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Earth and Life Science Quarter 2 Week 4a


Shekinah Joy P. Macalinao Grade 11 – ABM JOBS
Caraga Regional Science High School February 21,2022
Write 5-sentence answer in a separate sheet of paper analyzing the importance of genetic engineering or rDNA
Technology in vaccine development and QR code development for contact tracing to fight Covid-19.
Answer :
As we all know a number of vaccines have been developed biologically by genetic engineering, and these vaccinations
have been shown to be effective against a variety of Covid-19 variants, which helps to reduce Covid-19 cases in our
country. In digital forensics, on the other hand, QR codes have been widely used. As a result, we would be able to quickly
identify people who have been exposed to or come into contact with covid-19 by scanning their QR codes, as this would
automatically interpret data. Because it aids in the control of Covid-19 cases around the world, rDNA technology is an
important tool in the creation of vaccines and QR codes.

In what ways can recombinant DNA technology play its role in sustainable development?
Recombinant DNA technology has a wide range of applications in numerous spheres of life, such as vaccine development,
enzyme engineering, illness prevention and diagnosis, gene therapy, and so on. This promotes long-term growth in a
variety of ways, as it has become the antidote to any lingering tensions in our society.

Describe what recombinant DNA technology is and how it can be used.

Recombinant DNA technology, also known as genetic engineering, is a set of strategies for separating and binding
together genetic material, particularly DNA, from various sources and injecting the resulting hybrid DNA into an
organism in order to generate new genetic material combinations that are heritable in a biological species. When
producing new genetic material, rDNA technology underwent operations, and its function can be utilized by steps.

Describe how recombinant DNA technology is used in the production of COVID 19 vaccines.
The application of rDNA technology has encompassed the production of vaccines. Scientists were able to develop
vaccines against Covid-19 using this method, and these vaccines focus on building individual immunity so that they are
less likely to contract the virus. A DNA vaccine is a vaccination that contains a gene that encodes an immunogenic protein
from the pathogen in question.
Earth and Life Science, Quarter 2, Week 4b
Benefits and Risks of Using Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)
Shekinah Joy P. Macalinao Grade 11 ABM JOBS
Caraga Regional Science High School February 21, 2022
Cite at least 5 benefits and disadvantages of GMO.

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)

Benefits Disadvantages
1. GMO crops can be tailored to provide better 1.There may be an increased risk of allergies or
health benefits. food intolerance.
2. Genetically modified crops can conserve 2.It encourages the use of additional herbicides.
energy, soil, and water resources.
3. Future GMOs could eliminate food allergies or 3.GMOs create super weeds.
intolerance issues.
4. GMOs may increase antibiotic resistance 4.. There are concerns that GMO foods may help
to create antibiotic resistance.
5. GMOs can even safe beneficial insects. 5.Animal proteins could be affected by GMO crops

Activity 1. Reading Comprehension

Guide Questions:
Q1. What are the benefits and risks of using GMOs specifically the BT corn as mentioned in the selection?
The reduction in the amount of insecticide that farmers must apply to their crops and the high mortality rate of monarch
larvae when fed milkweed covered in pollen from transgenic corn are two of the benefits of GMO in BT corns depending
on the selection. On the other side, its seeds containing recombinant protein genes pose a risk of unintended recombinant
gene dissemination or non-target organisms being exposed to new harmful substances in the environment
Q2. Knowing the benefits and risks of the use of BT corn in the selection, what do you
Think are the impacts of this GMO in the Philippine industry?
People who work in any sector are knowledgeable of the benefits and risks of using GMOs, we will be able to achieve
some level of development, given that their existence covers a wide range of benefits. However, because risks are
unavoidable, I believe we should concentrate on their negative impacts rather than their benefits, because if we do, we
will be able to inform the public about the negative repercussions on the human race and our environment, allowing us to
take quick action.
Q3. If you were a farmer, would you choose to plant BT corn in your farmland after knowing the benefits and
possible threats of the GMO to biodiversity? Why or Why not?
If I were a farmer, I would prefer to grow BT corn in my property since it benefits all farmers by reducing the use of
insecticides, which is beneficial to human health. Though, and as farmers, we must find a key by recognizing the threat.
Its concern is that its seeds, which carry genes for recombinant proteins, may promote unintended spread of recombinant
genes or expose non-target organisms to novel toxic substances in the environment. I propose that we allow for the
introduction of a new product that can aid in the mitigation of non-target organism recombinant gene spread.

Activity No.2- What’s Your Opinion?

Q1. What is your stand about the use of GMOs in the Philippine agriculture?
I Strongly consider the use of GMOs in Philippine agriculture must be limited because it would be wrong to replace
natural organisms with engineered ones. Yes! GMOs have many benefits, particularly in the agricultural sector, but they
also pose environmental risks that could lead to the emergence of new diseases.

Q2. Aside from the organisms mentioned in the comics strip, can you identify GMO product in your locality? Give
at least two of them and compare it to the organic crops produced by some farmers in your barangay.

Golden Rice - is a variety of rice (Oryza sativa) produced Organic rice is rice that is certified by an independent
through genetic engineering to biosynthesize beta-carotene, a body, to have been grown and processed according to set
precursor of vitamin A, in the edible parts of rice. “organic” standards
GMO alfalfa - is resistant to herbicides, allowing farmers People use alfalfa for high cholesterol, diabetes,
to spray the crops to protect them against destructive indigestion, and many other conditions, but there is no
weeds that can reduce alfalfa production and lower the good scientific evidence to support these uses.
nutritional quality of the hay.

Mang Jose is a farmer from Agusan del Sur. He is undecided on what variety of rice he will plant on the
next planting season. He is torn between the native rice and the Golden rice (GMO). Can you help Mang Jose in
choosing between the two varieties by writing a letter (maximum of 100 words) or making a flyer informing him
about the advantages and disadvantages of each variety on human? Note: (emphasize in your letter or flyer the
health benefits and risks of each variety on human)
Earth and Life Science Quarter 2 Week 5a
Shekinah Joy P. Macalinao February 21,2022
Caraga Regional Science High School Grade 11 ABM JOBS

Describe the characteristics, similarities and differences of the different organ system in representative animals.

On the most fundamental level, we have a lot in common with all other species. Many of the anatomical structures and
physiological processes of our organ systems are included in this. A group of individual organs that work together in the
body to achieve a shared aim is referred to as an organ system. The eleven systems that make up the human body are the
muscular system, respiratory system, digestive system, integumentary system, skeletal system, circulatory system,
excretory system, reproductive system, neurological system, lymphatic system, and endocrine system. Each system has a
distinct job, and a failure with one system might cause issues throughout the organ system.
Living things are divided into two levels: organs and organ systems. It's made up of five levels of organization that work
together to keep the body in a state of homeostasis. The cell is the most basic level of organization. The following levels,
in order of increasing complexity, are tissues, organs, organ systems, and the organism itself. These are also known as
organ systems, and they work together to offer a specific purpose to the organism. The cardiovascular system, for
example, consists of the heart and blood vessels. They cooperate to circulate blood, transporting carbon dioxide and
metabolic wastes while also delivering oxygen and nutrition to cells throughout the body.
Organs and organ systems are made up of a variety of tissues in the bodies of some animals. An organ is a grouping of
tissues, whereas an organ system is a grouping of two or more organs working together to perform a specific function.
The four types of tissues present in animals are connective, epithelial, muscular, and nerve tissue. When it comes to the
outside animal body structure, cattle and swine share some key characteristics. The principal parts of large animals,
arranged generally from cranial to caudal, are the head, neck, forelimbs, trunk including chest, abdomen, and mouth with
lips, ears, and horns in a cow.
Earth and Life Science Quarter 2 Week 5b
Shekinah Joy P. Macalinao Grade 11 ABM JOBS
Caraga Regional Science High School February 21,2022
Describe the process of digestion, respiration, and circulation.
The respiratory system is responsible for breathing, which transports oxygen into the lungs and eliminates carbon dioxide
from the body through the lungs. The circulatory system distributes blood from the heart through a network of blood
arteries to the digestive system, where it picks up nutrients that your body has absorbed and delivers oxygen inhaled by
your lungs to various regions of your body. The digestive system starts the digesting process by breaking down the food
you ingest into smaller particles, which the body subsequently processes into energy for the cells to function.

Describe the interconnection of one organ system to other organ system.

Each body system functions is interdependent with the others. The circulatory system is an excellent example of how
body systems interact. Blood is pumped through a complicated network of blood veins by your heart. When your blood
passes via your gastrointestinal tract. Your blood also transports oxygen from your lungs. Your circulatory system
transports oxygen and nutrients to your body’s other cells, then collects any waste products produced by these cells, such
as carbon dioxide, and transports them to your kidneys and lungs for disposal. Meanwhile, the circulatory system
transports hormones from the endocrine system as well as white blood cells from the immune system that combat illness.
To function properly, each of your body systems depends on the others. Your respiratory system relies on your circulatory
system to transport the oxygen it collects, whereas your heart muscles cannot operate without oxygen from your lungs.
Your brain and spinal cord are protected by the bones of your skull and spine, but the position of your bones is controlled
by your brain through muscular control. While your brain manages your heart rate and blood pressure, the circulatory
system ensures that your brain receives a steady supply of oxygen-rich blood.
Earth and Life Science Quarter 2 Week 6a
Shekinah Joy P. Macalinao Grade 11 ABM JOBS
Caraga Regional Science High School February 21,2022
Explain the mechanism of evolution.
There are five fundamental factors that induce an allele frequency shift in a population, or a collection of interacting
organisms of a same species, from one generation to the next. Mutation, genetic drift, gene flow, non-random mating, and
natural selection are all examples of evolution. Each evolutionary mechanism can be classified based on how it influences
fitness, adaptation, the average phenotype of a trait in a population, and the population’s genetic diversity. When a
mistake in DNA arises in an organism’s heritable cells, evolution through mutation happens. Because single-celled
asexual species, such as bacteria, reproduce via binary fission, the entire cell and its DNA is passed on to the next
generation. Changes in populations are caused solely by chance as a result of evolution by genetic drift. It happens when a
population’s alleles that make it into the following generation are a random sample of the alleles in the present generation.
Two separate populations become more similar as a result of gene flow. Male birds are selected as mates by females who
choose males for their vivid coloration or beautiful and complex birdsong. Non-random mating is a more common
approach in real populations.

Differentiate Lamarckian and Darwinian Evolution.

The beliefs of Darwin and Lamarck were diametrically opposed. According to Darwin’s theory, organisms acquire
beneficial variety before environmental changes. He believed they were born with the mutation by coincidence. He stated
that some giraffes had a mutation with a longer neck, which was why they had long necks. Because giraffes with short
necks could only eat food on the ground, they had to compete for it and eventually died as a result. Because they could
obtain the food up high, the giraffes with long necks did not have to compete, and they survived and transmitted their long
necks down to their offspring. After a change in the environment, according to Lamarck’s theory, organisms acquire
beneficial variation. When the food on the ground ran out, he continued, giraffes developed tall necks. The giraffes
needed to eat, and there was plenty of it up high, so they stretched their necks wide. It was then passed on to their
children. Their views vary because Lamarck believed that organisms changed as a result of a change in the environment,
whereas Darwin believed that organisms changed by chance when they were born and before the environment changed.
Earth and Life Science Quarter 2 Week 7
Shekinah Joy P. Macalinao Grade 11 ABM JOBS
Caraga Regional Science High School
Why is it important to understand the concepts of the environments carrying capacity?
Understanding the principles of environmental carrying capacity is essential for effectively regulating the number of
species in a habitat to avoid overcrowding and resource depletion while maintaining the ecosystem’s balance.

Differentiate biotic potential and environmental resistance and population size and density.
Environmental resistance refers to the variables that limit an organism’s biotic potential, whereas biotic potential refers to
the ability of a population of a certain species to prosper under perfect environmental conditions. Population density refers
to the average number of organisms in a population per unit of area or volume, whereas population size refers to the total
number of organisms in a population.

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