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Student: Geraldine Roxanna Calanche Ortiz


1. Find the words in your dictionary. What are they in your language?

a. Art Gallery : Galería de Arte k. Painting : Pintura

b. Box : Caja l. Piece : Pieza
c. Break : Rotura m. Recycling : Reciclando
d. Chase : Perseguir n. Remember : Recordar
e. Dollar : Dólar o. Reporter : Reportero
f. Frame : Cuadro p. Reward : Recompensa
g. Glass : Vidrio q. Thief : Ladrón
h. Jump : Salto r. Thousand : Mil
i. Rooming house: Residencia s. Truck : Camión
j. Million : Millón t. Vase : Jarrón

2. People sometimes buy paintings for a million dollars. Why? Are they right or wrong?

I’m not a fan of art. But I think that some paintings have a very high value for the person, the
time and the reason of its creation.

I think that this situation is right, because it isn’t my money and if you like something, you can
buy it.

3. Finish the sentences

a. Harry Black is a thief

b. Harry takes a million-dollar painting from its frame
c. Harry breaks a beautiful blue glass vase
d. In his room, Harry puts the painting in a newspaper
e. Janey always takes Harrys’s old newspaper and bottles for recycling

4. Answer the questions.

a. When does the newspaper recycling truck come?

The newspaper recycling truck comes on Fridays.

b. Why does Harry jump into the recycling truck?

Because into the newspaper is the a million dollars painting.

c. What does Janey see in Harry´s shoe?

Janey see a part of the blue glass vase, which the thief broke in the art gallery.

5. Is recycling important? Why? What do you think?

The recycling is important, because we give more uses to materials that affect the
environment, which reduces the pollution.

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