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The author and publisher have made every effort to produce a high quality, informative and helpful ebook. This ebook is designed to provide information in regard to the subject matter covered. While attempts have been made to verify information provided in this publication, neither the author nor the publisher accepts any responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretation of the subject matter. This ebook is distributed with the understanding that the author is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional services. If legal or expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. The purchaser or reader of this publication assumes responsibility for the use of these materials and information. Adherence to all applicable laws and regulations, including federal, state, and local, governing professional licensing, business practices, advertising, and all other aspects of doing business in the United States, or any other jurisdiction is the sole responsibility of the purchaser or reader. The author and publisher assume no responsibility whatsoever on behalf of any purchaser or reader of these materials. The sole purpose of these materials is to educate and entertain. Each individuals success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. The author and publisher do not accept any responsibility for any liabilities resulting from the decisions made by the purchasers and readers of this publication. This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. 2007

Table of contents
How to use this ebook.... 4 1.0 Introduction..5 1.1 Are you facing this kind of problems?....7 1.2 Find your purpose....8 1.3 Take responsibility. 10 1.4 Pull yourself together...11 1.5 Be open to opportunities.. 11 2.0 My story: I learned How To Succeed By Failing12 3.0 Powerful steps to achieve your goals.....16 3.1 Powerful Tips for SMARTY Goals .19 4.0 Its not your fault, or Is It ?...........................................23 5.0 The Power of Why..26 5.1 Why most people will never get what they want..27 6.0 How to find a program/method/book that is best for you.32 7.0 How to create and stick to a personal growth plan.36 8.0 Overcoming Procrastination ..38 8.1 Technique 1: Pleasure and Pain . 40 8.2 Technique 2: Chunking 42 9.0 How to be more practical and convert theory into practice45 10. How to be more efficient in learning.47 10.1 Psychological relaxation.48 11. How music Makes You Smarter 52

How to use this ebook

Every time you see the sign Ask yourself that question and write it down. The act of writing down your answers creates a commitment on your part, and its an important step towards achieving your goals.

Be conscious about these negative thoughts Do you identify yourself with any of these statements?

Do these simple exercises as you go along studying the book. Small steps are important in any efficient learning process.

A word of inspiration is all you need to realize your abilities. Read these quotes and discover your hidden talents.

Important ideas. Read them twice if necessary for a deeper understanding.

Quick tips. Incorporate them in your everyday life anytime and anyplace and you will be surprised by the great progress youve made

1. Introduction

I think I know the reason why you are here. I believe I know what you are looking for. I must tell you I had the same problem as you did a couple of years ago. You have started your personal development journey with a reason, but you have lost your motivation along the way. You may have thought it would be easy but it seems you are stumbling on something you don't know what it is. Perhaps you started working on a specific self-help method, even started reading a book or you may have even participated in self-growth seminars. You have paid good money but you still didnt make it to where youve planned. Before we go any further, let me ask you one thing: Did you know that only 3% of the people starting a self-help program are actually successful in their undertaking? The big question is what happens with the rest of 97% of those trying to achieve the same results? What are they missing? Are you one of them? It must be very difficult to find yourself stuck and having no idea how to actually do the things youve read about. Have you tried out everything you could think of, but still havent gotten anywhere?

If the answer is YES, then this special report is just what you need RIGHT NOW
I am here to help you and I am sure that what I am going to tell you will be very useful and powerful advice. How free and excited would you feel if you knew you had the power to push yourself to do anything you want, overcome procrastination, and achieve your goals in record time? Have you ever had a specific plan to succeed at something, but for some personal deep reason what you planned to do was never accomplished?

Do you find yourself amongst these people?

I think one of my problems is that I just keep learning, but I don't just get out there and do. Sometimes the solution is not learning more, but rather practicing more, and I think that's one of my downfalls.

I like to build and plan my projects in my mind, but then I always fail to follow through.

We all have plans and big dreams when we are young, but very few people ever get past the point of taking ACTION on their dreams and desires. Is it because people are actually easy-going or lazy? Or is there an inner science to achievement? Look what someone had to say about it: I'm pretty lazy. I'm wired up for instant gratification / satisfaction''

My mission is to deliver you cutting edge information to help getting everything you want in life including how to discover the most important things in your life, why you are not happy where you are right now. You will discover where most people go wrong when starting their journey for personal development and why you are not getting the results that you want in your life. No responsibility is assumed or implied for your success or lack of success, since you are a unique individual with a unique life experience and set of skills. You are the only one holding responsibility for your success. Or failure. Have you discovered your purpose? Know what your goals are? The milestones to get to fulfill your destiny? Ask yourself: are you really motivated?

Maybe you need to focus there too. Some claim that they hold back from taking any action because they do not know what their purpose really is. I think the root cause of the lack of action on my part has always been a general lack of purpose in my life (what's the point? why bother? etc).

1.1 Are you facing this kind of problems?

The biggest problem with anything is starting, and if you look at the entire task, it will depress you before you even start. Getting to action was always hard for me.

On the other hand, there are people that feel the need to read tons of information before they actually make the first step. Here is what somebody had to say: I'm a knowledge junkie. I have probably read enough to keep me busy for years and years if. Yet, for some reason, I always want more.

So when chapter one says "Do this now", they think "Yeah right, maybe after I've read the book, researched it, and thought about it first." Some others look for quick solutions to their problems and need to find their answers fast. I am more of a theoretical guy rather than practical. So what I'd like is more tips on how to convert this tremendous theoretical energy we have, into practical doing.

You see, each person is different and is looking for different methods to fulfill their intentions. Here is another example: 'I was like that, always learning and not practicing. I was afraid that if I miss some important knowledge the practice would be harmful.

One of the reasons people do not take the time to improve the quality of their life, is that they think things will eventually start getting better. They go through each day hoping that their job, their relationship or physical state will somehow improve. This is what somebody asks from a self-development program in order to get him into action: Most people usually hope for some lucky chain of circumstances to come about and as a result, they will finally be acknowledged by their boss and rewarded with more responsibilities and a bigger salary, or their relationships will all of the sudden get into the right path, or, their overweight will disappear out of the blue. This is not how it works!

1.2 Find your purpose

So many people want to have a great life but still have no idea what their purpose in life is. So if you do not know your purpose in life, what kind of life will you end up living? If you dont know your purpose your life will eventually be owned by others their needs, their goals and their purposes. You loose your freedom. Of course, you still believe that you hold all the cards. But the truth is you can only decide the low level actions you take every day. You have lost the highest freedom of choosing your own answer to major questions like: What is the meaning of my life? or Where am I headed?''

So how do you find your purpose? How can you tell when you've found your own way? The first thing that you need to do is writing down all the things you enjoy doing and would love to do in the future.

Actually, many people identify their purpose in their hobbies. Your purpose in life is not something that you hate doing it is something that you love. Thats why you can find people still working well past the age of retirement. To them its not work, its their purpose. After you have written all these things down, narrow it down to the top 3 things. Your purpose in life usually can be found in these top three things. If you are not sure what to choose then just pick one and start working on it. Try to spend at least a couple of hours each week for a month, concentrating on one of these things. Once that month is up, do the same thing for the next thing you put down on your list Now its time to take action. Begin to enthrall yourself in your purpose. Depending on the other commitments in your life, you may not be able to spend as much time as youd want to, but try to spend at least an hour a week on it. 'The Purpose of life is a Life of Purpose (Robert Byrne)

1.3 Take Responsibility

Once you have decided to make a shift in your life, you must accept that you are 100% responsible for your actions. How many of us tend to blame everybody else when things go wrong, but we never seem to put ourselves in any part of the reason why. When a seed is planted in the ground, it does not have to push its way around the dirt, worrying about whether or not it will find what it needs to become the tree it was meant to be.

' Worry is like a rocking chair--it gives you something to do but it doesn't get you anywhere

We are no different. When we plant an idea in our subconscious mind, it is like planting a seed. We are not required to move about frantically looking for all the things we need to accomplish our goal. All we must do is act now on the people and circumstances immediately with us now. Each connection leads us closer to the next necessary connection. So we don't have to know how it will all play out. All we must know is that we already have all we need to get started, and the rest will come to us in the right time. I suggest that before you even try to make sense of all this, you keep repeating that you are holding total control over your life and the decisions that you make will be your responsibility. Instead of asking yourself Why or how did this happen ask yourself How can I change it or improve my current situation.

When we hit rock bottom we ask ourselves What is wrong with me and you are desperately looking for answers to that question, and most often, they are not something that you want to hear. This usually creates a negative state of mind, and you will only attract more negative vibes around you.

1.4 Pull yourself together

I suggest you make this small exercise and go back to a certain point in your life and think of something terrible that has happened to you; even now, it will not seem so bad, because time heals our wounds. Try to remember how that episode had made you feel and how you became more and more depressed, attracting exactly the same vibes as you were putting out. Try to remember what you learnt from that experience, what positive aspects you could benefit from. In time, as things changed and you moved on, you started getting your act together, and as you slowly started to be a bit happier, things got back on track, and the more you tried to get on with your life, the more things aligned to make it better. This shows how the power to control things really works, and the moment we decide to move on, everything around us changes.

1.5 Be open to opportunities

One thing that I want to be completely clear about is that we all have what it takes to make it work, unfortunately some people because of their inherited belief system refuse to see it, and they get their mind to agree with them, as to why they cannot do it. The simple act of setting a goal, and your unbounded belief that you can actually do it, will generate a chain reaction of events that will eventually lead you towards your goal. Notice the words unbounded belief, as it is no good enough just saying the words, if deep down your subconscious is telling you, that you cannot do it. The only way that you can change your mind, is to come up with examples, and show how different things can be if you act in a certain way. And that means start taking some action. The main purpose of this book is to teach you how to walk your talk; to guide you in applying these ideas into your life without forcing you to ingurgitate tons of useless material, but by showing you exactly

how your mind works and how to activate your potential and then using it to become action minded. To get out there and just do it.

Whatever the mind can conceive and believe... it can achieve. (Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich)

2. My Story: I Learned How To Succeed By Failing

In my pursuit to have more things done, save time and be more efficient, I've made some awful mistakes when it comes to goal setting, effective time management and even planning my actions. But really, who hasn't gone through the hard times? Life is for living and it sometimes involves making mistakes, having bad days when were making foolish decisions or acting absurdly. Personal development is about recognizing these mistakes and making some changes in your life so that you actually become better in any area of your life. A more inspired way of looking at this is that our mistakes really aren't really mistakes at all.

As long as you are eager to learn, what some people might call mistakes, are really just proof of things not to do in the future. I believe the only times we think of bringing our self-improvement abilities to life is when our whole world is crashing and falling apart. In most cases, we learn our lessons when we experience painful situations.

For instance, when do we realize that we need to change our eating habits? When none of our previous clothing would fit us. When do we realize that we must quit smoking? When our lungs are severely affected. When do we start praying and asking for help? When we realize that nothing makes sense anymore. We think and feel this way because we are reluctant to change. However, it becomes more painful when we ignore it. Personal development is never easy BUT it is a simple process once you decided to follow this path. Once you know the right way and become familiar with the most effective methods that suits your particular needs, you will enjoy constantly learning new ways to improve and enrich your life. I'm going to offer you some very powerful yet simple tips that will help you achieve anything you want in life. Why I am saying this? Because once you've completed these simple steps described in this book, you'll believe it is easy and that you can do it. That's why I created this special report - to help you as much as possible. In other words, your personal development journey is not as easy as everyone, especially those online 'gurus', says it is. I am absolutely sure that you ran into all sorts of weird claims like I will show you how you can get anything you want in life - financial freedom, a perfect health condition, successful relationship and wealth beyond your imagination by simply following these easy steps for as little as 10 minutes a day. It is nothing but junk material put out to take your money away and nothing much. Now, you may be wondering what I can bring you. Well, you see, I've been reading self help books and attending workshops since 1999... and I've learned a lot about being a failure. I know what methods are better than others are, what works, and what

doesnt. So, I am here to share with you my entire experience when it comes to personal development. I struggled with my procrastination for years and Ive also had many unsuccessful experiences. I also learned that failure is the excuse or reason many use to remain stuck in their downfalls. Have you ever come across people saying, I couldnt possibly do that! Its too hard! What if it didnt work out what if I failed?

You see, this is a HUGE secret. What happens when most people fail at anything? They give up. They dont go further anymore. They just stop taking action because the failure hurts so badly. That is why success is so hard to achieve! No one thinks about success this way if you knew that one failure brings you just one-step closer to succeeding, wouldnt you want to fail as much as possible too? Most people will want to fail faster!! My definition of failure is the unwillingness to learn from past mistakes. I believe that our downfalls, or not meeting our planned goals or outcomes, are brought into our world to teach us something. Does it make sense to you?? I'm not a guru, Ive just failed a lot before I finally found success. Whats even more important is that Ive learned something extremely valuable: It all depends on your point of view and your beliefs. Dont ever let a little failure stop you. Learn from it and keep going, success is just around the corner!

I am here to show you that an infinite powerful seed lies within you waiting to be awakened. THIS is the moment. THIS is the place. I have found that to become successful you need to start out with a dream. Success requires you to decide what your dreams are, what you truly want. It is also very important that you set specific goals, and that what you choose is exactly what you'll get. When thinking about your goals, never think about the possibility of failure.

In the same way success requires positive thinking. How you think makes all the difference. Remember to "think positive" at every opportunity. Imagine success, not failure, focus on what you want not on what you dont want. If you are in debt, focus on wealth and your debt will be paid off. It is crucial to remember that you are what you think you are and consider your positive feelings as a long time investment because wealth comes to those who think positively of how they will enjoy their wealth. Are you spending so many hours working that you're in a constant state of exhaustion and have nothing to look forward to? Because this is a great way to waste your energy in the wrong direction and unbalance your life, bringing you out of touch with what you really want. If your life is unbalanced then consider you must start thinking that its whos in control of your time and not the other way round. The biggest unconscious lie we tell ourselves is that we dont have enough time and when you catch yourself thinking like this, remember that highly successful people live in the present moment. People who take the most important decisions in the world are extremely successful, proving that making your own decisions and accepting the consequences are the only way to hold control of your time, your success, and your life.

We cannot stop this wheel of fate from turning, but we can modify the misfortune it brings us by remembering that good fortune will follow, just as surely as night follows day, if we but keep faith with ourselves and earnestly and honestly do our best. (Napoleon Hill) If your words are in line with what youre thinking and also with your visualization of success, then you will agree with this wise insight:

"What you think, what you feel and what manifests is always a match.

Even professional football players FAIL more than they succeed at scoring... they fail 6 out of 10 times! But 4 times out of 10 they hit the ball and a rate average of 40% is considered to very a successful season! There is a saying To do something great you must first be uncomfortable

You're not going to release the power within you and reach your goals if you don't STRETCH YOURSELF. Uncomfortable always comes before content. Donald Trump, Oprah, lance Armstrong all stretched themselves a lot, they took chances, and they had the COURAGE to carry on. But here's the good news! You don't need to stretch yourself 100%, 50% or even 25%. This is all you need to do today. Stretch yourself 1%. Yes, that's it!

Ask yourself: What is one thing that I know I have to do today, but that is hard and tough for me to do? And JUST DO IT!

Is it visualizing, goal setting, making a to do list, or perhaps learning relaxation methods? Whatever it is, stretch yourself and GO FOR IT.

3. Powerful steps to achieve your goals

Think of achieving your goals as placing an order to the Master Chef. Say to yourself, "I will write it down. I will 'submit' my goal to the Master Chef. This rule comes from a brief analogy. Imagine yourself in a restaurant, sitting at the table, and you've just decided what you want. But there's no waitress, so it is up to you to put it down and have it sent through a window to the kitchen. The Chef is not going to come to your table and take your order, but he stays in the kitchen and

waits. Only after he has received the order and prepared it for you, does he send someone out to send it to you. So, you may be very specific about what you want, and you might even talk about it with your dinner partner. But nothing is going to happen until you make the formal request. Most people who set goals miss this one key element. They do not realize there is something quite magical in doing this. Actually, only about 3% will make the effort to do so. Is it any wonder that less than 3% of the population holds most of the wealth in the world? Im telling you there is no coincidence. As I said, there's something magical about putting it to paper. And just think about it, first of all, it forces you to be specific and really decide what you want.

Write in minute detail. Describe what you want to achieve or have in colorful words. Include everything you can think of to do with a particular goal. The very act of writing a goal down somehow sends a message to your subconscious mind that you mean serious business. Secondly, it gives you something to read regularly something to help you train your subconscious mind so that in time, you can change the frequency of your thoughts and tune in to the best solutions that will get you where you want to go. Thirdly, you will instantly begin to attract the people and circumstances that are necessary to reach your goal. You've submitted your request, and the Master Chef has started putting the recipe for it together... all behind closed doors. Everything you need in order to achieve your goals is already all around you. Do you need more money? Do you need a new car? Do you simply need a new inspiring idea?

Try to think of a radio in the room, turned off. If you turn it on and tune in to a station, you'll hear the music playing. Did the radio pull the music in? No, the music was already there. The radio simply made it perceptible. You are like that radio. Turn on by allowing yourself to be excited about a dream goal. Tune in by seeing yourself already with the success you want, and already feel the success as though it was already yours. By doing this, you soon tune in to the very thoughts that will lead you directly to success. So no matter what is going on all around you, even if a heavy disaster occurs, spend more time using your imagination and by visualizing you'll pick up on the ideas that will help you solve the problem. We can always find and focus on many different reasons why we can't do something, can't we? But when we're focusing on those, instead of identifying real possibilities, it doesn't allow us to think of all ways we can achieve our dreams. Does that make sense? So where can you start? Start by asking yourself this question: What do I want to achieve? What is it that I truly want? Why?

Understand that when you carry out this exercise you must eliminate your negative state of mind and focus on the positive aspects of your experience. Dont start analyzing every idea that crosses your mind. And by no means, dont think that you cant achieve what you have written down. Take it simply a brainstorming session to get your ideas flowing. Write down big, long-term ideas, as well as small and short-term goals. At this point, it is important to put together a plan of your goals. Make separate lists of your long-term goals, and your short-term

goals. It is generally accepted that a long-term goal is one that will take you more than 90 days to achieve. However, they are your goals, so you can set whatever time frame on them that you think its best, but make sure the limit you do set is reasonable and realistic.

3.1 Powerful Tips For SMARTY Goals

Here are some very powerful tips on how to effectively set your goals quickly:

Turn your dreams into reality by first identifying and then concentrating on specific, tangible goals for what you want. Maintain at least one clearly defined target for every important aspect in your life financial, relational, intellectual, physical and spiritual. Set goals that are perfectly aligned with your lifes purpose and passion. Create goals high enough to fire up your spirit and inspire you to take serious action. Write down and describe all your goals in specific, measurable details. Absolutely, entirely commit yourself to hitting each of your targets. Share your goals with your friends and family for mutual achievement. Set an entire chain of connected daily, weekly and long-term goals, complete with starting times and completion dates. Take 10 minutes each day to visualize how great you will feel when your goals are actually accomplished. Take an action step toward the achievement of at least one goal each day.

Learn how to make SMARTY goals S = Specific M = Measurable A = Attainable R = Realistic T = Timely Y = Yours

Specific Goals should be consistent and clearly express what you want to attract into your life. Specific details help us to focus our efforts and clearly define what we are going to do. Specific means knowing the What, Why, and How of the SMARTY model. WHAT exactly are you planning to do? Use action words such as direct, organize, coordinate, lead, develop, plan, and build and so on. WHY is this important to do right now? What do you want to accomplish in the end? HOW are you going to do it? Make sure the goals you set are very specific, clear and easy to follow. Instead of setting a goal such as losing weight or improve your health, set a specific goal to lose 3 cm off your waistline or to walk 4 miles at an aerobically challenging speed. Measurable As well as being specific, your goals should be measurable. From a general perspective, the whole goal statement process is a measure for the project. If the goal is accomplished, there is a success. Still, for the most part several short-term or small surveys can be built into the goal. Choose a goal with measurable progress, so you can see the changes occur.

How will you see when you reach your goal? Be specific! "I want to read 3 chapter books of 100 pages on my own before my birthday" shows the specific target to be measure. "I want to be a good reader" is not as measurable Establish specific criteria for measuring your progress in attaining each goal you set. When you can evaluate your progress, you stay on track, reach your target dates, and experience the excitement of achievement that motivates you to continue your efforts required to achieve your goals. Attainable When you decide upon goals that are most important to you, you start figuring out ways you can make them come true. You develop the proper attitude, abilities, skills, and financial ways to bring them to life. Your start noticing previously omitted opportunities to bring yourself closer to the achievement of your goals. Perhaps you won't invest time and energy to achieving goals that are too far out of your reach. Although you may start with the best of intentions, knowing that it's too much for you, means your subconscious mind will keep telling you this fact and will stop you from even giving it your best try. Your goals needs to stretch you a little so you get the feeling that you can achieve your target and it will require a real commitment from your part. For example, if your goal is to lose 20 lbs in one week, everybody knows that isn't going to happen. However, setting a goal of loosing 1 lb and when you've achieved that, wanting to lose a further 1lb, will keep it attainable for you. The feeling of success that this brings helps you to stay fired up.

Realistic Realistic is not a synonym for "easy." Actually, in this case, it refers to a "doable" target. It means that the skills required to accomplish the work are available and that the project is congruent with the overall strategy and goals of the whole process. A realistic project should drive forward the skills and knowledge of the people involved but it shouldn't bring them to exhaustion.

The goal setting must be realistic for you and where you are right now. A goal like stop eating sweets, cakes, and chocolate may not be achievable for a person that really enjoys these goodies. For instance, it may be more realistic to set a goal of eating a fruit every day instead of one candy or chocolate bar. After you have started this way, you can then begin working towards reducing the amount of sweets a little bit at a time as and when this feels most comfortable for you. The best is to set goals that you can achieve with some degree of effort! Too difficult and you can bring yourself down for failure, but too low will tell you that you aren't very capable of solving the problem. Set the bar high enough for a gratifying achievement! Timely Set a specific timeframe for achieving your goal, such as next week, in three months, by the end of the year. Setting a deadline gives you a clear target to work towards your goals. If you don't set a time, the commitment will be too general and hard to respect. Also, it tends not to happen because you feel you can start at any time. Without a time limit, there's no urgency to start taking action now. Yours At last, make sure the goals youre setting are yours, not someone else's. Let your decision come from the heart and make sure your personal needs and values are covered. If your goals based on someone else's dreams, ambitions, ideas or beliefs, you may indeed achieve your goals, but in the end, youll feel frustrated and disappointed as if you chose to live someone elses life.

"You have to think anyway, so why not think Big?" (Donald Trump)

4. Its Not Your Fault. Or Is It?

The year was 1999 One day I woke up and decided that I was tired of being broke all the time not having enough money, not enjoying the freedom I wanted. I had a job I hated and that didnt bring my any major satisfactions. I was coming home tired every night, stressed out and frustrated mostly about myself for being so 'stupid'. After all, it seemed like everyone was successful on at least one part of their lives, EXCEPT me. I felt lame. I wasn't stupid, but I surely FELT that way. I was searching for the right answer, but it seemed that I was a completely blind eyed. I even started to say prayers... but nothing has changed. I asked for people's advice... nobody could make me feel better or give me an answer to my problems. So what did I do? You will see... But first, let me ask you this: Have you gotten to that point yet? Are you still 'spinning your wheels' trying "this" and "that"? How many e-books have you read about personal development, affirmations, goal setting, or about becoming successful? How many times have you told yourself, "This time I'm REALLY going to take serious action!? Perhaps you have even started reading the latest edition e-book and you've had some success... but not as much as you would expected. If that's YOU, then you need to hear this: It's probably NOT your fault. But wait Do you really believe its NOT your fault?

You see, if you believe its not your fault then youre always looking for someone else to blame for your current circumstances and failures. Have you asked yourself this question? How is it possible though that there are so many success stories revealing people that have fulfilled their dreams? Ill give you the answer to this one in a minute First, let me tell you that you are missing ONE THING. You are missing something that no one has told you about yet. This ONE THING is keeping you from success and without knowing it, you're doomed. But what is it? Its... Are you ready? The answer is You're not succeeding because you are THINKING too much about what you should do instead of DOING IT!

Honestly, theres no one else to blame except you. You are responsible for all the things happening in your life. Just as it was MY fault for being unhappy and not getting the results I wanted in my own personal development journey. But I finally made a decision. I chose my life. Everyday you choose what you do with your time. There is no one forcing you to have a job that you hate or doesnt bring you the money you want. This is a little bit in your face, but its the truth.

What Im suggesting right now is that you take the time to create a PLAN of what you're going to do, and once you've decided what you really, really want then make sure you follow your plan and take action on it!

Actually, there are two types of people in the world: The Doers and the Talkers The question is which one are you? A DOER or a TALKER? Choose to be a doer! Success comes to those who get where they want by DOING something that brings them closer to their goals every day. Even there are times when you'll miss, doing something is better than doing nothing. You'll never hear anyone else saying this in the same blunt way I will, but it's true: NOTHING and I mean NOTHING beats PERSISTENCE.

If you choose persistence to be your driver, and continue working towards what YOU WANT (which means that you are FOCUSED) you will SUCCEED! Even if you wont do ANYTHING else the rest of this year, except for implementing this ONE simple piece of personal advice I'm giving you today, you will see your success skyrocket. What happened on that particular day in 1999? That day I decided to take some serious action, as I was being tired of all my downfalls. And what did I do? I took action! There was an idea that Ive found while reading an online article. I read something about goal setting and visualization. I have read it and applied the information for nearly a week. Every morning before getting out of bed and at night before going to sleep, I spent some tome working on my goals and visualizing them.

Isn't it great to finally understand that nothing is holding you back from succeeding except taking action? Now you are truly FREE! Bottom line: If youre persistent and take action on a regular basis you can achieve success in your life. Being super-smart has nothing to do with success. The average people have the same chances of success as anyone else, as long as they work a little every day towards their goals. I was complaining that I had no shoes till I met a man who had no feet." (Confucius)

5. The Power of Why

Why is it so important to decide what you want and why you want it? To most people, this rule seems insignificant, as if they were taking themselves for granted everyday. The world is filled with people that are afraid to even ask straight for what they want from others. After all, we all know what we want, don't we? Well, the problem with most of us is that oftentimes we have vague ideas of what we want, and so when life delivers vague results, we cannot make the difference between our thoughts and the circumstances around us. We recognize the precision with which life delivers the very things we ask for only after we have strongly focused upon the requests we have put out.

Saying "I want more money" is too vague. Even to say "I want $3000" is too vague. Find out why it's too vague and how to compose a goal statement that powerfully causes things to happen.

Goal statements such as "Im going to be rich in 5 years have no power. On a subconscious level, to be rich is always in the future, never in the present. You must feel it now as though you already achieved your dream of becoming rich. You must change "I will be" to "I am" and you are far ahead the rest of the crowd. Your subconscious mind cannot make the difference between a true statement and a lie... It will accept whatever you allow yourself to believe and control the kind of energy that comes out from you. For true success ask yourself these four questions: Why? Why not? Why not me? Why not now? (James Allen)

5.1 Why most people will never get what they want

Some of us have already realized the importance of having a complete understanding over the WHY concept. With this power, you can accomplish every goal that you set, no matter how big it is or how impossible it may seem. For this reason there are people using the words: you can move mountains as a powerful means to push themselves further ahead. Most people are not capable of knowing why they want to achieve certain things in life and that is why they will not get the things they are actually going for. This concept was the main theme of many books, seminars or audios. The understanding of this concept changed the lives of thousands of people turning their lives from unhappiness, stagnation and procrastination to a completely new dimension, filling their lives with joy, powerful experiences and great achievements. Im sure that most of us had at one point in our lives a dream of reaching a goal that was really exciting for us. And everything was going well in the progress, you even took some action toward this

goal, but all of the sudden your ambition and energy disappeared and all this was replaced by a sense of failure. This is a normal process, and many people went through this during their lives. Every day millions of people decide to make a big change in their daily living, such as starting a business, quit smoking, finding a better job, finding their soul mate and so on. Still, not everyone can fulfill their dreams and some of them will end up coming back to their old habits in a matter of days or even hours, feeling terribly down and thinking that they are not capable of making any major changes in their lives. When you realize that the plan you followed for accomplishing your goal is not working, the best thing you to do is to stop and look for a new strategy. It has been proven that every time we have to make a decision we have to keep in mind two things: the decision and the reason of taking that decision. So, when you want to achieve something, keep in mind the most important thing that you must to: find a reason for yourself and try to make it as big as you can, give it the biggest importance that you can. This is the key to success.

If you ask someone that has achieved his goal how he did it, he would most probably tell you that he really wanted that thing in his life and with his determination he was able to accomplish his dream. This is the proof that the idea mentioned above is not just a simple theory.

Every time you set a new goal start with simple questions: Why do I want to do this? Why is this of real importance to me? Why must I achieve this? Your next step is finding the answers to these questions and discovering a powerful reason or a sum of reasons that will determine you to make all the necessary efforts in order to accomplish the goal. This will not allow you to give up your dream, or delay it for many times If you are one of the people wanting something in their life but not having it yet, try to find out what stopped you from having it. Perhaps

its because you didnt have the best plan, or you didnt take consistent action. The reason for both these situations is that you didnt have a strong motivation and enough energy to get you towards your goal at full speed. Here are a few examples of not so great decisions:


Decision: Ill start a new business that will bring me a monthly income of $20,000. Reason: I need to have more money.

For most of us this reason can be very exciting, especially at first, but very few will improve their financial situation with this start, because they are actually comfortable with their situation. Even if they start a new business, they end up giving up too soon because they werent able to find a good reason to support this decision. They have to realize that what you want means nothing if you dont tell yourself why you want it. Here are a few good reasons for this decision: My family deserves the best and I hate seeing them struggling due the lack of money Im sick and tired of having an average life and I will not accept this anymore - Im going to gain a financial freedom no matter what this will take My family deserves a bigger home to live like they need or This situation is not helping anyone and it has to change


Decision: Im going to lose 10 kilos. Reason: Because I want to look good and be attractive.

The reason is a good one, but not powerful enough to convince you to push the limits and not to give up until you reached the goal. You have to find a better reason, with higher emotional value, such as: I deserve to have a body I will be proud of I deserve to be happy, healthy and lively I deserve to feel attractive and I will not stand in this situation anymore Im tired of people staring at me every time I go out It sounds like these sentences, simple and yet are extremely powerful, are capable of changing your life. Still, most people dont do this, just because they are afraid to be honest with themselves. The truth is that most of the time we make decisions to change big things is our lives and we start with huge enthusiasm, but this doesnt last because we forget the main reason of doing what we want to do. The best service we could do to us is to clearly state why we want something and keep this in mind every single day. Without a powerful Why reason your chances of achieving the goal will be minimum and your motivation will gradually disappear. You can avoid this by following 3 steps. I assure you that, once you understand these simple steps, the results will surprise you.

Step 1: Think of what you want to change and make a decision

Decide on the goal you want to achieve, even if this has something to do with money, your body, your habits or relationships. Be specific in your choice, choose the results that you want to have really clear. Step 2: Discover the Power of Why. Find the reason why you want what you want

In order to follow this step, help yourself by finding the answers to a few questions, but try and be honest to yourself. Here are a few questions that need answers:

Why is it absolutely necessary to have this in my life? How will my life be once Ill accomplish this? How will my life be if I dont accomplish this? What will be the worst thing that Ill have to bear if I will not have this in my life? What is the most incredible thing regarding this decision? Will my decision affect any other people except for me? If yes, how much do care about them? Will they suffer if I dont accomplish this?

You must find out why you want to obtain the change that you want to make in your life. You must discover deep inside you the reasons that will give you the power to create a good strategy and the strength to follow it until you reach the goal. Step 3: Use the power of Why everyday

Once you discovered the reasons that will keep you on the right line on the way to the finish, write them on a piece of paper and hang it somewhere where you will see it every day. Dont let these ideas slip away, be sure that you have them in your mind all day. Spend at least 15 minutes every day feeling the emotions youve turned into words and put on the paper, your why reasons. Imagine yourself how it feels to have what you want and remember yourself why you wont be happy with anything less than that.

' All that you accomplish or fail to accomplish with your life is the direct result of your thoughts. (James Allen)

6. How to find a program/method/book that is best for you

Im sure you all noticed that nowadays there are thousands of books or articles related to personal development available on the market. If youll practice some of the things they say, you will realize that some methods have a positive effect on you while some have no effect at all. So its really important to experience some of them, and once youve seen what works best for you stick with it. Be aware that we are not learning only by reading; you have to do something more in order to be an effective learner. First, find the answers to some simple questions:

What do I want to learn and why do I want to learn this? Do I have the discipline to follow this plan? How much am I willing to spend in this process? How do I choose the best products? Take a good look at all the results from your life. Once you pass through each question, try to create in your mind a list with the answers. Think what kind of relationships do you have, if you are in love, how are your friends like, how are you able to communicate with your family, how much money do you earn, are you happy with your current business, do you have the health condition you want, and so on.

Once youve collected all the answers, start acting upon the areas from your life that need a very quick change, that you cant put on hold anymore. Below you will find some things that will be helpful in making better info product purchases. 1. Cast a certain percent from your income especially for info products A wisely spend will be casting a part of your budget for personal growth. If you feel that an expensive seminar or buying a self-study course will help your development, do not hesitate and go for it. Perhaps the nature of your work allows you even to deduct the tax as an educational expense. 2. Maintain a "wish list" of info products Maintaining a "wish list" of the info products will help you avoid making too many purchases at a certain time, driven by the impulse. Every time you see a book that you want to buy add it to your wish list. Then, compare it to the existing items from the list and youll see if you still consider this a great purchase. Once you are ready for something new, scan the list and find the most appropriate item for the current circumstances. If the cost of an info product will cause a huge hole in your budget and serious concern, do not buy it. If your budget for personal growth is low, look for less expensive e-books. If you have no income, use the local library and take full advantage of the online resources and articles. 3. Spend the allocated money for the info products As well as overspending, under-spending is also not a wise thing. Once you assign a certain amount of money for your personal growth, spend it. In the long run, this will prove to be a good investment. Of course, you may think that you dont have to pay for information while free

materials are everywhere on the internet. But, Ill present you 4 important reasons that Im sure it will convince you otherwise: Better quality The quality of the commercial products is, in most of the cases, higher than the quality offered by the free information. The profit allows the authors to put more effort in the products (including formatting, professional editing, indexing, checking, etc.) Access Money can bring you access to the latest and greatest ideas that havent reached the free market yet. Sometimes valuable ideas are expressed in commercial works that are rarely found in free forms. Lower risk Commercial products that were on the market for a while already have the approval of their buyers, mainly if they benefit from considerable word-of-mouth sales. Its not the same thing buying a best seller or an unknown e-book. Convenience You can easily find commercial products, whereas you can waste a lot of time trying to find an equivalent free product. And, as that time is money, the financial cost will easily compensate the time savings. When you buy an info product, its a clear sign that you are committed to studying it. In most cases, you will give greater value to something you bought than to some information you obtained freely. Its part of the human nature to justify our expenses by extracting enough value from each of them.

4. Filter smartly and ignore fluff products If you are interested in buying a certain product, but this means a pretty high expense, make some researching before buying it. But dont waste time by doing research for a product whose cost is inconsequential. Try applying the time-boxing method; this means that for each product youll allocate a certain time for researching, and once the time is out you must decide whether you but it or not. You have to be aware that you wont find a certain product that will help you solve your problems overnight without other help. Moreover, you can even find products with overblown marketing that can provide good information, so its not the best idea to simply refuse them.

You can also find sales copies that promise vague benefits, but you will not find the clear idea of the products identity. You dont have to buy something only because youre curious.

5. Choose something unusual once in a while Investing in unusual products can be sometimes the most rewarding personal growth experiences. When you are in a bookstore, spare a few moments from your time to visit a section that youre not quite familiar with, or try to find what your friends recommend. But I think that the best investment you can make with your money is in your personal growth. By investing in this, youll convert the money into practical knowledge and skills, and in the long run it will bring you a lot more money than you actually invested. This is actually a longterm investment, and the advantages of this investment are the skills, the discipline, the courage, the power to focus, and so on. Once youll reach a certain level, youll feel more secure, because your best assets will be inside of you. The most important reward in personal growing is that your ability in helping the people around you will get bigger and bigger. It is a great process gaining more knowledge, but youll see your real potential when you begin to share your knowledge with others and you contribute to their growing by sharing with them your experience. 6. Accept that youll buy some trifles Even if you filter the purchases in an intelligent way, sometimes youll discover that your choice was not the best one. This doesnt necessary mean that the information you bought is a rip-off, perhaps it just doesnt suits you. Once youll gain experience, youll see that it will be much easier for you to choose products of higher quality, but it will be more difficult to find materials that develop new, original ideas. The bottom line is that its ok if you miss; but if this happens, dont feel discouraged and move on. 7. Choose strong money-back guarantees

The power of the guarantee is highly connected with the company or the person thats behind the product. In most of the cases, you will have no problem if you choose reputable companies that are on the market for many years. But, if you choose to buy an e-book written by an unknown author, youll risk more. If you want to buy an info product and you see that it doesnt include a money-back guarantee its better to reconsider the purchase.

"The mind is like the stomach. It is not how much you put into it that counts, but how much it digests." (A.J. Nock)

7. How to create and stick to a personal growth plan

Action plans go hand in hand with decision-making. They involve the specific actions and things that must be done to achieve your goals and make the decisions to life. A powerful self-help plan is the so-called 30-day tryout. This is a great way to develop new habits, and whats even better, its incredibly simple. Perhaps you want to develop a new habit like a weight loss program, or learn some new relaxation techniques. Getting started and following your plan in creating your new habit for a few weeks is the tough part, but once youve overcome your lack of enthusiasm, its much easier to keep going. In most cases we are mentally overwhelmed in getting started by thinking about the change as something permanent, before weve even begun. It seems too compelling to think about making a big change and sticking with it every day for the rest of your life when youre still used to doing something completely different.

The more you think about the change as something permanent, the more you put it off. But what if you applied the changes only throughout a trial period of 30 days after which you would be free to return to your old lifestyle? It sounds better already!

Do your weight loss exercises daily for just 30 days, and then stop. Keep your desk organized for 30 days, then drop-off. Read for an hour a day for 30 days, and then go back to watching TV. Get out every evening and go to a different place every time; or you can meet someone new every day. Give up junk food, sodas, smoking or other unhealthy addictions. Do you feel up to it? The new changes in your life require some discipline and engagement from your part, but not as far as making it a habituated activity. Think that any hardship you may feel is only temporary as you can countdown the days to freedom. In return, youll gain some benefits for at least 30 days. Its not something that bad you wont handle. Now if you actually get the 30-day tryout finished, what comes next? Youll go far enough to set it as your new habit, and it will be easier to keep than it was to start implementing it. Whats even more important is that youll break the addiction of your past habits during this time. Youll have 30 days of success behind you, which will give you greater confidence that you can continue and also some practical feedback on what to expect if you carry on

So, once you get to the end of this tryout period, your ability to make the habit permanent has greatly increased. But lets say you arent ready to make a fulltime commitment to your new habits. You can always choose to extend your experiment to 60 or even 90 more days, but the longer you go on with the tryout, the easier it will be to maintain the new habit permanently. This approach also tests your abilities to follow the path of learn new habits that you arent sure whether you would even want them to become permanent. Perhaps youd like to experiment a new diet, but

you dont know if youd find it too depriving. In that case, you can do the 30-day tryout after which you can re-assess your options. You shouldnt feel ashamed for wanting to stop if you realize the new habit doesnt suit you. Simply consider the advantages youll gain throughout these 30 days and you can re-evaluate the situation after the trial period. The main asset of this approach is that it is very simply to use. When you commit to doing something every single day without exception, you cant look for excuses and justify missing a day, nor can you promise to make it up later by rearranging your schedule. Some men see things as they are and say "Why?" I dream of things that never were and say "Why not?" (George Bernard Shaw)

8. Overcoming Procrastination

Very often, what is happening in your life right now is a perfect reflection of what you believe. Just think how free and energized would you feel if you knew you had the power to motivate yourself to do anything you want, overcome procrastination, and achieve your goals in record time? We all make plans, dream eyes-opened, and we hope that they will eventually come true, but very few people that actually do something about it- taking action. We fail to consider that the reason we succeed in achieving our plans has nothing to do with luck, circumstances and so on. How many of us can say that all the plans and goals were successfully accomplished, as we intended to? Is it because people are flabby and easy-going? Or is there a master science to success? So what causes procrastination? It all starts with our fears of facing reality, taking chances, and accepting new challenges.

We can take two sides when it comes to facing reality: we can either deny it or face it, we can pretend there is nothing wrong or we can admit, and why not, even exaggerate the problems we are confronted with. So there are two types of procrastinators, those who are relaxed about their situations, and those who are always frustrated and tensed. From a behavioral point of view, negative influences are the main factors in developing procrastination. They can be behaviors (watching TV) and thoughts (rationalizations or excuses) enabling people to avoid the unpleasant work and escape from something unpleasant is reinforcing. Procrastination is an escape. These just a few strong elements reinforcing procrastination:

Rebellion: I dont want to do it! I dont have to do it! You cant force me to do it! Fear to Fail: Regardless of how much I try, I will fail. I know it. Fear of Success: it starts with get a good grade now, they will always expect the best of me! Perfectionism: What if I try and do my best, but I fail? Lack of enthusiasm: This subject is difficult; reading is boring, this is too hard for me. I guess Ill just watch TV after all Being too tired: Im too tired to do anything right now. Ill make some time for this in the morning, or perhaps Ill leave it for Saturday.

Next, I want to present you three of the most powerful and influencing techniques to crush your procrastination and get you where you want to be in your life in no time. One of the most important lessons Ive leant in my life is that 90% of success comes from deciding to take ACTION on your goals. Whatever you want in life, you have the power to get the information and the mechanisms or resources you need in order to succeed. But taking ACTION on your goals is the biggest stumbling block on the road to success in most people. If anybody can have success, and all that people have to do is taking ACTION why not everyone takes action to achieve his or her goals everyday? I have used these techniques in my personal development journey and the results have been amazing. Now I want to share them with you. Here we go!

8.1 Technique 1: Pleasure and Pain

If you have the power to learn these simple yet powerful techniques, your entire life will change. Two basic forces drive the human mind in both conscious and subconscious ways: The need to AVOID PAIN The need to GAIN PLEASURE If you give it a little more thought, youll see that every single action you take in your life is determined by the need to avoid pain, and the need to gain pleasure. Still, the need to avoid painful experiences is always STRONGER than the need to gain pleasure.

For instance, if you had $10,000 and a brain tumor, what would you choose? Consider surgery to remove the tumor Would you rather spend a whole week on a cruise? You can start implementing this in your life, and instantly apply it, starting TODAY. Consider an example that has helped many people create a powerful system: try drawing a graph for PAIN and PLEASURE, for something you have been constantly postponing, like writing a book:

Your current situation PAIN: 1. You dont have the time writing a book is time-consuming;

2. You do not have the energy, enough patience 3. What if nobody will appreciate my efforts of writing the book, and no one will ever read it. PLEASURE: 1. When Ill finish the book somebody is going to take an interest in it, and it might help somebody; 2. I will make some extra money, when the book is finished. My need to avoid pain pushed me formerly into giving up my goals. I was procrastinating. The difference between those who procrastinate and those who succeed, because of taking action, is that successful people always associate pain and pleasure, when taking action. Now, take a look at your list. Try to find ways that will help you taking action immediately. Focus then on shifting the tone of your graph, associated with pain, and start by: NEW GRAPH FOR PAIN 1. If I dont do it, I will surely regret it later and feel miserable 2. If I refuse to take action and write my book, I wont serve my purpose of helping someone by providing valuable information 3. If I dont start writing the book I am just another mouth to feed and will not have contributed in this world with something I will be remembered by. Does this sound familiar? Now lets create the graph associated with pleasure and try to reward ourselves, promising ourselves things we have always wanted. Lets start with WHEN: NEW GRAPH FOR PLEASURE: 1. When I will finish my book, everybody will appreciate my efforts and I will get many thank you e-mails. 2. When people will read my book, I will be seen as an expert in my field. 3. When Ill complete my work, I will feel grateful and satisfied. 4. Ill gain financial freedom.

The pain of not writing what I have planned is pushed to the limit, and it is even stronger than the one I may possibly feel about writing it. But, my own set of values is driving me to start doing something and create a useful book that people will enjoy reading. You can start creating you pain and pleasure sheet and see how motivated youll start feeling in achieving your goal.

Technique 2: Chunking
The second reason people give up easily when wanting to achieve something is that the goal or the assignment appears TOO BIG in their mind. Sometimes, even something small as jogging carries with it a number of painful elements: I have to go all the way to the park I have to stand others staring at me I have to put out my sportswear I have to take a shower Once back, I will have no time for anything else

No way, forget it! And YES, you are chunking! Dont tell me you havent thought of jogging but gave up the idea, and spent a few more hours in bed. Chunking Rule: Our conscious mind can only hold a limited number of things to do at one time. If there is more to do than the conscious mind can handle, we often feel overwhelmed and drop everything. We usually tend to make things bigger than they actually are. The previous example with jogging can be cut down on three parts:

1. Wake up 2. Jog 3. Feel great and full of life!

Whenever you are feeling stuck or procrastinating, try to find ways to chunk down your goal into steps. Stop thinking of ALL the things you have to do, and how PAINFUL they are. Instead, chunk them down into 3 simple steps. Focus on these 3 steps and youll soon feel more relaxed and more balanced.

Have you ever heard anyone saying these things?

Im not in the mood right now; Id rather do it first thing in the morning. I really dont want to do that now. Ill do it some other time.

They could actually be your thoughts occurring on a regular basis. Do you keep putting off doing things? Do you really think there will be a better time than the present when youll give up watching TV and start doing what you have to do? Did you know that almost 99% of people dont hold control over their feelings? Either they start their day in a good mood, or they dont. Most people believe that their feelings are some sort of enigmas that cannot be controlled. Forget about fear, pain, and discomfort and enjoy your day! The most important part of becoming successful is to be able to TAKE ACTION. Dont wait for the right time to occur, as it really wont happen, as long as you tell yourself: I really am not in the mood! You can start creating the perfect emotional state you need to start achieving your goals, by using these methods. Your emotions depend on two major factors: What you focus on What you do with your body

How to change your focus: Suppose you want to lose weight, but you dont lose as much as you have planned, and as soon as you notice that, you become discouraged and give up your plan of losing weight. Dont let the now change your outcome! One of the biggest secrets to success has nothing to do with the outcome. Most people let their negative emotions stop them from reaching their goals. If you cant notice any improvements in your weight loss effort after a few days of diet and exercise, dont let your emotions change your plans! Think that maybe you need to change your diet, or to work out a little harder. Results will eventually appear and you will feel grateful and excited about your accomplishment. Start changing your focus on feeling healthy and full of energy. This is essential while experiencing critical times that might stop you from achieving your goal. Learn how to use your body to create more energy. The fastest way to create an emotional shift, and give your body the energy it needs in order to take you towards your goals, is to make is to make a drastic change in what youre doing with your body. Move fast, get your heart rate going and make it powerful!

The best way to get something done is to begin

9. How to be more practical and convert theory into practice

Lets say that you discovered the old book of Tony Robbins and you already have the feeling that by reading it your whole life will change. So, you start reading the first pages. The first chapter, related to changing the state by changing your physiology is not already read and you feel a lot of energy from the exercises this really had an effect on you, so you continue reading it. You are curious to see if there is more good stuff in the next chapters. The answer to this curiosity is: no, there isnt. You read the first chapter, or maybe you skipped it and saw only the exercises, you tried them, then you spent the rest of the day telling the others about what you discovered in this book. Stop reading and Start applying what you just read. And start doing this immediately. Get out of the house and apply all the new concepts.

Everyone knows the old phrase Read for an hour a day. You dont have to apply this anymore. Change it to read for 10 minutes and then spend 50 for applying what you read. Start living your life after this kind of plan, but first there are some things that you can do right now: Create a list with all the things you want to do today, and then work on each point for a minute. Get your pet and talk to him, tell him about your problem. Take as one objective for the day meeting a new, interesting person.

Search through your library for the last book you read, but for some reason didnt manage to apply what you learned from it. Discover all the ideas from that book that you can apply in your daily life. Make a deal with yourself: spend 10$ for whatever you wish for every new idea from the book that you managed to apply. How to get some instant results- choose one method from the book and do it - small steps - one at a time If you want to learn as many as possibly from this book, just remember one thing: the willingness to learn and the determination to improve your skills in your relationships with the others. If you dont have this, your results will be poor, but if you have it, youll be able to achieve everything you want, without any help from the others on how to get the most out of any information. Always remember how important these principles are, and youll be surprise to see that this really helps. George Bernard Shaw was right when he stated that if you teach a man anything, he would never learn. We will never learn anything unless we do that thing, since learning must be considered as an active process. You have to apply all the rules you want to learn every time you have the opportunity. If you will only stick to the theoretical part, this will soon be forgotten. Knowledge is the only thing that will most definitely remain in your mind. Take each chapter as an individual session and right after you read it do everything practical. Whenever a problem appears in your life dont act impulsive, the natural thing that comes as a first idea in your mind: giving up. This is not what you should do. The best thing is to return to the books and review the pages that contain rules that can be applied in that case. Then apply them and the results will soon appear. In the first phase you will be engaged into an educational process that will seem to be intriguing, as well as fun. After this, you will see that

your ability to solve the daily problems will become better day-by-day. Once you will overcome inertia, things will become easier.

10. How to be more efficient in learning

Life is an extensive journey of discovery. If you want to make your lifetime a meaningful one, you must have wisdom and a higher level of awareness. This is the reason learning is such an essential means by which people can constantly improve themselves. Knowledge is the key that will help you to become a better person. You can improve your learning process with relaxation methods baroque music accelerated learning

How can we reach the optimum state for learning? If you have serious problems when it comes to implementing personal development methods or you have the feeling that none of what you are reading is being used in the real life then it may be a sign telling you that you have to change your learning method. Did you know that we only use about 5% of our capabilities? Superlearning is quicker learning using both sides of the brain in a conscious state. Do you think its imopossible for you to use words like "joy", "learnign" and applying" at the same time? If the answer is YES, then you are the perfect candidate for these accelerated learning exercises! Accelerated learning commonly refers to any learning system that: Eliminates stress Boosts your memory and intellectual abilities Acts not only at a conscious level, but also engages with your unconscious mind Develops your personality on a large scale Improves your health condition and boost creativity You will get all these while having fun

The specifc accelerated method recommended here focuses on 2 main techniques:

Psyhological relaxation and vizualisation exercises that eliminate stress and help creating the optimum state of mind body for starting the superlearning process Baroque music that removes stress and fastens your memory

10.1 Psychological relaxation

In order to accelerate the learning process the first thing we must do is lower the body rhythms, while the mind will be kept in a state of excitement so we will obtain the optimum state for superlearning My suggestion for superlearning is that you take small steps that will eventually lead you to this best state of mind: a). Eliminate any form of stress or anxiety

b). Try to remember one moment in your life when you achieved something big and let the positive emotions, of joy and success to flow within your whole body and to interfere with the current learning process c). Breathe in ways that allows boosting the oxygen flow towards the brain and taht helps synchronising the cerebral emispheres Relaxation - Eliminate any form of stress or anxiety An alert mind and the body relaxed - This is the perfect state you will obtain by practicing this simple exercise of relaxation. It will help you have the best state before starting to read and apply a personal development method. This state is created by a simple breathing and relaxation routine. You can choose to take a small vacation before starting getting into acquiring new information. Close your eyes and listen. Can you hear the sounds of the seagulls sounds flying above us, reaching the heights of the infinite bluesky?

Can you feel the sun warming your shoulders, the sand rubbing between your fingers, can you smell the salt air while watching the high waves coming one after another crushing, and the seafoam trickling off the beach sand.... People using the techniques of accelerated learning have constantly improved the original method created by the old scottish man who, instead going on vacation, he had rather stayed home, letting only his mind to wander. He only needed a couple of minutes to imagining himself with the minds eyes, in a magnificent place in the outdoors. You can go anywhere wander on a field of wild flowers listening to birds trills, or yuo can get dressed in lovely evening clothes and breathe the fresh air from a pine forest covered in shimmering snow. If you like, you can lie down on the green fields, close to a quiet lake or, for a few moments you can go on a field of yellow daffodils from your favorite poem. The only condition is to find a beautiful place in the middle of the nature. After relaxing, suggest yourself that learning how to achieve your goals, for instance, would be as easy as a walk on the beach. Then you can take a break, and in a short time, you can take yourself to the same magnificent place. The subscribers of accelerated learning call this method the calming of the mind, a simple yet powerful technique that can offer constant support as you start learning and doing exercises at maximum capacity. "We are just as happy as we let ourselves to be" (Abraham Lincoln)

If you want to enjoy life more and learn more try to find out exactly what youre feeling at the moment. The right mood Relax, make yourself confortable and you can even close your eyes. Try to remember a moment when you realy felt great about yourself, when you had a real breakthrough, when you felt the whole vital energy getting through your whole body.

Perhaps it was when you created that outstanding report everybody acclaimed you for at that business meeting, or when you played the tennis match of your lifetime, or when the girl of yuor dreams said Yes. The more you can go back in your past, the better. What would you say about the moment when you finally took your drivers license, you learned how to ride the bike or even that special day when your teacher selected YOUR painting and put it on the classtoom wall and you came home with a big smile on your face and a heart full of joy? Try to find a moment when you really felt great about yourself and let your imagination take you there. Remember the audience, who was there. How they were all treating you? What they weere saying? Did your mother kiss you? Remember the view, the sounds, the smells, anything that might bring you back to that special moment in time when you really gave your best, and as you relive the moment hold that sensation you felt warmth, shivers, light or weight. How did your knees felt, yous hips, your stomach? How did you feel your shoulders and your breathing? Did you have a big smile on your face or was there an inner grin? Fully enjoy this state, recapture the bliss you felt then. Then cross your fingers and promise to yourself that youll be able to recreate this mood when you felt great every time youll cross your fingers again. Get yourself into this state for a while, and then slowly come back in the present. Keep practicing until youll be able to easily relive that memory to the fullest, before starting any new major action, such as calling a board meeting, learning a foreign language accent or statistic numbers, creating a new sales campaign, learning a nautical sport like surf, or participating at the local bridge contest. If you dont have the time to fully carry out the exercise, cross your fingers to get yourself into the best successful state of mind. This method is called pulling the trigger a release successfully applied by numerous people, especially those trained in Neuro-Linguistic programming. Relive the memory of successful moments and you will bring yourself into the best mood the optimum state of mind, the body, the emotions and your soul for creating the best results. All these

aspects are in a lively remembering. Once you fully understand what's going on in a live memory, youll get the key perhaps the only key for the conscious change.

Breathing Taking ten minutes each day to practice deep, cleansing and energizing breathing is something that we should all be doing. Not only does it give incredible health benefits, but it is also free! Deep rhythmic breathing brings oxygen to the brain and the oxygen is the fuel to successful learning and memorizing. Rhythmic breathing also synchronizes the cerebral hemispheres, which stimulates creativity. If you are able to give yourself five to ten minutes each day to practice deep, cleansing power breathing then you will definitely reap the rewards. This is one of the best, most effective exercises you can do for free, every day. This breathing exercise consists of breathing in the following ratio:

Breath in for 1 count Hold for 4 counts Breath out for 2 counts

For example if you were to breathe in for four seconds, then you would hold your breath for sixteen seconds and then breathe out for eight. If you are able to do this ten times, three times a day (morning, evening and before bed) you will notice a huge difference to your energy, your clarity and your ability to ward off illnesses.

11. How music Makes You Smarter

Every one of us noticed that our favorite music has the power to change our mood, to make us feel better. But what we didnt know until recently is that music can make us also smarter. Scientists from Stanford University, California, have developed new research studies related to this. They discovered that, after listening to baroque music, many of the subjects performed better on learning and tests related to memory. Baroque music is a rhythmic music that has the ability to induce a state of relaxation to the learner. Their results make us believe that in this way performance can be increased by at least 25%. Baroque music helps your body reach a state of relaxation, in which our receptivity is higher than normal. This has more consequences, like: the need of less time for learning, calming of hyperactive people, the increasing of our creativity and clarity, activation of both brain hemispheres (this means more efficient learning), raising IQ scores (with 9 points), etc. Music integrates both sides of our brain, gives you the feeling that you have more energy and the learning/retention effect will reach its maximum point. The rhythm of baroque music, one beat per second, changes your heart rate and pulse; it will relax according to the beat. You are still in alert state, but your body is in relaxation; this helps your mind concentrate with ease. Each kind of music has a different effect on us: for example, while listening to heavy metal, our blood pressure rises and our power of concentration is lower. The baroque music, as well as some of Mozarts music,will reduce the blood pressure and pulse rate, increasing in the same time your ability to learn. When you study, try listening these tapes and youll see that this will bring you benefits. Try also Vivaldi, Pachabel, Handel or Bach; they have the same effect on your brain.

If you want to learn in an accelerated way, keep in mind a few things: 1. Be receptive to the learning process Some of us have the feeling that we dont have an appropriate background for education. This is far from the truth. All you need for learning is a functioning brain. You have to remind yourself as many times as you can that you are opened to any new information. This will make you receptive to the peaces that you need to collect by reading or even hearing. Dont let your lack of knowledge cast you down. Experience new items, new ideas and take the pleasure of discovering them. 2. Train for education Most people need a certain environment to be able to learn. For example, some need quit, or they need to be alone, while others prefer to be surrounded by others or prefer to hear music or noise. You have to see in which category you are and discover which the ideal atmosphere is for you. This will permit you reach your goal and make the most of your time while learning. Of course, this requires some trials, and youll be perhaps disappointed in the beginning by the results, but once youll realize what is the perfect way for you, you will enter on an ascendant trajectory. 3. Listen passively and actively There are more ways of learning: active ways, such as lectures, seminars, courses; and passive learning that includes learning form the environment. Sometimes you will learn in a passive way even if you dont pay attention; listening to something can have a great impact on your mind. There are people who learn a new language by listening to recordings while they are asleep. Your mind can absorb information even if you are not paying attention to it, and even if your brain will keep only small pieces of the information, these can be useful in certain moments.

You can also learn in an active way from your environment, but this requires more effort from you, especially when you dont have much time for this. 4. Take advantages of the power of music Feel the music, discover what songs have an effect on you and use them for changing your mood and speeding up the learning process. Try for example Handels Water Music, Mozarts Symphony in D Major, Vivaldis Four Seasons, Pachebels Canon in D Major, etc.

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