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¢ @ , believe or imagine. 0 there will be colonies on Mars. to when we make a Prediction fe can see (evidence) or know. robat is going to walk along the ©. In the year 205% We use be going based on what w ©.g. Look! The ac} tightrope. Present Continuous The present continuous is used for fixed arrangements in the near future. He is leaving tor Amsterdam in an hour. (Everything has been arranged for his tri. He is at the airport now.) Tanya Smirnoff is a famous astrologer. She's been invited on a TV show to give her astrological predictions for next year. Using the prompts below, make sentences, as in the example. scientists/not di fo Ceo In pairs, ask and answer questions using the prompts below, as in the examples. Are you going to pay the bill? Yes, that’s what I'm going to do. Are you going to complain to the manager? No, that’s not what I'm going to do. pay the bill (/) complain to the manager () take the skirt back to the shop (7) buy the jumper (/) ask the bank manager for a loan (*) ‘order the food (Y) book the airline tickets (X) @ The present simpl meaning when we refer to pI timetables (trains, buses, etc.)- The Futur Present Simple le is used with a future ogrammes oF film starts in ten minutes. (cinema programme) ‘The future simple and be going to are used with the following expressions: tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next week/monthi/year, tonight, soon, in a week/month/year, etc. & 1 10 A ere o> PPB> Oe geor ces Fill in the gaps with the correct form of will or be going to and the verb in brackets. Why are you buying flour and eggs? Because | ..'m going to make... (make) a cake. I have decided what to buy Mum for her birthday. : Really. What (you/buy) for her? Did you ask Jackie to the party? Oh no! | forgot! | ask) her tonight. :: Could | speak to Jim, please? Wait a minute. | (get) him for you. What are your plans for the weekend? i : (spend) some time with my friends What are you doing on Friday night? Oh,1 ae a (probably/stay) at home with my family. Have you tidied your room yet? No, but | promise |....... (do) it this afternoon, Look at that boy! Oh yes! He (climb) the tree, Jason is very clever for his age. Yes. He S€Y8 RE eee {oecome) a doctor when he grows up. 'm too tired to cut the grass, Don't worry! | - (cut) it for you We use: Will you ...? to make a request; that is, to ask someone to do something for us. e.g. Will you open the door for me, please? (=Can you open the door for me, please?) won't to show that someone is unwilling or refuses to do something. e.g. I've talked to Sue about her decision to leave, but she won't listen. (=She refuses to listen.) Shall I/we...? a) to make an offer. e.g. Shall | give you a hand with those bags? (=Do ‘you want me to give you a hand with those bags?) b) to make a suggestion. e.g. Shall we wait until the rain stops? (=Why don't we wait until the rain stops?) ¢) to ask for suggestions or instructions. eg. What shall I do with all these letters?" ‘Put them ‘on my desk.’ (=What do you want me to do with all these letters?) Fill in the gaps with shall, will or the correct form of be going to. a 1 A: It’s too hot in here. You're right. | ...will.. open a window. ... | put the baby to bed, now? B: A oe B: Yes, he looks a little tired. A B: Have you seen Lucy recently? - ‘meet her for lunch No, but |... later today. 4. A: Have you done the shopping yet? B: No, but | probably do it tomorrow, after work. we ask Mr Perkins for help with the project? B: That's a good idea. Let's ask him now. Replace the words in bold with will/won't or shall //we, as in the example. 1 I've asked Paul to talk to the landlord, but he refuses to do it, Ive asked Paul to talk to the landlord, but he won't do it. 2 Do you want me to make a reservation for you? 3. Can you call Barry for me, please? 4 Why don't we try this new dish? e : am seeing. 1'm exhausted Me too. | wonder if Davi ~~» (Come) to help ton ee oe eg 's George going to eat anna, sire Shopping, No, by the time he .. a home it sssee (Qet) When (be) very late When | (You/pay) the rent? ae -- (get) my What are your plans for the future? | want to go to university after | - (finish) school you . y --+« (Bay) for dinner, | e . ae Okay, that's a good iden (Pay) for the theatre. Can you give this message to Mike, please? : Well, I'll try, but I doubt if |... (see) him today. Put the verbs in brackets into the future simple, the present simple or the present continuous. (see) Roger at seven o'clock tonight. Really? | thought he was out of town. : .-- (youldo) anything on Friday morning? No, I'm free, V csssessneenses (GO) t0 the cinema. There's a new film on. Do you want to come with me? What time sao (the film/start)? Helen ... (have) a party the day after tomorrow. (youlgo)? : As a matter of fact, | haven't been invited The new exhibition (open) ‘on April 3rd and .... (finish) on. May 31st, I know. | (go) on the first day. ‘Aunt Maggie (come) to visit us tomorrow, ; | know. What time (she/arrive)? : Excuse me, what time a (the trainieave)? .e, madam. At half past thre . ; Michael JaCkSON ..----- K. the Olympic Stadium next week coe a an van 9 get ace ; ir im really thirsty (get) you a glass of water. ave you looking forward to your party? . Yes. | hope everyone (enjoy) " 2 Werhneséay 12th: tly to Montreal | Thursday 13H: give an interview to The Financial Times Fray 14h: have lunch with sales representatives. Saturday 15 have a meeting with Japanese ambassador Sunday 16t: play tennis with Carol @ e vaurens 88 Futur ‘A: How old is your sister? B: She .. : (be) twelve next month ‘A: What are you doing tonight? BEN sn a (probably/watch) Tatter dinner, ACIiff Tumer has his own business and it is doing well. He has already decided to expand. Look at the prompts and say what he is going to do, as in the example. Pere ee aa ee increase production Peet acu Ceara B Cliff is always busy. Look at his schedule and say what his arrangements are for tl next few days. Make sentences, as in the He's fying to Montreal an Wednizsday. In pairs, ask and answer the following questions using ! (don't) think/expect J will or | hope|'m sure/’m afraid I willjwon't, as in the example. Do you think you will pass your exame? hope | will'm afraid | won't, pass / exams move house take up / new hobby make / new friends start having music lessons have / party on / birthday learn | drive E rms “uture Centihucus FORM VHe/They will (tl) be working, Will /he/they be working? Yes, I/he/they will. No, /he/they won't. \He/They will not (won't) be wor Use oD The future continuous is used: ‘Shall inform of the team? ¢ for an action which will be in progress ata stated future time. aon This time next week, I'll be skiing in Austria @ for an action which will definitely happen in the future as the result of a routine or arrangement. the rest - \ a ‘No, Tildo it. ll be seeing ») them at the meeting anyway. (They have a meeting every week. He will definitely see the rest ofthe team because i's already planned.) 4 when we ask politely about someone's plans for the near future (What we want to know is if ‘our wishes fit in with their plans.). @® @ Kevin to do somethir ant to ask your friend oe foryot ‘Use the prompts below to make questions, as in the exampl You want your friend to buy you something at the supermarket. (GO 0) Wil you be going to the supermarket? Jou want your friend to posta letter fOr YOU. (goto) You want to use your friend's bicycle today. (use) You want your friend to give a etter to Jeff soon, (See) put the verbs in brackets into the future simple or the future continuous. Shall we go to the beach tomorrow? Ruth: Well, 'm working in the morning, but | 1)... phone... (phone) you when | finish Kevin: Shall we ask Ben and Linda to come with us? Ruth: Yes. | 2)... (see) Linda at work in the morning, so 3) (ask) her then. Kevin: If they want to come | 4) ae eee (pick) you up from work and we can all go together. Ruth: Great! Just think, we 5) : 10 (swim) in the sea this time tomorrow! | can't wait! Put the verbs in brackets into the correct future tense. ‘A: Are you looking forward to your holiday? B: Oh, yes! This time next week I ..Will/'l be lying (lie) on the beach. We're having a party on Saturday. Oh, good. | cake to bring along, Have you finished that report yet? Yes. |. sss: (give) it to you in a minute. ‘Why are you buying all those vegetables? 3: Because fn. : - (make) vegetable soup. ce (make) a @Eo> A: This writing is too small for me to read. B: Give it to me and | (ead) it to you Al (stay) at Claire's house tonight. B: Alright. | won't expect you home, then. A: Would you like to join me for lunch today? B: Yes, please. | (meet) you at half past one. AK . (youfhelp) me with the shopping tomorrow? B: Of course, ‘Are you excited about your trip? B: Yes. This time tomorrow | on the plane. ‘A: I can't hear the television very well ee .. (turn up) the volume. (sit)

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