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S + V – ed/V2 S + did not / didn’t + Verb Did + S + Verb?

She washed the car last week. I didn’t like pizza when I was younger. Did you play football every day?
We played footbal every Monday. She didn’t sing in a band. Yes, I did./ Yes, we did.
I went to school yesterday. We didn’t play football every day. No, I didn’t./No, we didn’t.
Did Jim play football on Sundays?
NU Yes, he did.// No, he didn’t.
I didn’t liked – eu nu am facut am placut
She didn’t sang – ea nu a facut a cantat
We didn’t played – Noi nu am facut am

PAST SIMPLE – se foloseste:

- pentru actiuni care au avut loc intr-un moment definit din trecut:
Jane went to the supermarket last night. – Jane a mers la supermarket aseara.
- pentru actiuni trecute care au avut loc una dupa alta:
She opened the door, turned on the light and looked after the cat. – Ea a deschis usa, a aprins lumina si a cautat pisica.
- pentru obiceiuri din trecut care nu mai sunt valabile in prezent. In astfel de cazuri putem folosi si expresia used to:
When Ann was young, she rode/used to ride her bike to school. – Cand Ana era tanara, ea mergea/obisnuia sa mearga cu
bicicleta la scoala.
- pentru o actiune trecuta scurta care intrerupe o actiune trecuta in desfasurare, exprimata prin Past Continuous.:
Mum was cooking (Past Continuous) when I phoned (Past Simple) her. – Mama gatea cand eu am sunat-o.


Yesterday, yesterday morning/afternoon/evening; last night/week/month/year; a(n) hour/week/month/year ago;

two/three/four, etc hours/weeks/months/years ago; just now; when; in+year; on+month/date, etc.
- when (cand) + Past simple
Dupa when se foloseste Past Simplu, nu Continuu.


1. verbele terminate in CONSOANA + Y formeaza PAST SIMPLE in IED (Y devine I): COPY – COPIED, TRY - TRIED
2. verbele monosilabice sau bisilabice terminate in VOCALA + CONSOANA dubleaza consoana: STOP – STOPPED,
3. verbele terminate in – E adauga doar D

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