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Anglu valoda optimélajé macibu satura apguves linen Vets pérbaudes darba paraugs Paper2 You are taking part in an English debate club discussion on making travelling plans. You should give a talk in which you present your opinion on the issue. Study the provided texts in order to plan your talk. 41) Deliver the talkin which you: ‘+ formulate the issue raised in the material; ‘+ compare the information provided in the materials; ‘state your opinion on the issue; ‘+ support your opinion by at least two arguments giving reasons and examples; + come to a conclusion, 2) Answer the teacher's (opponent's) questions and justify your answer. ‘You have up to 5 minutes to plan your talk. Speaking time: 3-5 minutes. Text A Atravel destination does not play as big of a role in how memorable or enjoyable a vacation is, To quote sociologist Charles Horton Cooley, “To get away from one's working environment is, in a sense, to get away from one's self; and this is often the chief advantage of travel and change.” Text B Where should we travel next is one of the most frequent questions. It is simply not possible to go everywhere. Closing our eyes and putting a finger on a map is just not the right way how to figure out where to travel. Instead, we must find a destination that fits our interests, where we can do our favorite activities, and where we can learn something new. (Gased on: Why Everyone Should Tove and How to Choose a Tove Destination [online 2020, May 15, Avalable: tps: Awww ferratumbank. om/why-everyone-should-travel hem), htis:/ www laidbacktrp.com/posts/how-to-choose-ravel- destination) Ne ”

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