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Narrative Writing

Descriptive paragraph

Sample Writing


My favorite outdoor activity has to be fishing. I have been

fishing since I was four years old. My father and grandfather
both taught me to fish. The first fish I had ever caught was a
sunfish. The biggest fish I ever caught was a pickerel, it was
17 inches long. I caught it while I was trolling with my fishing
pole in a boat with my family. Lake Manchaug is where I do
most of my fishing, because that is where I spend my
summers. I enjoy fishing because you can do it many
different ways. My brother and I fish off of a dock that we
have at our summer home. We also go fishing in our boat to
the deepest part of the lake, where we always hope to
catch the biggest fish. My favorite spot to fish in Blueberry
Island. It is a sand bar in the middle of the lake and it only has
a few inches of water. We go there to fish and also to swim. It
is a very beautiful and peaceful place. We sometimes bring
a net to try to catch the baby fish that swim up on the sand.
The water there is very warm and it sparkles like someone just
poured glitter in it. This is why fishing is my favorite outdoor

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