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Weekly Assignment 3 : Bookstore analysis

ABA Booksellsers is an reputed multichain bookseller in US. You are given the details of
weekly book rankings across various genres from January to March (uploaded under
Datasheets tab in moodle). Management wants to analyze this data to strategize next
quarter’s inventory and offers. Your task is to clean this data and create an interactive
dashboard to help in the managerial decision making.

You need to submit the Table data prep flow file and a pdf doc as your submission. The pdf
doc titled “Your name_rollono_bookstore.pdf” should discuss the following :
1. Data cleaning approach
2. Visualization approach
3. Key insights from dashboard

Also, post the tableau public link in the pdf as well as the weekly assignment google sheet.

This is an important assignment carrying higher weightage. Please do it carefully.

Submission deadline : 6th Nov, 11 pm

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