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Laboratory class 1: Basic instrumentations

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The goal of this laboratory class is to introduce the main equipment of an electric laboratory and to validate
some of the fundamental laws of the circuit theory.


1 DC voltage source (with current limiter) (ISO-TECH IPS-3303)

1 Function generator (ISO-TECH GFG-8255A)
2 Digital multimeter (ISO-TECH IDM-73; ESCORT EDM-1341)
1 10 , 5 W Resistor
2 100 Ω, 2W Resistors
1 390 , 2W Resistor 1
180 Ω, 2W Resistor
1 270 Ω, 2W Resistor
1 120 Ω, 2W Resistor
1 220 Ω, 2W Resistor
1 100nF, 100 V capacitor
1 Inductor with a removable iron core, 100-500 mH, 14-15 Ω


(L) ≡ Laboratory, (FR) ≡ Final report


Consider the following circuit:

E 10 V R1 100 R2 390 R3 180

Figure 1.1

The goal of this set of experiments is to test the Kirchhoff voltage law (KVL), the Ohm's law and the
Joule's law.

Laboratory class 1: Basic instrumentations

1) (L) Measure the electrical resistance of each resistor and complete the following table.

Circuit scheme 1

R1 100 R2 180 R3 390

Nominal resistance
ohms ohms ohms
Tolerance 5 % 5 % 5 %

Admissible range R1 95 ,105 R2 171 ,189 R3 371 ,409

Measured resistances R1 99,2 R2 178,3 R3 388

2) (FR) Explain the operating principle of the ohmmeter and justify the circuit connection proposed in
the circuit scheme 1.
The ohmmeter applies current to the circuit and then calculates the resulting intensity. With ohm’s law
the device is able to get the value of the resistor. In scheme 1 we connect the circuit in series because is
the most suitable to calculate what we want.

3) (FR) If a voltage source is connected to the resistor, it is possible to measure the electrical resistance
with the ohmmeter? Justify.
Yes we could. As long as the circuit makes sense, the presence of a voltage shouldn’t interfere with
the measures of the ohmmeter.

Laboratory class 1: Basic instrumentations

4) (L) The voltage source, figure 1.2, has a current limiter to protect the devices from short-circuits. The
current limiter acts when the current delivered by the source is greater than the selected limit. Then,
the supplied voltage decreases in order to keep the delivered current at the limited value.

Figure 1.2: DC voltage source ISO-TECH IPS 3303

Set the voltage value of the source to 10V with a current limit value of 0.15A.

5) (L) In order to check the current limiter, let us to assemble the circuit 2 and 3, and measure both
the voltage across the resistor and the current through it.

R 100 VR 9,87v V IR 0,1 A

Limited current YES NO

Laboratory class 1: Basic instrumentations

R 10 VR 1,433 V IR 0.145 A

Limited current YES NO

6) For this case (voltage value of the source to 10V with a current limit value of 0.15A), calculate the
maximum power that can supply the source and the lower resistance of the load that can be connected.

Rmín 66,6
Pmáx 1.5 W

7) (FR) With a 2 Ω load, which is the voltage value supplied by the source if we set 10V and the current
is limited to 0.15A? Justify. The voltage value supplied is 0.3 volts. Because in order to have 0.15A
as our maximum, the only way to get the value is supplying 0.3 volts. 2ohms*0.15A=0.3 volts.

8) (L) The figure 1.1 with only R1 is shown in circuit 4. Measure the voltage across the source, the
voltage across the resistor and the current through the resistor.

10 V

VE 10,2 V V1 9,81 V I1 0,1 A

Laboratory class 1: Basic instrumentations

9) (FR) Which is the relationship between the source and the resistor voltages? And between the voltage
across the resistor and the current flowing through it? The difference between the value of the voltage
source and the voltage of the resistance is due to the effect of the ammeter. It generates a little resistance
in the circuit. However, when it comes to the intensity, the values are always the same because our
circuit is in series.

Laboratory class 1: Basic instrumentations

10) (L) Let us replace R1 by R2, see circuit 5. Measure the voltage across the source, the voltage across the
resistor and the current through the resistor).

Circuit scheme 5

VE 10,2 V V2 10,1 V I2 0,026 A

11) (L) Finally, replace R2 by R3, see circuit 6. Measure the voltage across the source, the voltage across the
resistor and the current through the resistor.

Circuit scheme 6

VE 10,2 V V3 9,98 V I3 0,056 A

12) 12) (FR) From the measured values, what we can say about the voltage and current supplied by the source?
That the values of the voltages never change, even if we have different elements in the circuit. Whereas the
value of the current changes depending on the elements present in the circuit.

13) FR) From 8), 10) and 11), plot the relationship between voltages and currents V-I for the source and the
resistors and comment the obtained curves.
10,2 10,2 10,2

10 9,98
voltage 100
voltage 390
9,81 voltage 180



The values are very similar, however we can note the difference created by the ammeter. As the ohms rise,
the difference is smaller.

14) (L) The figure 1.1 with resistors R1 and R2 is shown in circuit 7. Measure the voltage across the source and
the voltages and currents through the resistors.

Laboratory class 1: Basic instrumentations

VE 10,2V V1 2 V I1 0,02A V2 8V I2 0,02 A

15) (FR) Which are the relationships between the source and resistor voltages? Give a topological law for this
result. The sum of both resistor voltages is equal to the source voltage. This happens because they are in
series and the voltage is distributed proportionally to the resistor values.

16) ) (FR) Which is the relationship between the currents through the resistors? Why?
That the current is the same in all the circuit. This is again because the circuit is in series. The way to
analytically calculate the value is by dividing the voltage by the sum of the values of both resistor.

17) (L) Set the voltage source at 20V. Measure again the voltage across the source and the voltages and
currents through the resistors.
1) (FR) From the measured values, what we can say about the voltage and current supplied
by the source?
Laboratory class 1: Basic instrumentations

As we double the voltage source (from 10 to 20) and we maintain the same two resistors as before,
the voltage that circulates through the circuit, as well as the current, is doubled too. As in the previous
section, the current is the same in all the circuit because it is in series.

2) (FR) From 14) and 17), which physical law describes the relationship between the
voltagesand currents in each resistor?

The relationship between voltage, current, and resistance is described by Ohm's law.
Ohm’s law equation:

The current flowing through a resistor is directly proportional to the potential difference across it. When
resistors are connected in series, the total resistance of two or more resistors is the sum of their individual

3) (L) The circuit from figure 1.1 with only the resistors R1 and R3 is shown in circuit 8.
Laboratory class 1: Basic instrumentations

Measure thevoltage across the source and the voltages and currents through the resistors.

 

10 V   V

Circuit scheme 8

VE = 10.6 V V1 = 3.55 V I1 = 0.035 A V3 = 6.4 V I3 = 0.035 A

Laboratory class 1: Basic instrumentations

4) (FR) From the obtained values, describe the relationship between the voltages across the

According to Ohm’s law, the voltage is described as V = I·R .So that, as the value of the current is the same in
all the circuit (because it is in series), as bigger the resistance, bigger the voltage across the resistor. That’s
why the voltage across the resistor 2 (180 ) is bigger than the resistor 1 (100 ).

5) (FR) From the results obtained in 14) and 20), find an equation to calculate the voltage across
eachresistor. Give the well-known name of this equation.

Ohms law equation

𝑉𝑖 = 𝑅𝑖 · 𝐼𝑖

(we also know that in both cases, I1 = I2 as the circuit is in series)

6) (FR) From the measured values in 14), calculate the power supplied or consumed for each
elementand complete the following table.


E 10.2 212.3 Generator

R1 2.1 44.1 Load

R2 8 164.1 Load

 V =   P = 

Laboratory class 1: Basic instrumentations

7) (L) Replace the resistor R2 by two resistors, R4 = 120  and R5 = 270  , in series,.

Measure the voltage across R1 , the voltage across R4 and R5 , and the current through them.

 

 

10 V

 

Circuit scheme 9

V1 = 2V V4−5 = 7.85 V I4−5 = 0.02 A

8) (L) Set the voltage source at 20V and measure the voltage R1 , the voltage across R4 and R5
acrossand the current through them.

V1 = 4V V4−5 = 16 V I4−5 = 0.04 A

9) (FR) From the results obtained in 13), 16), 23) and 24), can we state that resistors R4 and R5 in

series is equivalent to resistor R2 , for any operating point?

As R4 and R5 are in series and R4 + R5 = 390  = R2 , we can state that they are equivalent to R2 if we do the
measurements of voltage in the outer extremes of R4,5 and not between them.
(as in the previous cases, as all the resistors are in series the current value will be the same in all the circuit)

If we measure the voltage with the voltmeter englobing both resistors, the value obtained will be the same as
if we were measuring the voltage of R2. For instance, if we do not measure like that and we only measure the
voltage of R4 or R5 we will obtain:
V (R4) = 4/13 · R2
V (R5) = 9/13 · R2

Laboratory class 1: Basic instrumentations

10) (L) The figure 1.1 with only resistor R1 and replacing R3 by a capacitor (C = 100nF) is shown in

circuit 10. Measure the voltage across R1 the voltage across the capacitor and the current through the

Figure 1.4: Capacitor 100 nF

Laboratory class 1: Basic instrumentations

 

10 V

Circuit scheme 10

V1 = 0V VC = 10 V IC = 0A

11) (FR) In this case, how does the capacitor behave?

As we see, electrical current can not flow through a capacitor due to the insulating properties of the dielectric
material between the two plates. That’s why we obtain a value equal to 0 (IC = 0 A).
As the current is 0, V1 = 0 V because:
V1 = R·I
V1 = 100·I
V1 = 100·0
V1 = 0

12) (L) Replace the capacitor by the inductor with the iron core, see circuit 11. Measure the voltage
across R1 , the voltage across the inductor and the current through the inductor.

Figure 1.5: inductor with the iron core

 

10 V

Circuit scheme 11

Laboratory class 1: Basic instrumentations

V1 = 8.1 V VL = 1.7 V IL = 0.083 A

Laboratory class 1: Basic instrumentations

13) (FR) How does the inductor behave? Why the voltage across the inductor is different than zero?

An Inductor is a passive device that stores energy in its Magnetic Field and returns energy to the circuit
whenever required. An ideal inductor will measure 0 V, because if it were not zero average volts for an inductor
it would take infinite amps.

However, in real life this does not happen. In real life any inductor has an internal resistance; it may be low,
but it is there. And a current through a resistance creates a voltage drop (or potential difference); that’s why
the voltage across the inductor is different than zero.

14) (L) Remove the iron core (please, be careful, the iron core is extremely fragile) and measure
againthe voltage and current through the inductor.

VL = 1.7 V IL = 0.083 A

15) (FR) In this case, how does the inductor behaves? Why the voltage across the inductor is different
than zero?

The iron core is used to increase the magnetic field and thus the inductance. In this case we did not notice any
difference in the values obtained in the previous section; so in the terms of voltage and current the inductor
behaves as before. (it’s because we are in DC)

And the reason why the voltage across the inductor is different than zero is the same as before (due to the
internal resistance that it has).

16) (L) Replace the voltage source by a signal generator. Set a sinusoidal signal of 5V amplitude and
frequencies of 50, 100 and 200 Hz. Measure again the voltages and currents for the circuits 9),
10)and 11) (see the circuits 12a, 12b and 12c).

Figure 1.6: Signal generator ISO-TECH GFG-8255

Laboratory class 1: Basic instrumentations

   

5V   5V 100 nF

 

5V 0,5 H
15 

Circuits schemes 12a, 12b and12c

f = 50 Hz f = 100 Hz f = 200 Hz
20) R3 = 180  IR3 = 0.018 A IR3 = 0.018 A IR3 = 0.018A

27) C = 100 nF IC = 0.18mA IC = 0.4 mA IC = 0.56 mA

29) Inductor with the iron core IL = 0.022A IL = 0.014A IL = 0.01 A

31) Inductor without the iron core IL = 0.031 A IL = 0.029 A IL = 0.027 A

17) (FR) How do the elements behave?

20. Resistors are “passive” devices, that is they do not produce or consume any electrical energy. For resistors
in AC circuits the direction of the current flowing through them has no effect on the behavior of the resistor
so will rise and fall as the voltage rises and falls.

27. When a capacitor is linked with an AC circuit, it will consecutively charge and discharge at a rate calculated
by the frequency of the supply. Theoretically it should have current = 0 , but thanks to its internal resistance
we can measure current; as we increase the frequency the value of the current through it increases
progressively, but not proportionally.

29. As bigger the frequency, lower the current through the inductor with the iron core.

31. As bigger the frequency, lower the current though the inductor without the iron core. In this case the
values are higher as we are measuring it without the iron core.

Laboratory class 1: Basic instrumentations

18) (FR) Depict the current-frequency characteristic for R3, the capacitor C and the inductor
(with andwithout the iron core), and comment the obtained curves

- R3 = 180 

As we can see in this first curve, the frequency and the current are independent variables in resistors. So that,
we have obtained the same values in the 3 different frequencies.

- C = 100 nF

Laboratory class 1: Basic instrumentations

As we can see, as we increase the frequency the current increase too. It increases constantly, but not
proportionally to the frequency.

- Inductor with the iron core

As we see the current decreases as frequency increase. It decreases constantly but not proportionally to the

- Inductor without the iron core

In this case, as we have the inductor without the iron core, the values of current are higher than the inductor
with the iron core. As frequency increases the current decreases.
Laboratory class 1: Basic instrumentations

Laboratory class 1: Basic instrumentations


Consider the following circuit:


J R3

J = 150 mA RS = 10  R1 = 100  R2 = 220  R3 = 100 

Figure 1.7

1) (L) The circuit from figure 1.7 with resistors RS and R1is shown in circuit 13. Set the voltage at 20V
and current limiter to 0.15A. With this configuration, the voltage source can act as a 0.15A current
source. Measure the current supplied by the source, and the voltage across the resistor and the
currentthrough it.

 

150 mA   V

Circuit scheme 13

IE = 0.1355 A I1 = 0.1356 A V1 = 13.2 V

2) (FR) Describe the relationship between the current supplied by the source and the current
throughthe resistor, and the relationship between the voltage across the resistor and the current
flowing through it.

The relationship between the current supplied by the source and the current through the resistor is that they
are the same. It is also the same with the current that passes through the resistor R s, as they are in series. In
this case we got a value of IE = 0.135 A and not 0.15 A because we set the current limiter to 0.15 A, and we
know that it limits more than the value introduced in the machine.

Thanks to Ohm’s law, we know that V=RI, so the voltage across the resistor 1 (R 1=100) is 100 bigger than
the current through the resistor. That’s why I1=0.13 and V1=13V.

Laboratory class 1: Basic instrumentations

3) (L) The circuit given in figure 1.7 without R3 is shown in circuit 14. Measure the current supplied by
the source, and the voltages across the resistors and the currents flowing through them. Checkthat
the current is limited to 0.15A.
 

150 mA

    V

Circuit scheme 14

IE = 0.135 A I1 = 0.091 A V1 = 9.1 V I2 = 0.042A V2 = 9.12 V

4) (FR) Describe the relationship among the measured currents. Give a topological law for this result.

In this case we have the resistor 1 (R1 = 100) and the resistor 2 (R2 =220 ) in parallel, so the sum of the current that
passes through each of them is equal to the current that supplied the current source. This is given by the Kirchhoff
current law.

In this case we got a value of IE = 0.135 A too, and not 0.15 A because we set the current limiter to 0.15 A,
and we know that it limits more than the value introduced in the machine.

R1 and
5) (FR) Which is the relationship between the voltages across the resistors R2 ? Why?

The voltage across resistor 1 (R1 = 100 ) and the resistor 2 (R1 = 220) is the same, as both
resistors are in parallel.

Laboratory class 1: Basic instrumentations

6) (L) The circuit in figure 1.7 without R2 is shown in circuit 15. Measure the current supplied by the

Laboratory class 1: Basic instrumentations

source, and the voltages across the resistors and the currents flowing through them.

 

150 mA

    V

Circuit scheme 15

IE = 0.135 A I1 = 0.066 A V1 = 6.63 V I3 = 0.066 A V3 = 6.62 V

1) (FR) From the obtained results in 3), and 6), give the physical law that describes the relationship
between the voltage across a resistor and the current flowing through it.

That’s what we call the Ohm’s Law. The Intensity multiplied by the value of the resistor give the

2) (FR) From the measure values obtained in 3) and 6), how is the current divided in each resistor?
The current is divided proportionally to the value of each resistor. A resistor with a higher value, has
less current flowing trough it. If one thinks about it is pretty obvious that if there is more resistance,
less current goes through and has to find another way to go, in this case the other resistor branch.

3) Find an equation for each resistor to calculate the current through it. Give the well-known name of
this circuit.

Laboratory class 1: Basic instrumentations

In order to find the values of the current we have to take the voltage going trough it and then divide it by
its resistance. This is a circuit in parallel.

4) (L) Notice that the current through R1 decreases when R2 is replaced by R3. Finally, connect a
15V voltage source (with 0.5A current limitation) to the circuit as is shown in circuit 16. Measure the
current supplied by the source, the voltages across R1 and R3 and their currents. Check that the current
source is limited to 0.15A.

I1 I3
IE 0.158A A V1 15 V A V3 15 V
0.149 0.158
5) (L) Replace R3 by R2 and measure the current supplied by the source (see circuit 17), the voltages
across R1 and R2 and their currents. Check that the current source is limited to 0.15A.

6) (FR) Check if the current flowing through R1 has been modified when R3 was replaced by R2, and
comment this result.

In the previous circuit, the current changed proportionally when we switched resistors. However, in this
exercise this is different. The reason behind this fact is that the 15v source creates a mesh where the currents
are connected in series and therefore currents don’t need to be divided. In this case the current resulting
doesn’t have to sum up for the whole current but just obeys ohm’s law.

Laboratory class 1: Basic instrumentations

IE A I1 A V1 V I2 A V2 V


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