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M B A - F T 1 st S e m

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Attitudes andMaster
Main Components
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• Attitudes are evaluative statements- either favorable or unfavorable- about objects,
peoples or events. They reflect how we feel about something or someone
• Three components of attitudes
• Cognitive component- opinion or belief segment of an attitude
• Affective component- emotional or feeling segment of an attitude
• Behavioral component- intention to behave in a certain way towards someone or something

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Cognitive Dissonance
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• It is any incompatibility that an individual might perceive between two or more attitudes or
between behavior and attitudes
• Any form of inconsistency is uncomfortable and the individual attempts to reduce it to
seek a stable state
• People always seek consistency among their attitudes and their behavior
• This is done by either
• Altering their attitudes or behavior
• By developing a rationalization for their discrepancy
• Desire to reduce depends on three factors
• Importance of elements creating it
• Degree of influence we believe we have on the factors
• Rewards of dissonance- high rewards accompanying high dissonance reduce the tension
• Attitudes predict future behavior and moderating variables strengthen the link

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Moderating Master title style
• Moderating variables
• Importance of attitude- tend to show a strong relationship to our behavior
• Correspondence to behavior- specific attitudes predict specific behavior;
general attitudes predict general behavior
• Accessibility- more likely to remember attitudes you frequently express
• Presence of social pressures
• Direct experience with the attitude leads to stronger attitude-behavior

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Major Job
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• Job Satisfaction
• Positive feeling about one’s job resulting from an evaluation of its characteristics
• Person with high level of job satisfaction holds positive feelings about his or her job and vice
• Job Involvement
• The degree to which a person identifies with the job, actively participates in it and considers
performance important to self worth

• Psychological empowerment is the employee’s belief in the degree to which they affect their
work environment, their competencies, the meaningfulness of their jobs and their perceived
autonomy in their work

• High levels of both job involvement and psychological empowerment are positively related to
citizenship behavior of employees

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Major Job
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• Organizational Commitment
• The degree to which an employee identifies with a particular organization and its goals and
wishes to maintain membership in the organization
• Employees who feel employers fail to keep promises to them feel less committed
• Negative relationship exists between organizational commitment and both absenteeism and
• Committed employees less likely to engage in work withdrawal behavior
• Perceived Organization Support
• The degree to which employees believe an organization values their contribution and cares
about their well-being
• People perceive their organization as supportive when
• Rewards are deemed fair
• Employees have a say in decisions
• Supervisors are seen as supportive

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Major Job
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• Employee Engagement
• An individual’s involvement with, satisfaction with, and enthusiasm for the
work he or she does
• Highly engaged employees have a passion for their work and feel a deep
connection to the company
• Disengaged employees work as if they are putting time but no energy or
attention into their work
• Engaged employees are more likely to agree to large-scale changes being
brought in by the company

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What causes
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Job Satisfaction?
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• Interdependence
• Feedback from superiors
• Social support
• Interaction with co-workers outside the workplace
• Training
• Variety in tasks assigned
• Independence to perform the job
• Control over the job

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style Employees on the
Workplace (Responses to Dissatisfaction)
• Exit-voice-loyalty-neglect framework helps in understanding the consequences of dissatisfaction
• Four responses are along two dimensions- constructive/destructive and active/passive

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Click consequences
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style dissatisfaction

• Exit – dissatisfaction expressed through behavior directed towards leaving the

organization, e.g. resigning

• Voice- dissatisfaction expressed through active and constructive attempts to improve

conditions, e.g. suggestions, discussions of problems with superiors etc

• Loyalty- dissatisfaction expressed by passively waiting for conditions to improve, e.g.

trusting the organization, speaking for the organization in face of external criticism

• Neglect- dissatisfaction expressed through allowing conditions to worsen, e.g.

absenteeism, lateness, reduced effort etc

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Relationship of Job satisfaction
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• Absenteeism
• Consistent negative relationship between satisfaction and absenteeism
• Dissatisfied employees more likely to miss work
• Turnover
• Relationship between satisfaction and turnover is stronger than between satisfaction and
• Lower job satisfaction is a predictor of possible intent to leave
• This relationship also affected by alternative job prospects
• Job dissatisfaction is more likely to translate into turnover when employment opportunities are
plentiful because employees perceive it is easy to move
• When employees have high ‘human capital’ (high education, skills and abilities), job
dissatisfaction is more likely to translate into turnover
• Employee embeddedness in their job and communities can help lower the probability of
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