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Geraldine Roxanna Calanche Ortiz


1. Find these words in your dictionary. They are all in the story. What are they in your

a. Balloon : Globo
b. Band : Banda
c. Bench : Banco
d. Camera : Cámara
e. Carnival : Carnaval
f. Costume : Disfraz
g. Crowd : Multitud
h. Drum : Tambor
i. Feather : Pluma
j. Float : Flotador
k. Map : Mapa
l. Pocket : Bolsillo
m. Procession : Procesión
n. Sergeant : Sargento
o. Shout : Gritar
p. Surprised : Sorprendido
q. T-shirt : Camiseta
r. Tourist: : Turista
s. Wave : Ondear
t. Wife : Esposa

2. Do you have carnivals in your country? When? What do pleople do?

In my country have many carnivals, but in my city we have one called “Carnaval de Negros y

The carnaval takes place every year from December 28 to January 7.

The people can paint in the street. Are there parades of antique cars, “años viejos”, dancers
and more. Also are there many concerts and spectacular floats.

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