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Sacraments are the efficacious visible rites or signs of invisible grace, instituted by
Christ and entrusted to the church, to dispense divine life to those who r with proper
disposition.1There are seven Sacraments in the Catholic Church which are classified under
three heads- Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Chrismation & Eucharist), Sacraments of
Healing (Reconciliation & Anointing of the sick) and the Sacraments of Service (Holy orders
& Marriage). Among these sacraments, the Eucharist is the ‘source and summit of the
Christian Life’.2 We call this Sacrament in different names, such as Divine Liturgy, Sacred
Mysteries etc. The Eucharist is also known as the Sacrament of Sacraments3. Dealing with
the theology of the Eucharist, in the first part, I am trying to give an introduction to the topic
by defining what Eucharist is, meanings of its different terminologies and finding its
scriptural aspects. While the second part analyses the three main aspects of Eucharist- as
Sacrifice, Real presence and Meal.


Holy Eucharist, the Sacrament of the body and blood of Crist under the species of
bread and wine offered up for the remission of sins expressing the supreme divine love for
the salvation of humanity in union with Christ.4 The Eucharist is the sum and summary of our
faith.5 Christ is truly present among us in the Eucharist. 6 It is not a static presence but
dynamic presence that grasps us, to make us his own, to make us assimilate him.


The different terms used to denote the Sacrament of Eucharist explains the richness of
this Sacrament. The Eucharist is known as Eucharistia, Lord’s Supper, Breaking of the
bread, Agape, Holy Qurbana, Holy Mass, Divyakarunyam, Viaticum, Holy Sacrifice, Divine
Liturgy, and the Most Blessed Sacrament.

1.2.1 Eucharistia

The word Eucharist is derived from the Greek word Eucharistia meaning
thanks giving. I

Cf. CCC 1131.
Cf. LG 11.
Cf. CCC 1330.
John Moolan, Sacraments of Initiation: Syro- Malabar Church, Kottayam, OIRSI, 2013, 277-278.
CCC 1327.
Pope Benedict XVI, Heart of the Christian Life: Thoughts on the Holy Mass, San Francisco, Ignatius Press,
2010, 15.

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