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Name: ________________________ Date: ____________

“Your Favourite Colour”

Beginning Question Response

Direction: Try to answer the question below.

Question: What is your favourite colour? Why?

Example Answer: My favourite colour is blue. I like blue because it is

the colour of the sea and the sky. Also, it is the colour of my jeans.

Name: ________________________ Date: ____________

“Your Favourite Day”

Beginning Question Response

Direction: Try to answer the question below.

Question: What is your favourite day of the week? Why?

Example Answer: My favourite day of the week is Wednesday. I

usually play soccer at night with my friends on Wednesday. I think
soccer is the best sport in the world.

Name: ________________________ Date: ____________

“Your Favourite Number”

Beginning Question Response

Direction: Try to answer the question below.

Question: What is your favourite number? Why?

Example Answer: My favourite number is nine. I like nine because

my son is nine years old. I also like nine because I have lived in the
United States for nine years.

Name: ________________________ Date: ____________

“In Your Family”

Beginning Question Response

Direction: Try to answer the question below.

Question: Who is the oldest member of your family? What is he or

she like?

Example Answer: The oldest person in my family is my grandmother.

She is 92 years old. Grandma loves all the children in the family. She
goes for a walk outside every day. She usually takes some children
with her. Everybody likes to go with Grandma.

Name: ________________________ Date: ____________

“Your Favourite Sport”

Beginning Question Response

Direction: Try to answer the question below.

Question: What is your favourite sport? Why?

Example Answer: My favourite sport is soccer. I like to kick the ball. I

can play soccer for hours each day. In my country, we call this game

Name: ________________________ Date: ____________

“Your Favourite Clothing”

Beginning Question Response

Direction: Try to answer the question below.

Question: What is your favourite piece of clothing? Why?

Example Answer: My favourite piece of clothing is my brown jacket.

I can wear it everywhere. It looks good with everything. Everybody
likes my brown jacket. It is perfect!

Name: ________________________ Date: ____________

“Your Favourite Music”

Beginning Question Response

Direction: Try to answer the question below.

Question: What is your favourite kind of music? Why?

Example Answer: My favourite kind of music is rock. I like to learn

the words to the songs. I like to sing with the music.

Name: ________________________ Date: ____________

“Lunch Time”
Beginning Question Response

Direction: Try to answer the question below.

Question: What do you eat for lunch? Where do you eat it? When?

Example Answer: I usually eat a sandwich and an apple around 12:30.

I like to eat at my workstation. My friends also like to have lunch in
the office. We like to eat and talk together.

Name: ________________________ Date: ____________

“With Your Friends”

Beginning Question Response

Direction: Try to answer the question below.

Question: What do you like to do with your friends? Why?

Example Answer: My friends and I like to play soccer together. We

can play soccer for one hour each day. Running is good for our health.
Playing is good for our friendship.

Name: ________________________ Date: ____________

“Your Favourite Hobby”

Beginning Question Response

Direction: Try to answer the question below.

Question: What is your favourite hobby? Why?

Example Answer: My hobby is collecting stamps. I like getting

stamps from different countries. I like trading stamps with my friends.

Name: ________________________ Date: ____________

“Your Birthplace”
Beginning Question Response

Direction: Try to answer the question below.

Question: Where were you born? What is it like there?

Example Answer: I was born in Italy. Italy is a beautiful country. The

weather is warm there. The people are friendly and kind. Also, there
are many wonderful painting and sculptures.

Name: ________________________ Date: ____________

“Starting Your Day”

Intermediate Question Response

Direction: Try to answer the question below.

Question: How do you usually start your day? Do you have a basic
routine? Explain.

Example Answer: I always start my day with a jog around the

neighbourhood. When I get home, I take a hot shower. After I get
dressed, I drink a good, strong cup of black coffee and check my
email. I usually have a scrambled egg and a piece of toast for
breakfast. I read the front page of the paper just before I take off for

Name: ________________________ Date: ____________

“Your Favourite Food”

Intermediate Question Response

Direction: Try to answer the question below.

Question: What is your favourite food? Why?

Example Answer: My favourite food is sushi. I love it. It tastes great

and is very good for health. My favourite kind of sushi is sashimi.
That is what you call plain sushi that comes without rice or anything
else. I like to eat it with soy sauce and horseradish. The only bad thing
about sushi is that it can be expensive.

Name: ________________________ Date: ____________

“Your Favourite Movie”

Intermediate Question Response

Direction: Try to answer the question below.

Question: What is your favourite movie? Why?

Example Answer: My favourite movie is “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”. It is

a great movie that takes place in the 1960’s. It stars Audrey Hepburn.
She is one of my favourite actresses. The story is based a novel
written by Truman Capote. Every girl must see this movie.

Name: ________________________ Date: ____________

“Your Favourite Song”

Intermediate Question Response

Direction: Try to answer the question below.

Question: What is your favourite song? Why?

Example Answer: “I Believe I Can Fly” is a great song. It’s my

favourite because the lyrics are inspirational. It has won three
Grammy Awards. It’s also on the list of the 500 Greatest Songs of All
Time. When I start feeling sad, I listen to the words, I sing along, and
I begin to feel better.

Name: ________________________ Date: ____________

“Your Favourite Show”

Intermediate Question Response

Direction: Try to answer the question below.

Question: What is your favourite television show? Why?

Example Answer: I don’t have a favourite show, but I like to watch

the news. The local news lets me know what is happening in my city
and state. The national news keeps me up to date in the country and
the world. I watch the news every day. It’s always fun to talk about
current events with my friends and family.

Name: ________________________ Date: ____________

“Your Favourite Time”

Intermediate Question Response

Direction: Try to answer the question below.

Question: What is your favourite time of day? Why?

Example Answer: My favourite time of day is morning. I get up early

in the morning. The hour before sunrise is a quiet, beautiful time.
Sometimes I go for a walk at 5:00am. In the summer, that is when the
dew is just beginning to glisten on the grass in the light of the dawn.
Birds start to sing, and squirrels scamper from tree to tree searching
for breakfast.

Name: ________________________ Date: ____________

“Which Country”
Intermediate Question Response

Direction: Try to answer the question below.

Question: Which country would you like to visit? Why?

Example Answer: I am very interested in China. I have seen photos of

the Great Wall in China, and it must be amazing! It’s over 4,000 miles
long. I would also like to see the sights in Beijing, the nation’s capital.
And no trip to China would be complete without a meal in a real
Chinese restaurant.

Name: ________________________ Date: ____________

“The Wisest Person”

Intermediate Question Response

Direction: Try to answer the question below.

Question: Who is the wisest person you know? Why are they so wise?

Example Answer: The wisest person I know is my dad. He

understands much about the world and is always building on his
knowledge. Also, he is wise because he uses his knowledge to help
others. I like it when people help others.

Name: ________________________ Date: ____________

“Someone You Admire”

Intermediate Question Response

Direction: Try to answer the question below.

Question: Who do you admire? Why?

Example Answer: I admire Mohandas Gandhi because he was a

peaceful person. He struggled non-violently for independence for his
country. His life was simple and modest, yet he achieved his goal. He
was a humble hero.

Name: ________________________ Date: ____________

“A Great Accomplishment”
Advanced Question Response

Direction: Try to answer the question below.

Question: When was the last time you accomplished something great?

Example Answer: The last time I accomplished something great was

when I climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro. It was brutal. It is the highest
mountain in Africa. Its peak reaches over 19,000 ft. About half way
through the climb, I didn’t think I was going to make it to the top.
However, my guide kept urging me along, and the climb was finally
over after eight days. Reaching the summit was magical. I felt like I
had truly accomplished something great.

Name: ________________________ Date: ____________

“The Most Exciting Thing”

Advanced Question Response

Direction: Try to answer the question below.

Question: What is the most exciting thing you have ever done?

Example Answer: The most exciting thing I have ever done was ride
the “Viper” roller coaster at a theme park in California. It was the first
time I had ever ridden a roller coaster and I was very excited and
nervous. I remember how fast my heart was beating as the coaster
started its long ascent to the very top. Then, we came plummeting
down in a series of twists and turns that made me feel like I was
flying. It was very exciting, and I have loved roller coasters ever

Name: ________________________ Date: ____________

“Your Oldest Memory”

Advanced Question Response

Direction: Try to answer the question below.

Question: What is the oldest memory you have? Explain.

Example Answer: The oldest memory I have is of when I was about

four years old. I remember playing with my pet dog in the driveway
of my old house. I loved that dog. She was a German Shepard named
“Coma”. We called her Coma because she slept so heavily, it seemed
as though she were in a coma.

Name: ________________________ Date: ____________

“The Most Productive Day”

Advanced Question Response

Direction: Try to answer the question below.

Question: What is the most productive day of the week for you?

Example Answer: The most productive day of the week for me is

Wednesday. On Wednesday, I feel most ready to work. I already
know what I will be working on by then, so I can start immediately
upon arriving to work. Plus, I don’t have to pick my kids up from
school on Wednesdays. That means I can stay an extra hour or two to
tie up loose ends if necessary.

Name: ________________________ Date: ____________

“An Interesting Person”

Advanced Question Response

Direction: Try to answer the question below.

Question: Have you met anyone exceptionally interesting lately? Why

was he or she so interesting?

Example Answer: I once met a professor of languages and literature

who could talk to anyone about anything. He was able to talk to
scientists about science, to electricians about electricity, and to
students about any topic they brought up. He was an extremely
attentive individual. When people were with him, they felt like they
were important and interesting.

Name: ________________________ Date: ____________

“What You Have Built”

Advanced Question Response

Direction: Try to answer the question below.

Question: Have you ever built anything before? If not, what would
you like to build?

Example Answer: Yes, I have built several things. Last month, my

dad and I built a bookcase together. My dad is a perfectionist, so he
planned how we were going to put it together. He also measured the
wood. I cut the boards to the correct size, and we assembled it
together. Next month, we’re planning to build a chest of drawers for
my sister.

Name: ________________________ Date: ____________

“What You Read”

Advanced Question Response

Direction: Try to answer the question below.

Question: Have you read any good books lately? What kind of books
do you like best?

Example Answer: I really enjoy reading science fiction. Science

fiction stretches my imagination. The characters are usually ordinary
people in extraordinary circumstances. Although the situations are
fictional, the reactions of the characters are realistic. Science fiction is
a different way of looking at reality.


Name: ________________________ Date: ____________

“The Most Exciting Thing”

Advanced Question Response

Direction: Try to answer the question below.

Question: What is the most exciting thing you have ever done?

Example Answer: The most exciting thing I have ever done was ride
the “Viper” roller coaster at a theme park in California. It was the first
time I had ever ridden a roller coaster and I was very excited and
nervous. I remember how fast my heart was beating as the coaster
started its long ascent to the very top. Then, we came plummeting
down in a series of twists and turns that made me feel like I was
flying. It was very exciting, and I have loved roller coasters ever


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