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A. You are required to prepare a group essay with total pages of no less than 12
and no more than 20 (only include item iii., v., and vii. in Section B.).

B. Your group essay MUST be organized based on the following order:

i. Front Cover
ii. Table of Content (listing ALL items from iii. to viii. with page
iii. Academic/Scientific Essay (a) (refer to Section D.)
iv. Academic/Scientific Essay (b) (refer to Section D.)
v. References (refer to Section E.)
vi. Assessment Form

* Remarks: Ensure that you have written the title of your assignment on
the front cover.

C. Your group essay MUST be typed accordingly:

i. Font: Times New Roman of size 12
ii. Paragraph: Break your essay into paragraphs with indentation
iii. Line spacing: 1.5 with Single Line Spacing between paragraphs
iv. Alignment: JUSTIFY
v. Page layout: Size A4 with 1” margin on all sides
vi. Page number: On top right corner with running head on top left
corner (see the header for this document)

D. The structures of your academic/scientific essays are shown below:

(a) Report (example)

 First, introduce the issue/concept/theory – e.g. agents of

socialization; people or group that affect our self-concept,
attitudes, behaviours, or other orientations toward life
 Second, how agents of socialization can cause an adolescent to
commit crime;
 Third, provide suggestions to parents in order to overcome these
problems; and
 Last but not least, conclude your discussion with personal
comments, suggestions or predictions of future trends.

(b) Report (example)

 First, introduce the issue/concept/theory

 Second, how agents of socialization can cause an adolescent to
commit crime;
 Third, provide suggestions to parents in order to overcome these
problems; and
 Last but not least, conclude your discussion with personal
comments, suggestions or predictions of future trends.

E. Your group essay MUST clearly acknowledge the sources of ANY quotation
or paraphrase through in-text citations and references (as in item iv., vi. and
viii. in Section B.) by:
i. Using the APA Referencing System; and
ii. Referring to the PDF file titled APA 6th edition Referencing Guide,
the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association
(6th ed.), or

F. Plagiarism is STRICTLY prohibited:

i. Authors DO NOT present the work of another as if it were their own
ii. Whether paraphrasing, quoting an author directly, or describing an idea
that influenced your work, you MUST credit the source;
iii. To avoid charges of plagiarism, take careful notes as you research to
keep track of your sources and cite those sources according to the APA
Referencing System; and
iv. You are NOT allowed to use Wikipedia and lecture notes as the
sources of references.

G. Submission date: As stated in the Assignment Question.


A. You are required to prepare a slideshow based on your group essay and
present in your tutorial class for the purpose of coursework evaluation. The
structure of your slideshow should be similar to the group essay, as stated in
Section 1. D..

B. The presentation date has been set according to the Assignment Question.
You are required to book and borrow the computer notebook and projector in
case there are no such facilities in your tutorial class.

C. You are required to dress properly for the presentation, preferably in formal
attire, as you are going for an actual job interview. For men, though tie is not
needed, you MUST wear covered shoes, long pants and collared shirt. For
ladies, dress decently with long pants or any dress which is NOT too short,
along with collared shirt. NO slippers or shorts will be tolerated.

D. Before you begin your presentation, ensure that you have submitted to your
lecturer in your tutorial class:
i. A set of handouts of your presentation slideshow; and
ii. An Assessment Form filled up with your group members’ names

E. During the presentation, ensure that ALL of your group members presents.
NO marks will be given to any group member who has NOT presented due to
illness, absence or any other reasons. Your presentation should last NO
MORE than 30 minutes.

F. After your presentation, a question-and-answer (Q & A) session is going to be

held in the class. NO marks will be given if there is NO question raised from
the audience and/or NO answer given by the presenters.

G. You are going to be evaluated BOTH in terms of group and individual efforts:
i. Group Efforts: 40%
ii. Individual Efforts: 60%

You should be reminded that the Q & A session is 30% out of the total marks
of your performance in the presentation.

H. After the Q & A session, if time permits, the lecturer will give overall
comments on your presentation and may recommend some ideas or
suggestions for your group to improve on the work quality of the group essay,
which is expected to be submitted a week later.


Form an assignment group

Hold a group meeting to:

 discuss the assignment question;
 plan the division of labor and coordinate group efforts; and lastly
 brainstorm ideas and share knowledge for the assignment

Gather and read through information from print and electronic sources,
 books;
 journal articles;
 newspaper articles; and
 relevant/trusted web pages

Hold the second group meeting to:

 discuss the sufficiency and relevance of information;
 review on the division of labor and the coordination of group efforts so far;
 review on the overall group direction in answering the assignment question

Begin writing the academic/scientific essays, and throughout the writing process,
pay attention to:
 the sufficiency and relevance of elaborations, supporting facts, and
 the coherence of ideas and arguments throughout the whole essay; and last
but not least
 the acknowledgement of sources used in the assignment through in-text
citations and reference lists

Compile, edit, and proofread all parts of assignment submitted by ALL group
members; more group meetings may need to be held in order to review on the
quality of the assignment

Print out the assignment after confirming that it has fulfill ALL requirements
pertaining to the format, and submit the group assignment on time

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