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Detailed Lesson Plan in English VII

I. Objective:
At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:

a. identify the elements of a short story

To the file yo b. explain the story How my Brother Leon Brought Home a wife; and
To the file yo c. recognize the features of narrative writing.

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Narrative Writing
Materials: Laptop, PowerPoint, Flashcards, English VII Book.
References: English VII Book and

III. Lesson Proper:

Teacher’s Activity Students Activity

1. Prayer
“May I request everyone to please ( A student will lead a prayer)
“Our most gracious and heavenly Father,
(Request a student to lead a prayer) we give you thanks and praises for
keeping us safe in your care and for
enabling us to come to school safely. We
ask you Lord to bless each and everyone
of us, especially our parents and teachers.
Teach us to be good and help us
understand our lesson. Make us generous
of what we have and make us an
instrument of peace and love. All these
things we ask you Lord with the
forgiveness of our sins, in Jesus name we
pray. Amen."
MOD2. Greetings
“Good morning Class!”
“Good morning Ma’am!”
“Please be seated”
“Thank you Ma’am”
“How was your day, Class?”
“It was great Ma’am!”
“That’s good to hear. Truly, God
never fails to give us a day which is not “Yes Ma’am!”
great. Am I right?”

I w 3. Attendance
“Who's the class monitor? Please
(The class monitor will raise her hand)
raise your hand.

"Please stand. How many students " None Ma'am"

are absent for today?

" That's good to hear! You may now (The class monitor will take her seat)
take your seat"
MOD4. Classroom Standards
“At this juncture, who among this
class can tell me the different classroom (The students will raise their hands)
standards that we must going to follow
during our discussion?"

(The Teacher will call students who are

raising their hands one by one)
"Observe Silence, Ma'am"
" Yes, Ms. Pillar"
"Avoid using mobile gadgets when the
" Very Good! Another one. Yes, Mr.
class is going on, Ma'am"

"Sit properly and listen attentively, Ma'am"

" Exactly! Thank you, Mr. Castro. What
else? Yes, Mr. Dela Cruz"
"Raise your hand if you want to answer,
" Excellent, Mr. Dela Cruz. What's more? Ma'am"
Yes, Ms. Andalio?"
" Cooperate and participate during group
" Certainly! Thanks Ms. Andalio. Is their activities if there is any, Ma'am"
anything else? Yes, Ms. Bernardino"

" Excellent! Thank you, Ms. Bernardino"

"Yes, Ma'am!"
" Now that we've already knew our
classroom standards, I hope that everyone
will follow those simple rules. Can I expect
that from you, Class?

" Very good! "

MOD5. Assignments
"Yes, Ma'am"
" Do we have any assignments, Class?"
(The students will pass their papers
" If so, please bring it out and pass it forward)

MOD6. Review (Students will raise their hands)

" Before we proceed to our discussion for
today, who among this class can tell me
what was our lesson last meeting?"
" Our lesson last meeting Ma'am was all
(The teacher will call a student to answer) about the elements of a short story.”

(Students will raise their hands)

"Precisely! Last meeting we’ve tackled
about short story and its 5 elements.
We’ve also read a short story, entitled
“How my Brother Leon Brought Home a
Wife”. Now, who can tell me what are
those elements of a short story" " The five (5) elements of a short story are;
characters, setting, conflict, theme, and
(The Teacher will call a student to answer) plot, Ma’am”.

" Yes, Ma'am!"

" Excellent! I hope that you really

understood our lesson last meeting. Now,
are you ready to begin our new lesson for

A. Activity

" To begin with, let us first have an activity " Yes, Ma'am"
in which I will be flashing some images
and what I want you to do is to identify the
elements of a short story that the picture
depicts. The fastest row who can give a
correct answer will gain 5 points, 3 points
for the row who are able to participate and
give answer incorrectly, and only 1 point
for the row who don’t try to give answers at
all. Are we clear?"
(Students will write their answers and raise
" Okay, let's get started. For the first the boards given to them)




"Positive, Ma'am"

"Negative, Ma'am"

" Positive, Ma'am"

" Positive, Ma'am"



" Now for our next activity, I will be flashing

some sentences and what you are going
to do is to determine whether each " Negative, Ma'am"
sentence implicates positive or negative






" Awesome! All of your answers are


B. Analysis

“Based on the statements that I have " It commands us on what to do, Ma'am"
presented, what do you notice?”
" It pertains positively or negatively,
"What do you notice about the Ma'am"
“The positive sentence tells us a positive
“How does the positive sentence command while the negative sentence
differs from the negative sentence?” tells us negative commands”

“Very Good! Now what do you call “Imperative Sentence Ma’am”

those sentences which shows or suggests
a command?
" At the end of the lesson, students are
“Indeed! For today's discussion we expected to:
will going to tackle Imperative Sentence.
But before we proceed, allow me to a. determine the function of imperatives in
present first the objectives that we need to a sentence
achieve after this session. And, I would
like to request everyone to read it." b. define the meaning of imperative
sentence; and

c. use imperatives when giving

C. Abstraction

“Based on your own understanding, “An imperative sentence tells us a

who among you can tell me what is an command or an advice.”
imperative sentence?”

“Indeed! An Imperative sentence

gives us a command or an advice and it
usually ends with a period or an
exclamation point. For example.”

Pass the papers.

“None Ma’am!”
“The sentence tells us to pass the
paper but as what you have seen, is there
a subject in it?“

"Yes Ma'am"
“Yes, in literal observation there wasn't
a subject being found. But, actually in that
sentence there is a subject, however, you
must always remember that in the rule of
imperative sentence the starting point of
the sentence must be the base form of the
verb which issues a command.
“ You Ma’am”
“Okay, base on your own perspective what
is the possible subject in the sentence?

" Indeed but it wasn't found in the

statement. Meaning, the subject of the
sentence is implied eventhough it wasn't
literally put in the sentence formation." “Yes Ma’am”

" Is everything clear about the meaning

of imperative sentence and its rules?”
“Positive Imperative is a positive command
which forms a positive imperative
“Since you do, now, let us proceed to sentence."
the two types of imperative sentence
which are the positive imperative and
negative imperative. Now, who among you
can give me the meaning of a positive

“Very Good! A positive imperative gives

a positive command and it usually starts
with the base form of the verb. For
example. "
Come here. " Base form Ma’am”
“What form of the verb is used in the
“Wait here.”

“Indeed! Then, who can give me

another example of positive imperatives?
Yes Ms. Villasquez.”
“Negative Imperative is a negative
command that forms a negative sentence."
“Very Good! Wait here is one example
of a positive imperative sentence. Now,
who could give me the meaning of
negative imperative. Yes Mr. Crawford."

“Exactly! Negative Imperative is a

negative command. To form a negative
imperative sentence use “Do not + base
form of the verb. For example."

Do not come here. “There is a presence of the words 'Do not"'


“What is the indication that the sentence is

“Do not touch me.”

“Precisely! Now who among you can give

me another example of a negative
imperative. Yes Ms. Perez? “An Imperative sentence is a type of
sentence which shows command or advice
and it commonly ends with a period or an
exclamation point.”
“Very Good! Thus, base on our
discussion, who could give me your own
definition of imperative sentence?” “Positive and Negative Imperative Ma'am ”

“Excellent! Then, what are the two

types of imperative sentences? Yes, Mr.
Atienza” " Yes Ma'am"

“Precisely! It seems that you are very

interested with our lesson for today and by
that, we will going to have a short activity.
Thus, I want everyone to participate. Can I
expect that from you?"
D. Application

“We have here a visitor and his name "Yes Ma'am"

is Kuya Garry. As what you can see Kuya
Garry has a lunchbox and he wants to
share his baon with us. Inside of it are
some situations. Therefore, I will be
picking and reading the situations and
what are you going to do is to create an
imperative sentence out of it. Am I

"Okay. Let's start."

" Ryan's mother saw that her flowers " Water our plants."
wasn't in a good condition because of
the... She wants to water it, but she still not
feeling well and she saw Ryan sitting on " Stop watching that film for a moment and
the sofa watching his favorite film. What water our plants."
will be the possible command that the
mother gives to Ryan?"
(Teacher will call some students to give
their answers)
" Stop!"
" Yeng tickling Nina so much. What may
Nina say to Yeng?" "Enough!"
(Teacher will call some students to give
their answers) " Pick it!"
" Ann saw her 7 years old child throwing " Get it and throw it on the garbage can."
his garbage on their floor after she clean
everything. What may Ann command to
his boy?"
(Teacher will call some students to give
their answers) (Students will follow the teacher's
" That was great! By that I want you to get
a one half crosswise paper together with
your pen. Answer the following questions
that I will going to present."

IV. Assessment

Choose the correct imperative that will complete the sentence.

stand come clean leave

drive go play pay wall
1. Do not ______ on the table.
2. _____ here.
3. Do not ______ out.
4. ______ carefully.
5. Do not ______ ball.
6. ______ your room.
7. Do not ______ your things here.
8. _______ your bills.

V. Assignment
In a one fourth sheet of write some examples of WH questions.

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