Introduction of World Religions and Belief Systems

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Introduction of World Religions and Belief Systems

A. Follow the given link and be amazed with what happen to the apostle.
B. Answer the following.
1. How is Judaism related to Christianity?
- Judaism is related to Christianity as Christianity follows most of the
Jewish Laws and Principles which is contained in the Old Testament
similar to the Jews Tanakh.Indeed, Christianity was born from within
the Jewish tradition.
2. Why was Jesus Christ not accepted as Mesiah by the Jews?
-Jesus Christ was not accepted as Mesiah by the Jews because
Judaism emphasizes the Oneness of God and rejects the Christian
concept of God in human form. As Monotheism, a belief in the absolute
unity and singularity of God, is central to Judaism, which regards the
worship of a person as a form of idolatry,So Jews rejects Jesus as the
Messiah ,and they rejects the claim that Jesus was divine.They believe
that no one can be God's Equal.

C.Paste a picture or make a drawing of an event in Christianity that may

have given you a very meaningful affirmation of faith.

This event in Christianity when Jesus called for Followers, this reminds
me that God doesn’t call the qualified instead he qualifies the called.
That my faith will bring myself closer to him even I have sins.

A. Choose 5 major concepts in Christianity from among the given
and define based on your personal understanding.

1.Bible- It is a collection of sacred texts and is an important scriptures

to Christians, Christian Bible contains Old and New Testament and its
Old Testament Is similar to Tanakh, the sacred scripture of Judaism.
Texts in the Bible have deep meanings and is difficult to understand
especially when you are not interested and not reading from your
2. Holy Cross-It is the symbol of the Christian faith, the cross used in the
crucifixion of Jesus ,it represents Salvation as Jesus Christ’s is crucified
and goes back to life. Christians also celebrate the Feast of the Holy
Cross to celebrate the cross itself, as the sign of salvation. 
3. God the Father-He is the creator of the universe, the only one God
that is all knowing, righteous and the sovereign God. God the Father is
the creator of all things. This means that he was the creator of the
world and everything in it.
4- Monotheism- As Monotheism, a belief in the absolute unity and
singularity of God and oneness of God.
5.Trinity- One God and in three equal divine persons, God the
Father ,Jesus Christ the Son and the Holy Spirit.
The doctrine of the Trinity is considered to be one of the central
Christian affirmations about God.

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