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1.Martin tried on three jackets, ______ fitted him.

A. none of which B. all of those             C. two of them D. neither of which
2. The remedy ______ by the doctors is too expensive for me to afford.
A. was written B. which wrote C. writing D. written
3. Practice ______ English anywhere you can is a way to better your speaking skill.
A. to speak B. speak C. speaking D. for speaking
4. The boy forgot ______ the newspaper for his father on his way home.
A. buy B. to buy C. buying D. bought
5. We should be responsible for the ______ humans are doing to the environment.
A. destroy B. destructive C. destruction             D. destructibility
6.Had he learnt the lesson well, he ______ more confident now.
A. would feel B. would have felt C. will feel                   D. will have felt
7. Find error: Because of the high cost of living, life is difficult for an unemployed these days.
8. Just a minute too late, he ______ on the train when the girl came.
A. leaves B. had left C. would be leaving D. left
9. "You ______ contact me regularly. It is very dangerous" the commander said to 006
A. mustn't B. needn't C. don't have to D. can't
10. This old businessman is said ______ school at the age of 13.
A. that left B. to leave C. to have left D. that having left
11.Your house needs ______.
A. redecorated B. redecorating C. being redecorated D. to redecorate
12. He forced his wife ______ him the money.
A. to giving B. that she gave C. to give D. give
13. I ______ a meeting at the office this time tomorrow, so you can phone me later in the evening
A. have B. have had C. will have had D. will be having
14. The secret that getting good marks is to keep ______ in the exam room.
A. calm B. calmly C. calming D. calmed
15.______ you work hard, you will be sacked.
A. Whether B. If C. However D. Unless
16.Marie Curie harboured the dream of a ______ career which was impossible for a women at the time
A. science B. scientific C. scientist D. scientifically
17.Phonetics:A. danger B. drain C. damage D. range
18.It is high time Tom ______ more attentive in class
A. was B. were C. must be D. has been
19.The boy decided to go out ______ it was raining very heavily outside.
A.because B. despite C. even if D. although
20.Find error: The is a species of bird that are threatened with extinction.
21.America, which is considered to be a new continent, is said ______ by Christopher Columbus. discover     B. to have been discovered      C. to be discovered D. being discovered
22.His carelessness in doing tests ______ I am worried may lead to failure.
A.about that B. which C. that D. about which
23.When did Mike start learning French?
A. How long has Mike started to learn French? 
B. How long ago has Mike started to learn French?
C. How long has Mike been learning French? 
D. How long was Mike starting to learn French?
24.Nothing ______ about it.
A. can do B. can be done C. can’t be done D. be able to do
25.They will have built this road ______ the end of the year.
A. since B. until C. after D. by
26.Henry had no difficulty ______ used to driving in the right when he came to Vietnam.
A. getting B. to getting C. to get D. in being gotten
27. I will never forget my teacher ______ me on many occasion at school.
A. award B. awarding C. to award D. awarded
28. I was always ______ to the idea of working oversea.
A. attraction B. attractively C. attractive D. attracted
29. This book can’t be borrowed ______ you have the headmaster’s permission.
A. if B. unless C. but D. when
30. Tom: “______” - Jerry: “Thank you very much”
A. Sorry! I’ve hurt you. B. Please don’t swear in front of the children.
C. You look very nice in that dress. D. I passed my driving test yesterday.
31.The report ______ now.
A. is being completed       B. will be completed       C. will have completed D. is completed

32.“ This is the third time you ______ the traffic law” , said the policeman.
A. break B. broke C. have broken D. were broken
33.She has been assisted by a stranger ______ her motor and drove her to safety.
A. who started B. who stars C. starting D. that will start
34.Not only English but also other subjects ______ yesterday.
A. mentioned         B. was mentioned     C. were mentioned D. was mentioning
35. You ______ able to drive after another five lessons.
A. can be B. have been C. will be D. are
36.“May I borrow your bike for a day?” - “______”
A. Ready B. Yes, you can C Certainly D. Welcome
37.She was made ______ over the passport.
A. hand B. to hand C. handing D. handed
38.It is raining and I have left my umbrella at home. ______ I borrow yours?
A. Can B. Shall C. May D. Could
39.Scientists who study the relationships between living things ______ ecologists.
A. called B. calling C. call D. are called
40. Energy ______ from the sun can be changed into electricity.
A. releasing B. released C. to be released D. which released
41.Graduating from school, ______.
A. thinking about finding a job is her work. B. She is now thinking about finding a job
C. now she thinking of a job found. B. a job is thought to be found.
42. People who drive when they are drunk should be heavily ______.
A. penal B. penalty C. penalization D. penalized
43.He was lucky to escape from the accident with only ______ injuries.
A. important B. serious C. minor D. major
44.It was ______ only thing I could do under the circumstances.
A. a B. an C. the D. 
45. The student ______ by the teacher yesterday were very rude.
A. punishing B. to punish C. punished D. punish
46.The goal in some sports is often marked by ______ posts, a cross bar and a net.
A. upper B. vertical C. uptight D. straight
47.The windows look clean. You ______ wash them.
A. are not to B. mustn’t C. don’t have to D. can’t
48.The Americans are well-known for their ______ in music and films.
A. creativity B. creation C. creative D. creating
49.I am worried about the contest tomorrow because my _____ has once won the championship
A. opponent B. participant C. player D. athlete
50. Phonetics: A. helps B. laughs C. likes D. arrives
51.A situation in a game when two teams have the same scores is called “_______”
A. Penalty B. Foul C. Opponent D. Tie
52.If you take a good book on your hand, you will find it hard _______.
A. to pick it up B. to put it down C. to read it D. to enjoy it
53.Many people ______ to be homeless after the earthquake.
A. are reporting B. report C. are reported D. has been reported
54.I have only had enough time to _______ the report before going to the meeting.
A. swallow B. chew C. dip into D. digest
55.John has just opened ______ new shop. ______ ship is very big.
A. the/ The B. a/ A C. a/ An D. a/ The
56.Jack asked me ________.
A. where do you come from B. where I come from
C. where I came from D. where did I come from
57. Why don’t you stop smoking?  If I
58. This is my first experience of flying alone.  This is the first time
59. I’m sorry I didn’t look at the hotel room before you booked it.  I regret
60. The last time we drove this car was two months ago.  This car
* Preposition: take responsibility ________, supportive ________, ________ pressure, pick ________, work
________ a night shift, come ________, come ________, leave ________, rush ________, give a hand ________
sb, help sb ________ st, take ________, look ________, spread _______.

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