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Fortalecimiento de Caderas (Nivel 1) us.physiapp.

PhysiApp code: dbfifqrs
Ana Torres Martínez

2 Sets / 10 Reps / 5 s hold

1. "Glute sets" Hip extension strengthening isometric, supine; 01

Lie on your back with your legs straight.

Clench your buttocks together and hold this position.
Relax and then repeat.

2 Sets / 10 Reps / 5 s hold

2. Hip adduction strengthening isometric, squeezing towel, supine, feet


Lie on your back with your legs bent and feet flat on the floor.
Ensure your knees and feet are hips width apart.
Place a small ball or a rolled towel between your knees.
Tighten your abdominal muscles and pelvic floor, then squeeze your knees
together into the ball or towel.
Hold this position.
Relax, and then repeat.

2 Sets / 10 Reps

3. "Knee fall out" Core/pelvic floor stabilization (single leg), supine

Lie on your back with your legs bent and feet flat on the floor.
Engage your core stability and pelvic floor muscles, then lower one leg fall out to
the side.
The key is to maintain a level pelvis, using your core to prevent it rotating with the
movement of your leg.
Control the movement back to the start position and repeat.

2 Sets / 10 Reps / 5 s hold

4. Hip flexion strengthening isometric against hands, supine leg bent; 01

Lie on your back and bend your affected leg, bringing your hip and knee to 90
Place both of your hands on your thigh, just above your knee.
Try to move your hip directly in towards you, while resisting the movement with
your hands.
Hold this position, relax, and then repeat.

Fortalecimiento de Caderas (Nivel 1) (assigned on 01/11/2022) Page 1 of 2

Assigned by Juan Lugo, printed on 01/11/2022
2 Sets / 10 Reps / 5 s hold

5. Hip extension strengthening isometric, against chair, leg bent over edge,

Lie on your back with your affected leg close to the edge of the bed.
Position a stool to this side of the bed and place your affected foot onto the step.
Your knee should be bent.
Tighten your buttock muscle, pushing your foot down into the step.
Hold this position.

2 Sets / 10 Reps / 3 s hold

6. Hip abduction strengthening, side lying; 01

Lie on your side with your affected leg on top.

Bend your bottom leg for stability but keep your top leg straight and in line with
your body.
Lift the top leg up, making sure you do not roll your body forwards or backwards.
Control the movement as you lower it back down to the starting position and

Fortalecimiento de Caderas (Nivel 1) (assigned on 01/11/2022) Page 2 of 2

Assigned by Juan Lugo, printed on 01/11/2022

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