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Michelle Obama’s best advice for students

Watch Michelle Obama´s speech on How to succeed in life and fill in the gaps
with the missing words/parts of sentences:

Who are you going to be?

And If you’ll notice I’m not asking what are you going to do but _________ you are going to be.
I’m asking you about how you plan to live your life every day. How are you going to
____________________ when you don’t get that job you had your heart ________________.
For all those who are going to be teachers, what are you going to do if the students in your class
next year just don’t _______________ to your lessons?
For all of you going into _______________ how will you react when your boss gives you a
_____________that feels way too high? See, these are the moments that _________________
us. Not the day you get the ____________________. Not the day you win “Teacher of the
year”. But the times that force you to claw and scratch and fight just to ________________ the
day. The moments when you get knocked down and you’re wondering if it’s ever
_____________it to get back up.
See, those are the times when you got to ask yourself who am I going to be?
And I want to be clear this isn’t just some vague platitude about building _______________.
In recent years we’ve actually been seeing a growing body of research that shows that skills like
_____________________ and consciousness can be just as important to your success as your
test scores or even your IQ.
So what we’re seeing is that if you’re willing to dig deep, if you’re willing to pick yourself up when
you fall, if you’re willing to work and work until your ______________________ become
strengths…. Then you’ll develop a set of ________________ that you can mild and apply to any
situation you encounter, any ____________ you might have, any _______________ you might
But you got to make that _________________!
I have never once asked someone I was interviewing to explain a test ________________ or a
grade in a class.
What I have looked for is _________________ of person you are. Are you a hard worker? Are
you _______________________? Are you open to other _______________? Have you
stepped outside of your own ____________________ to serve others? (…………)
I have seen that those are the _____________________ that I want on my team because those
are the qualities that move our businesses and schools and our entire country
_________________. (………) Those are the qualities that you all already
_____________________. They’re the values you’ve learned from your parents, from the
communities you ___________________in.
And today, more than ever before, that’s what ___________________________.

Ano letivo 2020/21 10th form Cristina Girão

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