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Commentary/ Critique on Creative Nonfictional Text


What do you know about the word “CRITIQUE?”

Directions: Brainstorm and provide eight (8) words/terms you can think that is connected or relative to the
word Critique.







Directions: Read the text carefully. Then, write a commentary about it.

Iloilo City's Rabiya Mateo crowned Miss Universe Philippines 2020 Metro Manila (CNN Philippines,
October 25).

Commentary on the Article about newly crowned Miss Universe Philippines, Rabiya Mateo.

In the article published by CNN Philippines on October 25 regarding the coronation night for Miss
Universe Philippines, the author included all the necessary information about the newly crowned queens
and the highlights of the event. Narrating all the happenings during the coronation night for Miss Universe
Philippines and to inform people about the newly crowned Miss Universe Philippines from Iloilo City,
Rabiya Mateo was obviously the main focus of the article. The article started by answering the “who” and
“what” questions which is important to highlight the main point of the article. It was followed by stating all
the information about the coronation night including the “where” or the place of the event.

The winning answer of Rabiya was quoted; her answer was neat and striking. With the use of direct
quote, the article becomes more reliable. The answer of Rabiya which was quoted in the article creates a
strong impact to the potential readers and audiences. Based on her answer alone it was justified that she is
worthy enough of the crown. In addition, Rabiya won and shines during the preliminary round which
proves that she has steady momentum throughout the pageant. Rabiya also has an honest advocacy
supporting education in the communities; her advocacy may be one of the factors that gave her the huge
chance to win the Miss Universe Philippines.

And to give more concrete details, the author added the runner ups, considering all the details of the
event are necessary to keep the readers engaged and to provide the “full happenings” during the event. The
article was written concisely or in a brief way yet very comprehensive. The grammar and right use of
vocabularies was also observed. However, the writer should observe right use of transition markers to
connect every detail and sentences. Overall the article is good and still comprehensive.

Directions: Critique the following type of nonfiction.


By Ester Phang

Critique of the travelogue written by Ester Phang “A Day around Cebu-FT.SSEAYP 42PY”

The heritage, culture and famous spots of Cebu were highlighted in the travelogue written by Ester
Phang entitled “A Day around Cebu-FT.SSEAYP 42PY”. In this travelogue, the author gives more emphasis on
the activities that tourists may try if they are not into basic water activities in Cebu City. “Many tourists visit
Cebu to chill by the beach, swim with the whales and maybe go island hopping. However, these activities are
not my cup of tea.” This sentence indicates the author’s idea that there are a lot more things to enjoy in Cebu
like visiting churches, heritage houses and enjoying the beauty of the view of Cebu, nonetheless famous
activities in Cebu could have been described more even if it is not personally interesting for the author itself.
Also, the title may confuse some readers that are not familiar with acronyms like “SSEAYP”.

The opening paragraph of the travelogue keeps me hooked on what place will the author visit next, for it
was said that the trip was unplanned. Moreover, the author wrote descriptively and considers the use of
appropriate terms such as “gorgeous view”, “great place” and “memorable”, these words enables the readers to
effectively visualize the place that the author is describing. Through the narration of the author’s first-hand
experience, the travelogue becomes more enjoyable for the readers that are fond in touring, adventures and
exciting experiences. However, the author could have used some experiences from the locals of Cebu to support
the written views and own perspective.

The contents are well organized from the start to the take away message of the author. It was amazing
that the author applied some real life lessons to the unplanned visits of the places in Cebu to create sympathy.
The events narrated can easily be followed for it was all related and connected with each other.

Furthermore, the content of the travelogue is appropriate for people who are planning to visit Cebu and
try fun adventures and places. The author highlighted activities rather than just naming places to visit which
may attract more tourists. However, the travelogue could have been better if the author includes the ways on
how to get to the places and includes some spots that are not that known in Cebu but are visited by most locals
to create a wider view of Cebu.
The overall content of the travelogue is wise and tempting for adventurous readers like me. This type of
travelogues does help in encouraging readers and tourists to try a lot more things and discover the culture of the
place that they visit.


Directions: Read the sample blog carefully and write your critique.

Education in the Midst of a Pandemic: Four Key Takeaways

A blog by Lauren Scher, March 25, 2020

Critique of a blog by Lauren Scher,” Education in the Midst of Pandemic: Four Key Takeaways”

The blog written and published by Lauren Scher on March 25, 2020 entitle “Education in the Midst of a
Pandemic: Four Key takeaways” suggests things that has to be consider by schools and learning institution to
provide a quality education amidst of the pandemic. The title of the blog is clear and can easily attract readers
that are interested about these kinds of topics, particularly the teachers, students and staffs of a learning
institution. As a reader, the blog is beyond fun and interesting, actually, it was very informative since it was
written through a person’s own perspectives based on experience and facts. The blog contains links where the
readers can find more detailed articles, however blogs has to include no more than 2-5 external links, the writer
may include references but it is not really necessary for it may defy the alternative opinion of other people.
Moreover, the opening paragraph can be crafted into more interesting heading.

The content is timely considering the current situation of education around the world. Pandemic become
the main topic of everyone around the world and how it impacted the economy and education of many countries
and its people. The blog shows how pandemic mainly affected the delivery and modality of quality education.
The introduction consist facts about the impact of the pandemic to the schools and learners. Followed by own
experience and observations of the writer as a researcher and educator. The next statements implies that all of
the writers suggestions can be consider as she is a researcher, parent and a school board member that conducts
research and experienced the impact of the pandemic to many learning institutions. Moreover, the writer
includes the target reach of the blog which are the educators making the blog relevant.

The four Key takeaways are effectively written in a correct order by the use of numerical ordering. It
will be better to follow a good structure to create a clear focus of the content. It appears to be convincing and
informative at the same time through elaborating all the ideas. Ideas between takeaways are explained and
expanded. It encourages the readers to listen to the writer’s opinion and views. Furthermore, the content can
easily be understood by the readers and target audience.
Through stating the writer’s profession and expertise, the blog can easily be noticed by the readers,
which is a good thing to increase personal engagements. Blogs usually focuses on the author’s opinion about
trending issues and topics surrounding people, in this blog, the writer’s opinion are supported by facts and real
life experiences making her statements credible. The blog structure is great for someone who wants to read a
blog that is linked to other related articles.

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