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61 Subject ADMINISTRATION - I SECTION Matter relating to convening of Board and Special Board Meetings: Creation of Posts Filling up of the posts by direct recruitment Filing up of the posts by deputation Departmental Examinations Filling up of the posts by Promotion Departmental Enquiries Writ Petitions Confidential Reports Seniority List Assets and Liabilities C&R Rules Declaration of Probationery periods Civil List Miscellaneous Sanction of Air Journeys Pension Cases Deputation of Legislators to Seminars / Conferences etc., Revision of Scales of Pay BM cP FDP DEK FPP DE we cR @ RR DPP cL MISC 62 Subject Index Letters on Files ADMINISTRATION - I SECTION Sanction of Leave os SL Saction of Home Travel Concession es HTC Sanction of Leave Travel Concession os LIC House Building Advance / House purchase Advance es HBA Festival Advance a FA Fixation of Pay 5 FP Annual Increment - INC Payment of Honorarium : PH General Provident Fund . GPF Motor Cycle Advance / Motor Car Advance = MCA Bicycle Advance c BA Miscellaneous = MISC Filling up of posts by contract appointments in the i FCA Establishment of Parliamentary Functionaries Training Facilities = TRG ESTIMATES COMMITTEE Meeting Notice ES MN Report RP Correspondences = CR Study Tour eo sT 63 SC / ST COMMITTEE Meeting Notice Report Correspondences Study Tours e BACKWARD CLASSES COMMITTEE Meeting Notice Repost 2 Correspondences Study Tours PUBLIC ACCOUNTS COMMITTEE Meeting Notice Report Correspondences Study Tour LIBRARY Purchase of Books Issue of Books a Subscription to-Periodicals we Subscription to Newspapers a Physical Stock verification MN cR MN cR MN cR sT PBK IBK SPL SNP PSV 64 RESEARCH Documentation on Public Undertakings . DPU Lekhana Soochi a Ls News Journal a NJ ACCOUNTS -I Salary to Members (MLA's) = SMA Salary to Members (MLC's) ae SMC T.A. / D.A. to MLA's os TAMA T.A. / D.A, to MLC's we TAMC, FACILITIES TO MEMBERS Railway Coupons RC Bus pass BP Medical Reimbursement MR Sanction of Advances for vehicles we MCA Printing of Letter Pads 7 PLP Allotment of Vehicles oe AV Gas Connections - Gc NSCs to Members “ NSC Installation of Telephones oe Ir ACCOUNTS - a SALARY OF OFFICERS / OFFICIALS : Group-A es SLA Group - B a SLB 65 Group -C on Group -D a T.A. / D.A. TO OFFICERS / OFFICIALS Group -A Group -B Group - C Group -D cn Medical Reimbursement to Officers / Officials cs Preparation of Budget cn Pension to Ex-MLA's Pension to Ex-MLC's on Pension to Ex-MRA's / MCA's etc., EXECUTIVE Purchase of Furniture os Purchase and Supply of Stationery Allotment of Rooms Physical Stock verification No File Work a Printing of Debates of LA eS Printing of Debates of LC SLD TAA TAB TAC TAD MRE BUD PMA PMC PPA / PCA PFR PSS PDA Printing of index to Debates of LA ce Printing of Index to Debates of LC LEGISLATOR'S HOME PLA PIC Administrative Matters - Index letters as indicated for Administration 1 & II as, far as applicable : OTHER MATTERS : Stores ; Canteen Allotment of Rooms Miscellaneous Meeting Notice Report Correspondences Study Tours Lodging Charges Car Hire Charges ‘Trunk Call Charges HOUSE COMMITTEE OF DUES or cN AR MISC HCMN HCRP HCCR HCST RDL

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