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Name: ________________________ Date: ____________

Beginning Free Writing

Direction: use the space below to write about anything you want.

Example: Today was a nice day. I left work at 3:30 this afternoon.
Then, I went home to paint. I like painting. It is fun because I get to
use my imagination. Also, I like painting because I get to make
beautiful colours. When I get more experience, I hope to be a famous

Name: ________________________ Date: ____________

Intermediate Free Writing

Direction: use the space below to write about anything you want.

Example: Today was a nice day. It was very sunny and warm. I ate
lunch with one of my friends who is very smart. She is studying to be
an engineer. We laughed and talked together. After work, I picked my
kids up form school. They were tired and did not want to go to their
piano practice. I promised them ice cream if they did not complain
about it. They behaved well and I got them the ice cream afterwards.

Name: ________________________ Date: ____________

Advanced Free Writing

Direction: use the space below to write about anything you want.

Example: Well, it’s another rainy day. I hope the sun comes out so I
can finally play some tennis. My friend and I have been playing
together very much. We have about the same skill level so our
matches are very competitive. His strength is serving, while I am best
at long shots. Tomorrow, I think I may go to the mall to look at some
new tennis shoes.


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