 0-01u5% jo.16us) 4GUIO = taf'09u9—90~ Lady ostyud _ Ce oora) we —t__—_—_.. (Goh Crp) 149509) 1Gt gus) = ry { 4 180 rus 2 bails {eu e? 2 tom aud fQcjusl - an ee (ue)*+ (Gu9)?) ( Ho 309) ee ose ~ ju) ( agus) —us*_ aiyr—+ w= BGus"- jus — astus4 = 4 —_—— Aust_ 35 us us + caer) Ons et ye OR Tt 009 Yo py Ot gered ht - 0-8 TONS’ 710-221-0107 \ . ae 03 1.87 1s 20. 0.94, 098 Gstys) 306 Hl a gr Gero. Y= 04g ge = I80-ato > -d0- ¥ consider, a unity feedback System having an opentoop-transker. function |@¢s) =_k -Sketth the polar plot kdetermine the _ SU+0-59)( 1445) , “s'value SO that gain Margin is BOd8 aNd phase margin SodB Given &(6) = _6 _ Stero-Ss)C 1448) Kt then @ig= 1 S(HO5S) (1445) Gud = _1 A in se Ges) C405 jus) (te 4 jus) so a. (Gu + 0-5Gju3 79 Lr4qgus) ' , a (jus - 0-594) (14 45u9) 1 ... oD foo~ OSe" 4 4U Fafa: a. - 3305 4-5us%a5us s WO ele Re yy qe nt Fatjus) =189 -18) 084 06) ~085-o2 ~oty Sty <0} O45 OH —0O O.r OOF 9S: as) Of i, @ With Ket lee Gtus) Ct the Br axis at PuRE & ord re « 2 Oud ott, goin Conesporcing to that point B be Gg Here GB°7 pote Gain mrangn #8 A in dB a19dB w#D weet hos 4, Be increased to sods | mgpicat Sketches Of polar plots: olar plots ) Type! ©, order st a) Type st, Orders 2 Gls) = SU46T) ELjus) > £-40%- tan! ust US] +u97? 3) Type: 0, Order +> G(s) = ot > 1 (test)(rtsT) GAljus) = Z£tadlusttaflush) 1 Juma - 2710 A) Type: 0, order :3 Gls) = eee (14.61)) (14ST) (14 STy) tr | C1559) = tat te Lp) JAAN UST ~ ta oy tanlusty A Cetus atu) Cea Ty -2510° §) Type 1, Orcler:3 est SUSTANC Ht ST) 4g Wy) = £9 PON UST, ~ tan Ut _ U9 i+ 09 HK Us TY) 250° WFO — | ae 6) Type: 2 Order . a | -y Ht GUS) = S'U14ST) (1481) -qo* @qu9s —--—— 4-18 0-tan'ust, auo. the countoor-croses medal axis at a point between -1440 and -c on ctravelting through Nyquist. plot along the. indicated dinection it is found that the pofrrt -Hyo fs. .emcircled -in, clockwise disrection . a times: Therefore, the closed loop System 7s Unstable. ' ‘The value of ‘k’ -for stability is .o 1445 — S(t 6)C1426) | +e i s erplanes © | I Mapping oF sectfon_¢:-an section ¢, 8 varies from 0 to % The mapping we 4 section ¢ #8 given by the locus of qijustitjuss as ‘es’ ig Varted from 0 too. This locus Ts the polar plot of {ius (jus) | PUE S=juo then a jus) NU §u9) = ieee ie CGP Crrjus) (1+ ajus) = = =a (ape LEON 2U9 \| WSLi80Yirus? Zanes Vira ee | etjasdHjo) ra agage etoi409-180 tans toil Ane tot Usa a ; when -then GiwH(Gus) locus crosses seal axis ‘the phase | uatll be —18d and the corresponding -Frequency te ‘the phas I Cross over frequency Here, U9=USpe ZG Gus uy) = -19 0% £0114 spe 180° LarT'udpe —tai'auspe =~ Go" & ‘tari4wpe = 186'-taritapc-+ tari'auspe — 180. LONG o5pe)= tai'espe'4tanouspe \ ‘taking tan on “both sides. ton[tam4uspe] = ‘tan [tactaspe+ tari! aap) | We Know -that | tan(A+s) = tonas+tan 8 ; !~tanAtanB “tan [ton4usp_- tanltan'uspes tan ltan'auspe) > '~ tan¢tan'wpe) tan (tan! Audpe) AT uspe = uspe-+ dupe — ar ache '- uspe -Quspe I~ Fuser, Auspe = Suspce '-Qudpc2 Au%c— Suspc3= Suspe Suspes uspe Buspc’=1 e spe” uspe “rE Upc = 0-354 dad |sec- US= LOPE = 0-354 mad [Sec lagu) 8Gu) = Ta ew? woh Yrspe Jiraae . i = — = Int. HENCE El jes) HL08) Ipcus crosses the seal art iS ab -10-64 At W—*O then Gy t Gud —> 00 <- 180% At UI—roo then Gtju)HGu9—* 02-940" Tbe polar plot starts at -iso% axis at o! -travels in the paenor and crosseS sical axis at rt quadrant and then ends, at eo) in 24 quadrant | ~10-64 +o enter Mapping of section G Gis) H(S) = 14S > AS _ Arie Fey © GIOHO]. yp Ac} = pei RO wben O= Mr wuhen O=Th thc als)Htls) = Ww -jan then et) +0e" * ~ aro’. el"). aac. EtoHls) Plane LE } Mapplog of section cs: a GY eqca tts) PLONE - tanetog of section eq: S=-Lt Rel& 499 9) R30 Gt) HIS) =" t#AG on 2 isp nae Se HE)LITES), SA, Sr LE Ree St) Ww a Here © varics from -tly tp a) qa & , WhEP O=-Rhthen GOH) = cei. oesn when. O= Mla then! Gesritte) = oo ea" no La ve s-plane - ee Vv | ets) HU PLONE * 6 ue “41807 ad 4 ' complcte Nyquist plot y on travelling through Nyquist COUMLOOY Frm Gis)E LS) plane i, 7 a observed that -1-+jo point 3 encircled in Clock -wise disiection adimes Therefore the closcdloop system tS unstable . since | -14j0 'S encircled two times and no tight half open poles “quo Poles OF closed loop system are lying on the sright half of s-plane- UNIT-V STATE SPACE ANALYSIS

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