Kar Legis-55-60

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12. 13. 14. 15. 51 ‘The reason for the pendency and solution offered Whether C & R Rules are framed. If + not, what is the stage ? Whether the staff meeting are held regularly to sort out _—_the departmental problem General observations for : improvement of the working of the Section. (Not covered in any of the questions mentioned above) Date: Name and Designation of the Inspecting Officer 52 FORM No. 15 STATEMENT SHOWING ACTON TAKEN ON THE LAST ANNUAL INSPECTION REPORT Defects pointed out of suggestions Action already taken made in the previous report of proposed 1. 1 2. 2. 3. 3. 4 4, 5. 5. 6, 6, 7. 7. 8. 8. 9. 9 10. 10. Date : Signature of the Section Officer Section 53 APPENDIX - i THE FUNCTIONS AN RESPONSIBILITIES OF ‘SECTION OFFICER INCHARGE OF R & I SECTION Receipt, Registration and distribution of tappal to alll the Sections ; . Control and supervision of the Receipts and Issue Section including Typing Pool ; . Sorting out Demi-official and Confidential letters and delivering them to the appropriate Officers ; . Putting up important communications to the Under Secretary incharge of the Section at theh tappal stage itself so that he can put them up to the Secretary and other Officers ; . Ensuring that telegrame and other important references involving urgency and time limits are brought to the notice of the concerned Officers immediately after their receipt ; . Dispatching of fair copies and return to concerned Sections after affixing ‘issue seal!’ . Consolidation of monthly arrears statements. . To maintain up-to-date stamp Accounts. 54 APPENDIX - I CONSTITUENT OF AN INDEX SLIP () An Index Slip is composed of two parts, namely (a) Title and (b) File Number and date of order, circular, etc., (i) Title of File : The subject given to a file is called its ‘Title’. It should be as brief as possible but should give at a glance sufficient indication of the contents of the title so as to serve as an aid to its {dentification. The ‘Title’ should be divided into (a) ‘Head’ (b) ‘Sub-Head’ or ‘Sub-Heads’ and (c) ‘Content’ in the following manner: {aj Head : The important word that is placed first in the title, by which its alphabetical position in the index is determined and on which primarily depends the possibility of finding the title in the index, is called the 'Head’. The 'Head’ must be a word or words that will naturally occur to anyone who wants the paper. It must not be too wide. (b) Sub-Head : The ‘Head’ will be followed by a 'Sub-Head’ or ‘Sub-Heads’ which should be more indicative of the precise subject, of the file than the ‘Head’. In selecting 'Sub-Heads' the consideration to be borne in mind will be the same as in selecting the ‘head’ viz, that the word or words selected should be such as are likely to strike anyone in need of the papers contained in the file. Where it is necessary to have more than one sub-head in a title, the wider and more abstract should generally come before the narrower and more concrete ; () Contents : After the ‘head’ and 'sub-head’ will come the ‘Content’ This must be as brief as compatible with expressing clearly the exact subject of the file, If a context shows at a glance, like a newspaper head-line, the exact subject of the paper, it 1s good content. A content worded in general terms is of title practical use, for, if it does not distinguish a file from others relating to closely similar but not identical subjects, time may be wested in taking out and examining several files before what is wanted is found. (tt) File Namber of date : The ‘title on an index slip will be followed by a reference to file number and date, The procedure for allotting a number to a new file has been outlined in paragraph 44 (Chapter-)). (iv) Standard 'Heads' and 'Sub-Heads' : Consistency is essential in the selection of both heads and sub-heads. For example, files dealing with questions of pay should be indexed always under the head ‘Pay’ and not some times under pay and some times under ‘Salary or Emoluments’. this can be secured by 55 maintaining a list of standard heads and sub-heads for recurring subjects and then adhering to it. (¥) Wording and Articulation : The whole title ‘Head’ ‘Sub-Head’ and ‘Content’ should consist mainly of substantives, adjectives, where nacessary and participants. Minor parts of speech should be excluded as far as possible to make a strict alphabetical arrangement practicable. The title should be articulated or broken up into members each consisting of as few words as possible, and each expressing an element in the subject matter. Each will begin with a capital letter and separated from the preceding one by a bold dash. Examples of Titles : A few examples of 'title’ are given below : Subject dealt with ‘Title prepared 1 2 1. Question whether it is necessary under the PSC (CONSULTATION) PSC (Consultation) Regulatins to consult the PSC., in proposals regarding extension of service of Officers holding tenure posts. Regulation Tenure posts Extension of service in consultation necessary. 2. Question whether merit should be regarded SELECTION POSTS as the sole criterion in making promotions d and confirmation in selection posts. Confirmations Merit sole criterion 3. Enquiry whether it is necessary to CONFIDENTIAL REPORTS communicate adverse remarks in the ee Circumstances in which communication necessary. confidential reports to persons concerned in certain circumstances. In each of the above ‘titles’ the words in block letters are ‘Heads’ those underlined are 'sub-Heads' and the rest of the ‘Title’ is content. 56 APPENDIX - IIT LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS (INDEX LETTERS) FOR USE BY DIFFERENT SECTIONS IN LEGISLATURE SECRETARIAT Name of Section Legislation, Legilative Assembly on Legislative Council Section es Questions, Legislative Assembly Establishment-I Establishment-I Library os Reference and Research Accounts-I Section a Accounts-Il Section we Accounts-III Section = Executive Section Committee on Public Undertakings 7 Public Accouts Committee Estimates Committee se Committee on Welfare of Scheduled Castes / co ‘Schedules Tribes Committee on Welfare or Backward Classes ‘Translation Section ei Receipts and Issue Section Reporting Section Editing Section Legislators’ Home Watch and Ward Section ADM-I ADM-I UB ACT ACT-II ACT-IIl cPU PAC sc / ST BCC RIS RPS EDS

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