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REACTION PAPER Prepared & Submitted By:

Re: Nature Of Management REGINE EINA CALISIN

September 3, 2022 MM-MPA, 1ST


The discussion gives sufficient emphasis on the importance of management in

human activities especially in managing a group of individuals. I have learned that
management has the following attributes-

First, management is universal. It is a universal phenomenon in the sense that it

is common and essential element in all enterprises. Managers perform more or less the
same functions irrespective of their position or nature of the organization. The basic
principles of management can be applied in all managerial situations regardless of the
size, nature and location of the organization. Hence, management is a crucial and
essential part of all kinds of organization without which the latter will not survive.

Second, management is purposeful. It is always aimed at achieving

organizational goals and purposes. The success of management is measured by the
extent to which the desired objectives are attained.

Third, management is a social process because it essentially involves managing

people organized in work groups. It includes retaining, developing and motivating people
at work, as well as taking care of their satisfaction as social beings. All these
interpersonal relations and interactions make the management as asocial process. It is
noteworthy that human resources are the most valuable assets that the company has.
Human resources or the people are the central to the company, and the management is
entrusted with the most precious and valuable asset that the organization has to achieve

Fourth, management is a coordinating force as it coordinates the efforts of

organization members through orderly arrangement of inter-related activities so as to
avoid duplication and overlapping. Management reconciles the individual goals with the
organizational goals, and integrates human and physical resources.

Fifth, management is intangible. It is an unseen force. Its presence can be felt

everywhere by the results of its effort which comes in the form of orderliness, adequate
work output, satisfactory working climate, employees satisfaction, and the like.

Lastly, management is a continuous process- dynamic and an on-going process.

Therefore, it may be concluded that management plays a key role in improving

standard of living of the people in the society through developing an ideal organizational
structure, and making economic use of available resources. The knowledge of
management theory and practice enables managers to take more realistic view about
organizational and social problems, and to find out their effective solution.

REACTION PAPER Prepared & Submitted By:
Re: Nature Of Management REGINE EINA CALISIN
September 3, 2022 MM-MPA, 1ST


The major functions of management are planning, organizing, staffing, directing

and coordination. Nevertheless, management involves communication, motivation,
decisions-making, and forecasting.

It can be inferred that many of the problems in management come from taking
action without thinking. By contrast, success in management is usually the result of
taking time to think before you act. Hence, planning is a time saver. There is an old
saying, “A stitch in time saves nine.” Every minute spent in planning saves ten to twelve
minutes in execution. The more time you take to plan the task before you begin, and to
write down every step, the faster you will complete the task when you begin work.
Perhaps the biggest single payoff a manager will enjoy will come from planning.

Thinking through the job- what has to be done, when it has to be completed, and
to what standard of quality- is the starting point of everything that will come thereafter
such as organizing, staffing, directing and coordinating. Unfortunately, many managers
and executives delegate and decide first, and then think through the job later.

In regard to staffing, it is important that the assigned or delegated task matches

the right person. Delegating an important task to a person who does not have the
demonstrated talents or aptitudes to complete the same can be a recipe for disaster.
You want people to stretch, but not too far. Only past performance is a true predictor of
future performance. Therefore, it is important to always delegate the job to someone
who can perform the task quickly and efficiently, and bring it in on budget.


There are several types of managers. However it is useful to divide them on the
basis of three managerial levels, namely, the Top level management, Middle level
management and Lower level management.

Administrative level consists of top or upper level of management. Operative

level consists of middle level and lower management. Lower level management includes
supervisor and foreman.

The level of management depends upon the size of the organization. If there is a
large number of level, it will difficult to communicate, coordinate, and control. So the
levels must be restricted.


REACTION PAPER Prepared & Submitted By:
Re: Nature Of Management REGINE EINA CALISIN
September 3, 2022 MM-MPA, 1ST

Managers must necessarily possess the following skills: people management

skills, communication skills, technical skills, conceptual skills, leadership skills, problem
solving skills, time management skills, directing and oversight, domain knowledge,
diagnostic, analytical and decision-making skills.

In order to achieve the standards of excellent performance, managers must,

therefore, possess the said skills required to perform the job.

The most important buzzword in management today seem to revolve around

measuring performance. This emphasis on measurement-based management is the key
to continuous and never-ending improvement for both the individual and organization.

‘What gets measured gets done’ means that by setting a standard of excellent
performance through possession of necessary skills, you will be able to set measures in
terms of time, money, or turnover.

One of the most valuable skills that a manager must possess are people
management and communication skills. Communication and discussion build
commitment. The more that the employee can discuss the job or goal with the manager,
the more committed the employee will be to completing the job when he finally begins.
Listening has been called “white magic.” By listening, you can have a positive impact on
the thoughts, feelings, and emotions of the person you are listening to. Also, a manager
should grow people because only people can be made to increase in value while
computer and equipment depreciate and eventually become obsolete.

In conclusion, the aforesaid skills are essential because the managers become
like a parent figure whom the subordinates look up to. These skills will create positive
expectations to the subordinates, and will ultimately exert a powerful influence on how
well they perform at work.

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